Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 629: 629

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"Ha ha ha, let's go and tell your secret

The old man was very proud and looked at Nannan and others with fiery eyes.

A huge loach wriggled and rolled with black air. On the way, it grew bigger and bigger, with dirty liquid flowing down, trying to entangle people.

The river slowly steps forward, with a calm face. The long sword in his hand overflows with brilliance. His murderous spirit is awe inspiring, and his sword spirit soars to the sky.

With a flash of light, the loach was cut into several pieces and fell from the air.


Everyone was stunned.

"What's the matter? Doesn't he have Zhonghua daosan? "

"Is huadaosan out of order? No effect? "

"It's impossible. How could he be?"

The old man Shen was also stunned for a while and frowned: "why didn't you get poisoned?"

The girl curled her lips and said with disdain, "cut, is it just chaotic aura? That's why you want to seduce us? We can't see the bait at all. It's rubbish! "

Xiao Chengfeng also laughed, "that is, this chaotic aura is extremely complex. Do you want to be a treasure?"

Naturally, people in Tiangong are not poisoned.

They came here this time just to find the trouble of Zhangjian cliff, and they were wary of the tricks of Zhangjian cliff, so they didn't absorb the chaotic aura at all.

Of course, I really can't see it, and I won't lose my mind.

People of many forces are embarrassed when they hear the words, and they are not angry in their eyes.

What? Are you insulting us?

That is to say, we are not up-to-grade, only when we pick up rubbish can we be poisoned?

Where on earth did these people come from? Tone is really not small, chaotic aura are despised, big talk!

They slandered in their hearts, but their bodies were lying on the ground, speechless.

"You guys, you can't let them succeed in their ambition."

"You Taoist friends can resist the temptation of chaotic aura. This heart is really admirable and amazing!"

"Hero, help me, hero!"

Most of them opened their mouths and sent out a distress signal.

"What if you don't inhale the spirit of chaos? You can't turn over any waves just by yourself!"

The old man sneered, raised his hand, the group of loach together toward the girl and others full and go!

Among them, there are two big loaches in the realm of heaven, which are extremely terrible. When they move, they will drill a hole in the space, from the other end.

"Be careful!"

Taoist Junjun and Nu Wa's face suddenly changed, and they were about to come to support, but they were stopped by the elder who held the sword cliff!

At the same time, the disciples in charge of sword cliff also gathered around and launched an offensive against the crowd.

Most people were poisoned and had no resistance at all. In the blink of an eye, they were reaped by the sword light. They screamed and their blood flew all over the place.

The sword master is holding the sword of killing. He floats in the air and looks at it indifferently. The sword of killing is flashing red, and a stream of blood flows towards the sword master, forming a great atmosphere around his body.

On the ground of the whole secret place of vitality, there is a light of blood red at the same time. It seems that some kind of array is carrying out a special ceremony.

"Girl, Long'er, go back!"

River staring at the menacing group of loach, dignified face, heart shocked, sword ready to fight.

"Woodcutter, you'd better step back."

Long'er opened her mouth. As she spoke, her little hand was slightly raised, and a watering can appeared. "It's just a little loach, and it's not without in the backyard. My brother gave me insecticide, and one of them died."



With the sound of two voices, a spray rushed out, and the water vapor hit the group of loach.

"Ah, what is it?"

"Killer! This spray is our nemesis! "

"No, I can't move!"

"Sacrifice, help me, help us! We are poisoned

That group of loach cow force coax, spread on the ground in a twinkling of an eye, the breath quickly weakens, the eye sees all can't.

"Another artifact!"

The old man's face was full of horror, but he was overwhelmed by greed and madness.

"There are many miraculous treasures on these people. There must be a big secret behind them. After careful consideration, it seems that the hoe and ladle, as well as the spout, have something to do with the sacrifice! As long as I know everything, I may be able to go to the top

"The spring of my old ginseng is coming!"

The old man's face was red, and his whole body was full of momentum. He was so excited that he had to rush in.

As soon as Long'er raised his hand, he took the wicker and said, "Sister Liu, please."

