Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 737: 737

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Li nianfan put down the newspaper and asked, "little Daji, how do you feel about the situation outside this time?"

Daji pondered for a moment and said, "experts come out frequently, undercurrent surges, and there are many nationalities. I'm afraid there will be many changes."

Li nianfan nodded, just as he guessed.

Several different worlds are connected. Now it's just a small fight, and it's estimated that it will be more and more lively in the future.

Although he is a meritorious monarch and has many experts around him with a high safety factor, it is necessary to maintain more relations with various forces.

Thinking of this, he opened his mouth and said, "you call Nannan and longer. I have something to tell you."

Daji nodded cleverly and immediately went to the backyard.

Soon, Nannan and longer trotted over and said, "brother, are you looking for us?"

Long'er saw the landscape box at a glance. His eyes were full of curiosity. He raised his hand and took it in his hand, and then began to swing up and down.

In the ice, the fog changed its shape as she swayed like a current.

The "heaven" inside was made into seven meat and eight vegetables, and the heart was oppressed,

He said fiercely, "damn bear, wait for me! I will make you regret! "

"It's fun. Let me try."

Nannan was so excited that she took it from Long'er's hand and began to shake more violently.

'God' roared, "ah, I hate bear children most! Wait, wait for me! "

After watching them play for a while, Li nianfan said, "let's also have a little fox. The meat of the three donkeys last time is enough. Let's cook more donkey meat today. Wait for you to send it to the heavenly palace, the demon court, the underworld and the main gates of friendship. It's good to deal with the relationship between good people."

Nannan and others immediately nodded and said, "uh huh, OK, brother."

Time passes slowly like water.

With the penetration of several realms, many experts began to travel, either to see the future world, or to find opportunities in other realms, or to find a good training place, or to avoid hunting, etc.

The third world is broken, the fifth world is greatly weakened, and the fourth world is also in poor condition. Only the seventh world is thriving and full of Avenue atmosphere. Therefore, there are undoubtedly the most people coming and going to the seventh world.

In the seventh realm, there is no doubt that the divine realm has become the center.

All forces and experts entering the divine realm are like crucian carp crossing the river, either directly dominate one side, or carefully explore the reality of the seventh world.

As time goes on, many people are ready to move.

At this time, a huge auspicious cloud was passing through the void.

On the auspicious cloud stood a dozen monks, all with cold faces and cold breath flashing all over them, with incomparable dignity.

The leaders were an old man holding a dust brush and a young man wearing a crown jade.

They did not hide their momentum, so that the whole auspicious cloud exuded a strong smell and was extremely overbearing. It was difficult to provoke at first sight, so that other auspicious clouds had to take a detour to avoid.

One of the monks held a big flag high in his hand with a golden and huge word "dragon" printed on it!

The word was shining in the sun with the traces of magic.

If there are people from the third world here, they will recognize that this is the flag of longtaozong!

Although longtaozong is not a big door in the third world, there are also two Avenue supremacies in it. Moreover, in the hands of its patriarch, it also has a treasure contaminated with the origin of the third world, which can easily suppress the general Avenue supremacy!

Now, the existence that goes out from the third world and immediately comes to the bottom of the third world has become a large door that can not be provoked, and runs rampant in the divine realm.

This young man is Zhao Feng, the son of the leader of long Tao sect.

Standing on the auspicious clouds, he looked down at the mountains and rivers at his feet and said with a cold smile: "I was born in the broken world of the third world. I never thought the outside world was so wonderful. It's really good!"

The old man said with a light smile: "the outside world is not only wonderful, but also opportunities everywhere. In the future, our longtaozong will develop well. Naturally, this great river and mountain belongs to the childe!"

Zhao Feng was domineering and sneered: "hehe, we walked out of the third world and our strength has a natural advantage. The forces in the divine domain can become the vassal of our dragon Tao sect. Those who don't know will bear our anger!"

The old man said, "what you said is very true. Now in this area, there are already nine religious families willing to become our vassals."

Zhao Feng asked, "where are we going next?"

"Royal beast sect."

The old man paused and continued: "according to the news I got, the background of the Royal beast sect is somewhat extraordinary. It seems that the big man behind the God domain is the first big man in the neighborhood and is deeply feared by the surrounding sects."

