Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 738: 738

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"Ouch --"

Yunmo Feng's old face elongated directly, his body was like a spring, and he shot out directly, with a string of blood rushing out along the way.

He covered his ass, twitched and barked wolf.

Unbelievable way: "how could I be broken by a mole ant in the realm of heaven?"

Others were also shocked.

"Did he hurt old Yun?"

Qingxuan's eyes widened in surprise. When she noticed yunmo Feng's wound, she raised her hand and covered her mouth.

The gap between the realm of heaven and the supreme road can not be expressed in words, and there is almost nothing that can make up for this gap.

However, it is obvious that the branch in situ's hand tomorrow has done it!

What an artifact it is. It's incredible.

Situ stopped and stood up tomorrow. Looking at the branches, he said apologetically, "sorry, I just couldn't help stabbing those filthy places with you. I'm really sorry."

"You, you!"

Cloud ink wind chrysanthemum tightened, stopped the flying blood, trembled and pointed to situ tomorrow, and his face turned pig liver color.

You stabbed me and said you dirty the branch. I don't want face?

Kill people!

"Old Yun, this branch is so extraordinary that it must belong to my dragon Tao sect!"

On one side, Zhao Feng stared at the branch greedily, and wanted to print his eyes on it. He roared: "let's fight together and suppress this man, dead or alive!"

Immediately, more than a dozen other people of longtaozong raised their hands together and killed situ tomorrow.

Their magic power converged into a vast ocean in the void. It was actually a joint attack array. More than a dozen powerful people in the realm of heaven joined hands at the same time, with terrible power.

Cloud ink wind is also red eyes, with full of anger again, "die for me!"

In the face of the siege, situ was still calm tomorrow. The branches in his hands turned into countless shadows, blooming like flowers in the void, resisting many offensives.

In his hands, the branches are shrouded in a layer of emerald green light, surrounded by the power of capital stock source, just like a baton. Every time he makes a move, he can easily drive the power of the bright road and play an extremely powerful power.

Qingxuan and the old man were so stupid that they didn't go up to support for a while.

Qingxuan exclaimed heartily, "it's terrible that you can do this with one person's strength. The leader of the Royal beast sect is really terrible."

The old man took a deep breath and said in horror: "he said there was a big man behind him. So it seems that the seventh world is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. I'm afraid it's very deep!"

The battle continues.

Situ is holding a branch tomorrow, but it is more powerful than any magic weapon. Although it seems that it is difficult to support, someone on the other side has begun to be shot down by him.

In the twinkling of an eye, five of the more than a dozen powerful people in the realm of heaven of the Dragon Tao sect have been suppressed to vomit blood. On the contrary, situ will only turn pale tomorrow.

"Evil gate, the Royal beast sect is too evil. It's not the strength of the great power of the realm of heaven!"

"This branch is too unusual. Even if it's just a light blow, I feel that the whole world is killing me!"

"How could such a treasure fall into the hands of the realm of heaven? The pearl is covered with dust!"

The more people fight, the more they can deeply realize the horror of this branch.

Yun Mo Feng, with a calm face, shouted eagerly, "young master, come on! Call the sect leader to come in person! This branch definitely comes from the depths of its origin. Never let this old thing run away! "

Now he is most worried that situ will not fight with them tomorrow. He turns around and runs away. It is a great pity in life to miss such a treasure!

"Old cloud is right!"

Zhao Feng's body was shocked. He didn't dare to neglect it immediately. He raised his hand and took out a jade amulet, which was suddenly crushed!


Where the jade amulet is broken, the space is also broken!

The breath of the mighty Avenue converges into a vortex, and a strange force blooms in this space.

"No, he's calling!"

Qingxuan's grandfather's face sank, took a quick step, raised his hand and bombarded the space, trying to transmit the space to destroy.

However, from the space, a thin palm suddenly popped out, and the same palm slapped Qingxuan's grandfather away, shaking Qingxuan's grandfather back.

Then, a middle-aged man in a purple robe appeared there. His eyes were like stars, his whole body was dignified and looked around.

Feng'er, what's worth using the life jade Charm I gave you

Zhao Feng said excitedly, "Dad, look there. The child found a big baby."

