Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 733: 733

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"Spare your life, immortal, spare your life!"

"We're here to support. We definitely don't mean to fight with you."

"We admit that we are wrong. We shouldn't listen to the demagoguery of the fourth world. We won't dare again next time!"

Seeing the ancient clan and other high-end combat forces directly die and die, the surviving group of people knelt down and begged for mercy. They trembled and didn't even have the idea of resistance.

Taoist Jun said, "what should we do with these people?"

Big black walked out slowly, swept his dog's eyes and asked, "where are you all from?"

"We were originally monsters in the sixth world. In order to pursue power, we went to the third world and came out recently."

"We are the aborigines of the third world. After listening to the bewitchment of the ancient people, we have committed a great disaster!"

"I used to be in the fifth world, and I just got out of the third world recently. It's all because I can't stand the temptation."

"The ancient people not only cheated us to eat dung, but also wanted to kill us!"

They all regret it and lie on the ground to learn from it.

Big black said coldly, "it's too wasteful to kill all at one time. Select some high-quality products that can be used as game, and kill the rest..."


Yang Jian and others looked heavy, and their murderous spirit was boiling, so they started immediately.

A moment later, the people in the heavenly palace dispersed.

Nannan and Dahei returned to the quadrangle with a group of game and game corpses.

The next day.

Li nianfan opened the door and came out. He saw three donkeys lying in the middle of the quadrangle. The whole person couldn't help but be stunned.

Then he smiled and said, "where did these three donkeys come from? You went out hunting in the morning? "

Nannan immediately said, "brother, not only three donkeys, we also played a lot of game."

Long'er also nodded and said, "in addition, he also brought back many rare animals that can be used as game."

The fox said greedily, "brother-in-law, I want to eat donkey fire, donkey fire!"

Li nianfan couldn't help shaking his head and said with a smile, "you're so playful. You certainly didn't have a good rest last night."

Xiuxian is really good. It's enviable to go hunting without sleeping at night.

Then, after breakfast, he followed Nannan and Long'er and visited their labor achievements last night, which really startled Li nianfan.

There are more than thirty dead game, and there are many kinds of good meat. However, there are more live game than dead game, and each game is fat and strong, which expands the game team a lot in an instant.

"There's enough food for a while."

Li nianfan asked Daji to freeze the dead game and thaw it when he wanted to.

Then he focused on the group of game raised.

Being stared at by Li nianfan, both the new game and the old game were shocked and terrified.

One by one, they are too clever to be good. They lie on the ground with their limbs. They are pathetic.

Daji asked curiously, "childe, what's the matter?"

"There's too much game. It's not like keeping it outside the quadrangle. There's also the cesspit, which is too close to the quadrangle."

Li nianfan expressed his thoughts.

Too much game will make the courtyard very chaotic. If the cesspit is too close, the odor will definitely affect the courtyard in the future. This greatly destroys the scenery and has to be planned again.

Dragon son didn't think about cableway: "brother, why don't we move the game and dung pit to the foot of the mountain."

Li nianfan nodded and said, "this is really a good idea, but it's a little far from picking dung in the future."

Nannan and Long'er said, "this distance is nothing."

Immediately, they began to fill the original pit together, and then moved with a group of game.

Li nianfan wondered in his heart if he had to recruit someone to help.

Before Nannan and Long'er were in charge of this, he felt a little inappropriate. After all, this job is really disgraceful. Nannan and Long'er are just two little girls and should not do this job.

Now the distance is farther. In addition to picking dung, someone has to take care of the game.

Just this kind of work, who would be willing to do it?

This kind of game is ferocious one by one. It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to control it. As for the capable immortals, they are certainly unwilling to do it.

It's nerve racking.

When the site of the cesspit was finalized and a bigger pit was dug again, Li nianfan took everyone back to the quadrangle.

On the way back, Li nianfan suddenly said, "by the way, what happened to the bug that stole dung last time?"

The Dragon son smiled and said, "hee hee, don't worry, brother. Those insects have been solved and should not come again in the future."

"That's good."

Li nianfan nodded. It seems that the insecticide sent by the system is very useful although it doesn't sell well. It's really good.

