Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 613: 613

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A piece of barbecue came to the river.

The aroma of the sky suddenly straight into his nose, let his whole pores stretch, relaxed, more greedy.

This barbecue has become golden, there is a layer of oil flowing outside, the appearance seems to be surrounded by a layer of halo, with a sacred breath.

If you don't know it's a barbecue, you will feel it's a rare treasure!

The river forced to swallow a mouthful of saliva, stupidly way: "to... To me?"


Li nianfan nodded and said with a smile: "your saliva has come out. Don't mention it. Eat it."

"Thank you, thank you."

The river was so moved that tears welled up in both eyes.

The master is really very kind to me. He not only saved my life, gave me the sword of the road, but also showed his thoughtfulness to me. Even if I die, I can't repay him!

Li nianfan saw the river quietly wipe tears, can't help but smile and shake his head.

Young man with miserable life experience is easy to be moved. With some small things, he has formed a good relationship again. He is stable.

The river wiped the corner of his eyes. He couldn't restrain himself. He couldn't wait to open his mouth and bite the barbecue!


"Good... Good to eat!"

The river just felt that he couldn't breathe under this delicious taste. The smell of barbecue swam all over his body and filled his mouth, nose, throat and stomach

This wonderful taste, he simply can not describe, just feel that his whole person is about to take off, an unprecedented sense of happiness wrapped in the whole body.


The satisfaction from the bottom of my heart!

What do people live for?

It's meaningful to live if you can eat such delicious food!

This is life, this is enjoyment.

The kind that the emperor doesn't change!

But when he swallowed the barbecue, he was completely shocked.

The spiritual power in the barbecue and the rhyme of Tao burst out like mountains and rivers, rushing to his four limbs, breaking through his brain, making his perception of Tao more clear than ever.


His body suddenly trembled and stepped into the later stage of Daluo Jinxian!

Did you break through?

A barbecue is not only delicious, but also effective!

Although he knew that the master was powerful, he renewed his understanding and made his heart tremble. He wanted to worship.

"Brother, I want it too, I want it too!"

"Give it to me, give it to me."

When Nannan and longer saw Jiangliu's barbecue, they couldn't wait to cry out. There was a long bright silk thread hanging on the corner of their mouth.

"Ha ha ha, don't worry. It's almost ready. Take your time."

Li nianfan laughed and began to distribute food to everyone.

"Dahei, come on, your favorite rabbit head."

"Girl, this is pig ear. In fact, pig head meat is also very good. Try it."

"Long er, pick it up. You can eat lamb chops while it's hot."

At the beginning, we had enough food. At the beginning, we all had a good time. Our mouths were full of oil, and we all enjoyed ourselves.

At the same time, also very tacit understanding do not speak, in order to save time for dinner.

After all, if you say one more word, others may eat one more piece of meat than you

Everyone's appetite is huge, and it's rare to have such a big meal. When you eat, your eyes begin to turn red.

It's urgent.

I wish I could eat more with one more brain.

Evolution to the end, quietly began to grab food.

"Damn it, ye Liuyun, do you want to be shameless? I said, how can you talk to me all the time in my ear? My feelings are specially to interfere with my meal with a separate body! "

"Wori! Yang Jian, you've gone too far. You've got three heads and six arms to eat! "

"Spirit God, don't be too arrogant. If you don't shrink back, don't blame us for attacking you."

"There is no clean bottom, let me lick it!"……

Li nianfan couldn't help smiling at the scene.

It's a group of simple and earthly immortals.

"Keng Keng."

A melodious sound of the piano sounded, rows of fairy ribbon floating, slender body as if no weight in general, with the wind to the stage, with the piano began to dance.

This is a performance after dinner. Whether it's the fairies or the performances, the quality is very high. The breeze blows, and there are countless petals flying, spreading the fragrance of flowers.

Before singing and dancing, it's natural to have good wine.

Li nianfan waved and said with a loud smile: "Xiao Bai, serve the wine!"

Xiaobai should drink: "here, my dear master."

A large barrel of Baijiu was pushed out by it, and naturally the fairy came forward, respectfully pouring wine for everyone.

"Wow, your majesty has even prepared wine for us."

