Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 611: 611

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as time goes on.

The alliance leader who has been watching the war also found the problem.

Because the battlefield is too fierce, each party has its own battlefield, fighting everywhere in chaos, but he still found that the number of people on his side seems to be rapidly decreasing!

It was originally a one-on-one scene, but it gradually evolved into one-on-two, one on three

He frowned and said solemnly: "be careful, everyone. This world of corpse driving is very evil. I'm afraid there are ambushes in the dark. I like shady people!"

"Hehe, jiemeng is just like that!"

Lingyun emperor Zun, holding a big black knife, sneered with disdain.

He was fighting with Gu Yu. At the beginning, he felt a little bit hard. However, as Bei Ying Wei left the battlefield, Tianchen emperor Zun came to help him, and the war situation turned around immediately.

Gu Yu's face was cold. He opened and closed his hand. With one blow, he made a dark path on the chaos. The power of terror was enough to annihilate everything in front of him.

The origin of his life is different from that of chaotic creatures. Not only is his body naturally strong, but also there are traces of Tao flowing in his blood. He is a naturally strong race with unique advantages. The same attack falls on him, but the injury is much lighter than that of ordinary people.

Moreover, the origin of life is stronger than chaos, which gives people a strong sense of oppression.

The Jade Emperor couldn't help exclaiming, "the ancient people are really powerful. This is the suppression from the nature."

Junjun Taoist is not from the way: "born strong, it really makes people feel helpless."

"Born strong? So what? "

Yang Jian on one side opened his mouth, and his eyes twinkled with light, fearless and enterprising. "Have you forgotten the early human race in the flood and famine period? At that time, the dragon clan and the Phoenix clan were not equally powerful. Humans were like mole ants, but mole ants could also ascend to heaven! "

He himself came up from the cultivation of ordinary people who had no accomplishments step by step.

From the beginning of rumaoyinxue, to fighting with wild animals, and then fighting with monsters, to now, the immortal is like a crucian carp crossing the river, and the clan is like the stars in the sky, creating countless Taoist dharmas from generation to generation.

This is the Terran!

"Ha ha ha, that's a standard, I love to hear it!"

Xiao Chengfeng laughed and patted Yang Jian on the shoulder, "the road is traceless. Every living creature has its own way. Natural strength does not mean invincibility. In the last ancient calamity, there are nine supremacies. In this life, there will be ten or eleven! And I, Xiao Chengfeng, will cut off this ancient disaster

Nu Wa nodded and agreed: "well said, don't forget, there is an expert behind us, he will guide us and preach to us!"

"Life and death are dead!"

But at this time, a big drink came.

Lingyun emperor Zun's whole body law is turbulent, and there is a long black river, which contains a strong breath of death.

The law of life and death in which the flow of yin and Yang intertwined, as if at any time will be split!

The black river converges on the long sword and cuts straight to the ancient jade!


Blood spattered.

The ancient jade was cut in half by a knife from top to bottom, and the origin of life was partly polished away.

Just as he was about to reorganize his body, there was another burst of drinking.

"Qing Tian Yi Zhi!"

Tianchen emperor also played a magic power of law. He pointed to the empty shadow and covered the sky. He crushed the ancient jade like an ant!

"Ah, ah

Gu Yu roared angrily, his origin burst out a burst of brilliance, instantly condensed the body, red eyes, ferocious face.

Emperor Tianchen sneered, "Oh, incompetent and furious!"

At this time, another corpse emperor came, and his whole body was full of momentum. The law of heaven surrounded his body. The corpse spirit was like a sea. He was violent and wanton. He raised his fist to suppress the ancient jade!

Three people join hands, repeatedly kill the ancient jade, no suspense can completely erase the origin of its life!

"How dare you blaspheme, you mean mole ant?"

Gu Yu's face was so gloomy that it was almost bleeding. He looked at the leader of the alliance and said coldly, "aren't you ready to fight yet?"

"My Lord, I..."

The leader's face stagnated, and there was a struggle in his eyes.

He devoured the four daozhizun. The power of daozhizun in his body was very unstable. Once he made a move, his balance would be destroyed. Not only the pain was unbearable, but also the sequelae would be left. The consequences were very serious.Unfortunately, it's just the last medicine. How could nanyingwei die here? Where did he get Yangshen grass!

