Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 604: 604

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Lao long takes Long'er and nan'nan up the Luoxian mountains to the gate of siheyuan.

"Knock on the door yourself, and I'll go back to my old nest." With that, Lao Long's body turned into golden light.

"Happy to see my brother again." The girl came up and knocked on the door.

"Dong Dong Dong."

"Brother, I'm back with Long'er."

"Coming, coming."

Li nianfan's voice came from the courtyard, and then he opened the door with a squeak.

Seeing Nannan and longer, she immediately laughed, "hahaha, do you two little girls know how to come to see me? How's it going out there? "

He can imagine that these two little girls have good accomplishments, and their backstage connections are not small. They must be very comfortable. It is estimated that they are at the level of little devil king.

"It's fun to conquer demons and travel all over the world."

Long'er dragged a bunch of big demons behind him and said, "brother, you see, we have brought all the delicious big demons from all over the world."

"So much."

Li nianfan was surprised to see many big demons in front of him, many of whom he had never seen, but they must be delicious at first sight, and he couldn't help swallowing.

It has to be said that human beings have the impulse to eat special and strange creatures, especially large creatures. Seeing so much food, Li nianfan is really greedy

It's nice to stay in Siheyuan, but the food is monotonous. It's still longer and Nannan who are considerate. They wholesale so much for themselves.

What a good boy.

Li nianfan smiles like an old father.

"Come on, slow down. Don't spoil the meat."

Li nianfan immediately opened his mouth and began to call friends. "Dahei, Xiaobai, xiaodaji, Huofeng, manyun and situ Qin, all come to help and transport them to the refrigerator."

Fortunately, Siheyuan has been widened a lot, otherwise it may not be able to put down these monsters.

Li nianfan saw the chaos black feather Finch and was surprised to say: "it's amazing that there is not only seafood, but also a big black chicken. Look at the feather, the black chicken is absolutely pure."

The little girl took out the spirit nourishing grass and said with a smile, "brother, look at me again."

"This grass is... Mint?"

Li nianfan was immediately attracted attention, took the nourishing spirit grass from the girl's hand, and put it in front of her nose.

A special fragrance of peppermint suddenly rushed into the nose, let the brain a shock, get refreshing.

"What a mint! You can build my backyard again. " Li nianfan is happy. The open backyard is more and more full.

Long'er and nan'nan set their eyes on Da Hei, and then they wrinkled their faces and said, "Da Hei, you are really bald. What a pity."

Big black doesn't matter a way: "bald on bald, you quick look, I this leather underpants handsome not handsome."


Everyone worked together for a while, and finally put everything in order.

Li nianfan said: "it's rare to have so many ingredients. Tell me what you're going to eat. I'll prepare a big meal for you today."

Big meal~

Everyone's mouth immediately greedy up, expert cooking is too much to look forward to.

"Sashimi, I want to eat sashimi."

"Brother, I want to eat black chicken stewed with mushrooms. I haven't eaten the delicious food made by my brother for a long time."

"I want to eat kebabs, kebabs..."

"I want to eat Abalone with sauce."

Everyone was in high spirits. They had a lively discussion and decided to order the food. Before they started eating, their saliva would flow out.

"All right, all right."

Li nianfan was in a good mood and said to the God of food: "God of food, your cooking skills have also improved a lot, but you haven't made a big meal yet. This time, you'll have a high-intensity one and make a few hard dishes!"

The God of food rolled up his sleeve to prepare for a big fight and solemnly said, "don't worry, your majesty. Xiaoshen will do his best!"

There are Li nianfan, Xiao Bai and the God of food. They must have enough hands. Even if they are full of Manchu and Han people, they are more than enough.

"Boil water, pluck hair, set the table and prepare for a big meal."

Long'er and others enthusiastically help. The courtyard is full of excitement. Even the chickens laying eggs in the corner are chirping, and they lay more eggs."This auspicious dragon is big. Help to remove the shell cramp. I'll peel it to make lobster sashimi!"

"Xiaobai, pull out the hair of the black chicken, and remember to chop off the bottom of the chicken."

"Girl, add wood and make a fire."

"Such a big fish, choose steamed, bei'erxiang."

Huofeng smiles and touches long er's head, praises: "you have the heart, but also know to bring so much food back, not bad."

Long er narrowed his eyes with a smile, "hee hee."


Soon, the courtyard was surrounded by puffs of smoke, fragrance emerged, and smoke curled up.