"Oh?" Zhao Feng raised his eyebrows slightly and said curiously, "what's the strength?"

The old man replied, "the strength of the patriarch is the peak of the realm of heaven, and there is an elder in the door who is also the realm of heaven."

"That's it?"

Zhao Feng sneered, shook his head and said, "it seems that there are not many experts in the seventh world. It seems that the big people behind them are probably not much better. At most, they are the Supreme Master of the road."

The old man said: "the virtual reality in the God domain, let's start with the beast Royal sect, which is also the first step for our dragon Tao sect to conquer the God of war domain!"

At this point.

Royal beast sect.

The patriarch situ is receiving distinguished guests tomorrow.

This is an old man who came to visit with a beautiful girl. They are a pair of grandchildren, also from the third world.

After coming out of the third world, they traveled to the seventh world. They did not want to compete for hegemony. They just regarded it as tourism and made friends everywhere.

The old man was worried and said, "master situ, I've been walking in the seventh world for a while. I found that there are few experts in the seventh world and are connected with the third world. I'm afraid it will be the source of disaster!"

He has seen too many bloody storms in the third world. The strength of the seventh world is not enough to protect himself. He is likely to follow the footsteps of the third world. I'm afraid the quiet days will be gone.

"The source of disaster?"

Situ shook his head and smiled tomorrow. He said calmly, "you don't have to worry. My seventh world is absolutely the safest. Whoever dares to go wild in the divine domain will go far!"

In the divine realm, there is an expert sitting in the town. He is not empty at all.

It's ok if those people are clever, but if they think they can do whatever they want by relying on their strength, it's definitely over.

Although he doesn't know how powerful an expert is, the word "invincible" should be quite suitable for an expert.

The old man said curiously, "what do you say?"

"I'm in the divine domain, but I'm a great man. There's really a disaster. You'll naturally know."

Situ smiled mysteriously tomorrow and paused. He said proudly, "to tell you the truth, my daughter followed the big man and learned to write and draw. It's a small success."

Speaking of situ Qin, he was naturally very proud and glowing. As a father, he also followed suit. Even the people in the heavenly palace had to be polite when they saw him.

Big man?

Writing and painting?

Small success?

The old man and the girl looked at each other and couldn't help wondering.

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Where did his mystical confidence come from?

Maybe you don't have enough vision. You don't know how terrible those people in the third world are.

However, they politely didn't dismantle situ's platform tomorrow. The old man followed his words: "it seems that master situ's daughter is really a young talent. Qingxuan, you have to study hard."

Qingxuan nodded and said, "if you have the opportunity, you must communicate with master situ's daughter for advice."

Situ laughed tomorrow and said, "ha ha ha, it's easy to say, easy to say."

This time.

A terrible pressure suddenly fell from the sky, just like a heavy hammer, directly hit the yubeast sect.

Pressure, like substance, stirs up a strong wind and breaks some trees.

Then, a loud voice came, "Zhao Feng, the Dragon Tao sect, came to visit the Royal beast sect!"

Situ's face sank tomorrow.

Give someone a slap in the face. Is this a visit?

"Zhao Feng?!"

The old man and Qingxuan's faces changed at the same time, and the light of hatred burst out in their eyes.

Situ asked tomorrow, "do you know this man?"

Qingxuan flushed her eyes and said, "kill your father and enemy!"

The old man sighed and said, "in the third world, Zhao Feng took a fancy to Qingxuan's beauty and tried to rob it. It was Qingxuan's parents who fought hard to resist, so I could escape with Qingxuan."

Situ Leng hum tomorrow: "this dragon Tao sect is really not a good thing!"

While talking, their faces changed at the same time, and their mana turned into a shield.

The next moment, a terrible force came, and a huge virtual shadow of the palm suddenly fell on the hall, shattering the whole hall and turning it into dust.

Situ rose from the sky tomorrow and said angrily, "bullying people too much!"

"What if I deceive you?"

The old man of long taozong laughed wantonly and then shouted coldly, "I've just heard, but you didn't come out to meet me at the first time. What a big shelf!"

