Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 711: 711

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Twelve angels.

Twelve apertures.

Flashing dense light, brought some light to the darkest moment of the fifth world.

The evil spirit wanted to stare his eyes out. His scalp was numb and cracked. He said in horror: "you have twelve such apertures

He shook and stepped back in horror.

Unbelievable, appalling!

Last time, he was careless and was badly hurt by Alina's head ring. Knowing the power of this head ring, the reason why he wanted to force out the fifth world origin was to get the origin to enhance his strength and deal with the original power in Alina's head ring.

However... Such a powerful thing, the angel family directly appeared twelve!

What is this?

Suddenly rich?

The evil spirit was shocked and jealous and said, "where do you come from?"

The blood clan Lord's eyes were also staring at the angels, looking at those headrings, and a trace of surprise and heat flashed in his eyes.

"Interestingly, are these original forces of the third world? Or your fourth? "

He stretched out his tongue and licked his lips. "I want the origin of the fifth world. Similarly, I want the origin behind you!"

He was very excited. There must be a big secret behind these people. This time, it would be a great harvest to get the origin of the fifth world and dig out the secret behind the angel!

"In addition to the big stick, there are other original treasures."

The God of war took a breath and looked dignified.

What exactly is the origin of these people?

Are people in other worlds so rich?

The Lord of the angel solemnly said, "you create boundless killing and destroy all spirits in the world. Today we represent the holy light and purify you moths!"

The voice fell, and he took the lead, and the twelve moved forward together.

According to the holy light, the devil's breath and blood color breath all disappeared, and the blood clouds roared and retreated. On the earth, the blood river they passed was purified, returned to calm and turned into a clear river.

"Good, good!"

With tears in his eyes, the old man said excitedly, "among the Seven Realms, in addition to plundering, there are people who know how to protect. My way is not lonely!"

"It's saved, we're saved!"

The surviving creatures were bathed in the holy light and wept with joy one by one.

Seeing the twelve angels getting closer and closer, the evil ghost couldn't help but say, "Lord of the blood clan, do you have a way to deal with them?"

"Why is it difficult? It's just a treasure of origin. I didn't deal with it just now! "

The leader of the blood clan smiled coldly, and his body flashed into one with the endless sea of blood clouds in the void.

"Blood eats the world!"

In the sea of clouds, there were echoes, like thunder, shaking and loud, cold and bloodthirsty.

At this moment, the blood creatures flying all over the sky were summoned, just like the milk swallow homing, madly converging towards the sea of blood clouds.

Each of them is just a drop of water, but the number is hundreds of millions, endless, and soon the sea of blood clouds will become incomparably stronger and thicker.


In the sea of blood clouds, twelve blood red giant hands suddenly rose and grabbed them at the twelve angels.

The strong smell of blood, accompanied by a disgusting smell, is full of tyranny and cruelty, trying to destroy everything in the world.

Each blood hand is too big, too big, just like the hand of a giant, enough to easily play with the angel between the hands.

"Holy glory!"

The twelve angels all stood in place, raised their hands, and the hot white light shone up, and their souls revolved around their bodies.

At the same time, the aperture on their heads is still slowly rotating, emitting a halo.

Under the gaze of countless people, the twelve angels were held in the palm of their hands by twelve bloody hands. The rich blood blocked their eyes and could not see the situation.

The only thing you can see is that the sea of bloody clouds is surging and roaring, like a wild beast with crazy hair, trying to tear up the prey in front of you.

The evil ghost looked at the bloody hand full of expectation and shouted excitedly, "Lord of blood clan, pinch them for me!"

However, as soon as his voice fell, a bloody giant's hand was pierced by a white light!

It's like the first sunshine pierced the dark clouds, and the cloudy day is about to pass!

The devil's ferocious expression solidified.

The next moment, one after another, countless white lights rushed out of the cage and out of the bloody giant's hands.


With a roar, twelve bloody hands collapsed at the same time and turned into a pool of blood.

The twelve angels, shrouded in brilliant white light, are like twelve milky eggs, shining brightly.

