Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 707: 707

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"It's not polite to come but not to go. Girl, give these headrings to the angels so that they can keep a souvenir and can't make each other cold."

Li nianfan gave priority to programming the headring of angel feathers and handed it to Nannan.

Although it is said that these are gifts from the angel family, we can't help but treat each other as human beings. Rabbits bite when they are anxious.

Give others some respect and make a good relationship without much effort.

Li nianfan said again, "by the way, it's just better to make wine. Give them some by the way."

People sent them such excellent materials that they couldn't eat too much.

Long'er said, "Oh, good brother."

Nannan asked, "brother, are there enough Angel feathers? The angel family said they have a lot, not enough."

"Oh? Do they really say that? "

Li nianfan's eyes suddenly lit up.

Naturally, these hairs are not enough, just a few more cushions and carpets. He also wants to make a three piece set on the bed.

People can only use velvet at most, but I use Angel velvet. I don't know how many times the high-end.

The girl nodded and said, "uh huh, right."

"It's really not enough. It's best to send some more, but not reluctantly."

Li nianfan opened his mouth with a smile, paused and said, "by the way, especially there are too few black feathers. If there are some, give them more."

"And... Their plucking technique is not very good. Many places are damaged, especially the black feather. It's a pity."

He wanted to match black and white, but there were too many white feathers than black feathers, some out of proportion.

Nannan suggested, "brother, why don't we give them the depilation stick?"

Li nianfan nodded without hesitation, "yes, it's good to pay attention."

In his eyes, the hair removal stick is nothing at all.

Then Long'er and Nan Nan walked towards the gate.

Outside the courtyard.

The Lord of angels and Alina are anxiously waiting for the result.

They were restless and could only walk back and forth in circles.

During this period, I witnessed several wars to defend jinkela, which became more and more tragic.


When the gate opened, they hurriedly and eagerly approached it.

The Lord of the angel couldn't wait and said, "how about two fairies? Are the experts satisfied with our feathers? "

Nannan said, "it's OK. There are many damages, especially black feathers. The damage is serious. My brother is dissatisfied."

The Lord of angels and Alina sighed and smiled bitterly.

The fallen angel is crazy. If he is willing to cooperate when plucking his hair, it will be damaged. There is no way.

Alas, it failed to satisfy the experts. This wave of mistakes is big.

However, the girl turned her head and said, "but brother, let's thank you for your efforts. Take these headrings and wine."

Nannan and longer took out the things.

"This... These things really give us?"

The Lord of the angel and Alina looked at the ten headrings and got goose bumps all over their body. They were so excited that they almost fainted.

They had just held the attitude of trying. They didn't dare to expect too much. It was enough to think that they could make experts feel good.

Who ever thought... An expert is so generous!

So many headrings, hair, my angel family hair!

The angel Lord trembled and stretched out his hand, as if stroking the most precious thing in the world, carefully took over the head ring, and even tears twinkled in his eyes.

Moved and excited.

Then he looked at the wine.

Under the transparent packing box, there is a bowl of something similar to rice, but... The rice seems to be soaked in water with a round hole in the middle.

He was surprised and said, "I don't know if this wine is..."

Long'er licked his tongue and seemed to be aftertaste. He said, "it's delicious. It tastes good. It's blessed to give it to you."


The Lord of angels and Alina took a breath at the same time.

They thought of the pig food eaten by the game.

Even the game is so good that the value of this wine... Is immeasurable!

It's so precious!

It's like a dream.

The Lord of angels turned red and said, "thank you so much for your gift. My angels are so upset that they can't repay you!"

"By the way, and this."

Nannan took out the depilation stick again. "Here you are. Depilation is not only convenient and fast, but also can avoid hair damage."

And... And?!

The Lord of angels and Alina were stunned by one surprise after another.

Whether an expert should be so kind to the angels is embarrassing.

An artifact, given by an expert, must be an artifact!

