Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 712: 712

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"Hahaha, wow hahaha -"

The blood clan leader laughed proudly, and his momentum became more and more powerful. The whole sky was full of the smell of the end of the world.

"Can't hold it, you all die!" His cold voice made everyone's hearts rise with boundless cold.

The old man looked at the twelve angels who were strongly supported. His eyes showed a sad color. He bit his teeth and wanted to breathe again, but he spewed out a mouthful of blood. The whole body was no longer intact.

Two lines of clear tears fell, and he couldn't help crying out, "the fifth world... The trend is gone! After the ancient clan, a devil will be born in the Seven Realms! "

As the leader of the blood clan said, most of the forces of the fifth world are gathered in him, one after another, and no one can suppress him at all.

Originally, if the God of war could repent, he could have the opportunity to fight against the blood clan Lord, but now, it's too late.

"Let's hold up the sky together! We are the last hope! "

At this time, the black haired young man who first stood up wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and stood up.

He picked up the chopping saber again and gathered all the strength of his body. The bronze skin gave off a shiny light, and the smell of the avenue showed colorful visions around his body.


The chopping Sabre is embedded in the ground and expands continuously. It finally turns into an indomitable sabre, which penetrates the world and stabs the huge bloody hand in an attempt to support the sky!

Immediately after that, countless Manas soared into the air, gathered into dazzling visions, and rushed away towards the bloody giant hand.

"Unity is strength. Let's cheer together!"

"Gather all the forces that can unite and jointly protect our world!"

"Fight with him!"

"Ah ah!"

At this moment, in that opening, the light of origin gradually became rich, pouring down towards these people, giving them fighting spirit and hope with more powerful strength to jointly protect the world.

In the face of the disaster, they all became the protagonists of the fifth world at this moment!

The Lord of angels also blushed. A pair of meat wings incited desperately and said in a deep voice: "the holy light burns the sky, give it to me!"

"Give me the top!"

Alina and ten other angels also clenched their teeth to show their strongest strength.

At this time, the glory of the sky and the blood light form two opposite forces. One is to condense the despair and destruction of the fifth world, and the other is to gather hope and rebirth.

The world is frozen.

There is no startling vision, and there is no sound of explosion. We can only see that the brilliance and blood light are melting at the same time and are constantly reborn in destruction.

Under the nervous gaze of countless people, the wound began to appear on the bloody giant hand, which was finally taken back by the blood clan Lord.

However, before everyone cheered, the sarcastic cold laughter of the blood clan Lord came again, "Oh? What little force of mole ants is left to turn the sky? "

After the words, the sea of blood clouds surged, and a huge blood big foot was carried out, and then trampled towards the people!


One foot fell, and the light Wharton gathered by the people trembled violently. Countless people were shocked, and their bodies flew out directly, spread on the ground, and the blood flowed down.

The horse chopping knife also gave a wail, followed by a crisp click, which was broken into two sections on the spot, and the halo was lost.

"Hahaha, that's it? Next is a stronger second foot. Can you stop it? "

The cold words of the blood clan leader recalled in the void, raised his legs... The second foot that covered the sky and blocked the sun fell down!

Everyone was shrouded in this huge foot, and there was a sense of powerlessness in their eyes.

Under their gaze, the twelve angels floating in mid air were also smashed down in confusion.

The twelve apertures on the top of the head also became bright and dark. Then... With a "wow", the headring seemed to be broken, and the angel's feathers flew and scattered.


The Lord of angels and other angels want to split their eyes and canthus, and their hearts are so painful that they can't breathe.

This is a sacred thing given to them by the master. It is made of their feathers. How can it be broken like this.

The old man Qi Yi's eyes also went out. Is there still no hope?


In the audience, only the rampant laughter of the blood clan leader was left. His thighs continued to press down, like trampling on mole ants, trying to trample everyone to death!

However, the next moment, his feet were still suspended in the air, and it was difficult to fall for half a minute.

