Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 600: 600

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When Xi Yingwei and others think of their own experience, they are heartbroken and their blood is retrograde. They almost want to vomit blood.

A mouth, almost feel their body has a smell gushing, stomach tumbling, want to retch.

What's the point of living without revenge!

Moreover, Xi Yingwei is not a fool. He estimates each other's strength in his heart.

The other side has a small number of people, and the power of the realm of heaven is nothing more than the bald dog and old cloud. The other side has its own and left envoys here, and the number of people is enough, and the killing and cutting array has been set up in advance, which can basically ensure that there is no mistake!

As long as they come out of here, it's equivalent to catching turtles in a jar.

What are they fighting me with?

At this time, the entrance of the secret place, waves began to spread, the mighty breath emerged, the aura overflowed like a tide.

"Here it is! Everybody, get ready! "

Xiyingwei's face shows a grim smile. It's his evil spirit. He has to get rid of it regardless of everything. He doesn't want to cover up the killing!

Other people are also so ferocious and crazy.

If you dare to do this to us, you should be ready to bear our great anger!

Only left envoys, rational and timid co-exist, eyebrow slightly jump, hesitation again and again, or choose to retreat temporarily, choose the opportunity to wait and see.

No trace of the body slowly back, experienced, did not attract anyone's attention.

Finally, the first one to walk out is Dahei. It seems that it doesn't know what the danger is. It walks out with a cat's step. Behind it, Mr. Yun and others follow it silently.

It didn't stop until I saw the scene outside.

"Come out, they come out!"

"Ha ha ha, kill them all!"

"Let them eat shit, let them eat shit!"

Everyone's Qi was locked on everyone in a moment. The powerful murderous Qi and anger formed a tremendous pressure, which made Taoist Jun and others' faces extremely heavy.

"You... Damn it!"

The Western shadow guard stepped forward, like a king in the world, sentenced everyone to death. His eyes were full of cruelty, and he said in a low voice: "refine the divine Taoist array!"

As soon as the words came to an end, everyone's mana was surging and surging. He had already prepared everything. His mind moved, and the array began to work.

The terrible halo soared into the sky, forming a pillar of light, reaching directly to the sky, even transcending the divine realm and rushing straight to chaos!

This space is blocked, full of the smell of the road, a heavy golden flame soared up, surrounded by people!

This flame contains the power of the road, enough to burn all the rules, refining all things in the world!

In the array, a breath of destruction rises from the flame, forming the power of suppression, making everyone's mana stagnant.

Taoist Jun Jun and others were dignified and frightened. They did not dare to neglect them. They immediately offered magic weapons to protect their whole body.

In the secret place, they have acquired many innate treasures, some of which have amazing defensive power. At this time, they use the Dharma resolution to elicit the dense light, forming an image of extravagance and resisting the array fire.

However, the West shadow guard is a contemptuous smile, "just the light of the ants, or meaning bloom?"

He raised his hand, and the fire in the array was under his control, condensed into golden fire dragons, and began to soar in the array.

These flame dragons are more fierce than real dragons, and the scales on them are burning flames, layer by layer, which make the surrounding space become layer by layer and need to be ignited.

The dragon's body surrounds the crowd. With a slight sweep of the dragon's tail, the defense brilliance laid by the crowd will be directly broken. Those innate treasures are burned by the fire, and the aura is burned away, and the brilliance is dim.

This flame, even the innate treasure can be refined!

"Refining and deifying the Taoist array is the Dao array of the ancient chaotic period. It can gather the magic fire of the avenue and refine the heavenly way of the world. It's just a matter in a flash. If you give up resistance, you can still die a little more happily. Otherwise, you will slowly feel the process of yourself disappearing!"

Xi Yingwei smiles.

Other people are also proud, eyes full of hate light.

"If you waste your mana, kill your mind, and be our urinal, you will be spared your life!"

Some people never forget what happened before and immediately let out words, which caused a lot of laughter.

Taoist Jun and others have heavy complexion. The water in his whole body evaporates rapidly, but there is no sweat on his body. Because he is directly vaporized by the high temperature, his mana also decreases with the speed visible to the naked eye, and it won't be long before he is refined.It's careless!

When they went out of the secret world this time, they forgot to watch out for the people of jiemeng. They were unprepared. This is the end.

The most important thing is that this big array is really terrible. I'm afraid it's the big killing array in the ancient chaos. It's super powerful and contains a trace of fire power. It can't resist.

