Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 605: 605

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The next day.

Another big breakfast.

All of a sudden, I ate too well for two consecutive meals, and I felt a little nervous. The nutrition was too high.

Therefore, Li nianfan was so interested that he immediately decided, "let's go for an outing."

Long'er and nan'nan were shocked. "Go out to play?"

In their cognition, outing and going out to draw are equal signs.

Li nianfan shook his head with a smile, "just go out for a walk and have a look at the scenery."

The expert made this decision, other people naturally will not have objection, coincidentally showed a smile.

In fact, since our last honeymoon, we have been staying in siheyuan. Thinking about it, we haven't been out for a long time. Qin manyun plays the piano and situ Qin practices calligraphy. It's just like practicing hard. It's still boring.

"Oh, oh... Go out and play." The dragon and the girl cheered happily.

Li nianfan said with a helpless smile: "don't howl, clean up, take the grill, and we'll have a small barbecue at noon."

Soon, all of them packed up and walked out of the gate of the courtyard.

At this time, the sky is still early, last night just had a spring rain, the whole world seems to have been baptized in general, with a brand-new luster, green leaves stained with drops of water, full of vitality.

In the air, the smell of soil twines the fragrance of flowers, making people relaxed and happy.

People did not go far, they walked on the Luoxian mountains. This beautiful scenery is a good place for hiking.

Li nianfan thought, "this is equivalent to living in the scenic area."

Walking in the forest, stepping on the soft soil, accompanied by the sound of insects and birds, makes people's heart become calm and closer to nature.

At this moment, Li nianfan's eyes must be looking at a scene not far ahead.

On the tree, a bird was staring at an insect and swallowing it.

Situ Qin could not help but say: "the early bird catches the worm. This bird is ahead of other birds."

"Is that so?"

Li nianfan's eyes flashed slightly and looked at others with a smile, "what do you think?"

"I think sister situ Qin said it very well."

"One step ahead, step by step ahead, the same is true of the road of cultivation."

Nannan and longer speak without thinking.

Others thought about it and found nothing.

Daji asked curiously, "what do you think?"

"You just see one side of things, but have you ever thought about what it means to insects?"

Li nianfan's words were thought-provoking, and he continued: "it's important to know that the early worm is eaten by the bird."

"For another example, if we beat this bird down to make a kebab, is it still good for this bird to get up early?"


All of them were stunned and immediately awakened.

Because of their strong position, they instinctively stand on the side of the birds and ignore the weak insects.

Qin manyun's mind turned sharply and thought to himself, "master, this is telling us that things have two sides. The good and the bad of Tao should be divided into objects and opportunities?"

Situ Qin's brain is slightly blank, exclaimed, "an expert is an expert. Every casual sentence is thought-provoking. I can feel the profound meaning in it. Although I can't fully understand it, I feel that I have benefited a lot."

Daji and Huofeng look at each other, thinking in their eyes.

"It's obviously the same fate, but the meaning of the identity exchange between the prey and the hunter is totally different. Is this a disguised way to tell us something about the ancient people with the help of birds and insects?"

"Humans are like this insect, and ancient people are like this bird."

It's just an episode. Li nianfan didn't even pay attention to it, but it's deeply engraved in people's hearts. It's worth pondering over and over again. The more he deliberates, the more profound he feels.

All in all, it's just... Brilliant!

There are many wild animals, snakes, insects, rats and ants in this mountain forest. However, for Li nianfan today, nature is a small scene. Walking all the way, it's like walking in a wildlife park.

Around a circle, people in a stream water, put on the grill, sitting on the rocks, the whole open-air barbecue.If you want to eat anything, you can get it directly from the scene. The meat kebabs of tigers, lions and other game are baked in kebabs. It's delicious.

Li nianfan was a little tired of meat. This meal focused on eating vegetarian food, with a bunch of cauliflower in his left hand and a bunch of leeks in his right hand. He sprinkled a little cumin on it, and at the same time, he looked at the surrounding scenery, eating it with a fragrance.

At this time, Li nianfan was slightly stunned, and his eyes fell on a figure at the foot of the mountain.

Can't help but be surprised: "Yo hoo, there is a pretty boy cutting down trees."

