Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 601: 601

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The huge virtual shadow of dog's paw stands between the heaven and the earth.

Gradually, with the wind away.

Peace has returned to the world.

Taoist Jun Jun and others stood behind Da Hei and gazed at Da Hei's back. There was never a moment when they felt that a dog's back was so great.

The dog is still your dog. It hasn't changed at all.

Unfortunately, the lack of dog hair dancing with the wind style, less feeling.

"Thank you for your help."

"The dog saved us again."

"The dog is mighty."

"From the moment the dog came out, I knew the wave was stable."

Qin Chongshan and others immediately flattered each other, very smooth and courteous.

Big black Gao Leng waved his hand, "don't be polite, the people of jiemeng, I naturally see one and kill one."

Qin Chong Shan was looking at the distance and could not help saying: "that Zuo Shi ran really fast. Gou Dao had rich experience and let her escape again."

"Run away? Just her? "

Big black glanced at his mouth. "If I didn't let her go, could she live? I'm just looking at her as an old friend. It's interesting. Besides, I have other plans. "

Taoist Junjun said strangely, "what's the meaning of letting her go

"Ha ha." Big black dog's face showed a bad smile, and said: "every time she goes out, she sells her teammates to the bottom, and goes away alone, three times and four times. What do you think the leader of jiemeng will think?"

Cloud old eyes a bright, immediately way: "this person can't stay! It's better to kill by mistake than to let it go! "

The jade emperor also nodded, "it's a good trick to kill people with a knife!"

Big black rolled a white eye, disdain a way: "good stratagem fart! She's the only one. Is she worth my brain to kill? "

There was a burst of shame.

Zuo Shi is also a great power in the realm of heaven, and he is far more powerful than others. In the mouth of Da Hei, he becomes a dreg. What are you and others?

Not as good as

"Small, small pattern."

Da Hei shook the dog's head and said, "Zuo Shi will definitely think of atoning for her exploits and giving an account to their leader. The only thing she can do is shenglingquan."


After thinking for a while, they gasped and widened their pupils.

I'm afraid to think about it. I'm afraid to think about it!

Since the leader of the alliance wanted to have a holy spring, and the left envoy was in a situation where there was no way back, she had to take out the holy spring. Even if she knew that the holy spring was mixed with water, she could only do so!

Because, only in this way can she keep her life!

And once she gives the spring of life to the alliance leader, won't the alliance leader


It's exciting to think about it!

It's worthy of being Mr. dog. He is not only powerful, but also first-class in calculation. Although the leader of jiemeng hasn't appeared before, it's obvious that he is absolutely a super power, but he is still calculated by Mr. dog. Moreover, he may have to drink everyone's urine

It's a pity that this should not be publicized, otherwise it will certainly be a big news that will stir up the whole chaos.

Taoist Junjun and others were convinced and said from the bottom of their hearts: "compared with the pattern of big dog, we are really a little witch to see a big witch!"

Big black dog's mouth tilts upward, enjoying the praise of people. I'm big black, just lazy, but as long as I dare to provoke me, I'll be smart!

"Come on, I've got to give the cocoa tree to my master."

The God of food said immediately, "yes, I have to bring that sword to the master."

The Jade Emperor and others looked at the God of food with admiration. What a great honor it is to be able to go to the residence of an expert freely. What's more, the God of food can still be taught by an expert, and his strength is immeasurable with each passing day.

They said, "we won't go. We can't disturb the experts rashly."

This wave has gained a lot from the light of Mr. dog. If they go to the residence of an expert, they will be insatiable. Naturally, they have to make good use of their discretion.

They all went their separate ways.

Above the heavenly palace.

Looking at Yang Jian, many generals and generals immediately gathered around and said curiously, "Erlang Zhenjun, what's the situation? Jade Emperor, are they OK? ""It seems that the movement has stopped. Is the fighting over?"

"Isn't the fighting wonderful?"

Erlang God looked at the crowd, a sense of self satisfaction arises spontaneously, this is the beauty of long three eyes, envy it.

He said with a smile, "is that a question? Can I help you with your dog? "

Then he said: "you didn't see that. The dog's paw is amazing. No matter how powerful it is, it will become a worm. I won't say much. Next, let me tell you in detail..."