He suddenly burst out with the supreme momentum of the avenue, blocking the space, and the smell of the avenue showed a vision, which made all the people of the Royal beast sect tremble and out of breath.

"Qingxuan, it's really you!"

Zhao Feng's eyes lit up and stared at the girl. His eyes showed desire and said excitedly: "ha ha ha, I've been looking for you for so many years, but I didn't expect to meet you in the seventh world. This is the fate to meet thousands of miles. You are destined to be my Zhao Feng's woman!"

Situ scolded directly tomorrow: "shit, are you illiterate? If you can use words, you obviously have a narrow road! "

With his vision, naturally he would not be afraid of Zhao Feng and directly opened ridicule.

Zhao Feng's eyes sank and stared at situ tomorrow, "old man, you want to die!"

The old man said, "situ, tomorrow, we don't want to fight with you today. As long as you promise to submit to our dragon Tao sect, your sect can still keep peace."

Zhao Feng was full of murderous thoughts and said, "old Yun, what are you talking to him about? You don't even have the supreme cultivation of Da Dao. Please kill him directly! "

The old cloud's breath locked situ tomorrow and said coldly, "well, since the childe speaks, you are dying!"

"Lord situ, be careful!"

The old man hurried forward and stared at the old cloud coldly, "cloud ink wind, I will kill you!"

Zhao Feng said with a shameless smile, "Grandpa, although we killed your son by mistake, when I marry your granddaughter, we will be a family. What do you mention?"

As soon as he raised his hand, more than a dozen people behind him stepped out together, and their whole body was rolling. Unexpectedly, they were all in the realm of heaven and surrounded the people!

He laughed at Qingxuan and said, "don't let them run away. Since I met them today, I'll have my wedding tonight!"

Qingxuan was so angry that her delicate body trembled and said firmly, "I won't let you do it even if I die!"

Just when the old man wanted to rush out and fight with Yun Mo Feng, situ made great strides forward tomorrow.

Scolded: "I bah! What kind of thing is long taozong that still wants us to take refuge? Still want to make an idea about Miss Qingxuan? You are really ugly, but one idea is more beautiful than another! "

Zhao Feng pointed to situ tomorrow and said angrily, "old Yun, kill him for me!"

Yun Lao didn't say much. He raised his hand with a cold face and slapped situ tomorrow without mercy.

Under this palm, the power of the road, like the surging river and sea, converged into a huge force and went towards situ's suppression tomorrow!

"Just because you want to kill me?"

Facing this slap, situ tomorrow had no intention of flinching, but raised his legs to meet him.

This move not only stunned long taozong, but also stunned Qingxuan and the old man.

The strength between the supreme road and the realm of heaven is as different as clouds and mud. Situ is really too rigid tomorrow. It can be said that he is a little different.

Just as that palm was about to fall on situ tomorrow, he suddenly raised his hand, but a branch suddenly appeared in his hand.

Take the branch as the sword and stab forward!

Actually pierced this palm and dissolved it into invisibility!

"How is this possible?!"

Yunmo Feng's pupil suddenly widened. He stared at the branch and then said in shock: "no wonder that branch must have been contaminated by the origin all year round, and it was actually contaminated with the original breath!"

"Original breath?"

Zhao Feng's eyes suddenly turned red and greedily said, "if you get this branch, you can certainly refine the source of cost and treasure! Come on, take it! "

"Hahaha, I didn't expect to have such unexpected harvest this time. I, long taozong, really have great luck and will add another original treasure!"

Cloud ink and wind laughed, and their moves were even more fierce. They used all kinds of means and showed their magic power. They wanted to suppress situ tomorrow.

However, situ was holding that branch tomorrow, as if he were holding a magic sword. When he raised his hand, he was very powerful, and actually dissolved the attack of Yun mofeng one by one.

As situ Qin's father, he is naturally a little welfare.

These branches were sent back by situ Qin to him for self-defense. They were made of materials that Li nianfan had made tables and chairs before. They were produced in the backyard.

"What a terrible branch!"

The cloud ink wind became more and more frightened. All goose bumps got up, surprised and happy.

The source of this branch is far more than he thought!

It's amazing!

At the moment when he was distracted, the branch cut off his magic power again, and then stabbed into his ass with hatred

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