When he was ready to move, Gu Yu was surrounded by three people and couldn't wait any longer.

"You rubbish! You're even more useless if your men are useless! "

Gu Yu gave a cold hum, and his momentum burst out. The ultimate terrible power rose from his body, like a river rolling down, unstoppable!

An irresistible pressure went towards the crowd, which made the three of Tianchen emperor Zun couldn't help retreating, showing a look of surprise.

"You forced me to do that!"

Gu Yu's eyes turned into gold, and his voice seemed to come from nine days above, which was unpredictable. "Gu Yu is here, please... My ancient family is supreme!"


Chaos, ripples,

A huge virtual shadow, with great power, slowly emerged behind the ancient jade.

You can see from his appearance that he is a member of the ancient family just like Gu Yu. However, his momentum is too strong. Although he is just a shadow, once he comes, just a breath is enough to suppress everything on the stage!

The shadow stands in chaos, transcends the ages, transcends the world, and transcends all laws.

"Back up!"

Tianchen emperor Zun and Lingyun emperor Zun's face changed wildly. They retreated at the first time. At the same time, they started fajue and summoned the other two corpses to their side.

At the same time, the supreme shadow of the ancient clan has raised its hand and slapped down from the sky!

This palm is not too big, but it seems to cover the heaven and the earth. In the palm, there is a world of its own, which is enough to crush Yin and Yang and suppress the heavens!

Palm landing.

Endless laws sweep out all around, containing the power of the road, to annihilate everything.

The first to bear the brunt is that the three corpse emperors, in this wave, directly turned into dust, even the source of life has been directly erased!


Tianchen emperor Zun and Lingyun emperor Zun spewed out a mouthful of blood at the same time. The Taoist heart was badly hurt, and his heart was shocked.

If they had not called the two corpse emperors as shields, they would be cool now.

Other people around also feel bad, pale, Qi and blood surge, the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

This is the supreme power.

Just a shadow is enough to suppress the eternal, a thought chaos law!

"Danger! DANGER! Danger

Lao Long's eyes are wide open, his eyebrows and beard have been turned up, and he has done a good job of cutting off the connection with this separation at any time, abandoning the car and protecting the commander.

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The supreme power can be understood only by personal experience.

At this time, people also have an intuitive concept, the original road supremacy, even more terrifying than they imagined!

Although the experts are powerful, they have never done anything at all, so they are awed from the heart, and their fear is a little lighter.

Just like the nuclear bomb, we all know that it is powerful, but it is only in imagination, and the feeling will certainly fade a lot.

I have experienced it before I know its horror!

Everyone looked at the ancient supremacy and held their breath.

Gu Yu respectfully paid homage to the empty shadow and said, "Gu Yu, see Gu Li."

Guli slowly opened his eyes, in which there is a flow of stars, rising Avenue.

However, Guli ignored him. Instead, he looked directly at the depths of the corpse driving world and said to himself, "no wonder you used my empty shadow. It turned out that you found the remaining evils of the nine Supreme evils of that year! But it's not the spirit Master. "

Gu Yu said immediately: "this place is called the world of chasing corpses. I'm not strong enough. I can only summon the supreme to help. Please destroy it!"

Guli nodded his head and said casually, "when I kill the supreme source of the road here, if there is any more power, I will help you kill everything here!"

At the end of the speech, he stepped into the corpse world!

"Boom boom!"

As he stepped out, the whole corpse world could not bear his power, and began to be unstable, and the world gradually split!

Although he didn't do it, his momentum was enough to crush all the places he passed. The disciples and many zombies in the corpse world were directly wiped out!

Tianchen emperor Zun and others naturally dare not get angry. At this time, they just want to try their best to escape, because the surrounding space is blocked, and they are suppressed here, and they can't move."To finish, to finish!"

Lao Long's face showed compassion and helplessly faced Da Hei and other humanitarians: "that dog has blocked us here! I'm ready to give up this separation. If you have any last wishes, please tell me. I can do it within my ability. "

Da Hei suggested: "it's just a virtual shadow. When it's consumed for a while, we don't have the strength to fight. Hurry to get your body, and let's work with him!"

"What? impossible! It's too dangerous! "

Lao long didn't even think about it, so he asked directly, shaking his head like a rattle.

