Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 603: 603

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"Grandfather, grandfather!"

The boy's body quickly goes away, turns back and shouts anxiously, tears slide down his cheek, floating in the chaos.

Behind him, the breath of terror is manifested. The sword is boundless and powerful. The sky is like a rainbow. The dazzling explosion light is constantly shining and distorted. The black hole vortex is constantly manifested and annihilated. It's like one world after another is born and dies!


The boy was hurt by the afterwave of matchless, his whole body was in pain like tears, and his mouth was bleeding.

Had it not been for his grandfather's protection around him, he would have turned into a grain of dust in chaos.

His eyes were loose and his thoughts were flying.

In his heart, grandfather can do anything, enough to control the fate of birth and death!

However, his grandfather will still tell him: "the vast chaos, life and death is just a cloud, no matter how invincible people, there will be a day of disappearance, your own day will need you to prop up!"

As soon as his eyes coagulated, he wiped away his tears and quickened the pace of escape.

Will there really be life in Shenyu?

A moment later, a figure stepped out, body posture, erratic, like a flash of lightning in chaos, rapid movement.

It's nanyingwei!

He burst out laughing, his momentum split into chaos, his whole body laws roared, and chased him in the direction of the youth, "where is the little hairy boy going?"

"You guys, I've always been good at speed. I'll take care of the grass and go back!"

Voice down, he has become a streamer, disappeared in chaos.

In the crowd, Zuo Shi couldn't help looking up and watching the direction he left.

She now has a shadow on the divine realm. If she can avoid it, she can't follow the pursuit. I don't know if this colleague can come back.

At the same time.

The coast of the East China Sea.

An old man in a white robe is walking on the waves with two little girls.

The old man's breath is not obvious, his body is still a little bent, and he has white beard, white hair and long eyebrows on his face, which covers part of his face. He is unremarkable and has a very low sense of existence, which is easy to ignore.

The two little girls are Long'er and nan'nan. They are happy and follow the old man to the Luoxian mountains.

On their little hands, they each carried a rope, followed by a big demon. They were all sea monsters selected by careful selection.

There are two meters long big Australian dragon, three meters wide king crab, in addition to the rare seafood, there are delicious Jiaolong, which are delicious enough to make people mouth watering.

These monsters, who dominate one side and are enough to set off waves, are dragged away by two little girls just like ordinary food. The scene has a great visual impact.

Long er blinked his big eyes, looked at the old man and said curiously, "ancestor, is this your true colors?"

"Silly boy, can it be? Who can't have more faces when wandering in the Jianghu? "

The old man showed a kind smile, and then said: "you must keep in mind what I said. The skill of escape is the first, the skill of separation is the second, and the skill of change is the third. These three skills must not be left behind. They are the most important part of cultivation! Other techniques are all floating clouds. They can only be used for a short time, but not for a long time. "

Long'er said, "I don't feel it. It's not powerful at all."

The old man said seriously: "don't fix those fancy, safety first."

Long'er then asked, "Lao Zu, we are out there to subdue demons and remove demons. Why do we have to take us to my brother's side?"

Although they like to stay by Li nianfan's side, the outside world is also wonderful. It's very interesting to subdue demons and eliminate demons. Recently, they have also mixed up a lot of names outside, which is very interesting.

The old man said, "are you stupid? How many people dream of having a cup of tea with the master? You can stay with the master, but you still come out to subdue demons and demons. Is your brain broken

The girl can't help but say: "but grandfather, we have gained a lot from our brother. We can't digest it in a short time. We can also Polish ourselves by subduing demons and demons."

"By the way... It's wrong for you to rub your brother in vain!"

The girl stares at the old man, grabs his beard and asks, "bees can collect honey, cows can produce milk, or they can lay eggs. Do you have milk? Can you lay eggs? "

"Shallow, shallow thinking!"

Lao long was stunned for a moment, and then said with righteous words: "can I be happy when I am closed all the year round? Isn't it to build up strength? Try to cultivate and make yourself more useful! ""You children are short-sighted. You can't wait to get out of the mountain. It seems that you are helping an expert, but the solution is only a small favor. When you encounter a big crisis, what can your cultivation do? It's not enough to think that experts really share their worries! "

The girl was stunned for a moment and doubted, "is that true?"

