Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 706: 706

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The Lord of angels came out of Tianji pavilion with a heavy heart.

Seeing him like this, Alina couldn't help asking, "father, what's the matter? Those people dare to deal with the seventh world and will not end well? "

However, the Lord of the angel shook his head and said, "I don't know what's wrong. They are not only fine, but also get the source and eat happily."

"Is this... True or false?"

Alina was stunned and couldn't believe it. "How did they do it? Does the existence of quadrangles matter? "

The angel Lord sighed, "can we guess the idea of existence? By the way, what is the result of the Mao election contest? We have to hurry to the seventh world. "

"The top ten have been selected and are plucking hair in the hall. I believe it will be fine soon."

Alina paused and said, "by the way, we also captured a fallen angel. I don't know if the expert will like it."

The other fallen angels ran away with the evil spirit, but one was caught.

The Lord of the angel pondered for a moment and said, "it's better to have more than less. Pull out the hair and take it with you."

Then, he warned: "by the way, be careful when plucking. Don't damage it."

Alina nodded and said, "don't worry, father. Everyone knows."

A moment later, ten hidden lights flew out of the hall, stretched their wings and suspended on the sky.

And it's all meat wings.

In the past, they had no face to come out. They must hide in the room and cry. However, now, they are full of pride and complacency.

Meat wing is an honor!

This is the recognition of their feathers, representing that they are the chosen angel!

The other angels looked at them with envy. Then they looked at their feathered wings and couldn't help sighing.

The Lord of angels did not mean his appreciation and said, "you are very good. You are the pride of my angel family!"

The ten angels smiled and said, "Lord God praised you. It should be. Take advantage of the freshness just pulled out and send it to the expert quickly."

"Hahaha, don't worry, I'll leave now and send it to the expert!"

The Lord of the angel smiled and set off with Alina, taking the angel feathers towards the seventh world.

Cross the boundary channel and enter the seventh boundary.

The angel Lord's face was slightly frozen and said, "what a rich Avenue. It's incredible that there are so many avenues in this world! Just... How did this happen? "

Alina said strangely, "father, what's the matter?"

She can only vaguely feel that it will be easier to break through in the seventh world than in the fourth world, but she can't feel more.

The Lord of the angel said, "you are still in the first step, supreme. Your affinity for the avenue is not enough, and your natural perception is limited."

After a pause, he continued: "the power of each Avenue supreme is too great, and the avenue breath represents the avenue supreme that can be bred in each world, just like the residual Avenue breath in the fourth world. If there is no accident, it is difficult to have another avenue supreme. If there is more, it will cause imbalance!"

Alina wondered, "imbalance? What do you mean? "

The Lord of the angel said leisurely, "anti Hakka is the main thing. Like the first world, the world is countered by creatures and the origin is taken away."

Alina looked thoughtful.

In fact, it's easy to understand that countless creatures seem to parasitize the world, and the world also operates by creatures. At the same time, the world has its own mechanism to operate smoothly. However... When the parasitic creatures become too strong for some unknown reason, this balance is broken, and the parasitic body will be destroyed.

The angel Lord took a deep breath and exclaimed, "this world is different... Very different!"

"The avenue flavor of this world is too strong. Even the first fourth world does not have such a strong Avenue flavor. So many Avenue flavors represent that more than 100 Avenue dignitaries can be cultivated!"

"More than 100?!"

Alina took a breath.

She may not understand other words, but the number 100 is too intuitive.

How many masters are there in the whole fourth world?

Besides, the first world suppressed by the ancient people.

The power of the first world belongs to the ancient family, and it has been plundered by the seven worlds for countless years, but the ancient family does not have a hundred supreme masters of the road.

Alina pursed her lips. "Is the seventh world so strong?"

"Although the power of each world is not necessarily the same, it will not differ too much."

The Lord of the angel shook his head, flashing a wise light in his eyes and said in a trembling voice: "I doubt... The abnormality of the seventh world is related to the expert!"

It's hard for Alina to channel: "it's incredible to be able to make a world full of Avenue flavor!"

"He can give you the headring containing the origin of the avenue, which shows that he has the confidence to give the origin. I can only give full play to my imagination to think about the terror of this existence."

The angel Lord opened his mouth solemnly and then said, "in short, it's not too much to think about. Let's visit first."

Immediately, they are more respectful and follow suit towards the divine domain.

Soon, under the leadership of Alina, she came to the Luoxian mountains.

Alina reminded, "father, the tall man is on this mountain."

The Lord of the angel nodded, landed at the foot of the mountain and said, "in order to avoid misunderstanding, let's go up."


When they came to the hillside, they felt a vague fluctuation and looked up, but they saw a source phagocytic insect showing its shape, red eyes, and diving in one direction with great excitement!

The angel Lord's eyes were slightly frozen, and he said in surprise: "those insects... I seem to have seen them in Tianji Pavilion."

Immediately, he followed with Alina.

On the other side, the group of game gathered around the pit, holding stones and branches as weapons, waiting to look at the void.

"Wori, those dung stealing demons are coming again. Come on, don't let them succeed!"

"Stop them and defend jinkela!"

"How dare you come and see if I don't blow their heads!"

"I'll fight with you for stealing my feces!"

They roared and scuffled with phage insects. The scene was once chaotic.

There are only dozens of game, but there are thousands of phagocytes, and they are not large. Naturally, there will be fish that slip through the net, go directly into the pit, and then roam wantonly.

"Lying trough!"

The Lord of angels saw this scene. If the whole person was struck by lightning, he wanted to drop his chin to the ground.

My God!

This, this, this

This is the origin of the seventh world that people in Tianji Pavilion say?

Then they had a good time?

No wonder Tianji Pavilion is so smelly. Feelings are like this.