Then he gritted his teeth: "at most, I'll send another one to come here. It depends on everyone's nature if he can live."

"Ha ha, I found it!"

The ancient people stand in the void, look to a direction of the corpse world, directly raise their hands and suppress it!


The ancient hall collapsed, the bricks and clay directly turned into powder, evaporated and scattered, revealing the ancient bronze coffin!

The breath is vast, the vision is turbulent, and the ancient bronze coffin is about to be annihilated.

However, at this time, a dignified voice from the copper coffin sounded.

"When I think of it, I will die. When I cross the years, I will be invincible both in life and in death."

With this sound, a blood red mist rose from the copper coffin and gathered into a blood red light, blocking all the attacks of the ancient people!

Ancient supremacy momentum waves, full burst, terrorist attacks to suppress the red Mang, "the dead, it is safe to lie in the coffin!"

Affected by powerful forces, the world of corpse driving has been fragmented.

Copper coffin spread out of the red even more, into a scarlet color, the same powerful breath burst out!

"It's... The breath of the ancient people."

From the copper coffin came waves of thoughts, some perplexed and some reminiscent.

Even though he died endlessly, he still remembered the breath of the ancient people, and the murderous opportunity and momentum soared in an instant!

The voice of coldness and arrogance is as loud as a crack. "Although I die, I can trample on the ancient people!"

The copper coffin vibrated, and then opened a hole. The red light was surging, and a terrible suction suddenly burst out. In a flash, it sucked in the supreme shadow of the ancient people!


The copper coffin closed.

There was a faint sound of chewing.

The whole world regained its peace, all the visions disappeared, and there was no sense of oppression, as if everything was just a dream.

Everyone's body is a loose, restrictions lifted.

However, they still didn't move, they all looked unbelievable.

"How is that possible?"

Gu Yu looked at the ancient bronze coffin with a sudden shudder. Yuan Shen was trembling with fear.

He didn't dare to delay at all, so he stepped back quickly.

"I'm not dead. The supreme one was still alive!"

His scalp was about to explode, and his courage was about to be scared out, and he ran away quickly without looking back.

Naturally, all the people in jiemeng were heartbroken. They followed the direction of Guyu and left together with the leader.

People in the field of corpse driving did not pursue them. They were equally suspicious. Moreover, the losses of both sides this time were heavy, and it was no longer suitable to fight again.

Tianchen emperor Zun and others came to the bronze coffin not far away, frowning and looking at it in awe.

"It's worthy of being the Supreme Master of the road. It's clear that he's dead and his power is still invincible."

"He just acted instinctively, and the obsession of suppressing the ancient people has been rooted in his body, so that's what happened."

"He won't do anything to us to speed up the refining process."


"It's worthy of being the top nine. No wonder it can beat the ancient people so hard!"

Xiao Chengfeng's eyes brightened, and he couldn't help shouting, "enjoy it, bull, big man should be like this!"

Taoist Junjun was worried and said, "the supreme road is too strong. It's just a virtual shadow of the ancient people. When the ancient disaster comes, it will be so terrible. We have to hurry to practice."

Nuwa nodded and said, "besides, the ancient supremacy said that the spirit Master is not in the copper coffin. We have to find the spirit Master quickly."Dahei is pulling a rope, binding a string of game came, urged: "OK, OK, don't pull the calf, I have to quickly take these game to the master."

"Mr. dog is right. This time we are reaping a lot of profits. It's really exciting."

"Go on, be filial to the master."


However, the Jade Emperor suddenly had a flash of inspiration, with a smile on his face, and said, "isn't this just a big story? I have to take the time to sort it out. I'm sure the experts will like it. "

"This is a must, or else the title will be called the world alliance and the corpse driving world tearing each other, causing the supreme world."

"Yang Jian, do you have any other information from the Ministry of information recently? More news will be included, and it will be brought to the experts at the same time. "

Since Li nianfan made a remark, the Department of Tiangong, which was originally responsible for monitoring the three realms, has changed its name to the Ministry of public information, with Yang Jian as the main department, with thousands of miles of eyes and ears as the auxiliary. There are also some other immortals who are specially responsible for collecting news information.

From the current situation of several issues of newspapers, the senior is quite satisfied.

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