There was an indescribable force blocking him, which gave him a feeling that he could not resist.


The blood clan leader was surprised. He lowered his head and looked at the soles of his feet.

But see, where the twelve head rings are broken, although the angel feather is not there, but... There are twelve willow branches still floating there quietly.

The twelve willow branches glitter with emerald green light. Although they are soft, they give people an incomparable sense of holiness. Even looking directly at them will produce awe.

The blood clan leader exclaimed in disbelief, "impossible! This... What branch is this? Can you stop me? "

"Break it!"

He bit his teeth, the sea of blood and clouds raised huge waves, tried his best, but it was like stepping on an iron plate, motionless!

A sudden chill surged up from the depths of his heart, which frightened him.

Not only he, but also others were silly. They looked at the wickers one by one and fell into a dull state.

The angel Lord was full of goose bumps and whispered, "the most powerful thing about this ring is not our hair, but the branch!"

Alina nodded deeply and took a deep breath: "to be exact, it is our hair that limits the power of the headring and lowers the taste of the wicker!"

The old man stared at the wicker, his whole body trembled violently, and said to himself like crazy: "this, this feeling is... Yes, it must be the legendary one!"

At this time, the twelve willows moved. They were connected with each other and finally connected together to become a complete willow branch.

At the same time.

The backyard of a quadrangle.

A gust of wind blew quietly, and the slender branches of willow trees beside the pool moved with the wind. One branch crossed the pool, and some roots seemed to shuttle through space and enter another space.

Fifth world.

A branch broke through the air and connected with the willow branch.

In an instant, a sacred breath came to the whole fifth world!

At this moment, even the origin of the world fluctuated, which seemed to be trembling and cheering.

At this moment, time and space are no longer meaningful. Everything, except thoughts, is fixed!

"This... What is this?!"

The leader of the blood clan screamed and was extremely frightened.

When he looked at the willow branch, he had a feeling that he was extremely small, as if he was not at the same level with it, which was an instinctive fear.

"How is that possible? Where does it come from? Why does it exist in the world? "

The leader of the blood clan trembled and the sea of blood clouds trembled. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't move at all!

In an instant, the wicker had been tied to him and locked him.

All the people looked at it with silly eyes and thought they had an illusion.

"Lord of blood clan, this... This is bound?"

The angel Lord swallowed a mouthful of water and felt his head explode.

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Especially when I think of how awesome the blood clan leader was just now, the feeling of this dream is deeper.

That's awesome!

"Terror, invincible!"

Alina's heart and liver trembled and said in a trembling voice, "can't an expert make us a headring with this existing branch?"

The other angels also said in awe: "think of the fact that I put the first-class headring on my head, I feel a burst of emptiness..."

But at this time, their eyes coagulated and noticed that the wicker waved towards them, as if... Waving to them.

It's calling us?

The people of the angel family were suddenly worried and almost scared to cry.

It's not about the headring, is it?

However, Alina had a flash in her mind and said, "father, does it mean... Let's go and pluck the blood clan leader?"

Pluck... Pluck?

The angel Lord was stunned.

His eyes involuntarily fell on the blood red wings of the blood clan Lord.

The blood red feathers are very beautiful.

The Lord of the blood clan swallowed the evil spirit, and the body naturally retained the characteristics of the angel. This pair of wings can become the wings of the blood angel!

This feather must be liked by an expert!

The Lord of the angel nodded hurriedly, "yes, pluck him, go and pluck him!"


Alina nodded, then picked up the hair removal stick and went to the head of the blood clan.

Seeing Alina's malicious eyes and the big stick, the head of the blood clan immediately tightened his heart and said coldly, "what are you doing? I tell you, don't mess around! "

"This hair removal stick is just a toothpick relative to your body, so don't panic. It won't hurt too much. I'll try to be faster."

After that, Alina's wings spread, and she came to the back of the blood clan leader, and the big stick attacked quickly!