"I'm ashamed to say that as the Lord of angels, I didn't take the lead in hair removal. It's my dereliction of duty! I'll try this hair removal stick on the spot! "

The Lord of the angel took the hair removal stick, spread his wings, and then rolled on it without hesitation!

Suddenly, a large bunch of feathers rolled down.

"Awesome, it's really a hair removal artifact!"

The Lord of the angel was amazed. He immediately waved harder and faster, and his face was excited as if he were not taking off his hair.

In the twinkling of an eye, he took off his hair and revealed his meat wings.

He respectfully said, "please also ask two fairies to help me present it to the master."

"No problem."

Nannan and longer took the feathers of the Lord of angels and entered the quadrangle again.

A moment later, he came out and handed the new head ring to the Lord of angels.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

The angel Lord fondled the headring made of his own feathers with unspeakable pride and pride on his face.

He and Alina bowed at the same time and said, "well, we'll leave."

Long'er reminded: "by the way, since you are kind, go to our heavenly palace for reporting."

Heavenly palace?

The Lord of the angel wrote it in his heart and solemnly said, "yes!"

Then he and Alina walked down the Rockies.

However, they did not go to the heavenly palace at the first time, but randomly found a corner and couldn't wait to take out the wine.

His eyes were full of heat and urgency.

"Ba Da!"

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With the lid open.

Suddenly, a strange fragrance floated out.

It has the aroma of wine, but it is not strong. It also has the fragrance of glutinous rice. The mixture of the two gives people a feeling of being drunk rather than drunk.

"It is worthy of being given by an expert. The fragrance of light is extremely extraordinary."

Immediately, the Lord of angels and Alina ate it separately.

The wine is chilled. As soon as it is imported, it gives people a very cool feeling, and has a gush of wine gas, which is very pleasant.

Drinking a mouthful of fermented soup and scooping a spoonful of fermented rice is simply an enjoyment.

"Ah, it's so hot."

Suddenly, Alina's delicate body trembled and a scream came out of her mouth.

Her cheeks were as red as fire.

The whole body is hot and dry, and the body is a little pinched. Even the bag is a little dizzy.

She felt that the world in her eyes was blurred, and the surrounding air seemed to have weight and become essence, pushing her body to swing left and right.

"Eh? So this is the smell of the avenue? It's like a fish swimming in front of me. "

Alina giggled and opened her mouth. She stretched out her hand and grabbed the void in front of her.

Aside, the face of the angel Lord was also a little red, but the state was much better than Alina.

"The origin of the road, there is the origin of the road in this wine!"

Although he is prepared, he will still tremble when he has a real experience.

Just... Why is this?!

This is the origin of the road, which is related to the foundation of the world and the most original force. The origin will overflow unless it is forcibly extracted in the event of force majeure or the world is broken.

The expert in the quadrangle gives the source to others?

Where did he get this source?

Wayward enough to be twisted.

"No wonder the avenue atmosphere of the seventh world will become so strong. With such experts, the potential of the seventh world is infinite."

The angel Lord kept taking a deep breath to suppress his trembling heart.

At this time, Alina also woke up, "huh? What just happened to me? "

The Lord of the angel said, "you have just resonated with the breath of the avenue. It is not far from the second step to the supreme."

"I... I'm taking a big step now?"

Alina opened her mouth in surprise and couldn't believe it.

But when she felt the surging power, she couldn't help believing it.

Her scalp was numb and she exclaimed, "this wine is too rebellious!"

"It's not just against the sky! This wine contains the origin of the world, which is outrageous! "

The Lord of angels felt that his world outlook had been fragmented. He didn't bother to think about things he couldn't understand. He said directly, "no matter what, we can't afford this man. Go to the heavenly palace and report it first."

"Well, what your father said is very true."

Immediately, the two incited the meat wings and went to the heavenly palace.

When they arrived at the heavenly palace, they immediately aroused the vigilance of Yang Jian and others, but after explaining their intentions, the situation improved.