Thinking of their appearance in front of them, coupled with this visual impact, the brain seeds of the Lord of angels suddenly buzzed.

"Fortunately, it's really great luck!"

The angel Lord patted his chest with great fear and was almost scared to cry.

"If I really cooperate with Tianji Pavilion, I'm also a member of the dung eating army at this time. It's better to live than to die!"

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"Yun Qianshan Taoist friend and Zheng Shan Taoist friend, we are old acquaintances. I wish you a happy meal..."

"It's not easy to think about those people in Tianji Pavilion. They grab shit here. Cross the border."

The angel Lord took back his eyes, which strengthened his determination not to offend the experts in the quadrangle.

Gradually, the battle of jinkela came to an end.

There are still some phage insects fleeing full load, but the number is less than last time.

The Lord of angels and Alina were lucky to see such a spectacular scene, which directly refreshed their three views and made them feel a lot.

Alina looked at the courtyard and felt a little nervous. She asked, "father, shall we knock?"


The angel Lord's heart is also uneasy.

Since he became the Lord of angels, his status is so high that he hasn't felt so nervous for countless years.

He hesitated and dared not even knock on the door.

Would it be unpleasant to visit an expert?

After all, we are the fourth. Will it lead to misunderstanding?

Fortunately, when they hesitated, with a "squeak", the door of the courtyard opened.

Nannan and longer came out, carrying fodder and beating gongs and drums in their hands.

"Dang Dang!"

"It's time for dinner. Come here!"

Immediately, the group of game rushed over, stretched its nose and arched, and made a pig cry in its mouth.

"Hem, hem, hem --"

Nannan and Long'er began to divide the game with spoons. "Don't worry, there are all."

The Lord of the angel glanced at the pig food. He didn't sell very well. He didn't understand why these demons competed for it.

But the next moment, his eyes coagulated and almost stared out his eyes.

"What? It can't be true? How is that possible? "

He took a breath, stretched his head and leaned over, sniffing hard with his nose.

Then he screamed with horror, "this pig food not only contains the power of rich laws, but also adds the flavor of the avenue, condensing the origin of the Avenue!"

This thing is actually used as pig food and fed to... Game?

No wonder, no wonder those people in Tianji Pavilion robbed some gold and got so excited when they went back. It turned out that this kind of thing is so cheap in the eyes of experts!

"Eh? Angels? You're back? Can't you bring someone for revenge? "

Nannan and longer looked at the angel Lord and Alina, and their faces immediately showed vigilance.

"No! Absolutely not! Two Taoist friends, don't misunderstand! "

The Lord of the angel quickly shook his head, and then flattered and explained, "Alina has told me about the last time when she went back, and I scolded her severely!"

"It's our honor for an expert to see our feathers. We should offer them with both hands. No, this time we specially brought you feathers."

Nannan and longer's eyes brightened, "are you really bringing feathers?"

They know that Li nianfan has been saying that there are too few Angel feathers and only made a cushion.

Moreover, the cushions made of angel feathers are really comfortable, and they like them very much. If they hadn't been taught by Li nianfan recently, they wouldn't be ready to rob hair.

"Of course it's true. Don't worry, my angel family has nothing else, just Mao duo. It's not enough to speak at any time. I'll send it to you at the first time!"

Seeing the look of Nannan and longer, the Lord of the angel was overjoyed and quickly took out the prepared feathers.

"It's OK. It's good. It's really good."

Nannan and Long'er smiled, "there is a future, and my brother will like it."

"It's our pleasure."

The angel Lord was so excited that he asked curiously, "take the liberty to ask, this pig food is..."

Nannan was in a good mood and explained, "my brother wants to add nutrients to the vegetables in the backyard, treat this group of game as a dung making machine, feed them pig food, and then have jinkela to fertilize the vegetables."

Dung making machine?

Is this so big just to fertilize the field?

Sorry, I also want to be a dung making machine!

The Lord of the angel looked at the pig food with his eyes. Relying on his strong willpower, he restrained the impulse to grab food with the group of game.

Nan Nan said, "well, let's send the feathers to my brother. You'll wait outside."

Then she went back to the courtyard.

They kept an eye and didn't invite the angel Lord into the yard, because they didn't fully trust the angel Lord.

After all, this may be the plan of the angel Lord. If he enters the quadrangle and says to Li nianfan, "in fact, you are the master of immortal cultivation", it would be bad

Nannan and Long'er took Angel feathers and ran to Li nianfan like a treasure. "Brother, brother, what do you think this is?"

He was slightly stunned and said suspiciously, "angel feather? Where did you get this? You won't forcibly pluck others again? "

The girl said, "of course not! We are very obedient, and we haven't been out lately. "

Long'er also said, "brother, this is sent by the angels."

Offer to send Angel feathers?

Are angels so talkative?

Li nianfan was a little surprised, but then he suddenly understood.

The angels are afraid of being beaten.

Seeing their power, the angels worried that they would be retaliated, so they paid tribute to the feather to show their sincerity.

i see.

Li nianfan smiled and said, "well, my brother wronged you."

Then he began to tidy up his feathers.

Although the quantity is not much, you can add a few cushions and make carpets. It's also very good.

"Eh? Why are there black feathers? All right! I was thinking about whether white was too monotonous. I didn't know what material to match with angel feathers. Here comes Black Angel feathers, which is really wonderful! "

And now.

Tianji Pavilion.

The crowd craned their necks and looked forward to it.

Finally, when the black spots appeared in the distance, everyone said excitedly, "hahaha, they are back, they are back with their origin!"

"Come on, everybody get ready. It's time for dinner!"

"Why did less than 300 phage insects return this time? It seems that we have encountered a harder struggle than last time. These sources are hard won, and we should eat and cherish them. "

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