Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 732: 732

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Above the void.

The avenue paths manifest and become one route, intertwined with each other to form a chess game.

Between the whole heaven and earth, a strange breath surrounds it and separates it into an independent space, just like another small world to be reshaped.

"What is this? I actually feel the strong original flavor! "

"The creation of heaven and earth is the real heaven and earth. There is not only the origin and Avenue, but also the rules of heaven and earth!"

"Is this the chess world? What level of magic weapon is that chessboard, which can manifest the chess world! "

"The seventh world is really terrible!"

Just when everyone was shocked, the chess game had covered them, and a lot of brilliance fell on them, just like the newborn of the new world, setting their identity!

Everyone's body is getting bigger. Except for the head, the body becomes a round ball with its own role printed on it.

Taoist Jun Jun looked at his body with a confused look on his face. There was a word "pawn" printed on his round belly. He was standing innocently in the front row of the team.

"What's going on?"

Yang Jian, Xiao Chengfeng, Xingya and Tongtian cult leaders are also "pawns" side by side with him.

Xiao Chengfeng laughed and said, "we are at the front of the chess game, which shows that we are very critical. Hahaha, I will take the lead in charging!"

Opposite them, there are also five people corresponding to them one by one, including Shi Zhenxiang, Shi Tainong and Shi Kelang.

They were staring at Yang Jian with a cold twinkle in their eyes.

Shi Zhenxiang said, "the third day's eye is unique to the donkey family of our God of heaven's eye. Why do you have a human?"

Steinon said, "this heavenly eye is famous in the seven realms. Where did you get it? What does it have to do with our God donkey family?"

Erlang God scolded: "fart! Lao Tzu's name is Erlang God. The third eye is a gift from heaven. When did it become something of your donkey demon? "

Shi Kelang's eyes showed the color of thinking and analyzed: "ha ha, I can feel that your heavenly eyes are the same as ours. I think you must be a descendant of my God donkey family and the human family!"

Shi Zhenxiang said sternly, "your body is flowing with the blood of my God donkey family. Don't you recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors quickly?"

Aside, Taoist Jun Jun and others were silly. They looked at Yang Jian one by one, with strange colors in their eyes and happy chrysanthemums on their faces.

Xingya said, "Yang Jian, I can't see that your life experience is so rough. This is cross-border and cross racial love!"

Xiao Chengfeng said, "brother Yang Jian, there is donkey blood in your body. It's disrespectful."

Tongtian sect leader: "Yang Jian, it seems that you can't hide your life experience."

Yang Jian's face was as black as charcoal and said in a low voice, "shut up! I will kill these three donkeys! "

Gu Ai's body was printed with the word "handsome". He was surprised to see everyone's change. His face was very dignified. He said in a deep voice: "the painting world is chess, and all living beings are chess pieces. This chess game is a little interesting!"

"What are the rules of the chess game?"

The little fox was in the position of "general" and said, "this chess is called chess. The rules are understood by himself."

Dahei became a round fat dog and a "Scholar" standing next to her. The dog's face was also confused and uneasy.

The little fox is too playful. He stole his master's chessboard and used it to play chess with his opponent. In this rule, if he becomes an abandoned son, he will really die.

Since it is a chess game, the degree of danger will be far more than all. If you follow the rules here, there will be abandoned children. It is a very ruthless iron law!

They closed their eyes one after another and soon felt the playing method of the chess game from this heaven and earth.

They are all the strongest. They have a strong divine sense and are good at layout. Naturally, they will soon understand the rules.

Gu Ai's heart was clear, and he held the winning ticket and said, "Oh, good setting, little fox spirit, you go first!"

"Head gun!"

The little fox raised his hand and waved. As a cannon girl, she flew to the corresponding position.

"Goodwhite, you go!"

As soon as Gu Ai waved his hand, Gu Debai, a horse, jumped out immediately.

Then, the two sides began to layout, and the people flew on the chessboard as pieces according to their instructions.

After seven hands, the first human head is finally going to be born.

At the command of the little fox, Yang Jian, as a pawn, crossed the Chu River and the Han boundary and went straight to Shi Tailong!