"Hurry up and do it on the table and start serving."

"Sashimi platter."

"Chicken kebabs."

"Steamed turbot."

"Braised turtle."


A variety of dishes on the table, as if emitting a colorful halo, instantly lit up the space, a stock rhyme breath manifest, is far from fairyland can describe.

"Wow, this sashimi is so thin. It's just as transparent. It's tender, too tender. It's delicious ~"

"It's delicious. Try this braised turtle. It's delicious and juicy. It tastes great."

"Ah! Don't grab my kebab, leave me some! "


At the foot of the Rockies.

Contrary to the bustle of siheyuan, there is only a figure sitting cross legged in the cold wind.

The river looks at the Luoxian mountains with firm and devout eyes.

He thought for a long time here, and became more and more awed of the old man.

Can let those who are willing to call master, and sincerely admire, the people on this mountain, I'm afraid it's hard to imagine!

But he knew that his grandfather was only respectful to the nine great sages in the legend, and the high man on the mountain might be comparable to the existence of the nine great sages!

"My grandfather said that on the road of cultivation, we should be sincere and determined! I can't come to disturb the master, so I'll stay at the foot of the mountain, and I'll have a chance in the end! "

At the end of the speech, his eyes showed firmness. He walked slowly to a tree with a long sword and raised his hand to chop it out!

He is going to cut down some wood to make a wooden house and live at the foot of the mountain.


The river felt a strong anti shock force, which made his hands numb.

The key is that the tree in front of us didn't even break its skin. There was only a shallow print on the trunk.

How is that possible?

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The river fell into self doubt.

Although I was injured, I still had some accomplishments. How could I not even cut down an ordinary tree?

His brow a wrinkly, don't believe evil of clench a tooth to swing again but!

"Bang bang!"

At the foot of the Luoxian mountains, there is a pretty boy who keeps cutting down trees with his sword

In the courtyard.

It's getting dark.

All the people had enough to eat and drink, with satisfied smiles on their faces, half lying, digesting the food in their stomachs.

Long'er and nan'nan lay down, stroked their round tummy with their hands and said, "I'm so full. I haven't felt so satisfied for a long time."

Since they left the siheyuan, they could eat nothing but lingguo. Every time they thought of Li nianfan's delicious food, they felt like a cat tickling. This time, they had a good meal!

"At this time, you need to drink a glass of wine to help digestion."

Li nianfan said with a smile, "I'll let you have a taste of my latest developed wine, as well as the effects of calming the nerves and helping sleep, nourishing the face and beauty."

Dragon son immediately eyes bright, looking forward to: "brother, this wine I can drink?"

Li nianfan said with a smile: "children can also drink a little, but not greedy."

"Xiaobai, go and take out my dusty grape wine, and then put the luminous cup on our table."

"Yes, my dear master."

Xiaobai took the order immediately.

Not long after, a small wine jar was moved by Xiaobai, and then he took out the luminous cup like transparent jade and put it in front of the public.At this time, the sky is already a little dim. The luminous cup is just like its name, surrounded by a layer of holy aperture. People can see that the cup is emitting dense light, which is incomparable.

"Goo Goo."

Purple wine with bright luster, poured out of the wine jar, fell into the luminous cup, and immediately complemented each other, making people want to indulge in it,

At the same time, a smell of wine wafts out, refreshing, sweet with a trace of sour, not drink on the people's mouth.

Luminous cup is not big, but looking at the wine in the cup, it seems to see the whole starry sky.

Under the moonlight, Li nianfan raised his glass with a smile and couldn't help saying: "the grape wine luminous cup is really beautiful and pleasant. Come on, cheers


Long er can't wait to raise his glass and drink it all.

Xiaolian suddenly became red, and a drop of liquor flowed all over her body, which made her body's mana restless. Unconsciously, she began to tell the operation. From the later period of Daluo Jinxian, she crossed the huge bottleneck at one stroke and reached the quasi saint!

Nannan cultivates the skill of swallowing demons. She can swallow all things in the world. She is born with a strong digestion ability for aura. During this period of time, her cultivation has caught up with that of longer. At this time, wine flows into all parts and is quickly swallowed by her. Her cultivation has also entered the quasi Saint stage!

The God of food savors the taste of fine wine and understands the way of delicious food in wine. During his time in Siheyuan, he has accumulated too much, and his realm is like a rocket, one day at a time.

At this time, his whole body mana is rolling, from the pre quasi holy period to the mid quasi holy period!