The angel Lord sneered, "is that it? I haven't done anything yet. If there are any other means, just use them. "

Alina also incited the meat wings, pointed to the aperture on her head with a smile, and said coldly, "where the aperture shines, all evil will be annihilated!"

In the sea of blood and clouds, the Lord of the blood clan gathered a lump again, turned into a terrible face and stared at the twelve angels.

"I can't help you. You can't help me. You are in my carefully arranged blood refining array. You will be killed by me sooner or later!"

The cold laughter of Yin pity came out of his mouth, and then his body flashed again and became one with the sea of blood and clouds again.

The boundless sea of blood and clouds covers not only the divine domain of the fifth world, but also other places of the fifth world, spanning the whole world, boundless, invisible and qualitative!

They are the lives of the Lord of the blood clan. It is too difficult to kill them completely.

However, the master of the blood clan was directly melted into the sea of blood clouds, while the evil spirit and the God of war on one side were silly.

The God of war was shocked and angry, "are you running now? What shall we do? "

The devil scolded: "you sell your teammates! Don't talk about the big pit ratio of Wu De! "

He felt the eyes of the Lord of angels fall on himself. He felt bad, and his instinctive wings were ready to escape.

However, this fan found a problem. His proud wings are not only hairless, but also charred, which greatly reduces his speed and flies askew.

"Where to go?"

The Lord of the angel burst out and raised his hand. A holy light turned into a blade and blew away at the possessed evil spirit.

"Crack the sky!"

The evil spirit stared and held up the devil's sword.


This holy light has the blessing of the aperture on the head and contains the original breath. It is difficult for the devil to resist. The arm holding the sword is directly passed through by the holy light. The whole arm is cut off and thrown out with the devil's sword!

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"Ah! Tianhua, you are so poisonous! "

The evil spirit screamed. He covered the wound and frantically urged the source of life to recover from the injury.

However, it is very difficult to recover from the injury caused by the source.

The angel Lord's eyes were cold and fierce, and he said, "evil spirit, it's time for you and me to end today!"

The evil spirit was shocked and angry, and said, "Tianhua, everyone has wings. Go around me once."

The Lord of the angel smiled angrily, "you're thinking of farting! How many angels have you harmed, shame my angel family, and die hard! Don't resist, I can give you a good time. "

The evil ghost knew that it was useless to say more and began to bite his teeth to survive.

The other eleven angels are dealing with the God of war and the sea of evolution.

Although they are only the first step, with the blessing of the aperture, their attack and defense are extremely amazing. The holy light shines and everything melts, which is the power above all.

The God of war has deep cultivation and can still deal with it, but there are many wounds on his body, which are burned by the holy light.

His whole body was full of golden light, his sense of war was startling, and his halo was like a rainbow.

It was supposed to be the posture of the God of war, but at the moment, I was extremely embarrassed and said to the old man, "master, I know my mistake. I am willing to correct my mistakes. I beg master to give me a chance to atone for my achievements!"

The old man looked at him, the sadness in his eyes was stronger, and finally sighed and closed his eyes.

No one noticed that the arm of the devil flying out and the blood of the God of war wound were quietly integrated into the sea of blood and clouds

Although the endless sea of clouds is also being purified by angels, it is like purifying an ocean with a water purifier. There is too little that can be done.


The devil and the God of war are full of holes, and their breath is listless.

The evil spirit screamed desperately, "Tianhua, do you really want to kill all?"


The angel Lord's wings spread, had caught up with the evil spirit, and was preparing to erase it. At this time, the change suddenly came into being.

A bloody tentacle suddenly appeared, surrounded the evil spirit, and dragged it towards the sea of bloody clouds.

In the twinkling of an eye, the sea of blood and clouds swallowed the evil spirit!


The evil spirit rolled in the sea of blood, and his whole body was soaked with red blood. These blood seemed to have life. It wriggled on him and looked particularly terrible.

"Tianhua, if you want to kill me, I won't let you live if I die!"