"It's... Delicious! Good wine, really good wine

"It's so fragrant. The wine of Shengjun is really delicious."

"Thank you, Mr. Shengjun. Let's respect Mr. Shengjun together."

Li nianfan raised his glass high and said with a laugh, "ha ha, let's drink together, just be happy."

Everyone was in the mood for Baijiu, and was very busy. After a while, he was already slightly reddish.

However, with drunkenness, the atmosphere is even higher.

Li nianfan enjoys the happy time, the mood is also agitated, the peaceful life rarely has such happy time.

Can't help but smile, slowly stand up, came to the edge of the Nu Chao River.

Looking at the surging tide of the river, feeling the strong River breeze, suddenly surging with boundless emotion.

Eyes blurred mouth way: "situ Qin, you follow me to learn calligraphy so long, today, I will teach you a poem!"

A poem?

Slightly drunk, they all look shocked and look at Li nianfan. They dare not disturb him.

"Xiaobai, bring a pot of wine!"

Li nianfan stretched out his hand, took a pot of wine from Xiaobai's hand, raised it and poured it into his mouth. Then he opened his mouth slowly.

"You don't see... The water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky and runs to the sea."

"You don't see... The mirror in the high hall is sad and white, and the morning is like green silk, and the evening is like snow."



Every sentence of poetry export, people's heads roar, as if countless electric current shuttle in the mind, let them stop all thinking ability, just immersed in poetry!

They seem to see the flow of time, changes in the world!

No matter how beautiful you are or how oppressive you are, you will eventually pass away. In the endless years, at most, it is just a light or heavy stroke, and there is no other trace.

A strange rhythm will wrap here, the river is still surging, but flashing halo, as if into a long river of time.

Stay in them, time seems to be much faster, morning silk dusk snow!

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Everyone entered a wonderful mood, a moment of perception, worth hundreds of years!

"I'm born to be useful. When all the gold is gone, I'll come back."


"In ancient times, sages and sages were lonely, only those who drank kept their names."


"Hu'er is going to trade for good wine, and share with you the worries of all ages."

Everyone was fixed in the same place, the blood gas in the body seemed to be boiling, and the heat wave was rushing to the tianlinggai, as if it was going to lift it up.

Looking at Li nianfan's back, Jiang Liu felt as if he and the angry river were integrated into one. He said to himself, "master, this is to make us proud. We must enjoy ourselves. Don't immerse ourselves in the sadness of the past. Grasp the present and show our ambition!"


His breath is flowing, and his mana is surging like a sea, which is huge several times in an instant.

Break through the barrier of Da Luo Jinxian and go straight to the early stage of quasi saint, then come to the middle stage of quasi saint!

When I eat, I break through to the later stage of Da Luo Jinxian. In a flash, I break through two realms, and this is just the beginning.

He can feel that his body still contains endless potential!

Taoist Jun's eyes gradually lit up and said: "the master is telling us that everyone has his own value. He is affirming our role. Even if we are the chess pieces in the hands of the master, we must show our greatest value!"In his heart, Huo Da was bold. He didn't dare to face the barrier of the realm of heaven. He felt that it was an insurmountable mountain. At this time, he stepped forward and crossed it easily!

His whole body law rolling, the whole person seems to be integrated with heaven and earth, he is the law, he is the rule!

The realm of heaven, success!

"All sages and sages have been lonely since ancient times..."

"I'll share my worries with you all the time..."

"Young master, how many things do you bear on your shoulders? Let's share it with you. "

Daji and Huofeng are both tearful, looking at Li nianfan at this time, some crazy.

It turns out that the young master is arbitrary, but in endless years, he is also lonely and sad.

Is it because no one is entitled to share their worries?

On the surface, he is free and unrestrained, but in the bottom of his heart, he is lonely and bitter.

The reason why we regard ourselves as a mortal is that we have to worry about it, or are we planning something carefully?

In a word, we will never let you down!

The pure white light enveloped Daji, making her a picturesque fairy, dense and holy. The fiery red halo wrapped the flaming Phoenix, just like the fire of burning heaven, arrogant and overbearing.

The powerful power of law is sweeping like the wind, distorting this space!

They have entered the realm of heaven at one stroke!

Everyone, under the cover of this artistic conception, the breath grows with it, and everything is as good as water.

