Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 612: 612

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"Slow down, line up the game. Don't mess up."

As he approached the courtyard, Taoist Jun carefully explained to Yang Jian.

Yang Jian said with a smile: "don't worry, I've cut off the intelligence of these game, and I'm in good control."

Seeing this, Taoist Junjun came forward and rang the door of the courtyard.

Xiaobai opens the door.

Taoist Junjun and others quickly saluted and said, "Lord Shengjun, we're here again. We're bothering you."

"What's bothering you? You're immortal. Welcome."

Li nianfan laughed and gave a friendly smile to Nu Wa and others.

But the next moment, he noticed the long line behind the group, his eyes suddenly widened, showing the color of surprise.

It's more of a surprise.

He said, "it's very polite of you to come here and bring a lot of game."

In Xiuxian world, there are many rare and exotic animals. I've read countless game books, and I don't eat less dragon and unicorn. But... There are so many kinds of game here!

One crop after another

It's not enough.

But on second thought, Li nianfan was relieved.

I've not only stayed in the realm of eating, but also gone beyond the universe. Naturally, there are many kinds of game, such as chickens. There may be thousands of kinds of chickens

It's delicious!

Li nianfan looked at the game in line and looked at them one by one. In an instant, he had hundreds of ways to eat, and he was looking forward to it.

This pig's meat quality is exquisite, especially the pig's tail. It has a chewy head. Good.

Oh, it's a roc bird. It's really heroic. It's a good material for stewing.

And this game, which looks like a fire and looks like a deer, has a very powerful appearance. It makes people have an appetite

It's good to have a lot of big people around you, and give full play to the importance of networking.

Li nianfan nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile, "yes, yes."

Seeing this, Taoist Junjun and others immediately breathed a sigh of relief and showed a smile.

The praise of experts is their greatest motivation, and I feel honored.

"The Jade Emperor said:" this group of game gathered to make trouble, happened to be captured by us, the emperor is satisfied

Li nianfan looked at the crowd, and his eyes showed a thoughtful look. He said to himself, "it's been a while since I've had dinner together."

He has a clear mind, and when he gets along with others, he pays attention to one's coming instead of being rude.

Taoist Junjun, they captured game and could think of sending it to them. What's the picture?

Isn't it just my own cooking?

Although they didn't say it clearly, it was estimated that they were embarrassed, but with Li nianfan's EQ, they definitely wanted to invite them to a meat meal.

Moreover, in the interpersonal relationship of previous life, the wine table culture is a big killer. A meal is a lot of contacts!

Thinking of this, he proposed: "Your Majesty, it's rare to have so many game, and you can't eat it by Siheyuan alone. I don't know if you have time, or would you like to make an appointment to have a dinner together?"

dinner party?

Taoist Jun and others suddenly trembled wildly, and their faces were flushed.

Is that a dinner party?

It was a great fortune!

Nima has to have time! You have to climb out of the grave when you die!

The Jade Emperor's voice was trembling. He said, "if I have time, I can arrange it immediately. I just want to trouble the emperor."

"It's just a small lift."

Li nianfan waved his hand and said with a smile: "your work pressure is great, your task is heavy, and it benefits countless creatures. My ability is limited, so I can only invite you to dinner and do a little bit."

Looking at the news recently, Li nianfan saw a lot of things and wanted to invite them to dinner from the bottom of his heart.

They were both moved and proud.

This is clearly understanding of our hard work, at the same time, we are satisfied with our work, this is specially given us the opportunity to have a dinner!

It's a blessing to be able to meet an expert!

Taoist Junjun thought carefully and asked, "Lord Shengjun, where is the best place to have dinner?"Li nianfan's eyebrows could not help picking, revealing the meaning of thinking.

Since it's a dinner party, there must be a large number of fairies in Tiangong. It's not good to put them in siheyuan. It's too crowded.

In yaochi, where the peach fair is held?

But... I've had dinner there before. The world is so big that Li nianfan wants to see it. He doesn't want to put the places of dinner together.