The devil looked at the angel Lord and suddenly showed a ferocious smile. Then he seemed to give up resistance and let the blood enter his body.

His body convulsed violently and turned blood red in the twinkling of an eye!

At the same time, the God of war on the other side was also dragged into the sea of blood clouds. A heavy blood wave swallowed it. He was shocked and angry, roared and wanted to break free, but he was pulled by a hand rising from the sea of blood clouds and pressed him into the sea of blood bit by bit.

"No, no - Lord of blood clan, you are not human!"

The God of war roared reluctantly and finally became a part of the sea of blood and clouds.

"Hahaha, as I said just now, you are in my blood refining God array. You don't escape. You really want to die!"

In the sea of blood clouds, the Lord of the blood clan reappeared, and sharp laughter came from all directions, strange and penetrating.

His body wriggled and pulled the body of the devil and the God of war to blend with himself slowly.

They are like clay soaked in water, merging and reorganizing.


Suddenly, a huge wave of blood rose and turned into a huge palm to cover the sky, covering the old man and many innocent creatures!

The leader of the blood clan wants to swallow others when they don't pay attention!

"Get out of here!"

The angel Lord's face sank, and the Holy Light overflowed like a tide, covering the heavens. He stopped the sea of blood clouds.

"It's a pity, but that's enough. It's just a matter of time."

The leader of the blood clan did not insist. Unwilling to look at the old man, he directly chose to stop.

This old man is the peak of the second step of the supreme realm. Although his vitality collapses, swallowing it also has great benefits.

However, he now swallowed the second step supremacy of the devil and the God of war. He is confident that he is more than enough to deal with the angel family!

"Click, click, click!"

Bursts of bone crisp sound came, and the blood clan Lord had integrated with the devil and the God of war into a new form, and a heavy sea of blood gathered into their bodies.

The blood colored armor is condensed, and the huge wings behind are stretched, ten feet high. It is not blood as the body, but blood red flesh and blood. Even the wings behind grow blood red feathers!

His whole body sends out waves of terrible waves, and endless roads manifest around him and become giant dragons.

This breath transcends too many evil spirits and can suppress the avenue at will. It does not belong to the second step supreme, and has reached a new realm!

"As I expected, gathering the power of the fifth world on myself will definitely break through a new high! At that time, the ancestors of the ancient family must be the same. Only with the power of the whole first world can they be strong enough to tremble even the origin of the world! "

The expanding voice came from the mouth of the blood clan Lord. He looked obsessed and said faintly: "however, although I took the third step, I was still far from the ancient clan Lord."

He lowered his head, looked down at the angel family, looked at the opening that revealed the origin of the fifth world, and said in a condensed voice: "but with everything you have, I can follow the ancient family, suppress one world and achieve supreme power!"

When he finished, he raised his hand and grabbed it towards the Lord of angels!

"Boom -"

Unspeakable power drives the sense of terror and oppression. Even the surrounding world is retreating. The whole world seems to have only one palm left.

Alina and ten other angels came to the Lord of angels. Her face was dignified to the extreme, and the holy light around her was lit to the extreme. They met the Lord of blood family with each other's strength!


Two apparently opposite forces met in the void.

Blood red and pure white, evil and holy.

At this moment, space is like a fixed frame, which is beyond the scope of time. One second is equal to ten thousand years, and ten thousand years is just a moment.

On the heads of the twelve angels, the aperture rotates faster and faster, and the dense light becomes bright.

Although these apertures contain the power of origin, the gap between the strength of angels and the strength of blood clan masters is too large.

In addition, the leader of the blood clan integrated the power of the whole fifth world, which was enough to resist the power of the source, so he gradually began to gain the upper hand.

"Hahaha, die!"

The voice of the blood clan Lord rolled over the sky, and the huge hand pressed down again, like a mountain, has come to the top of the angel!


On the heads of the twelve angels, the aperture began to vibrate, and the brilliance disappeared indefinitely.

The angel Lord's mouth overflowed with blood, and said with a bitter smile, "isn't it? This guy is so fierce. The situation... Seems a little bad. "

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