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The willow is shining with the color of Jasper. It's bright and holy. The branches and leaves on it are windless. They wave to the old man with the dragon!

The river also holds up its sword, behind which more than 30 long swords fly together. One person sets up a sword array against the sky and joins hands with Long'er.

These flying swords naturally came from the second swordsman.

"Ha ha, with only one branch and two younger generation, you want to challenge me. It's too big of you to offer sacrifices to me!"

Old ginseng cold hum, ginseng must set off a frightening momentum, condense a piece of heaven and earth, the girl and the river cover in!

The people in the heavenly palace also fight with the swordsman and the elder of zhangjianya. Many powerful people fight and the killing boils, which makes the blood light in this secret place more intense.

Zhangjian cliff is well prepared and has many experts. In such a short period of time, one third of the people have been slaughtered. Moreover, most of the people in Tiangong fight less and fight more. They are all under the wind and are reluctant to protect themselves.

And the most terrible sword master, has not yet made a move, he is hanging in the void, the momentum is more and more amazing.

Instead of fighting, she raised her hand and pulled out a series of garlic from behind.

She began to give people, "quick, everyone eat garlic, this has the effect of detoxification!"

People had been lying there waiting to die, got the garlic is all muddled for a while, carefully looked at it, it seems that it is still alive.

However, there is no time to explain, this is the last straw, no matter useful or useless, eat first!

"Haw, haw!"

At this moment, the whole audience ate garlic together, and the sound of chewing even outweighed the sound of fighting.

"Ha ha, what a ridiculous struggle!"

The disciples in charge of sword cliff sneer and sneer.

They carry their feet and come, just like the judge who decides the life and death of human beings. They raise their swords and prepare to reap the life.

In front of him, a group of people stare big eyes, eyes canthus to crack, eat garlic, it seems that did not play much role.

But at this critical moment, someone's face turned red, and suddenly his buttocks became tight and relaxed.

"Poop, Doo, Doo"

The long and rhythmic sound sounds, which makes the whole battlefield quiet.

The Farter squinted, showed the color of enjoyment, and even shivered.

"Ah! It stinks

"No, there is such a bad smell in the world."

"I'm going to faint, no, I'm going to die!"

"Damn, I can't hold it!"

"Poo woo"

"Poop poop"

The sound of beating gongs and drums began to be heard all around the whole Yuanqi secret place. Each had its own characteristics, one after another.

At the same time, there is a group of gray airflow visible to the naked eye floating out from the chrysanthemum of the crowd, slowly rising and converging, turning into a gray cloud that can not be dispersed.

At this moment, the smell of the sky shocked the secret place, mixed together, it was really sour.

The disciples who held the sword cliff were still rushing to kill people. When they smelled the stench, they were confused on the spot, and their brains were blank.

"No, their farts are poisonous!"

"Shut up, shut up! These farts are mixed with the poison of huadaosan. You can't smell it! "

"I have been smoked out of strength, help me!"

"Help, I don't want to stink! Kill me

Some of the disciples of zhangjianya bear the brunt of the attack. They are poisoned by fart, and their mana dissipates. They can't even retreat. They can only stay in the environment of fart, suffer baptism, roll their eyes and foam at the mouth. Life is not like death.

"Good thing, garlic is just a miracle. It has saved all our lives!"

"My mana is back!"

"Thank you Daoyou for giving us gods and saving our lives. Let's deal with the scum of zhangjianya together!"

The faces of the people were solemn, and they were very serious. They could not smell the bad smell in the air, as if they had never farted.

Among them, a group of young talents recovered their strength and immediately surrounded many goddesses, offering hospitality and protecting them.

The princess of Luotian's Dynasty blushes. She holds her breath with all her strength. At the same time, the mana suppresses her abdomen, blocks her chrysanthemum, and blocks the active air mass.

Because it was too hard, her delicate body was trembling.

A young man opened his mouth and said, "Princess highness, this is my ice crystal jade cover. It can stop the poisonous gas outside, so you can put it on."

"Thank you."