After a pause, he said casually, "but insects like this can easily make a comeback. It's better to pay more attention at ordinary times."

Everyone's look could not help moving slightly.

Nannan said, "OK, brother, we understand."

Here comes the instruction again!

Master, this is to eradicate the people behind the scenes and prevent each other from making a comeback!

"It seems that it's time to go to the fourth world in person!"

Daji's beautiful eyes flashed slightly, and she had made up her mind to pay attention.

"Brother in law, donkey fire, donkey fire!"

The Little Fox began to shout again, full of expectations for the burning of donkey meat.

Li nianfan smiled and said, "you should go to your sister. Your sister's cooking is ready to graduate."

The little fox shook his head decisively and said, "I don't want it. My sister won't pay attention to me. I know my brother-in-law is the best for me."


Daji's eyes immediately stared at the little fox. He was so frightened that the little fox trembled. He showed his original shape on the spot and turned into a little fox. He jumped into Li nianfan's arms and tried his best to drill in.

A moment later, a curl of smoke rose over the courtyard, accompanied by bursts of tempting aroma.

After a delicious lunch, Li nianfan walked out of the courtyard with a small bag and went to the foot of the mountain.

Daji also went out of the quadrangle, but went to the fourth boundary.

"Bang, bang!"

At the foot of the mountain, the river holds a long sword and has been chopping firewood for decades.

Sweat appeared on his forehead and his face was full of seriousness. He raised and waved his sword in a neat and uniform manner.

"Brother Jiang, you are still cutting down trees."

Li nianfan saw the familiar figure of cutting trees from a distance and came over with a smile.

It's an expert!

Jiang Liu's body suddenly shook, and his heart was excited. He quickly wiped the sweat on his face and turned to meet Li nianfan.

He saluted and said, "I've seen your majesty."

Li nianfan asked, "have you had lunch?"

Jiang Liu shook his head honestly and said, "not yet."

"That's just right. I brought you some."

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Li nianfan laughed, "how about finding a place to have a drink with me?"

The river was flattered.

I felt goose bumps all over my body. I was so excited that I trembled and said, "what I wish, I dare not invite you!"

"Lord saint, the humble room under is right there."

Jiang Liu takes Li nianfan to the wooden house he built. The wooden house is very simple, and a pair of tables and chairs are simply built next to it.

Li nianfan couldn't help saying, "it's too simple. You don't know how to improve your living conditions."

While talking, he sat down and took out all the things he had brought.

A pile of peanuts, a pot of wine and some donkey meat.

"The food is a little simple. I don't know if it fits the appetite of the brothers in Hejiang."

Jiang Liu hurriedly and sincerely said, "it's appetizing, absolutely appetizing. Thank you for your love!"

He looked at the delicious food on the table, his throat rolled and almost burst into tears.

The expert was so kind to me that he even sent me lunch. How can I deserve his care!

Looking at the peanut, he could clearly see that the space around the peanut was twisting, and the law surrounded it to form an invisible vision. Each grain was comparable to the panacea used by the Supreme Master of the road.

And the donkey meat was on fire. He was quite familiar with the smell of the meat. Wasn't it one of the supreme donkey demons on Santou Avenue last night?

As for the wine in that cup, it is as transparent as a pool of clear water, but in the bursts of wine fragrance, it clearly has a great smell!

"Come on, let's have a toast first!"

Li nianfan raised his glass and began to taste wine with peanuts with the river.

"My Lord, I respect you!"

The river solemnly picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

Suddenly, the full-bodied aroma of wine filled the whole mouth, and the spicy wine flowed down his throat, making him feel a burst of headache.

In this wine breath, there was a strong power of the road, which exploded in his body, instantly increased his mana, and it seemed that there was a road singing in his mind, which made him have a deeper understanding of the road.

Li nianfan said, "thank you for helping me cut firewood and send it up the mountain. It's really hard for you."

The river immediately said, "Your Majesty is too polite. Cutting firewood here is the true meaning of my life. Therefore, my life becomes meaningful!"

His tone was indescribably firm, obviously from the bottom of his heart.