"Ah, it's him."

Long er looked up and said, "yesterday we saw him hunted down and saved his life. Later he followed us here. Unexpectedly, he hasn't left yet."

The girl said, "his family seems to be gone. Is it cutting down trees to vent their anger?"

"That's right."

Li nianfan looked at the figure and said casually, "let's go down and have a look when we finish eating."

Although this is a public site, such a person suddenly came out at the foot of the mountain. I have to get to know him, so that I can have a bottom in my heart.

After a while, the people finished eating, packed up their things, and walked slowly down the mountain together.

"Bang bang!"

In the forest, the clear sound of felling has a long time, rich in rhythm, and the figure is more and more clear. The felling looks like a robot.

When it's closer, Li nianfan can't help shaking his head and decisively defines this person as a big dish chicken.

Obviously, this man has been chopping down trees for a long time, but he has only cut a small gap, which is half the size of a small palm, and the shape is extremely irregular. There are sawdust falling around. Compared with this thick tree, it is just a piece of skin

Every time I cut it down, I'll just draw another way.

Weak, too weak

Even the cutting position is not consistent, the posture of holding the sword is not right, and the force is not uniform. It takes years to cut down this tree.

The river heard the sound of footsteps, cut the action slightly, turned his head, when he saw the crowd, his brain roared and his heart trembled.

Long er and Nan Nan naturally knew each other, and others knew that they were extraordinary and definitely not ordinary people.

Among these people, the young man in the middle is the leader.

Even if it's not an expert, it must be related to an expert!

He quickly put down his sword and walked over. He was just about to kneel down. However, thinking of what the God of food said last night, he stopped abruptly and gave a respectful salute. He sincerely said, "Dear Jiang Liu, see you all!"

Li nianfan looked at him, his clothes were broken, his face was pale, and he looked dusty and weak.

Nodded, asked: "Hello, my name is Li nianfan, I do not know why you cut trees here?"

Jiang Liu clenched his teeth, did not hide his thoughts, and said directly: "if I go back to my predecessors, I actually want to learn from my teachers, but because there is no way, I want to build a wooden house at the foot of the mountain, hoping to be highly valued."

Li nianfan's eyes showed a trace of clarity.

It can be seen from the tree felling that this man is a five dregs of war. That's right. He was rescued by Nannan and longer yesterday. Therefore, knowing that there are immortals in the mountain, he hopes to learn from his teachers and even want to stay at the foot of the mountain.

Li nianfan said curiously, "how long have you been chopping here?"

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Jiang Liu said, "since yesterday afternoon, I've been chopping until now."

Li nianfan continued to ask: "how many trees have been cut down?"

Jiang Liu pointed to the tree and said in a low voice, "this is the first one."

It turns out that he is not only a dish chicken, but also a dish chicken in the dish chicken!

Li nianfan felt speechless. It took him so long to cut down such a little bit. He was also a talent.

It's probably hurt. It's empty.

However, his sincerity and perseverance are not low.

However, Li nianfan shook his head, advised: "you go, do not waste time here, there will be no one to accept you as an apprentice."

There are experts, but there are no apprentices.

Jiang Liu's body trembled slightly, biting his lips, and tears suddenly burst out of his eyes.

He paid no attention to the others. He knelt down with a puff, buried his head on the ground, and sobbed: "all the people in my family were killed by the foreign enemies. I was lucky to survive, so I shouldn't ask for anything more. But the foreign enemies are rampant. I really want to inherit my family's will, kill the foreign enemies, and protect one side's peace!"Li nianfan looked at him with a slight frown.

This man is a vegetable chicken. I don't think his enemy will be strong. If we don't let little Daji leave some guidance, we can be regarded as passing down the fate.

All of a sudden, he thought of the black sword God of food gave him.

The inheritance in this sword is a chicken rib. It's just right to give it to him.

A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he felt that he was forced to stop.

Before I knew it, I was able to pass on my fate to others. In the past, I felt full of pressure when I watched those experts give advice to others. Now I finally realized the pleasure of pretending to be forced.

It's really relaxing.

"Well, that's all right."