The Jade Emperor said bitterly, "Uncle dog, we can't stop it. We're afraid we'll have to explain it here."

"Can't stop it?"

Big black turned to see the public one eye, appear some profound, "you don't want to walk here."

At the end of the speech, it walked out step by step, straight toward the burning flame of the array, and did not use any defensive means.

There is no suspense, endless golden flame will cover it like locusts, the flame burns, burns everything, envelops the big black.

"Or this dog has the courage, can't bear to torture, directly put out the fire to commit suicide!"

"It's a wise choice. If you die, you'll be happy."

"Look at this bald dog. It's been a long time. It's cheap!"

Everyone showed a comfortable smile.

But at the next moment, their smiles froze, their eyes widened, and they thought they were hallucinating.

But see, the dog standing in the sea of fire, calm face, the body is not the slightest damage, so quietly put himself on the fire.

The golden flame is around it, flowing like water waves. I don't know, I may really think that the flame has no power.

Gradually, the big black dog's face and brow slightly frowned, and he walked about in the fire, discontented and said, "is that it? It's not enough to take a hot bath, bad comment

It doesn't hurt much. It's insulting.

"How could it be ok?"

"It's impossible, it's impossible!"

"This is a demon dog! Toxic

Some people can't accept the fact and look broken.

"What's your name? Noise

Big black impatiently raised his hand, a dog's paw toward the crowd patted away.

On the void, endless rules flow and gather into a huge virtual shadow of dog's paw. With the big black dog's paw, it's like a huge fly swatter falling from the sky and slapping in the crowd!


In a flash, more than a dozen members of jiemeng directly turned into powder and disappeared.

"Fire melts the sky, and melts the way into scattered forms!"

The West shadow guard's eyes are cold and his face is ferocious. He breaks out his hatred for Da Hei. Combined with the array, he gives a powerful blow. All the flames in the array gather together, winding Da Hei like a boa constrictor. The frightening temperature reaches the sky. From bottom to top, he burns all the water vapor into a vacuum!

The clouds in the sky are also reflected into gold by the fire. The high temperature is irresistible. It pierces the sky, passes through the sky and reaches chaos!

At this time, the fire only aimed at Dahei Yigou. However, the pressure faced by Taoist Junjun and others was more than several times stronger than before. Even the congenital treasure actually showed signs of melting and would be re refined!

They looked at the big black completely engulfed by the fire, and their hearts were trembling. It was hard to imagine what kind of terrible attack the big black faced at this time!

Even the whole eastern part of Shenyu was affected by the high temperature. The temperature of the whole heaven and earth rose sharply, just like ten suns appeared in the sky in the flood and famine era!

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Such a terrible power, so that the major forces in the divine domain shock, causing a big sensation!

Above the heavenly palace, all the immortals were baked by the fire. They were all running their mana to dissipate heat and kept looking down.

It can be seen that a golden column of flame runs through the sky and the earth, emitting a terrible wave, which is spectacular.

Looking at the vision over there, the heavenly soldiers and generals were all shocked and restless.

"The power of terror comes from the direction of the secret place."

"The Jade Emperor and Taoist Junjun are still there. Can they resist?"

"Obviously, it can't be stopped at all!"

"Don't talk about it if you return to your own place!"

At this time, Yang Jian, Xiao Chengfeng and others came quickly, their faces dignified, and suppressed the disturbance. Then, Yang Jian raised his hand to lead, and the third eye on his forehead burst out a bright light, straight into the distance.

"What kind of flame is this? How terrible Yang Jian's face changed greatly. He was shocked and frightened. "Taoist Junjun, jade emperor and God of food are all in danger, but they are too strong! This flame is enough to refine our whole sky! ""No!"

He suddenly a Leng, pour out a cold breath, the whole body all had a layer of goose bumps, tremble voice way: "this flame is, is... Is dog uncle!"

The exit of the secret place is silent.

The light of the flame shines, the unparalleled power overflows, and the high temperature melts everything. Everyone stares at the flame and revels in this power.

However, the next moment, the invincible flame suddenly moved, a huge dog claw broke out of the fire, passed through the fire, and brought a huge heat wave, pushing it to the West shadow guard!

Xiyingwei's pupil shrinks violently, showing an incredible look, but the action is not slow at all. As soon as he lifts his foot, he crosses the space and appears directly in another place.

