Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 630: 630

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The secret of vitality.

The outbreak of a great war has caused the roar of heaven and earth and confusion of laws.

Many forces joined hands to reverse the decline and beat Zhangjian cliff. Even though Zhangjian cliff has been handed down for thousands of years, there are so many disciples and experts, it has fallen into the disadvantage.

However, the mood of the people of the major forces is not relaxed, because there is a dark cloud over their heads.

In the dark clouds, the sword master, who was completely covered by the blood light, sent out a terrible threat. His murderous spirit, like a dragon, went straight into the sky, making the sky blood red!

Bursts of bloody air flow have begun to flow in this secret place, suspended in the void, so that many people's mood can't help being impetuous, with a faint impulse to kill.

"His power is terrible, and it's still growing crazily!"

"Stop him, don't let him go on!"

"Break his state of enlightenment!"

Everyone felt that his body was like a sea of Pengbai, and his heart became more and more heavy. An old man stepped into the air, his eyes were deep, and his body had the flow of years. He slapped the sword master with one hand!

He is a great power in the realm of heaven. He lived for a long time. When he was young, he was also a leader of the times and suppressed one side of the world.

With this palm, the power of the way of heaven flows. It's like the way of heaven's anger. It comes in person to suppress this unknown place.

However, when the palm fell on the sword owner, countless invisible sword Qi appeared in an instant and turned into a blade storm, which shrouded the palm and smashed it into invisibility.

Also at this moment, the sword master's eyes slowly open!

At that moment, the world seemed to be still, and people seemed to see the color of blood all over the sky from his eyes. In his eyes, there was a world full of killing. It was a world full of blood!

"Yes! Ha ha ha, I made it The sword master burst out laughing, and his eyes were full of madness and excitement.

His power broke through the previous barrier, which should have awakened the supreme spirit sleeping in his body. Since then, he is no longer himself!

However, this time, with the help of killing Kendo, he made his strength soar and suppressed the supreme in his body!

"Old man! You have been dead for endless years. Accept the fact that you are doomed to be suppressed by me! "

The sword master's face was ferocious, but the next moment, he was slightly stunned, smelled a strange smell, and almost died on the spot.

He quickly fell from the air, his face more ferocious, almost crazy.

"Ah, who dare to insult me like this?"

The sword master's body was shaking, and he was on the verge of collapse. He smelled his body. After soaking in that fart for so long, his flesh seemed to stink.

He is the ninth generation sword master of zhangjianya. He is incomparable in spirit and talent. He is destined to be the protagonist of heaven and earth. Now he has reached the peak with half a foot. How can he have such a black history?

burning shame and humiliation!

"Ah! I'll kill you all! "

He went crazy and felt his soul was not clean.


The unparalleled sword gas spewed out like a volcanic eruption and turned into a terrible storm. It swept all around. Where it passed, the space was directly torn and turned into a black space crack!

The people around, including the disciples of zhangjianya, were also crushed in an instant. There was no residue left!

"Be careful, everyone!"

Taoist Junjun and Nu Wa are fighting at the same time, as well as the great powers of heaven. Their dignified face suppresses the breath of the sword master!

However, even if all the people join hands, they still feel exhausted, and their bodies recede slightly, breathless.

"Congratulations to the sword master, congratulations to the sword master, you have proved the road!"

The people holding sword cliff knelt down one after another and spoke in unison, full of fanaticism and awe.

"Not yet, not nearly."

The sword master's voice was dim, and his breath was up and down. He said coldly, "everyone at the sword cliff will listen to the order! Kill all that's here and help me get on the road

"Yes, sir

The momentum of the disciples in charge of sword cliff suddenly rose, and their voice was like thunder.



For a moment, the killing intention soared, surpassing all before. The light of mana soared to the sky like a canopy, turning into endless visions, attracting the roar of heaven and earth.

Taoist Junjun, Nuwa, qinchongshan and other six heavenly powers besieged the sword master, forming an independent cage of heaven and earth, in which the forces of heaven and earth interweave with each other, and the breath of destruction makes all people palpitating.

Nannan and others are fighting with the swordsman and his disciples.

They follow the Gaoren, get a lot of care, strength enough to be in the same level within the hegemony, vertical and horizontal invincible.