The middle-aged man looked at the battlefield, then his eyes suddenly coagulated, and his pupils contracted very much.

"Only relying on the realm of heaven, I can fight the elite Longtao team of our Longtao sect alone!

"No, it's... The source treasure in his hand!"

The middle-aged man's heart pounded and looked at it again, which was confirmed.

Surprised and pleased, he said: "what a strong source power. I didn't expect that there was such a source treasure in the seventh world. The grade even exceeded the source treasure in my hand!"

Zhao Feng opened his mouth and said, "when the child found that the baby was important, he was afraid of an accident, so he dared to disturb his father."

"Hahaha, my son is good! You were right to call me! "

The middle-aged man laughed and stared at the branch with hot eyes, "this is the unexpected joy of long taozong given to us by God. It can't be bumped by non atmospheric transporters!"

After saying that, he will fight situ tomorrow.

Qingxuan's grandfather immediately got up and walked forward, and said coldly, "stop! Zhao Longtao, your opponent is me! "

"Hehe, people who don't even have the original treasure don't deserve to be my opponent!"

With a disdainful smile, Zhao Longtao raised his hand, and a whip shadow shot out like a poisonous snake. He cut off the Avenue along the way and beat grandpa Qingxuan directly.


Qingxuan's grandfather's supernatural powers were directly destroyed, and the whole person was pulled out. A deep whip mark was left on his body, blood flowed, and the origin of his life was severely damaged and convulsed.

"The origin of the Seven Realms, but the town avenue, overestimate your strength, and you're going to die!"

Zhao Longtao laughed proudly, and then his eyes fell on situ tomorrow again, sneering: "but the source of the treasure also depends on who will use it. Obviously, your strength can't play all its power. Bring it to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, he waved his whip again and smoked towards situ tomorrow!


With the original breath, the whip directly wrapped around the branch in situ tomorrow's hand!

The original breath of the two treasures was in a stalemate with each other. Situ's action tomorrow was immediately blocked. Other people of longtaozong saw the opportunity and directly printed behind him and suppressed situ tomorrow on the spot!

"The game is over!"

Zhao Feng laughed, looked at Qingxuan jokingly and said, "Qingxuan, you are mine tonight!"

Qingxuan clenched her teeth and said, "you dream!"

Zhao Feng said proudly, "you don't count. If you don't follow me, I'll kill your grandpa!"

Qingxuan's delicate body trembled with anger. Her face was hopelessly pale, helpless and sad. She didn't know where to go.

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Cloud ink wind did not give up. His eyes were full of the killing intention. He immediately stepped out and came to situ's head tomorrow, "Whoever humiliates me will die!"

When he was ready to take a slap to wipe out situ tomorrow, suddenly, a cold breath came rapidly, but a figure came rapidly across the space.

It was a woman with hazy light and long hair. She exuded a breath far away from the secular world, quiet and indifferent.

It was situ Qin who came back just in time.

Li nianfan made a pile of Donkey Meat fire and distributed it to the major forces. Naturally, she won't lose the share of the Royal beast sect. As the leader of the Royal beast sect, she naturally came in person and went home by the way.

But I didn't expect that before I got home, I sensed that several strong breath were fighting, so I came quickly. Unexpectedly, I saw this thrilling scene.

She immediately came to situ tomorrow's side and said with concern, "Dad, are you okay?"

Situ Chang breathed a sigh of relief tomorrow and said, "daughter, it's good that you're back. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't see me. These people are not good people."

"I see. I'll leave it to me next." Situ Qin nodded and looked at the people of longtaozong with cold eyes.

"What a beautiful girl!"

Zhao Feng's eyes were about to protrude. He looked at situ Qin greedily and said excitedly, "I didn't expect that situ's daughter tomorrow was so beautiful. My Yanfu is really not shallow! Hahaha -- "

Qingxuan's grandfather sighed in his heart. It was really a bad time for master situ's daughter to come back and send sheep into the mouth of a tiger!

Situ stabilized his injury tomorrow. He was full of confidence and scolded: "you ignorant dog, dare to talk to my daughter like this!"