At the same time, outside the distant sky, lightning flashes continuously. It seems to come from a very far place. Somewhere in the chaos, it looks as if there are thunder stars beating in the sky.

Taoist Jun's chest was hot, and then a shadow rushed out and suspended in front of him, flashing the ultimate brilliance.

"This... This is!"

The pupil of Taoist Jun suddenly shrank, and he squinted at the thunder in the distance. There was a storm in his heart.

Lord, that's where the Lord is!

Worthy of being an expert, a poem, across the ages, will awaken the ancient sages!

What a "hu'er is going to exchange wine with you to share your worries.", Is this an invitation from the master to the Lord?

"Goo, goo, goo"

Li nianfan finished reading happily, and then he raised the wine pot and poured it into his mouth.

Slightly closed eyes slightly exposed a crack, secretly took a look at the crowd, see they are all eyes dementia, face shocked appearance, can't help but heart a joy.

It seems that this wave of Shuai is quite successful.

We are all cultural people. Culture has no boundaries.

"When all the gold is gone, come back again, and so is wine."

Li nianfan laughs. He is very forthright. He raises his hand and throws the wine pot to the Nu Chao River.

At this time, the tide of anger in the river.

Under the turbulent current, many water demons gather, all shrink at the bottom of the water, and the atmosphere dare not breathe.

Everyone glared at each other, occasionally exchanged a few words, but did not dare to make a fuss at all.

They were, of course, given a serious warning.

This place has been reserved by the heavenly palace, and there are some great people here. If they don't want to die, they don't dare to die. Obviously, this time, the situation is very serious, and they can't cause trouble at all.

However, even if they try their best to restrain themselves, they can't suppress their stomach at this time.

The sound of "Goo Goo" comes and goes, like thunder, weaving into a symphony at the bottom of the water.

I haven't felt hungry for many years, let alone my stomach.

But... The smell from the shore is really fragrant, which makes people hungry.

Want to leave and reluctant, even if not eat, smell is also a kind of happiness.

"Ah, it's so torture. I can't smell it."

"We really can't imagine the happiness of the boss..."

"Who's the big man? The food alone will blow me up. If I can have a bite, I'm willing to lose ten years of my life!"

"Only ten years? You're too much. I'll lose 100 years of my life if I have a sip of soup

"Don't talk about it. If you behave well, maybe you can get a little bit of reward."

"The fool is still daydreaming. He is as smart as me. He has already started to eat fish with this fragrance. Well, it's really delicious."But at this time.

A falling "patter" came into their ears.

They are all slightly a Leng, when see that wine pot, together with tears, excited to tremble.

"Wine... Wine, wine?"

"Ah, it smells so good. There's a lot of wine in this wine pot!"

"Lying trough, this wine is too good! Just a sniff, I feel my bottleneck is loose. "

"Divine wine, this is Absolute Divine wine! Thank you for being so generous. A good man is safe all his life

"Don't rob, get out of the way! Let me take a sip, just a sip! Ah, ah -- "

"Ah, it's so cool. I'm drunk. I feel my life has been sublimated..."

At the same time.

It is still on the red star of jiemeng.

After this period of recuperation, Gu Yu's injury has been restored, but her face is more gloomy.

Full of anger and murder, he said: "what a noble people. Even if they die, they will not forget to be enemies with our ancient people!"

The leader of the world alliance showed a look of awe in his eyes and analyzed: "that corpse can be so strong, I'm afraid it has something to do with the fact that the world of chasing corpses has given the corpse another life."

The supreme realm of the road is really terrible and yearning.


Gu Yu glanced at him and let out a cold hum, dissatisfied with the leader of jiemeng.

That's a bully!

Even the supreme virtual shadow was used, but it didn't work!

Think about it! It hurts!


At this time, somewhere in the chaos far away, thunders suddenly burst out, tearing apart the dark chaos and sending out bursts of strong light.

The strong breath diffuses, rippling in the chaotic lake, like the call of dust in endless years.

And the prestige of the road contained in it made Gu Yu's eyes shine, breathed quickly and said: "it's also a breath of supreme road! What's more, the chaos flag of the Spirit Lord is the only one that can lead to chaos

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