Xiao Chengfeng holds a long sword. The light of the sword sweeps around like a laser. When he cuts it, a fierce sword falls down like the collapse of the sky. He sweeps everything and kills more than ten disciples of the sword cliff in an instant.

"Ha ha, how dare you draw a sword in front of me? I'm the ancestor of your sword. I've been able to cut the way of heaven with my sword! "

Xiao Chengfeng laughs. His sword is so powerful that the swords of all the disciples of zhangjianya tremble slightly.

The girl is holding a hoe. When every hoe falls, she directly ignores the law and reverses it. No one can stop her.

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With two axes in his hand, the giant spirit's body rose to more than three meters high, and his powerful power cut it out, directly disturbing the anti Heaven Sword array of the sword master on the sword cliff.

This is a more fierce battle, blood dyed the earth red, these are not ordinary blood, but immortal's blood!

Blood, with their will and unwillingness, let the blood here appear particularly rich.

Taoist Junjun and Nu Wa cooperated with each other. They had many powerful magic weapons. They tried to suppress the sword master, but the effect was not good.

The master of the sword is too strong, and there is a great road around him. This is a qualitative leap, belonging to another level of power.

"No, his momentum is still growing!" Taoist Jun's face sank and he spoke in a voice.

Qin Chongshan said anxiously, "does he really want to testify?"

Someone said anxiously, "come on, we can't go on like this any more. Let's show our best magic power together!"

"Ten thousand laws in troubled times!"

"Life withers!"

"Kill the gods and destroy the souls!"


The light of supernatural power shines, drawing endless power of law, like the destruction of the world and the withering of all living beings. This is the power of extermination.

"Feast of killing!"

The sword master's long hair is flying, and the original black hair has also become blood red. His eyes are also blood red, and the corners of his mouth are full of evil spirits. As soon as he raises his hand, the blood red sword will be powerful, and the magic power of the people will be cut off!

"Not enough, not enough, not nearly enough!"

The sword master was a little crazy. His breath became violent, his mouth murmured and his eyes were lost.

This kind of feeling, as if about to reach the climax, clearly only a little bit, but also less than touch, make people crazy.

"Almost, almost!"

He suddenly left the battlefield, the body like a red awn, rushed into the crowd is a burst of murder!

"Puff, puff, puff!"

In an instant, whether or not the disciples of zhangjianya died directly, a large area of flesh and blood was flying all over the sky, bloody incomparable.

The sword master's whole body was stained with blood and roared: "no, why not?"

"Because your way is wrong at all!"

A voice came suddenly, and the river looked down at the sword master.

"The sword of killing is not a simple killing, it needs to know why to kill!"

The river slowly opened its mouth, and the breath of the whole body made the sword master tremble slightly between the killing. It seemed that he was going to get out!

He got the sword of killing. He learned the truth for a long time. Naturally, he felt it and understood a lot.

Jiangliu continued: "the supreme elder with his sword killed the ancient people, and the one guarding his face was chaos and endless creatures. His sword refers to the ancient people, and what he wanted to kill was the existence that was stronger than himself!"

"And you, just blindly kill, kill are weaker than you, how can you testify?"

"This, this..."

The sword master stares at his pupil, trembles, and falls back two steps involuntarily. His brain is buzzing and in a state of absence.

"Good chance, kill him

Taoist Jun and others' eyes brightened, and they used their magic power to bombard the sword master.

This time, the sword master didn't resist. He was covered by the light of destruction, and his body was directly beaten to powder.

However, without waiting for everyone to breathe a sigh of relief, the blood around him surged, and the source of the sword master's life brightened up and gathered again.

"Ignorant boy, if you don't understand me, why do you blame me? I just want to show the killing to the end! "

The sword master's body is full of arrogance, and a virtual image slowly emerges behind him. A sense of extreme danger haunts everyone's mind.

"A lifetime!"

An ethereal voice came from the sword master's mouth. It was majestic. A sense of the vicissitudes of time suddenly appeared, as if someone had come across the long river of time.

At this moment, the breath of the sword master suddenly changed, and became extremely sharp and indomitable!

"Sword cleaves forever!"

The sword master raises his sword and cuts it to a great power in the realm of heaven!