One red feather after another fell off and was carefully collected by Alina.

"Good hair, it's really good hair. It's both beautiful and special."

Alina praised her, and she couldn't help working harder.

The Lord of the angel looked at it with satisfaction and said with emotion: "the Lord of the blood clan is still very knowledgeable. He knows how to integrate with the devil and provide a different feather for the expert. It's really good."

As for the others, including the old man, they were all dull, opened their mouths and became statues.

"Crazy and sensational, they are actually depilating the blood clan leader..."

"This painting style changes suddenly. I was ready to die not long ago."

"It's so powerful. What is the origin of these people? It's so powerful that it's heinous!"

"How does the wicker exist? Is it the expert behind these angels?"

"Is this the blood clan leader who almost killed my fifth world just now? It feels like a dream. "


A moment later, Alina respectfully saluted the wicker and said, "this... Elder, the hair removal is over!"

The wicker waved its branches and motioned for Alina to step down.

Then, it loosened the blood clan leader and pulled it down straight like a whip.

"Ah! No, spare me, please. "

The blood clan leader screamed in horror. He felt the crisis of life and death. The wicker was pulled down enough to kill him completely!


With a crisp sound, the leader of the blood clan blew up directly, and the huge body turned into a blood mist.

Then the wicker lifted up again and beat down!

The target is the sea of blood and clouds!

The sea of blood clouds trembled, the blood surged and roared like resistance, but it was doomed that everything was in vain.


It's another crisp sound. The sea of blood clouds melts like spring snow. It's like a command of heaven and earth. No one can resist. Even though the sea of blood clouds is boundless and spread all over the fifth world, it has to melt at this time!

One after another, the sea of blood clouds disappeared, and the whole fifth world faded and returned to Qingming.

The red sun is no longer, the sun is coming again!

The warm sunshine scattered down, dispelling the previous shadow, so that all the creatures who survived the disaster have a feeling of being separated from the world.

"The blood clan leader is dead, and our world... Is saved!"

"Great, see the sun again!"

"Ah - I survived!"

Everyone looked happy, one by one was so excited that their bodies trembled and screamed, and some cried bitterly in memory of their deceased friends.

The wicker quietly retreated, leaving only twelve broken willows and returning to the angel family.

The angels trembled and said respectfully, "thank you, master!"

As for the old man, he stared vaguely at the place where the wicker left, like a pilgrimage, and whispered in a trembling voice: "the legend is true, they are back!"

The angel Lord flew over and said curiously, "dare you ask the elder, 'who are they'?"

"It's the soul of the seven worlds! It belongs to the oldest legend in the seven realms. "

The old man's eyes were filled with awe and continued: "it is said that there is a warspirit guardian in each world. People from different worlds are not allowed to shuttle. They are the most powerful force to maintain the balance of the seven worlds. As long as they exist, the origin of the seven worlds will not be chaotic!"

"It's just that no one has seen them for countless years, and I don't know when they disappeared. They even became legends until they were forgotten."

The Lord of the angel was slightly surprised, "the soul of the seven worlds? I didn't expect such a secret luck. "

It seems that the fighting soul of the seven realms has something to do with the expert. The expert is concerned about the balance of the Seven Realms!

He is really broad-minded.

"Thank you for your help. I hope you can restore order in the seven realms."

The old man naturally regarded the angels as the subordinates of the war spirit, and then said, "here... Farewell."

He opened his arms to meet the opening of the fifth world, and the brilliance of the source shone on him.

Indifferent way: "only with my residual body, dedicated to the world."

The Lord of the angel was stunned and said, "elder, why do you bother?"

"I don't know people and can't teach my disciples. This has led to a great disaster, which has plunged the fifth world into a broken state and ruined life."

"I am willing to give everything I have, transform into stars, refine thousands of small worlds, feed endless creatures, be eaten by thousands of animals and trampled by all spirits, so as to fill the fragmentation of this world. Please complete the source!"

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