"Hehe, the God of eyes donkey family, right? If you dare to grow the same eye with me, you must be ready to die!"

With a sneer, Yang Jian waved his three pointed and two edged knife with a sudden flash of mana and cut down directly towards Shi Tailong!

"Ah, no!"

Steinon screamed in despair. He wanted to escape or fight back, but he found that he couldn't do it at all. A powerful and incredible rule suppressed it and made it wait to die.

With a flash of knife light, there was a flash of light on Stallone's body. Finally, he was unwilling to fall to the ground and showed his original shape. He turned into a donkey and fell in a pool of blood.

Nannan said happily, "great, I haven't eaten donkey meat for a long time!"

The big black dog had a saliva on his mouth and moved his throat. "Donkey fire is really incomparable. I have to drool when I think about it."

Dragon son said, "my brother said that there is dragon meat in the sky and donkey meat on the ground. It's definitely a classic delicacy!"

Ao Cheng, as an 'elephant', felt a chill in his heart and quickly opened his mouth to remind him, "dragon, don't say a word. You are also a dragon!"

"Hehe, just a small pawn died. If you enter my chess game, you will be buried with the gang!"

Gu Ai sneered. He raised his hand and pointed. As an "elephant", Gu hunting jumped and took Yang Jian as the target.

At this time, Yang Jian has just crossed the river. If he stays where he is, he will definitely be killed by Gu hunting in the next round. If he moves forward, he will be killed by Gu Debai as a "horse".

This is a dead end!

Yang Jian's face changed slightly and his limbs were cold.

The eyes of the people in the heavenly palace showed a complex color. They looked at Yang Jian one by one and wanted to stop talking.

Gu Ai can send the God of eyes donkey family to die at will, but they can't watch Yang Jian die.

However, this is in the chess game. If you want to win, you must sacrifice your chess pieces. This is an inevitable rule.

Yang Jian said freely: "it doesn't matter. I Yang Jian actually died long ago. It was an expert who gave me a new life and let me see a broader world. Now I feel very perfect and the best destination to devote myself to an expert!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, I'll let you die happily!"

Gu lie and Gu Debai both sneered at Yang Jian. Their murderous spirit was boiling as if they were staring at their prey.

Gu Ai looked at the little fox and said with a joking smile, "it's your turn. Let's go quickly."

The little fox looked calm and said faintly, "little pawn, step back."

Immediately, Yang Jian's body moved slightly. Under the traction of a force, he returned to the original place.

Yang Jian is stupid.

The people in Tiangong are stupid.

The ancient people are even more stupid.

I can't believe what's happening right now.

Gu Ai's face was gloomy and asked everyone's voice, "what's the matter with you? How can a pawn step back? "

Everyone knows the rules well. The rules are the first in the chess game. However, it is obvious that the little fox has just completely violated the rules.

The little fox said naturally, "make a fuss. I'm a special force. I can naturally step back."

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the special arms?

Can you give chess pieces special positions?

Gu Ai opened his mouth for a long time and said, "then I'm also a special force!"

The little fox said immediately, "you can't! You are breaking the rules! "


The ancient people's brain was about to explode. Their faces were confused and red. They almost died of anger.

"My brother agreed to my special forces. Did my brother agree that you were a special forces?"

The little fox's tone was indifferent, and then urged: "hurry, continue! Let you see my power! "

"Ho ho."

Gu Ai smiled angrily and said gloomily, "wait for me. Even if you cheat, you are not destined to be my opponent!"

He continued to play the game with the little fox, his eyes shining and calculating.

Compared with before, he was too cautious. The atmosphere between them suddenly became tense and the scene became more and more dignified.

Finally, the little fox caught another chance.

She ordered, "Nan Nan, go and eat each other's horses!"

Immediately, Nannan's body took off, directly across most of the chessboard and cut off the other party's horse.

Even the girl herself was surprised by this move.

She's a gun. She should fight one at a time, but this time she skipped two

Gu Ai was worried. "What does that mean?!"

The little fox said, "I'm a missile gun. I've hit farther. Haven't I seen it?"

Next, it became the performance of the little fox.

"Long'er, you are not an ordinary horse. You are a thousand mile horse. You can go to the field and kill the ancient hunter!"