At this time, big black with God of food has returned to the courtyard.

Li nianfan is not in the inner courtyard. Da Hei asks the chicken who is trying to lay eggs. The answer is in the backyard. He runs to the backyard happily.

Li nianfan, Daji and Huofeng are picking fruit.

This can be regarded as a good activity to increase interest. Therefore, it does not use magic. Instead, it is more like playing in the mountains like ordinary people.

"Young master, if you use a little more force, you'll be a little closer. Just push me up and down."

At this time, Li nianfan is holding Daji's small waist, holding her high, to reach the apple on the tree.

The scenery is beautiful.

Unfortunately, it was destroyed by the bald dog who broke in suddenly.

"Master, master!"

Da Hei came running happily with a tree in his mouth and asked for credit: "master, look what I brought back to you!"

"Oh, have you brought your baby back?"

Li nianfan laughed, his eyes fell on the tree that Da Hei had brought back, and his eyes suddenly brightened, "this is... Cocoa bean tree!"

He looked at it carefully. The more he looked, the brighter his eyes became. He said with a smile: "yes, Da Hei, you are really a little expert at finding trees. Even the cocoa tree has been found for me! It's amazing. I'm flattered

Cocoa tree is not a fruit, but it's too heavy!

You can grow cocoa beans and use them to make chocolate!

This is a super snack, especially good chocolate. It's a luxury in snacks. I thought it was impossible to eat chocolate in Xiuxian world. Big black is really not a white dog. Cold brings me some surprises. It's good.

"It's not too late. I have to plant it quickly."

Li nianfan couldn't wait and immediately began to choose the place to farm.

When the cocoa bean tree was planted, he didn't wait. He went to the utility room, took the ripening agent, and then dropped it on the cocoa bean tree.

Immediately, cocoa beans began to appear in the cocoa bean tree, which had no fruit at all. Then, it changed from a few to a few strings, and then from a few strings to a piece. Finally, the whole tree was covered with cocoa beans

The God of food witnessed the whole process, and his heart was full of flavors.

When they think about it, there are only a few beans hanging on the cocoa bean tree in the secret place. They also break their heads to grab them. They suddenly feel that they are just like a clown.

"The quality of the cocoa beans is really good."

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Li nianfan laughed and said to Daji, "little Daji, with this, I can make a new snack for you soon. It's much better than candy!"

Daji and Huofeng bent their eyes with a smile and said gently, "thank you, young master."

The scene picked some cocoa beans, Li nianfan and others returned to the inner courtyard.

The God of food took out the long black sword and said respectfully, "Lord Shengjun, this is a secret place that Xiaoshen got by chance. It contains a kind of Kendo inheritance."

"For me?"

Li nianfan was stunned for a moment. He couldn't help shaking his head and said, "it's useless for me. I can't practice it."

He took a look at the God of food, and there was a light in his eyes.

To think that God of food and big black are together into the secret place, that cocoa bean tree and this sword is they get from the secret place.

Because the God of food has been instructed for such a long time, he would like to give his treasure to show his gratitude.

It is estimated that this secret place is an ordinary little secret place. As for the cocoa bean tree and the sword, it should not be a very good thing.

After all, Li nianfan, the master of Da Hei, knows that it's just a dog demon. As for the God of food, you can tell by his name. He's not good at fighting.

After all, it's the will of the God of food. Take it.

Moreover, since there is inheritance in this long sword, it must be a treasure that can be met but not sought for by ordinary people. If you meet a close friend in the future, it's also very enjoyable to be a good friend and be able to create a sword mender yourself.Li nianfan instantly straightened out the context and said with a smile, "well, since I brought it, I'll take it. Thank you very much."

The God of food immediately satisfied smile, busy way: "Saint gentleman adult don't dislike good."

Li nianfan suddenly said: "yes, there has been a lot of activity in Shenyu recently. Is there something big going on?"

A few days ago, the stars in the secret place fell on the earth, causing a huge shock. Not long ago, there was a golden fire rushing through the sky, which was slightly spectacular.

Li nianfan also felt it, so he was a little curious.

As expected, the master knew that something big was going to happen.

God of food didn't feel surprised. He nodded and said: "it's said that there will be a catastrophe in chaos!"


Li nianfan was startled, this listen to feel not, oneself this fragile body bone can carry?