Li nianfan suddenly sighed, with a long tone, full of vicissitudes and emotion, "meeting is fate, although no one will accept you as an apprentice, but I just have something here, which should help you, so I will give it to you."

After that, he took out the black sword and handed it to the river.

The river was stunned and felt the breath of the black sword. It was magnificent, holy, ethereal and sharp, which made his hair stand up directly. His whole body trembled involuntarily with a sincere extreme awe.


This sword contains the meaning of Dao Jian!

This... This is the supreme inheritance!

River scalp numb, the whole body's blood is frozen, the brain directly lost the ability to think, dementia.

He came from an extraordinary family, and naturally has a high vision. At a glance, he can see that the long sword is extraordinary, and its breath is far above his grandfather!

I just want to learn from my teacher. However, as soon as the other party makes a move, it gives me a grand inheritance

I, I'm not dreaming, am I? Is the world so dreamy?

Grandfather, I feel a little unstable, but it's really not my fault.

He winced and said in a trembling voice, "is this really for me?"

Li nianfan jokingly said: "relax, it's just a small thing, it's no big deal."

Can the toys brought back by Da Hei and the God of food be high-end ones? If this inheritance can make people become immortal, it will be the best.

"I, i... thank you, thank you, master."

The river is incoherent. I don't know what to do.

Lips can not help shivering, tears in the eyes of the flow down, happy, grateful and scared.

It's horrible!

The inheritance of the supreme road is said to be a gadget. Even if my grandfather is here, he will be shocked by this tone.

If it wasn't for personal experience, the river couldn't believe it.

It's no wonder that even yesterday's old dragon wanted to please the master in every way. It's already inhuman!

He trembled and took the sword from Li nianfan's hand. If he didn't try his best to suppress it, he would scream.

However, Li nianfan continued: "practice sword well, and I'll give you another poem."

Full of talent.

Since it's forced, it's natural to be forced to the end.

"Little Daji, sharpen the ink."

Daji said, "OK, young master."

Lay the paper and pick up the pen.

Li nianfan had a bit of brewing before he wrote.

"If you don't come freely, it's hard for the dragon and the Phoenix to come back.

Three thousand people are drunk with flowers in the hall, and fourteen states are cold with one sword. "


The whole world seems to have been impacted at this moment. The space is illusory, the air is vast, and everything kneels down!

They all held their breath together, staring at each other with big eyes, and their whole body was covered with goose bumps.

Writing like a sword, free and easy and sharp, as the world sword repair, standing in front of everyone!

From the moment Li nianfan wrote, the river was stunned. He seemed to see a sword. Before he showed his edge, he filled the whole world with sword spirit. Endless Kendo soared to the sky!

When the poem is finished, even the black sword is singing softly. It's excitement and worship!

Originally, he thought that there would be nothing more precious than the black long sword in the world. However, he was obviously wrong.

This Kendo poem is so spectacular! A poem is a supreme inheritance!It's hard to imagine being able to write down this poem and these characters!

When situ Qin looked at the poem, his heart was shaking and his little hand could not help holding it tightly.

Every stroke of an expert's writing is close to the road, and every stroke is enough to stir up the weather. This poem is even more enough to fight against the road and to disorganize Yin and Yang!

In contrast, I still write the same words as the dog crawling, thanks to my recent complacency, complacency, it is too wrong!

She closed her eyes and deeply remembered Li nianfan's just writing style, and realized the way of calligraphy.

The river kneels down again and knocks its head hard on the ground, making a thumping sound, hoping to knock itself to death on the spot.

Choking voice: "thank you, master. I don't think I can repay you for your kindness. I'm willing to be a cow and a horse. I will die forever! I beg the master to take me as a slave. "

There are too many. The experts give me too much. I even want to kill myself to express my heartfelt.

Li nianfan said: "get up quickly. It's really unnecessary."

You're welcome. You're welcome.

To be grateful like this, this guy seems to be a man of his own nature.

He looked at the tree, and suddenly said with a smile: "otherwise, when you can cut the tree, you can help me cut some firewood every day."

Jiang Liu's voice was firm and excited, and said: "OK, please rest assured, I will work hard to cultivate and strive to cut down trees as soon as possible."

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