The Taoist priest's face changed wildly. He felt the crisis of death and wanted to retreat. Then, his body split!

This sword seems to split his eternal years and annihilate it into dust!

The elder with sword cliff suddenly opened his mouth and roared: "it's the magic power of the first generation sword master! He called out the first generation of sword master! "

Many people's faces changed greatly, and they heard about the situation of zhangjianya. They were shocked and said, "is this the magic power of the first generation sword master of zhangjianya? It's too strong to kill the years! "

But listen to, sword Lord once again open mouth, "second body!" His breath changed again. It became dark and unreal, like a poisonous snake, giving off a deadly smell“ Sword eats Yin and Yang It's another magic power. The master of the sword held up his sword and pointed to another heavenly power. A gray sword spirit came in an instant, penetrating the life origin of that heavenly power! The elder exclaimed excitedly, "this is the magic power of the second generation sword master!" Each of the nine generations of sword masters in zhangjianya is amazing and gorgeous. They will leave a lot of ink and color in the chaos. The magic power they understand and the power they contain are more than ordinary people can resist. However, at this time, the people obviously have no time to startle the sky, their faces are with fear expression, full of cold! The ninth generation sword master, every generation has a magic power, who can block it? I'm afraid all the people who are here are going to die! Long'er took the wicker in his hand and worried: "Sister Liu, what shall we do?" This willow branch is just one of the willows planted by the backyard pond. It is one of the earliest plants in the backyard. Even Gou long dare not be presumptuous in front of it. Long'er also obeys Lao Long's orders, takes good care of the plants in the backyard, and has a good relationship with the willow tree. Only in this way can he get a willow as a gift. In Lao Long's words, this is absolutely a life saving artifact“ This branch contains a part of my divine power. I can give it to you, but it can only last half an hour. " Willow out of a divine idea, and then, emitting a green shimmer, into Guanghua, not into the brow of the river. The next moment, the whole body of the river covered with a layer of green fluorescence, the momentum of the whole person at this moment of rapid rise, the power of terror, with an indescribable speed breeding“ Third life The master of the sword called out the third life, and chopped to Nu Wa with one sword, "one sword died!" Nu Wa did not dare to neglect, the lotus lamp around the body, the sacred flame into the sky, the formation of a guardian shield, condensed the strongest defense. When the breath of destruction comes, the powerful force will tear the defense of the lotus lamp, and then come to Nu Wa! This is enough to silence the power of all souls, can not resist! But at this time, the river stepped forward and appeared in front of the sword Qi. Holding the sword in both hands, it was still like chopping firewood. It split out! A simple sword, but it will kill the Qi of jimie sword! Jiang Liu stood up to the sword and said, "with the help of other people's swordsmanship, it is not perfect after all."“ satisfactorily? Boy, you don't know anything! The sword master laughed, but he was very sad. His eyes were crazy and bitter. "Nine generations of sword master, every life has its own swordsmanship! But no one can be perfect, just because... We carry the cause and effect of the supreme reincarnation! "“ Hahaha, I'm going against my destiny, and you are also going against my destiny. Let's see who can finally control your own destiny! " The sword master roared wildly and killed him towards the river! The river feels the unimaginable power in his body. His eyes sink and he takes a deep breath. He also rushes out! Nu Wa and others also moved forward together and joined hands again to encircle the sword master. The river and the sword master are both swordsmen. Their attack is as sharp as the sword. The sword is extremely fierce. The spirit of the sword is like the tide, and the secret place of vitality is directly broken. The mountains around thousands of miles are flattened one by one. More swords are out of the sky, straight to chaos, and annihilate the stars! River as the main attack, a firewood cutting sword, looks ordinary, but contains the path of the road, enough to cut everything! In addition, he got Li nianfan's advice on kendo. He has a strong heart and a strong edge. He has the potential to make ten thousand sword ministers obey him! With the cooperation of Nu Wa and others, there is a tendency to suppress the sword master“ Jiang Daoyou is really in the limelight. I really envy him. " Xiao Chengfeng can only serve as a melon eating crowd, shouting 666 at the back. Eye heat way: "how don't attach divine power to my body?"? With my Kendo, I'm sure I can hammer that sword master on the ground. It's a great feeling to think about it! " www.novelhold.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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