That's bad news.

He quickly estimated the amulets and contacts around him, settled down a little, and confirmed: "terrible?"

The God of food nodded, "terrible!"

Li nianfan waved his hand, "this thing does not care about him, anyway, the sky has collapsed, there is a high top, only hope that at that time, there will be no strong to hide and do not move."

Hearing what Li nianfan said, Da Hei immediately turned his body, twisted his butt and went straight to the backyard.

Came to the backyard center of the pool, without saying a word directly into the water.

Seeing the Golden Dragon in the pool, a dog planed and ran past. His forelimb was raised. Like a fellow, he grabbed the Golden Dragon's neck.

Spit bubble low roar way: "counsels the dragon, forbid Gou! It's time for you to get out of the mountain! "

"Calm down, calm down." Jinlong corrected: "I'm not Gou. I'm shutting down. When I'm invincible, I'll get out of the mountain."

"Invincible your sister!" Dahei shakes Jinlong's head. "How long have you been rubbing your master's chance? Did you hear the host's words just now? I almost called your name directly! Don't you have any pressure in your mind? "

Dahei said angrily, "I've been bullied for a while. I've lost all my hair. Do you want to survive? I won't do it

"Say, are you going out or not?"

"Come out, I'll come out!"

Jinlong also heard what Li nianfan said, naturally did not dare disobey, "I'm going to work."

A golden light flashed away from the pool and disappeared above the sky.

At the same time.

Still above the red star.

All the way, Zuo Shi didn't even dare to look back. He did everything he could to improve his speed by spitting blood. When he came here, he dared to take a long breath.

I survived. I survived the great terror again!

She wants to cry a little.

Many afterlife, let her scared at the same time, more understand the value of life, live good.

The dog was so terrible that the owner behind it was afraid that it would be even more terrible. It seemed that death was the only word against them!

Now I really don't want to do it. I just want to make soy sauce

However, she knows that this is not the time to think about other things, because there is a more serious problem waiting for her.

How to explain to the leader?

Zuo Shi walked on the stars and was in a panic before he came to the gate.

"Why don't you come in?"

Inside the hall, there was a low voice.

The left envoy's body trembled slightly, and stepped into it with fear.

She didn't dare to look up, but she faintly felt that there was another person in the hall besides the leader.


The leader's eyes sank and he said hoarsely, "are you the only one coming back? What about the others? "

Zuo Shi hardened his head and said in a trembling voice: "the other group... The group is out."


Although the alliance leader had some preparation, he was still shocked. He squinted at the left envoy with a twinkling cold light, and his whole body was even more like a fierce tiger. He opened his mouth to the left envoy.

Wave after wave, what wave is this?

Every time the loss can be described as painful, and then only Zuo Shi escaped back. Unconsciously, the high-end combat power of jiemeng has been brought to the brink of extinction by Zuo Shi.The left emissary was terrified and said, "alliance leader, we met the bald dog again in the secret place. No... but I didn't get nothing. I brought the spring of life."

The leader's eyes brightened, "Oh? Take it out. "

The left emissary raised his hand and held a jade bottle. However, the hand was shaking slightly, and there was even sweat in the palm.

Only she knew what was in the bottle.

Just now, she has no choice.

The leader raised his hand, and the jade bottle flew in front of him. He opened the lid and looked at the liquid in it, and immediately showed a smile.

Then he doubted: "this breath is from shenglingquan. It's right, but... Shenglingquan is clear and dusty, and has no time for blue waves. Why is the one in the bottle so yellow?"

The left envoy sipped his mouth and was about to cry. He forced down his uneasiness and said, "back to the leader of the alliance, there is a pool of shenglingquan in the secret place. There is a layer of yellow floating on the surface. My subordinates think it's the golden holy liquid in the shenglingquan, so they collect it all."

Gold holy liquid is a fart. It's a real urine! But dare I say?

I told such a big lie to the leader! Dying, dying!

"So it is! You did a good job

The leader nodded, then led out a part of shenglingquan, floated in front of him, then opened his mouth and swallowed it

The left envoy watched all this happen, and his brain suddenly went blank, his belief collapsed, and there was no residue left.

There was only one sentence in my mind: "invincible leader, drink urine!"

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