The Lord of angels is the second step supreme. His strength is enough to crush the heavenly palace, but he doesn't dare to put on the slightest airs or even be extremely humble.

"Headrings, wine, and hair removal cream. It's great that the expert gives you the welfare of the angel family!"

After listening to the Lord of angels, everyone tried to look envious.

Taoist Jun said thoughtfully, "sure enough, if you want to be recognized by an expert, you have to have a skill. You can either lay eggs or grow hair. I can't even do it. I hate it!"

Xiao Chengfeng's eyes were red. Looking at the meat wings of the Lord of angels, he said sour: "man, you're so hairy that it's worth taking off!"

The Lord of angels immediately laughed and said proudly, "hahaha, who says it's not? I'll try to grow it when I go back, and then give it to the master!"

"Man, your angel family's feathers are obviously not enough." Just then, the Jade Emperor knocked on the table and said thoughtfully.

The angel Lord was slightly stunned and then said, "Taoist friends mean you still need the feathers of fallen angels?"

"Oh, good."

The Jade Emperor smiled and continued, "we have been working for an expert and fully understand his words, but you obviously can't fully understand the meaning of the expert's words."

The face of the angel Lord suddenly became dignified and respectfully said, "may you hear it in detail."

The Jade Emperor said, "the master has said that he lacks black feathers. Are you ready to wait for the fallen angel to come out and pluck his hair? When will this have to wait? Do you think an expert will be willing to wait with you? "

This question immediately changed the faces of the Lord of angels and Alina, and others showed a sudden color.

The face of the angel Lord turned white and said, "thank you for reminding me. I almost made a big mistake!"

He really didn't think of this layer, and... If he really works and waits, the expert will have a big problem at that time!

Alina said anxiously, "please tell us what to do?"

Xiao Chengfeng immediately said, "you still need to think about it? Of course, take the initiative to pluck! "

The Lord of the angel hesitated and said, "but the seal..."

"Seal? What kind of shit seal? It's not important to pluck! "

Xiao Chengfeng scolded loudly and then said, "I really think the expert gave you a headring and a hair pulling stick for you to see? Don't say it's a seal, even if it's a sea of swords and fire, you have to rush forward! "

"Yes, the master gave me these things. What am I afraid of?"

The angel Lord looked back, took a deep breath and said in a condensed voice, "I don't dare to go. I'm ashamed of the expectations of experts!"

He solemnly bowed to the people in the heavenly palace and said gratefully, "your words are really like a blow to the head, pulling me back from the edge of the abyss! Thank you so much. Please accept my worship! "

"You're welcome. It's right for everyone to work for an expert and do their best."

All the people in the heavenly palace smiled and waved their hands, hiding their achievements and fame.

"So I'll go back and prepare and try to pull out black feathers for the expert as soon as possible!"

The Lord of angels left without delay.

He took Alina back to the fourth world. Instinctively, he wanted to go through Tianji Pavilion.

When he came to Tianji Pavilion, he saw that the people of yunqianshan were gathering on the eaves of Tianji Pavilion, as if they were breathing.

"Hoo, the origin of the world is really extraordinary. It's just that the taste is a little strong. I can't carry it if I can't breathe out."

"Isn't that nonsense? How else is it the origin of the world? "

"Yes, where is the source so easy to absorb? Let's take a break first and strive to make persistent efforts to prepare for swallowing more sources!"

Everyone is high spirited.

Just then, they looked up together and saw the passing Angel Lord and Alina.

They were stunned at this look.

"Am I right? The hair of the Lord of angels and war angels is gone!"

"I'll go. It's really gone. Ha ha ha, it's killing me."

"What a situation, what they have experienced, this is too tragic."

Yun Qianshan and Zheng Shan laughed recklessly.

"Tianhua, seeing you, I suddenly feel a deep guilt!"

The corners of yunqianshan's mouth were hooked, but he pretended to be ashamed and said, "we eat and drink here and taste the original delicious food, but you... Are mixed like this. Alas, it's hard for us to bear!"

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