"Hehe, let's talk about the recent disaster of jiemeng and Guzhi. Can you help me? The reason why I came out of the mountain is because I saw the trouble of the master, so I came to find you! "

Lao long paused and continued: "besides, you said that the purpose of subduing demons and demons is to digest the income. In fact, you can do yoga in the master's place. The effect is better! I think you are playing! Play with things and lose one's will. You've let the experts down! "

The old dragon's words immediately made the dragon and her daughter feel ashamed, and they lowered their heads in shame.

The girl whispered, "is my brother really upset?"

The old dragon sighed: "ah, don't say anything else, the hair on Dahei's body is too worried to fall out!"


Long'er and nan'nan could not help but cry out in surprise, with tears in their big eyes.

With a calm face, she said firmly, "I will try my best to become stronger as soon as possible! Be sure to help my brother beat down all the bad guys! "

Long er nodded gravely, "I'm the same!"

"That's just like saying. It's countless times better for you to stay by the master's side and help him carry water and water flowers than to practice hard outside!" Lao long showed a happy smile.

A little boy is a fool.

Of course, he would not tell them that the reason why he asked them to practice hard was that he hoped that they could hold up the sky as soon as possible.

Big black let him out of the mountain, broke his life, however, witty as he soon had other plans.

Gou Dao says: it's good to enjoy the cool under the big tree.

Another cloud: the sky has collapsed and there is a high roof.

As long as you let the people around you strong enough, then you can continue to live in peace of mind.

But at this time, the old dragon's face moved slightly, and looked at the distance without any trace. The method in his hand led him. In a moment, countless obscure water vapor were scattered around him, and he always paid attention to the movement of thousands of miles.

Two streamers came from a very far distance, and in a flash, they entered the sky from chaos. Their figures crossed the sky and just came straight in this direction.

Boom boom!

As they move forward, the law must give way, just like thunder, causing a terrible momentum.

Nanyingwei's eyes narrowed slightly and pursued him in the rear, just like a hunter playing with prey. He joked: "boy, you can't escape. If you don't want to die, give me grass quickly!"

The young man tightened the grass in his hand, and his mouth gushed with blood. He could feel that the shield that protected him all the way had reached the edge of dissipation.

But... Why not die? I will never give in to these people!

At this time, he saw a figure on the sea ahead. When he fixed his eyes, it was an old man with two little loris.

Immediately in the heart big anxious, high voice of remind a way: "the old man, hurry to take the kid to leave here, behind me is the boundary alliance person, dangerous!"

Smell speech, the girl's eyes suddenly bright, eager to try way: "grandfather, behind that is the boundary League of people, ah, quickly killed to brother share the worry!"

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Long er is also looking forward to a way: "Lao Zu, it's time for you to make a move."

The old dragon ponders, he is weighing in the heart, strives for steadiness.

There is no other ambush in the area of ten thousand li, and there is no fluctuation of power in the rear. I am probably alone, and I have no other accomplices. If I make a move, I have 37 kinds of second kill plans, and 95% of them will be perfect.

But... Let's wait and see if we can improve our grasp.

But listen to, South shadow Wei cold and fierce burst of shout spread, "stop, give me grass, give me grass!"

Lao Long's face suddenly sank.

The people of jiemeng are really rampant! It stinks!

In broad daylight, he was so unscrupulous that an old man spat dirty words, intending to force a young man to do something wrong!

There are still two children around me. How can I let him talk in that way?

Immediately no longer hesitated, suddenly raised his hand.


At the foot of the sea suddenly burst up, rolling out countless drops of water, toward the young shot out!

These water drops are shining, speed across the rules, there is almost no possibility of dodging, no sign appeared in front of the South shadow guard.South shadow guard is in pursuit, only feel in front of a flower, see a burst of strong light, endless drops of water shake him dejected.

The next moment, these water drops will directly hit him, directly pierce all his life, even the mark of life will be broken.

Nanyingwei didn't even hum, just like a bird hit by a bullet, fell straight from the air, without a breath, and died very simply.

"Dead... Dead?"

The boy is stupid.

His eyes widened, and his eyes fell down dully. He thought he was hallucinating.