The dog claw didn't slow down. It swept all the way. More than a dozen members of the League were cleaned up. They didn't even react and turned into gas.

How is that possible?

Xiyingwei looks at the big black under the fire, and his face is shocked. A feeling of facing the big terror surges into his heart, making his scalp numb.

"Shinto chop thunder sword!"

When the Western shadow guard raised his hand, Shinto cut the thunder sword, and the thunder was shining, surrounded by a road of destruction, which led to the thunder roaring in the sky.

He held his sword high and pointed to the sky.

"The magic sword has spirit. If you listen to my call, the road will be invisible and will be revealed by thunder!"


Chaos above, a god thunder startles the world, from afar, pierce clouds, straight into the Shendao cut thunder sword!

This is chaos thunder!

In an instant, the destructive breath almost reached its peak. This sword, surrounded by thunder Avenue, and the current flowing around, was enough to make the power of the realm of heaven dare not easily approach!

"This strike, which is very close to the supreme strike of the great way, is based on the breath of the great way left by the alliance leader! If you can die under this sword, you dog will go down in the history of chaos

Xiyingwei said to himself that his eyes were dyed blue by the thunder breath. He held the sword tightly, turned his body into a rainbow and stabbed at the big black!

At this time, the big black didn't care about his back, but the dog's paw raised, and every time it fell, it would reap the lives of those people in jiemeng!

It's like cleaning flies.

"Be careful, dog!"

Taoist Jun Jun and others yelled together. They were frightened and used magic weapons to protect the dog's buttocks in an attempt to block the blow.


The light of thunder flashed away. It easily broke through many defenses. Without stopping for a moment, it came to the back of Da Hei!

"Ah, die for me!"

Xiyingwei screams madly, and all hatred erupts at the moment. This sword is his outlet!

This dog... Is too coquettish, too hard to beat!

The West shadow guard stares at big black's big buttocks and coquettish leather underpants on his buttocks, and concentrates all his grievances on this sword!

I want to pierce your underpants, your ass, your soul!

Ah, ah!

A sword, stab!

"Bang bang"

The whole Shinto thunder chopping sword is like glass bumping into the wall, inch by inch of rapid fragmentation, until finally, xiyingwei only holds a sword handle and pokes it on Dahei's ass.

Stare big innocent eyes, muddled force.

All of a sudden, the whole audience seemed extremely quiet.

This is in sharp contrast to the West movie guard's shouting.

Big black turns around the dog's head and looks at the bewildered West shadow guard with big eyes and small eyes.

"Stab me in the ass, I'll screw you!"

Before xiyingwei could recover, he took a dog's paw and drew it firmly on xiyingwei's cheek, which made his whole face blurred and burst in place. His body was more like a shell, turning into a streamer and flying straight backwards!

However, without waiting for his body to fall to the ground, xiyingwei convulsed in mid air. Then, his body soared up and fled all the way to the distance.

It's horrible!

The dog's buttocks are so hard that the Shinto thunder chopping sword given to me by the leader of the alliance has been broken. It's so terrible!

Although it is not the level of Avenue, it is absolutely enough to be invincible in the realm of heaven!

This is an invincible bald dog! How can our league provoke such a sick dog?Run, I have to run!

Xi Ying Wei was scared to death, and he wanted to have more legs and stay away from this right and wrong place.

This dog face, will be his life nightmare!

However, just as he fled to the sky, a dog's paw fell down like a cover over his head and came to him!

"No! Give me a break

The West shadow Wei sends out a despairing roar, the whole body is pressed by the dog's paw from the sky to the ground rapidly, there is no room for resistance!

In the process of falling down from the sky, his blood expanded and stimulated his final potential. Vaguely, he saw a red figure in the distance.

The figure ran fast without looking back. His body hopped rapidly, escaping from the divine realm and directly entering chaos, which made him envious.

Huh? No, this figure is familiar!

Zuo Shi, it's Zuo Shi!

No wonder I feel that I have lost a part of my fighting power. It turns out that she has been waiting for an opportunity to escape!

Also, in the secret place, the only one who has escaped the fate of eating excrement and drinking urine is her! She's serious!

At this moment, he suddenly felt blessed and finally understood why Zuo Shi was the only survivor in every mission.

West shadow guard eyes canthus to crack, issued the last roar in life, "scheming bitch!"


The dog's claws are crushed down, and a burst of dust is raised. The earth collapses, and the source of life is completely crushed!

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