Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 623: 623

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The river didn't refuse the girl's kindness and drank the wine in one gulp.

The girl was also very witty and immediately filled up the wine.

So back and forth for three times, the girl holding the bottle, did not mean to leave.

Jiang Liu looked at the girl with a smile and asked, "are you not afraid of me?"

"Why should I be afraid of you?" she asked with a smile

The river said calmly, "if I kill the eighth Jianshi of zhangjianya, I will be retaliated by zhangjianya. Others are as afraid as tigers. Aren't you afraid?"

The girl hummed coldly and said, "there is no good thing in zhangjianya. You killed them. I thank you for not having time. How can you be afraid of you?"

"It seems that you have a grudge against zhangjianya." There is a trace of clarity in the eyes of the river.

"The five swordsmen joined hands to kill a great power in the realm of heaven. What a brilliant achievement it is. Who knows that the great power in the realm of heaven is my grandfather."

With that, the girl's tears began to fall, her shoulders trembling and pitiful.

The river was a little stunned. He was determined to be a swordsman. He could hardly feel compassion at will. However, the girl's experience was too similar to his own, which made him a little lost.

He also lost his grandfather, the feeling, helpless to the extreme, indescribable.

The river pondered for a moment and said, "zhangjianya has many wrongs and will die. You'd better stay away from me. Maybe the Revenge of zhangjianya will come soon."

After that, he was ready to get up and leave.

However, the next girl's words were a meal to let him walk.

"Don't worry, the people who hold sword cliff won't disturb you in a short time."

"Well? How do you know? " The river asks curiously.

"Because they're targeting my hometown."

There was a trace of bitterness in the girl's eyes, and then she said: "zhangjianya just arranged the eighth sword servant. This master is around here. A large number of people are looking for my hometown in the chaos."

"Your hometown?" Jiang Liu's brow slightly frowned, "why do they aim at your hometown?"

The girl asked, "have you heard of offering sacrifices to spirits, young master?"

The river nodded, "this naturally knows."

The so-called sacrifice is actually a kind of honorific name for Shenzhi.

In the chaos, the plant is naturally a kind of living creature, and the spiritual root is the divine plant in the plant. The higher the level of the spiritual root, the more difficult it is to transform the spirit. Once the spirit is transformed, the magical effect is absolutely infinite.

For example, in the past, there were no spiritual roots such as flat peach, yellow plum and ginseng fruit.

Of course, there is no lack of miracles in the chaos.

There are not only spiritual roots but also many.

These spiritual roots produce more miraculous fruits, and they will give them to the predestined ones themselves. They are no longer what anyone can eat, but they need to be approved by this spiritual root.

In this case, this kind of spiritual root can naturally cultivate many strong people by itself. On the other hand, these strong people are also attached to this kind of spiritual root, and these spiritual roots are honored as sacrificial spirits.

River's expression slightly moves, immediately way: "do you mean, your hometown has the sacrifice spirit?"

His mood is a little excited, the first time he thought of the task of an expert.

The master is very interested in the special Lingzhi. The whole heavenly palace is trying to find it. Of course, he also wants to work for the master.

Never thought that he could know the news about the sacrifice by accident.

It's just that I don't know what kind of sacrifice is, and whether the species will be liked by high people.

The girl whispered, and then said, "our colorful butterfly family has been living in a small world with the sacrificial spirit. It's just that not long ago, somehow, it was found by the people holding the sword cliff, and directly attacked us."

"We had to leave the small world and hide. My grandfather was killed by them in order to hold them down."

The reason why she appeared here was that she wanted to get revenge in addition to searching for information. She wanted to add some trouble to the people holding sword cliff. Unexpectedly, she met the river.

The river can't help but ask: "I wonder if you can take me to your place to have a look?"

The girl's big watery eyes suddenly lit up and said in surprise, "would you like to help us?"


The river sipped his mouth and said, "I won't let the people holding sword cliff hurt you."

He first went to see the so-called sacrificial spirit, and if he could, he was going to find a way to give it to the master as a gift

Of course, this kind of words can not be said clearly, but only half the truth.

The girl immediately said with a smile, "I knew you were a good man."