The powerful man who pursued his own realm of heaven all the way was killed by an insignificant old man?!

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!

Sure enough, as my grandfather said, there are endless opportunities for crouching tiger, hidden dragon in the divine realm!

After the disaster, fear and excitement interweaved, making his whole body tremble violently.

"Oh, the grass in your hand is good, but it's not in the master's backyard yet."

Lao Long's words shocked the whole body of the boy and brought him back to his senses.

Hastily saluted respectfully, "thank you for saving my life. This grass is called Yangshen grass. Please don't despise it."

He was not stupid. Naturally, he recognized the implied meaning of Lao long, so he did not hesitate to offer the spirit nourishing grass.

The reason why he just fought so hard to protect Yangshen grass was that the people of jiemeng wanted and didn't want to let them.

"Children can be taught."

The old Dragon nodded, raised his hand, took the spirit nourishing grass and gave it to Long'er. Then he looked at the corpse of nanyingwei in the distance and said with a smile, "it's a chaotic black feather finch. Now the plants, seafood and birds are all alive, and it's even better to bring it to the master."

"Hee hee, it's so sweet to deliver the goods to your door. My brother will like it."

Long'er and nan'nan immediately ran to string up the chaotic black feather finch.

Seeing that the old man was ready to leave, the young man finally couldn't help kneeling in front of the old man and said, "elder, younger, please accept me as an apprentice!"

Lao long didn't even think about it. He shook his head directly. "I won't accept you."

The river never died and said: "elder, the ancient clan has appeared, chaos will be chaos, younger generation want to do a part!"

Lao long still shook his head and said to Long'er, "come on, come back to the master with me!"


The river has heard Lao long mention the master several times, and his mind is shaken.

The old man's cultivation is only above his grandfather's, so what is the existence of the master in his mouth?

Look at the big demons in the hands of Nannan and longer. They are all short of breath. Are they all game for that expert? Even the chaotic blackbird?

We can see the degree of respect for this expert.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, he immediately followed.

Just a moment after the four left, the place where the chaotic black feather finch fell was scattered with many feathers, one of which was shining with a halo and attached with a trace of spirit.

"Fortunately, life-saving is my strong point. I have the ability of Nirvana, otherwise I will die!"

Nanyingwei is very afraid. He is still scared at the thought of the attack.

The person who made the move has already touched the edge of the road. I'm afraid he is not inferior to the leader of the alliance!

"It's not long here..."

He suddenly felt a sense of uncertainty and looked up. Then he noticed that there was an old woman standing in the sky.

How come there's another old woman?

Isn't that the old man just now?

Is this kingdom so dangerous?

Just when he was still in a daze, the old woman had already raised her hand. A flash of fire passed by, sweeping all the black feathers on the ground and turning them into nothingness.

Then, a middle-aged man came. He chopped down several thunders here. He walked around carefully to make sure there was no omission. Then he turned and left.

Lao Long's words and deeds can be said to be in place, which makes Long'er and Nannan look at him differently.

The river is also shocked, and the world outlook has been impacted. This super strong man is really steady in his work, but he is too... Careless.

But listen to, the old dragon language center of gravity long way: "these strong is too strong and terrible, almost I was on the road, you must be good cultivation, also save me personally, the ancestors are old, too dangerous!"Jiang Liu couldn't help looking at Lao long, thinking that if his grandfather could be like Lao long, or had known Lao long earlier and learned a move, he might not have died


The river follows the old dragon silently all the way, but the old dragon turns a blind eye to it.

Until he reached the foot of the Luoxian mountains, Lao long stopped and said, "you don't want to be disturbed. You can't follow me any more. You can't go up the mountain at will. You'd better go back and forth from there."

At the end of the words, he no longer took charge of the river, but took Long'er and his daughter to the mountain.

River looking at the back of the old dragon, but it is extremely respectful deep bow.

In his heart, Lao long seems to have no intention, but in fact, he is clearly mentioning him!

To let him know the existence of an expert and to take him to the foot of an expert's mountain is a great love in itself!

"Grandfather, I have found the chance of the divine realm. I must get the approval of the experts and support my own sky!"

The river takes a deep breath and sits cross legged at the foot of the mountain

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