Qin manyun and situ Qin's accumulation in their bodies was just like gunpowder. They were ignited by this glass of wine and burst open directly. They entered the peak of quasi saint.

Daji and Huofeng also had a little blush on their faces. The magic power of their whole body and the feeling of the road in their hearts had been washed. A heat wave appeared, and the bottleneck in their bodies had become ready to move.

There are three kinds of quasi holy capitals in the early, middle and late periods. There are also Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and even more detailed!

Because the higher the realm is, the smaller the gap is!

Daji and Huofeng have been in the late period of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, but the realm of heaven is too difficult. At this time, we can finally touch the bottleneck, and hope is at hand!

It's just wine, but after a glass, everyone is a little drunk.

They shook the luminous cup in their hands and looked at the wine world. They were amazed that the luminous cup was the treasure of chaos. Combined with wine, it was an unimaginable match. After drinking it, it could perfectly guide the inside information of the human body and stimulate the potential to the maximum.

"The master is really great. Every kind of wine made has adverse effects."

"It's good for us to bring out this kind of wine to help us stimulate our potential and break through the bottleneck."

"Help digestion, originally it means..."

"This wine is delicious. It's sensational. It's on the top!"

The little girl licked her lips, with endless aftertaste and Expectation: "brother, can I have another drink?"

"They said not to drink too much."

Li nianfan stopped and said with a smile, "but I'm happy today. It's OK to drink more."

"Yeah, brother is the best!"

Long'er and nan'nan immediately cheered. One by one, they hugged Li nianfan's thighs and rubbed their heads.

The moon is high and the stars are bright.

Luminous cup with wine, this situation is really intoxicating, can not help but drink a few more glasses.

In the end, Long'er and nan'nan's face turned red, their eyes couldn't open, and they were talking nonsense.

Situqin and Qin manyun are unstable, holding their heads in their hands, and their faces are weak. They are just like the beauty after drinking, which leads to crime.

God of food reluctantly gets up and bows his hand to Li nianfan and says, "Lord Shengjun, it's getting late. Xiaoshen will leave."

Li nianfan can't help but remind: "well, pay attention to safety, be careful when driving after drinking."

"Don't worry, my Lord."

The God of food patted his chest and walked out of the courtyard. The hat on his head was crooked and he walked down the mountain.

Li nianfan was looking at the mess in the hospital. He couldn't help shaking his head and said with a smile: "these two little drunkards are not good at drinking, and they love drinking. They are all drunk, but they must be able to sleep soundly tonight. It's a good thing."Holding Long'er and nan'nan back to the room, Li nianfan helped situ Qin and Qin manyun back to the room. Then Li nianfan took Daji and Huofeng back to bed.

At the foot of the mountain.

The river is still rolling its sleeves and chopping the tree with its sword.

After a day's hard work, the place finally broke a little skin and cut a hole

At this time, he heard a humming, looked up, and saw a little fat man full of wine was humming a ditty, staggering down the mountain.

He was surprised. Who came down from the mountain?

God of food also saw him, slightly drunk eyes looked at the river, can't help laughing, "boy, you cut wood like Wu Gang, do you want me to introduce you to a job on the moon?"

River is directly kneeling on both knees, pious way: "junior River, heard that this mountain contains organic fate, especially here waiting for the master, sincerely want to worship the master as a teacher, please introduce."

"Come here to worship your teacher?"

The God of food shook his head and was amused. "What an unrealistic fantasy! It's unthinkable to be accepted by an expert, or to be able to learn a little bit from him. There's only one way. "

River's eyes suddenly a bright, "what method?"

"Bad luck!"

The God of food's tone was firm, and then said, "I'm just a little cook with the master, but do you know what kind of wine I just came out from the master?"

The river shakes its head.

"The treasure of chaos is the cup, which contains the immortal wine made of chaos spirit fruit wine! Just one cup is enough to stir up the whole chaos

The God of food was drunk, shaking his head and opening his mouth, "come on, I'd like to give you a smell, ah --"

River face strange, instinctive slightly back.

He felt that the God of food was talking drunk again, his brain was not clear, and he was whimsical.

"Hey, hey."

The God of food smiles indifferently, and the cloud flies to the heavenly palace.

After flying half way, he turned around and said casually, "for the sake of you looking like Wu Gang, I'll give you a piece of advice. If you really meet an expert, don't kneel down like you just did. The expert doesn't like this very much. Remember, remember!"

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