Sure enough, he is a simple girl.

"By the way, my name is Dieer, and you?" Butterfly son opens a way.

"My name is Jiang Liu."

"Come with me, young master Jiang."

At the end of the words, a pair of transparent wings like butterfly wings grow on the back of the butterfly, gently clap and fly to the air.

I saw a streamer, but the speed was very fast.

The river followed the girl to leave the Zheng family, but also soared up, has been leaving the realm of God, flying into chaos.

At the same time, somewhere in the chaos, it's a region of stars.

A group of Royal swords came here, looking for something.

There were three leaders, all with thin faces, cold eyes and a sense of killing.

They are the three great sword attendants in charge of sword cliff, the third, the sixth and the seventh.

On the palm of the third swordsman, there was a green figure floating.

This figure is the shape of ginseng, but it has eyes, a pair of aging appearance, sniff nose from time to time.

Suddenly, the three people's bodies were shocked at the same time, their eyes were shining, and their momentum was released uncontrollably.

One of them said in a deep voice, "old eight is dead."

"To be able to kill Lao Ba, it seems that the people who get the supreme inheritance are not weak. It's a bit interesting."

"Seize the time to solve the problem here. The man took Lao BA's sword box. We want to find him. It's as easy as a palm!"

At this time, the ginseng excitedly said: "the distance to the sacrificial spirit is getting closer and closer. Ha ha, it seems to be on the star!"

Without saying a word, the man in charge of sword cliff turned into several streamers and went straight to the star.

And above that star, there is a huge flower.

The petals of this flower are yellow, with a big disc in the middle, slender and upright rhizome, broad ovate green leaves, and serrated on both sides.

Although it is a flower, it has the height of an ordinary tree.

This is a sunflower!

However, at this time its rhizome is curved, the flower is also drooping, is a completely listless appearance, with signs of withering.

Under the flowers, around more than 30 people, sad face, eyes full of anxiety.

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An old man with a goat, Hu Xu, stood up and said with red eyes, "Lord sacrifice, is there any way to cure you and bring you back to life?"

"Yes, Lord sacrifice, we are willing to give everything."

"Lord sacrifice, you have given us all our lives. We are willing to try whatever it is."

"Lord mourner, please don't leave us."

These people, like the butterfly, have transparent butterfly wings on the back, and they are around the sacrificial spirit, taking care of the surrounding environment for it.

They used to be colorful butterflies, only because they got the favor of the sacrificial spirit, they were able to transform and cultivate to such a state.

For countless years, flowers and butterflies accompany, carefree, do not want to have a day of life and death.

The roots of the sacrificial spirit swayed, and a voice came out, "I was born in chaos, and I need the spiritual things bred by chaos to nourish me. Moreover, I am contaminated with the unknown before the ages, and I can't go back to heaven. You don't have to be sad. It's already a fixed number."

"The spirit of chaos?"

The people of the color butterfly clan are desperate. It's impossible to find this kind of God.

Some people blame themselves: "we are useless. If the worshippers didn't want to protect us, they wouldn't run out of power so soon."

The state of offering sacrifices to the spirits is not good. Now, taking everyone to flee for their lives, it hurts the origin and speeds up the time of death.

Some people are unwilling to say: "there are other ways to offer sacrifices to the gods, sir?"

"Ha ha ha, yes!"

But at this time, a discordant voice suddenly sounded, full of cold, "just find another sacrifice spirit, devour it, you can live for thousands of years!"

The people of the color butterfly family were all surprised, and they all looked at the sky, their faces changed.

"Damn, it's the people who hold sword cliff. How did they find here?"

"I remember them. My grandfather was killed by them. I want to avenge my grandfather!"

"What's that in his hand? It's like it's also a sacrifice. "

"It's you, old man."

ShenKui's drooping flower raised and looked at the empty shadow of ginseng. His voice was full of astonishment and anger. "Did you lead the people holding sword cliff to find us?"