A moment later, he said: "last time I saw the news, I learned that the spirit God led the team to move the mountain and suppress the three mountains in the Nu Chao River, so as to calm down the local flood. Is that true?"

The Jade Emperor said: "nature is true, never dare to make a fake."

Li nianfan could not help but say: "I heard that the Nu Chao River is dangerous. It is the main water vein in the northern region, stretching out thousands of Lake veins. I really want to see it."

Taoist Junjun naturally recognized the implied meaning of the master, and his body was shocked. He thought: "Lord Shengjun, it's a coincidence. I was just thinking about putting the place for dinner there."

The Jade Emperor is also in a hurry to interface, "there is really suitable for dinner, just I also want to see the water effect of the giant spirit God."

Li nianfan was surprised and said, "that's a good feeling. It's settled. I'll prepare the materials and go there."

"Your Majesty, let's prepare immediately."

Jun Jun Taoist and others said hello, when even the wind and fire to prepare to go.

We are invited to dinner!

As soon as the news came out, the whole heavenly palace exploded!

"Big chance! The master has come to give us another chance! "

"So nervous, so excited, so exciting, so nervous..."

"Everyone is ready for me to perform well at the party. Anyone who breaks the chain will have to go to hell at least!"

"Hurry to invite the fairy to make Chang'e perform well. The program must be wonderful!"

"Troll, troll!"

Too white Venus is already busy dizzy, shouting in the ranks of the gods.

The great spirit God was inspired, and then he came back from the stupefied God.

The master wants to go to the nuchao river. It's my place to deal with floods! An expert is going to inspect my work!

Experts are paying attention to me!

Ah, I'm so excited!

Taibai Venus gasped and said anxiously, "at this time, do you have spare time to be in a daze here?"

The great spirit God said blankly: "old officer, what's the matter? I'm really excited. "

"This is not the time to get excited!"

Taibai Venus tone dignified, said: "Your Majesty specially asked me to inform you, hurry to see the Nu Chao River, but do not make any mistakes, especially the security work, must be done in place!"

The giant spirit God's heart suddenly mentions, busily nods, "right, right, I have to hurry to have a look!"

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If there is any mistake in the Nu Chao River, or if there is something that causes the master to be unhappy, then he will die!

"Yang Jian, Xiao Chengfeng, ye Liuyun, brothers, hurry to the nuchao river with me to check, but you must be careful!"

"More hands."

"Clean up, clean up a good wave field!"


In the courtyard.

Li nianfan took all the pots, pans and condiments with him. He also brought a lot of fruit and wine, so he called the people to set out.

This time, the whole courtyard came out with Xiaobai.

After all, a lot of work can be shared.

Li nianfan drove the auspicious clouds of merit and virtue, carrying the people, straight to the Nu Chao River.

When he saw the lonely firewood cutting river at the foot of the mountain, he thought for a moment and took him with him by the way. He also took some firewood for the fire.

This makes the river flattered and moved.

When they arrived at the nuchao River, many immortals had already arrived. They immediately looked at Li nianfan's direction with respectful smiles.

Li nianfan didn't know that the area around the nuchao river was guarded by 100000 heavenly soldiers, and many ghost messengers were constantly patrolling.

The big demons nearby are also warned not to go out!

One by one, they stayed in the cave, shivering and wondering which big man had come here.

Julingshen and other acquaintances immediately met him and saluted, "I've seen your majesty."Li nianfan said with a smile, "ladies and gentlemen, I haven't seen you for a long time."

She e fairy, seven fairies, black and white impermanence, ox head and horse face, these are old friends.

Let Li nianfan's heart warm.

The crowd exchanged greetings.

Li nianfan looked at the surrounding environment from time to time. He could not help feeling that the layout of the heavenly palace was really extravagant.

The Nu Chao River, as its name suggests, is turbulent all day long. The waterfall is even more exaggerated than the nine days of the Milky way. The water comes from a very high place. The river seems to flow tirelessly and extremely fast.

It is like a thousand horses galloping endlessly. People have to feel the strength and beauty of nature.

