Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 622: 622

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The whirlwind of sword Qi stands in front of the body and stands in the sky. It is like the collapse of Optimus Prime. It is rolling towards the river. It can split everything by lifting the sword Qi!

The river is holding the sword in both hands. It's just horizontal, and it looks small.

"The waist should be steady, the momentum should be heavy, the hands should be firm, and the eyes should be firm."

The brain of the river is empty, and the words of the master teaching himself to cut firewood are just in my mind.

At this moment, the sword whirlwind in his eyes, as if into a tree, although big, but still a tree.

"Firewood cutting sword technique!"

The river is shining in its eyes. The sword collides with the whirlwind!

At this moment, the whirlwind rips and roars like a chaotic beast, trying to swallow everything.

However, it is always invincible, and then huge, in the river under the sword of this disease, is still cut off!

It's like a huge piece of paper, pierced by a knife, and then split!

The roar of the whirlwind seems to turn into a scream at this moment, and the whirlwind of sword Qi seems to collapse like a towering Yushu, which has been annihilated since then!

The grand vision of heaven and earth dissipates and turns into a breeze. The overflowing sword Qi also collapses. Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian's most powerful attack is repulsed!

Under the whirlwind, the long sword of the river is still moving forward, bright and introverted, castrated, but it gives people a strong sense of oppression.

In front of him, the eighth swordsman's eyes widened. His pupils were full of incredible looks. He bit his teeth and cut out a sword!

He roared, cheering himself up, "die for me!"


The mighty sword Qi vibrates all over the country and stretches thousands of miles!

The eighth swordsman's body was like a rootless duckweed. His legs rose from the ground and he flew upside down in the air. His mouth spurted blood and brought out a red bridge.

"The eighth swordsman... Was defeated!"

"How can it be? Zhang Jianya is known as the number one of kendo. How can he be defeated with Kendo

"It's incredible. Who is this Jian Xiu? Where do you come from? "

The onlookers exclaimed with disbelief.

Jiangliu sword pointed to the eighth sword servant and said calmly, "I'll sharpen my sword with you, but it's a pity that Zhangjian cliff is better known than meeting. I'm a little disappointed."

The eighth sword servant wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stood up slowly.

"Bang Dang!"

He raised his hand, and a long wooden box stood beside him.

The long box is made of blood red wood, with a long sword pattern carved on its body, and there are dots around it, such as stars.

His eyes twinkled with red awn, but he was staring at the long sword in Jiangliu's hand. "The sword in your hand contains the inheritance of my sword cliff. Today, it will be returned to its original owner!"


Jiang Liu laughs, and his eyes show disdain. "I've got this sword. I think it's a real descendant. You don't come to see the master of this sword, but you're still trying to snatch it. How can you say such words?"

"You are not destined to take a long-term future because of your ability."

At the end of the speech, he took the sword and walked towards the eighth sword servant!

At this moment, he was like a sword coming out of its sheath slowly, pointing at the eighth sword servant.

"Frog in the well, you're far from Kendo!"

The eighth swordsman's momentum rose in an instant. He raised his hand to the sword box and said, "the road is remote. Connect with the sword, cut off Yin and Yang, and suppress heaven and earth!"

"Keng Keng"

One sword after another darted out of the sword box, with bursts of brilliance. Each sword was like a thunderbolt that pierced the sky.

The sword surrounds the void and breathes light, which makes the world quiet. Even the air becomes sharp within a hundred thousand li. If you enter here, it seems that there is a sword on your neck.

"Eight swords flying together, it's the eight swords array against the sky of Zhangjian cliff!"

Someone shook his head and trembled in fear: "it's not eight sword array, it should be ten thousand sword array!"

Another person explained, "it's said that there is no upper limit for this sword array. Half a month ago, the five swordsmen in charge of sword cliff besieged Tiandao Dafeng. It's said that on that day, a hundred swords were flying in the sky to cover the sky, and the sword Qi crossed into chaos and killed endless stars!"

"Each sword is based on chaos. It can be regarded as a tool to kill and cut down Taoism. It also contains the idea of no match sword in Zhangjian cliff. In the same stage, who can block it?"

"If you enter this sword array, the young swordsman is afraid to hang."