"Jade Emperor, you are not an ordinary elephant, but a flying elephant. You can cross the river and kill yunqianshan!"

What do you mean one side down?

Gu Ai had no room to fight back. His eyes were red and seemed to be about to cry.

He also wants to bite his teeth and fight hard to pull some funeral companions, but he is always resolved by longer's inexplicable means, and even repents from time to time

How do you play?

It's also playing chess. You're hanging up!

It was almost cleared for no reason.

"The tide is over, the tide is over!"

Gu Ai stood in a handsome position and looked at the endgame. He was afraid of fatigue physically and mentally.

Even the people in the heavenly palace could not help feeling sympathy when they saw this appearance.

Oh, that's terrible.

Why did you promise to play chess with a rule maker? Isn't this for abuse?

An expert is powerful. With such an adverse chessboard, he can also teach the little fox this pervert to enter her chess game. I'm afraid everyone has to kneel.

"General! You have no way out. "

The little fox smiled and enjoyed the fruits of victory. Then he said, "Hello, I won without dying. It's too challenging."


Gu Ai spewed out a mouthful of blood directly, and his whole body trembled with anger.

With a tragic smile, he secretly took out the magic mirror of the world from his arms and hid it behind him, ready to transmit the news here to Guzu before he died.

Especially about the origin of the seventh world, this is not only shit, but also poisonous. Ancient ancestors must pay attention!

He raised his hand on the mirror and began to dial.

"It's over."

The little fox opened his mouth faintly, raised his hand and waved it. Nannan flew up directly, surrounded by the power of swallowing, and a fist roared Gu Ai.

Gu Ai's canthus was about to crack. On his right hand, the original force was madly urged, and the powerful force was mighty. Unexpectedly, it set off a storm on the chess game.

He pushed all his strength to the extreme, and was able to fight with the rules of the chess game for a short time. His right hand was raised and surrounded by endless sources, which made a hole in the chess game.

The biography Sunglasses fell from the air.

At this time, Gu Hui was just connected.

He only saw the picture in the mirror constantly upside down, extremely chaotic, and said with dignity: "Gu Ai, what happened?"

Gu Ai roared with all his strength: "Lord Gu Zu, the origin of the seventh world is poisonous. It's very important to force out the origin of the seventh world that you eat."

In the first world.

Gu Hui frowned and listened carefully to the voice from the other side.

Gu Ai's voice was intermittent, coupled with the chaotic scene from the mirror, he naturally guessed that great changes had taken place in Gu Ai!

The message from this time must be extremely critical.

"The seventh world origin... Must eat... Don't come out... It's very important?"

Gu Hui analyzed the words from Gu Ai and thought carefully.

"The origin of the seventh world is very important. I naturally know that I must eat. Do I need him to speak? What is he trying to say? "

Just when he was puzzled, the magic mirror fell directly from the air into the Luoxian mountains and directly into the cesspit.

"Huh? This is... "

Gu Hui's eyes coagulated, then his face showed a color of ecstasy and said excitedly, "the origin of the seventh world?! Many, many Seventh World origins! This is the nest of the origin of the seventh world! "

"Gu Ai is really good. He must have worked hard to throw the magic mirror into the nest of the origin of the seventh world! No wonder I have to eat it. It's really crucial! "

"I can't live up to their pay. I have to accept it quickly!"

Gu Hui waved his big hand and wiped it on the mirror. Immediately, both sides of the magic mirror figured it out.

Countless third world origins began to flow into Gu Hui's face along the magic mirror of the world, like flowing water.

"Hahaha, there are too many, too many. I'm a wave of fat!"

Gu Hui was immersed in the third world origin and was extremely excited. "I want to start quickly. This time, I can definitely condense the seventh world origin in my body!"

On the other side, the night in the Luoxian mountains returned to calm.

The little fox put away the chess game, his face flushed, and said excitedly, "my brother-in-law is really right. In fact, I am also very strong. If I change my opponent, I will defeat him easily."

The people in the heavenly palace opened their mouths and finally didn't dare to say anything against it.

Even Da Hei shrunk his head and didn't say much.

It won't come to a good end against someone who can cheat in the rules

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