The dining place is on the edge of the nuchao river. Li nianfan stands here, with water vapor slapping on his face. He can feel the power of the water.

Looking around, it's amazing that such a turbulent current can't see the edge!

But at this time, on the shore of the loess ground, actually full of colorful flowers, wreath brocade cluster, gorgeous incomparable, spread along the earth.

In addition, it also built a gorgeous stage

It can be seen that the tiny flower fairies with long butterfly wings are flying among the flowers, playing and taking care of them carefully.

Obviously, these are the works of Tiangong.

Immortals are luxury.

Strong and willful.

The giant spirit God came over and resisted the excitement and said, "holy Lord, we moved the three mountains over there."

These three mountains are not small ones. Each of them is more than a thousand feet high and has a huge foundation. It can be said that they are huge mountains with constant pressure in a region.

Li nianfan nodded and said with a smile, "yes, it's very professional."

These three mountains not only suppress the flood, but also provide different scenery for the landscape belt here, forming a spectacular scene of several waterfalls falling from the mountain at the same time.

"Thank you for your praise."

The spirit of the whole person, his face full of smiles, proud.

He continued: "Lord Shengjun, the mountain in the middle was originally in a small mountain village, which hindered the life of the local residents. I saw that they were struggling to dig the mountain. The leader was an old man, so I helped them move here."

Li nianfan's face suddenly became strange.

Why is the story so familiar?

Can't help but praise: "great, kill two birds with one stone, I have to give you a praise, wait, you have to drink more wine."

The giant spirit God was overjoyed and said excitedly: "thank you, Lord Shengjun."

Li nianfan looked at the time, "OK, start the pot... Make a fire!"

Immediately, a group of busy people came to the Bank of the Nu Chao River.

Li nianfan, Xiao Bai and the God of food began to organize the ingredients, while others helped to set up the pot, burn the fire and run errands

I was very busy for a while.

Li nianfan looked at the girls and Long'er and others around him and said with a smile, "what do you want to eat? You can choose by yourself. Bring it here and I'll make it for you."

"Yeah, brother, that's great!"

They cheered and couldn't wait to choose the delicious food.

After a while, the girl brought back two pig ears like fans, "brother, I want to eat ears. They are crisp and delicious!"

Long'er also trotted back, holding the ingredients in his hand, expecting: "brother, Long'er really wants to eat ox tongue, tender, chewy, and lamb chops, delicious, can you eat both?"

I've cultivated two snacks. I'm good at eating.

Li nianfan couldn't help laughing and said, "of course."

Da Hei came running with a rabbit's head in his mouth. "Master, master, I want to eat rabbit's head. This is the first delicious food!"

Daji and Huofeng also came over, relatively reserved, and said, "young master, we haven't eaten this kind of mountain crossing beast. We want to try it."

"Don't worry. Take your time. There will be delicious food."

Li nianfan smile, his cooking can bring you happiness, he is also very happy, but also very complacent.

In the crowd, the river silently followed Li nianfan, who was already full of shock and looked at the so-called "game" in everyone's mouth.It's not difficult to see from the breath that these game are at least the powers of hunhunhun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian realm!

In addition, there are two great powers in the realm of heaven!

So many strong people are just for... Dinner?

It can only be said that he deserves to be an expert.

During this time, he also heard that experts like to eat game.

Originally, I thought that the last time Lao long brought Nan Yingwei to the master, it just happened to be his meeting. At this time, I found out that the master's eating the monsters in the realm of heaven was just normal operation

How can I be qualified to participate in such a high-end dinner party!

My eyes are open. My NIMA's eyes are burst!

All of a sudden, he sniffed a little, then involuntarily sucked.

Caught off guard, a large number of saliva secretion, directly from the mouth overflow, dripping.

Wheezing, wheezing——

"I'll go. It smells good! It's too fragrant, isn't it

River body pores open, all the cells are shivering, all in the expression of a meaning... Want to eat!

How can there be such delicious food in the world?

Even if the will is firm, in the face of such delicious, the heart of Tao will collapse instantly!

Ah, no, I'm so hungry, I want to eat!

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