All the people are staring at the eternal killing array. Although they are not in the array, they can feel the frightening destruction.

I can see that the eight flying swords surround the top of the river, just like a spirit snake. The sword Qi pulls out its long tail, making this space a sea of swords.

Overflowing out of the sharp sword gas constantly pressure to the river, and his sword gas collision together, against each other.

The river is among them. From the outside, he seems to be covered by thousands of sword shadows. Every sword shadow cuts through the space, making him seem to be in a broken space.

He waved the long sword in his hand. The light of the sword was as powerful as the sea waves, but it was soon suppressed by thousands of sword shadows.

He is ready to use his body method and walk out of the eight swords.

However, as soon as he took the first step, one of the long swords came, which seemed to shuttle through the void, pointed directly at his face and blocked his path.

Each of these eight long swords is like a master of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. He uses the power of law to suppress the river. He can't even move without saying that he is out of trouble. He can only protect himself with his own kendo.


Among the onlookers, someone suddenly exclaimed and said hoarsely, "it seems that the young swordsman is not trapped, but practicing swords with it!"

These remarks are appalling and make the hearers feel numb and tremble.

However, when they go to the show with this idea, their pupils dilate rapidly and their blood flow reverses. I can't believe it.

"He... It seems that he is really practicing sword with it!"

"Sharpening the sword, he said from the very beginning that it was true."

"From the beginning to now, he has become more and more relaxed, and... From the beginning to the end, there is no wound on his whole body!"

"It's unbelievable that this is the anti Heaven Sword array. Stir it up in the sword array. Otherwise, even the sky can be overturned, and this kind of boy will use it to practice sword!"

"Where on earth did he come from? He must be the disciple of a super boss who can't be seen in the chaos!"

There were different opinions, and the voice naturally came out of the eighth sword servant's ear, which made his face more gloomy.

"Son of a bitch, you are not qualified to sharpen your sword with me!"

With a loud roar, his killing intention swept the sky, surrounded by a layer of blood red vision, killing waves, sword spirit rolling, step into the sword array!

Raise your hand——

Eight swords in the void tremble and sing in unison!

At this moment, the sword Qi is boiling. Suddenly, a beam of light rises between heaven and earth. This is the light of a huge sword. It stands in the air, suspended on the sword array, surrounded by colorful visions, and will fall at any time!

As soon as this sword comes out, its power can't be described. It makes the viewer's eyes tingle. Those who lack cultivation leave blood and tears, and the heart of Tao is damaged!

Seeing this sword is like seeing death.

This is a sharp sword suspended on the top of my head. I will reap my life at any time!

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator at novel35.com

This is the gathering of the sword spirit of the anti Heaven Sword array, which has gone beyond the level of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian and made the whole audience scared.

When the hearts of the people roared, the huge sword did not stop and fell straight from the air!

This fall, when penetrating everything, cutting life and death!

The river is just below the giant sword, and he is facing more pressure than outsiders. At this moment, the space around him is blocked by endless sword intention, and the surrounding laws are trembling. Under the light of the sword, everything is in disorder!

However, he did not panic, holding the hilt, raised the sword, facing the huge sword!

The huge sword and the roar of vision make the sky pale.

And he is like a mole ant looking at the sky, full of despair unwilling to resist.

However, I don't know if it's an illusion. Looking at the river, everyone has the illusion that he can block the sword!

In his body, there seems to be a strange power in circulation, he is sharp, he is sharp, he is the king of the sword!

This is an unbeaten temperament.

"So... What's that?"

There was an exclamation.

Around the river, a little bit of black air flow in circulation, this feeling, as if there is ink on white paper waving, leaving handwriting.

The black air is natural and unrestrained, but it seems that heaven and earth are reasonable. It resonates with the main road and makes people feel awed.

The air flow of these handwriting forms the background and sets off the river.

"It's full of sword spirit. Where did the Kendo boy come from?"

"What are those words? I tried my best to see through it. "

"Unfathomable, terrible!"

The next moment, from the long sword of the river, suddenly burst out a strong light, white light covering the four fields, people can't see.

A sword light cold fourteen states!

Cold light over the place, are sword domain, ten thousand sword bow!