Her royal highness is a joy in her heart.

"Poof! Whew -- "

Oh, no, the fairy is leaking!

The princess's face turned red. It was like a red burn. I could not wait to smoke.

Around the young talent eyes nose heart, maintain a peaceful state of mind, just a little nose.

Seems to be wondering if the fairy's breath is fragrant. The saint of baihuazong has a calm face and a floating skirt, just like the fairy in the painting. In this case, she usually had special training and kept calm at the critical moment. In order to maintain the image of the goddess, she knows how to regulate the Qi in her body, release it bit by bit, and make it perfectly silent. She took a deep breath and began her own performance. Slowly, slowly began to deflate. First, it was perfect, and there was no movement. However, with the opening of the gate, the gas behind could no longer stop and began to rush out“ Doo, Doo, Doo -- "it was like honking the horn, which made her skirt tremble. The appearance of these farts has changed the style of the field, and at the same time, it has also turned the situation around. On the contrary, the disciple of zhangjianya was poisoned by fart, and his fighting power was reduced. With the cooperation of all forces, there are three more powers in the realm of heaven, which makes the pressure of the people who hold sword cliff multiply and gradually begin to lose support. In the void, the blue gray Qi slowly rises, and gradually comes to the sword master's side, and then wraps it up... The sword master is holding a long sword, and is triggering the killing sword, and his blood light vision is frequent. He doesn't want to end this state of enlightenment. You can only stay still and in the fart. If Li nianfan were here, he would surely feel his spirit. In ancient times, he had to lie on the staff and taste the gall, but now he has heard about the sword. His spirit is commendable“ Sister Long'er, I'll help you! " After she detoxified everyone, she came to the old man with a hoe in her hand! In her hand, the hoe looks ordinary, however, her action is obedient to the road, a hoe fell, triggering the law of heaven and earth. At this moment, the old ginseng is like an ordinary ginseng, while the young one is the name of the farmer. Ginseng is naturally cultivated by the name of the farmer! The hoe directly hit the root of the old man, and suddenly let him stand unsteadily and fly upside down. In Long'er's hand, the wicker moved. It seemed that a virtual shadow appeared. It was like the wind blowing on the willow. It was beating towards the old man“ Bang The old ginseng let out a scream, and his breath was cut off half. The river raised his hand to hold the sword, and more than 30 flying swords were united into one, which turned into the light of the sword. He stood up and chopped the old man! He shrouded the old ginseng in the light of the sword, leaving countless sword marks all over his body. Old ginseng's eyes showed the color of fear. He glanced at the battlefield, and his heart sank. He yelled at the sword master, "sword master, don't you do it yet?" The sword master didn't respond. The old man made a quick decision, turned his head and ran, waiting for an opportunity to come back. However, at the moment when it turned around, the willow branch suddenly elongated, and the slender branch swam away, directly hooked its body and pulled it! Nannan's hoe hit old ginseng again, and then took out a purple gourd. At the moment of seeing the purple gourd, the old ginseng's face changed again. He was shocked, angry and desperate. Another super magic weapon! What's the situation of these people? Why do they have so many magic weapons? Where are you from? fuck! Is this magic weapon difficult to have the shop to be possible to wholesale“ I remember one of the recipes called ginseng soaking wine. It seems to be a great tonic. My brother must like it. This material is coming. " The girl excitedly pointed the gourd at the old man's ginseng, and then scolded, "close!" A light burst out from the gourd and shrouded the old ginseng“ Nvxia, spare your life, no! " With the scream of the old man, his body became smaller and smaller, and finally he was included in the gourd. The girl shook the gourd, and the sound of wine came out, so she happily closed the lid. With a smile: "this wave, Zhang Jianya blood loss, we earn blood."“ It's too early to say that. " River face calm, dignified look to the sky, the figure wrapped by the fart“ The sword master of Zhangjian cliff is proving the way of killing with the help of killing. Although his plan has been destroyed by us and the disciples of many forces have not been slaughtered, now the death of many disciples of Zhangjian cliff can also serve as the basis of his testimony. " www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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