Being able to cut firewood for an expert is at least a peripheral disciple. This is a beautiful thing that everyone dare not dream of. It can't be compared with anything in the world. Apart from others, this meal alone is enough to make the whole heavenly palace jealous.

Li nianfan: "??"

Can cutting firewood have anything to do with the meaning of life?

Isn't this river stupid for cutting firewood?

Li nianfan couldn't help asking, "cough, how do you feel about cutting firewood?"

Jiang Liu thought that Li nianfan was taking an examination of himself and immediately sat upright and seriously said, "I feel the rhythm of the road. I have different feelings when cutting down each knife. I cater to the road or cut off the road. The angle, strength, mood and even mentality of cutting firewood will affect my knife. I think I have entered the threshold of the road of cutting firewood. This is a kind of practice, It is also a kind of self-cultivation! "

fucking great!

Li nianfan was stunned.

Jiang Liu is obviously obsessed with cutting firewood. Have you become a firewood maniac?

God's way of cutting firewood.

You're going to heaven!

Li nianfan's eyes are complex. The river flow is also a talent with a tricky angle. It is uncertain that he can really realize some inexplicable but awesome power as in previous novels

It's called firewood cutting cultivation method?

Jiang Liu asked for advice and said, "how do you think I feel?"

Li nianfan pursed his mouth and said with a dry smile, "it's a good idea, but I don't think it's too fascinating to cut firewood. It's bad to think too much. Just cut it at will."

He tried to pull the river back.

Don't be obsessed?

Just chop?

The look of the river moved, like being enlightened, and instantly understood a lot.

Yes, I was addicted to the way of cutting firewood, considering all aspects of the situation, but I forgot the matter of cutting firewood itself!

It's just cutting down trees. Where the heart comes, where the power comes, why think too much?

His breath is surging, the avenue is surrounded like the wind, and his clothes are blowing slightly. The realm is directly from the first step to the supreme, to the first step to the supreme peak. Just precipitate a little more, you can step into the second step!

The expert not only sent me food, but also saw my problem and pointed me out in person!

Jiang Liu suddenly got up, bowed to Li nianfan and said, "I understand! Thank you for your advice. I almost went astray! "


I'll give you some wool.

I don't know what you realized.

People who cultivate immortality always seem to have some abnormal brain circuits.

Li nianfan rolled his eyes, changed the topic and said, "OK, I actually have one thing I want to ask you for help."

"Your Majesty, but it doesn't hurt to say!"

The opening of the river's voice seems to be ready to die at any time.

Li nianfan said, "a group of game I keep has been transferred to the foot of the mountain. I need your help to look after it to prevent any accidents."

Jiang Liu said firmly, "no problem. Unless I die, I won't let the game have the slightest accident!"

"It's not that serious. You don't have to sacrifice for it."

Li nianfan shook his head and then said, "also, I lack a dung picker. I need to send the dung of game to the mountain from the foot of the mountain to fertilize. I'd like to ask you to help pay attention to whether there are suitable ones around."

Fat difference, good fat difference!

Jiang Liu's heart is crazy. If he really releases this recruitment, the whole seven circles will have to explode!

Jiang Liu promised, "don't worry, Lord Shengjun. I'll pay attention."

At the same time.

The fourth world, Tianji Pavilion.

The originally bustling Tianji Pavilion suddenly became extremely cold.

Only the old Pavilion master sat alone in the deepest part of Tianji Pavilion, quietly waiting for everyone to return.

In the room, there is still the smell of the origin of the seventh world, which makes the old Pavilion Lord have an incomparable aftertaste.

He frowned and wondered, "what's going on? Didn't those people invite the Lord of angels? Even if the Lord of angels doesn't appreciate it and doesn't come all the time, they can destroy the whole Angel family easily. Why take so long? "

The ancient people are so powerful that they can't fall for such a small thing.

The old Pavilion Lord raised his hand and began to bend his fingers to calculate what had happened.

His body merged with the origin of the fourth world and produced strange changes. Naturally, he can calculate most of the things that happened to the fourth world.

All of a sudden, his fingers snapped and his face changed greatly.

Then he recalculated and repeated it seven or eight times.

The whole person trembled violently.

Frightened, he said, "is it poisonous in excrement?"

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