How can your daughter be humiliated if she follows an expert?

Moreover, he believed that his daughter must be strong enough to deal with these people after practicing for so long.

Zhao Feng's face sank and he felt incredible. "Old man, dare you talk to me like this when you are dying?"

Qingxuan and her grandfather were also shocked.

Lord situ has just started again. He is always full of fan confidence. Does he think his daughter can save himself?

"Close your eyes and your mouth!"

Situ Qin looked at Zhao Feng indifferently, raised his hand, a brush appeared at his fingertips, and then wrote in the air.

"Close your eyes and seal!"

The ink marks of the four characters flow like water in the void, and the force of the great road roars. Blessing and the four characters form a rule of heaven and earth, which falls on Zhao Feng!

"You dare!"

Zhao Longtao shouted angrily and immediately raised his hand to stop situ Qin's attack, but he threw himself into the air.

The next moment, an irresistible force made Zhao Feng tremble. He suddenly felt panic, as if he had become extremely small.

"What are you going to do? What power is this? "

"I can't open my eyes! No, I'm blind! "

"Ah, I..."

His voice stopped suddenly, because his mouth was closed forever!

His body trembled and kept turning in place. The whole audience was in panic.

All the pupils of the audience stared at situ Qin with a calm face.

"The great road, you are the great road!"

Zhao Longtao looked at situ Qin angrily, his heart ebbing and flowing.

My daughter is so young that her accomplishments exceed those of her father. It's really wonderful.

Yun Mo Feng stared at situ Qin's pen and said in a trembling voice, "Lord, her pen is definitely unusual and the source is absolutely precious!"

"Magic pen, there is such a magic pen in the world!"

Zhao Longtao was also aware of this, and his complexion changed constantly. "What a royal beast sect. It's really deep enough. There's more than one original treasure, but everything belongs to me!"

He waved the whip in his hand and whipped it fiercely towards situ Qin!

Facing this whip, situ Qin just stood quietly in place with theout any action.

However, when the whip came to her, it stopped.

Zhao Longtao tried to manipulate the whip, but was shocked to find that the whip had lost control.

In full view of the public, the whip seemed to be a clever snake, looking up at situ Qin's pen.

Then, without saying a word, the whip immediately turned his head and went towards Zhao Longtao, who was still stunned!

Like a rope, he tied Zhao Longtao tightly in circles.

Zhao Longtao was strangled into a line with a daze on his face.

Cloud ink wind is stupid.

Qingxuan is stupid.

Qingxuan's grandfather is also stupid.

Only Zhao Feng couldn't see what had happened. He condensed into words in the void anxiously with mana: "what happened?"

Situ Qin smiled and said, "you know what you know, and you know how to give up in time."

Zhao Longtao blushed and couldn't accept it. "No, why is it like this? Does the source Zhibao still rebel? Who the hell are you? "

No matter how stupid he was, he realized that he had provoked someone he couldn't afford!

Even his original treasure rebelled on the spot. What else can I say? No fighting at all.

"Get out! Get out! "

Cloud ink wind was almost scared out of his wits. With a loud drink, he began to run away without looking back.

He burned everything, flew out in a straight line, and his scalp was about to explode with fear!

It's terrible. It's terrible. The surface of the seventh world looks ordinary. I didn't expect the water to be so deep. I thought it was just an ordinary door. Leng Buding will jump out a super pervert for you.

Isn't this fun?

The others of long taozong were also a little dissatisfied with the speed and scattered in a crowd.

"You want to run? Can you run? "

Situ Qin slowly raised his pen and gently drew a few strokes in their direction, which seemed to just outline a framework.

Then, the space she painted peeled off, like a piece of white paper!

What is printed on the white paper is actually the figure of Yun Mo Feng and others who ran away!

She stripped this space, together with this group of people, into the painting!

"Spare your life, immortal, spare your life! This son pit father, I don't want it. I'm obsessed. I'm willing to surrender! "

Zhao Longtao had never seen such terrible means. He was so frightened that he burst into tears and begged for mercy.

Situ Qin ignored it, raised his pen again and sent Zhao Longtao and his son into the painting.

Then he handed the picture to Qingxuan's grandson

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