The sword fell into the white light, and people couldn't see what was going on inside.

"Ah, ah --"

Only bursts of roar came out of it, and then a figure flew out of the white light, with several sword wounds and blood splashing all around.


The eighth swordsman fell to the ground, his mouth wide open, and looked at the white light in horror. At the same time, he was full of fire.

"What kind of Kendo is this? It's worthy of the supreme inheritance of Daodao. I should be in charge of Jianya! "

However, he knew that he was defeated and it was not suitable for him to stay here for a long time.


Take a deep breath, make a quick decision, raise your hand, the imperial sword soars in the air, and the three monks with round faces shoot at the distance!

The river holds the sword with one hand and is lifted up by the invisible meaning of the sword. The speed is as fast as it can be. It's like an arrow flying away from the string and straight into the sky!

His whole body was bathed in the sword light, and there was the virtual shadow of the sword light around him. His momentum was stronger than just now.

Swordsman, never move forward.

This battle he won, momentum naturally reached the peak, when the blood whet the sword!

Looking at the fast approaching River, the round faced friars were so frightened that they twisted their faces. They were unwilling to yell: "ah, we are the disciples of Zhangjian cliff. Dare you --"

A flash of bright sword light, a sword to seal the throat!

Three people in the air figure froze, pupil rapid enlargement, and then there is blood blooming at the neck, Yuanshen died!

The speed of the river was not affected at all. He continued to walk towards the sky, getting closer and closer to the eighth swordsman.

His whole body is full of brilliance, and the sword tears the void, causing many visions. The brilliance is like rain, covering the eighth sword servant!

The eighth swordsman's face was slightly heavy. He looked at the river with solemn eyes. As soon as he drew the magic formula in his hand, eight long swords surged out and surrounded him to form a shield.

The light of the sword is shining. I want to smash everything near!

The river flew to the front and broke the sky with a sword. It was still a simple chopping. The simple firewood chopping method broke the defense of the eight swords!

The eighth swordman screamed, "who are you?"

"I'm a woodcutter!"

The river opens its mouth indifferently and raises its sword again.

The eighth Jian Shi's eyes were about to crack, "no! If you dare to kill me, zhangjianya will never die with you! "

The light of the sword never stops. It penetrates his chest. The sword tears his body and engulfs his spirit. The blood of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian spreads in the sky like a blooming red flower.

Gorgeous, dazzling.


His sword box and the eight long swords fell on the ground, which immediately attracted countless hot eyes.

This is the best tool for killing and cutting. If you get it, you can be in the same level and your strength will increase greatly.

However, they just swallow their saliva. It's impossible for them to fight these swords. They dare not move these swords, not to say that they are the spoils of the river.

Then, they set their eyes on the river that landed from the air, speechless, shocking and complicated.

No one would have thought of it.

The eighth swordsman of zhangjianya died like this!

Died in this humble place, died in the hands of a born Kendo rookie!

The river put away the sword box and the eight long swords. It was really a good magic weapon, and it was the most valuable weapon of kendo. The sword array contained in it could be used for reference by him.

He went back to Zheng's home and drank happily.

People around him keep a distance for fear that they will be misunderstood by the people who hold the sword cliff and burn themselves.

The river does not care, looking back on the gains and losses of the war in his heart.

The harvest is not small. The sword is not sharpened but not sharp. What the master said is true. The sword is used to kill people!

Although the sword in my hand contains the supreme inheritance of Dao, it is contaminated with the cause and effect of Zhangjian cliff.

The master sent me a long sword. He probably had a good insight into everything and thought that I would have this disaster. So this sword holding cliff is actually a sword sharpening stone arranged by the master for me?

It's hard to imagine how powerful an expert is. I must not let him down!

But at this time, a beautiful shadow came and sat on the side of the river. He picked up the wine pot and said, "this young man, I'll pour you some wine."

This is a woman, wearing a light green tulle skirt, long hair shawl, delicate facial features, spring water eyes, small Qiong nose, cherry mouth, has a kind of gentle breath.

It can be said that it's always appropriate to wear plain make-up instead of powder.

Seeing her at the first glance will make people feel that they have seen the spirit among the flowers, which contains a trace of flexibility.

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