"Not bad," said the old man


"Is that a question? Naturally, it's for survival! "

Old ginseng's words were full of natural things, and then he said: "before the ages, under the ancient disasters, almost all the sacrificial spirits in chaos were cleaned up. Not only that, some people in the ancient clan used their great powers to show the unknown, suppress the growth of the whole chaos, and prevent the birth of sacrificial spirits. Although we escaped the disaster at the beginning, but under the unknown, Sooner or later, I will die! "

"I only have ten thousand years left in my life, so I have to prepare for a rainy day. I'll swallow you first!"

"Anyway, all of us are going to die. We are all sacrificial spirits. You might as well complete me!"

"God is full of Kui sad way:" I did not expect that we sacrifice, there is also a day of fratricidal

At that time, the rise of the nine supremacies was basically taken care of by the worshippers. Therefore, the ancient people were so afraid of worshippers. In order to prevent the worshippers from cultivating the strong without restriction, they simply wiped out the worshippers as far as possible.

In fact, compared with the past, the whole chaotic growth space has been suppressed a lot, so that, in such a long time, there has been no birth of a Dao supreme, and there is no sign.

"This time, they can't escape!"

The swordsman in charge of the sword cliff had a cold face and said: "don't talk too much nonsense. Kill all the people here as soon as possible!"

As soon as the words came to an end, he raised his hand, and there was a long sword, cutting the void, trying to annihilate everything there!

"Fight with them!"

All the people of the color butterfly clan are red faced and full of momentum. Their magic power rises to the sky!

"Little butterfly, you can't help yourself."

The three sword attendants sneered and raised their swords. The swords were gorgeous, shining like stars, and the swords were magnificent.

"Cut the air to pieces!"


The sword is as strong as a dragon and powerful as a whirlwind. It passes through everything and sweeps the four fields.

They directly split the mana of the people of the color butterfly clan, and wreaked havoc around them. They immediately left sword wounds on their bodies, and their bodies flew back with blood in the sky.

Although they have a lot of abilities of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they are all trained by ShenKui. They don't have powerful magic power. They have no experience in fighting. They rely on magic power to reach the top. They are not the general of Zhangjian cliff.

This is the reason why the five swordsmen can wipe out the power of the heaven realm of the color butterfly clan.


On ShenKui's body, the divine power is surging. A vine suddenly emerges from the soil and turns into a whip shadow. It triggers the power of the law to beat the sword servant on the sword cliff!

This whip controls the power of the way of heaven and makes the world freeze.

"ShenKui, do you still have the strength to do it?"

The old ginseng is a cold smile, its virtual shadow instant swelling, the ginseng root at the bottom of the same into a whip, beat out, the ShenKui's offensive to resolve.

Not only that, its roots spread, just like innumerable tentacles, darting towards sunflower!

ShenKui's whole body was shining, and its disc like flowers burst out with brilliance, and a large area of golden brilliance went to the old man. The two were deadlocked.

The old man said to the people of Zhangjian cliff, "it's the end of Qianlu. Go directly to cut its roots!"

"Don't you think about it!"

"As long as we're alive, you don't want to hurt our spirits!"

The butterfly family roared and tried their best to show their defense shield.

"Noisy! Then go to hell

With a cold smile, the three sword attendants in charge of the sword cliff cut the sky like a sharp blade on a balloon, making a sound of explosion, which directly blew the colorful butterfly family away, with a dispirited look and lax vitality.

"It's over!"

The third swordsman raised his hand and waved a sword again. The red sword was straight on the root of ShenKui, leaving a deep sword mark!

The leaves of sunflower tremble wildly, and the transparent liquid flows down from the wound. This is the blood of sacrificial spirit!

"No, sacrifice!"

"Protect the sacrificial spirit!"

"As a proof, I'd like to use my life to feed back and worship the spirits!"

The eye canthus of the color butterfly clan are about to crack, and the mana of the whole body is surging wildly, and they are surging towards the sacrificial spirit without reservation.

Their breath in the rapid decline, just a moment, some people can not even shape, now formed a colorful butterfly.

The green leaves of sunflower shake and sigh.

"Useless resistance is ridiculously weak."

The third swordman shook his head contemptuously. The long sword was raised high across the sky. The sword was like a rainbow. He drew a long arc and cut off the root of sunflower!

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