Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 754: 754

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"Good... What a powerful dog!"

"Wearing a pair of underpants, walking in destruction, lifting claws invincible, this dog's style is incomparable!"

"One is a dung picker, the other is a bald dog, but it's so terrible. What's the matter with the world?"

"Big hidden in feces, big hidden in dogs!"

"I see. They must be the people behind the seventh world. No wonder the seventh world is so strange that even the ancient people are not afraid!"

"Hero! The hero of the seventh world is coming. Maybe he can really suppress the disaster! We are saved."


The whole fourth world was in an uproar.

They are shocked, unbelievable, surprised and in a complex mood.

Qin manyun heard people's comments and looked at the earth dyed red by blood. His eyes showed intolerance and sadness. He shook his head and said, "we are not heroes. We are just people who continue to move forward on the hero's body."

As for those ancient people, they were equally shocked and wanted to stare out their eyes one by one, causing endless riots.

"How could it be? Lord Gu Chen was beaten away by a dog!"

"A dog has such a huge source. Where does it come from?"

"The dung picker is also very terrible. I feel that the dung fork in his hand is even more terrible than the dung bucket!"

"Hehe, these people are really terrible, but they are only a few people. They can't compete with my ancient family."

"That's right. There are invincible ancient ancestors behind us. They can push the seven realms with one hand! They are just small mole ants."

After a short shock, the mentality of the ancient people soon stabilized, the sense of superiority revived, and looked coldly at Dahei and others.

"How dare you hurt my ancient people!"

Another leader of the ancient clan came out with a calm face. He looked at Da Hei and said coldly, "Wu Naigu's great Dharma protector Gu Haoyun, you're waiting to be made into dog meat to kill you!"

However, behind him, another ancient family smiled and said, "Gu Haoyun, don't worry. This dog is extraordinary and bears the power of its origin. Looking at the whole seven realms, we can't find such a strange animal. It's really rare. It's a pity to eat dog meat directly."

After talking, he turned to Dahei and said to Youshan, "Taoist dog, I'm Guteng. I'm surprised to see your bones. As long as you take refuge in my ancient family, you can be lucky to be the mount of the God ancestor of my ancient family. In the future, my ancient family will command the Seven Realms, and you will be the first divine beast in the Seven Realms!"

The group of people in the heavenly palace took a breath when they heard Guteng's words, and looked at Guteng with admiration.

Recruit Da Hei to be a mount?

Thanks to what he dares to say!

Not to mention the big black itself, it's behind it. It's a good expert!

What kind of expansion can make him put forward such crazy ideas, cow!

He is already a dead man.

Sure enough, Da Hei's face had turned black to the extreme. The dog opened his mouth and roared, "if your ancient ancestor wants to lick my ass, I should consider it and let me be a mount? Does he deserve it! Dare to insult me like this and die!"

"Woof, woof, woof!"

It barked loudly.

The avenue of the whole space seemed to feel its anger, boiling like boiling water, and suppressed in the direction of the ancient people with the big black!

Then, Dahei lifted up the dog's paw and slapped Gu Teng!

The dog's claws hold the invincible power and make the world pale.

"I gave you a chance, but you don't appreciate it! If you don't choose to be dog meat, I'll help you!"

Guteng sneered. His face was dignified. He didn't retreat, but stepped towards the big black!

In an instant, the big black dog claws had come to him. The huge dog claws were much bigger than his body and came with the power of killing the world!

Guteng raised his hand and slapped at the dog's paw.

At the moment of contact, Guteng's hand suddenly gave birth to a strange force, which was extremely overbearing and swallowed up all the power of the dog's claws!

it is beyond logic and above reason!

Big black's claw came out with anger. Even the ordinary second step supreme did not dare to meet it. However, Guteng could swallow it. This means is really terrible!

"Our ancient people fought in the Seven Realms, plundered the Seven Realms, and embezzlement is our strongest magic power!"

Guteng smiled coldly and looked at Da Hei sarcastically.

However, what I saw was a big underpants coming in the wind. Before he could react, he put it on his head!

"It seems that it's still my strongest magic power. The underpants cover is a little better!"

The big black dog's mouth caught up, and with a joking smile, he came to Gu Teng in an instant. The four dog claws lifted up and bombarded Gu Teng in turns like a storm.

"Ah --"

Gu Teng was shocked and angry. He struggled to take off his underpants, but found that the underpants were tighter and tighter, blocking his sight. At the same time, there was a smell coming to his face, which made him dizzy.

Blinding and vertigo made it impossible for him to fight back.

"Guten, isn't it? Now if the bone hurts, I'll ask you if it hurts!"

Big black was more and more excited. His body stood up like boxing and gave guten a deadly beating.

"Ah ah!"

"What kind of underpants can even stop my divine consciousness and trap me?!"

Guteng was so painful that he roared with surprise and anger.

Big black eyebrows frowned, "you're too tired. Shut up!"

The underpants were immediately concave, and a large piece was directly stuffed into guten's mouth.

"Woo woo..."

Gu Teng's mouth was filled with stink, and his body trembled wildly. Life was better than death.

Seeing this scene, the people in the heavenly palace immediately showed an unexpected smile.

"Uncle dog or uncle dog, it's cow force."

"Guteng's courage is really commendable. If he dares to provoke the dog, he will end up miserable."

"Guten, I hurt for him."

At this time, the people of the ancient family also returned to God one after another, looking at the beaten Guteng with fear.

"How could this happen? Lord guten was beaten by the dog!"

"The bald dog of the evil door, the leather pants of the evil door!"

"It's terrible! Come on, let's fight together and suppress the dog!"

"Go and save Lord guten!"

At this moment, Gu Chen came forward again and burst out a cold killing opportunity in his eyes, burning with anger.

He was just careless and was driven away by big black. This is the biggest shame of his life!

"A few grasshoppers after autumn will not jump for long. Everyone of the ancient family will follow my orders... Kill them!"

At the exit of the word "kill", the world was shrouded in a layer of blood cloud. The terrible gas of killing and cutting made the universe silent, and the endless pressure made the whole Fourth World silent.

"Kill, kill!"

The thundering roar came from the mouths of the ancient people, shaking the world. It contained the power of the road and gathered into a frightening momentum.

Then, step together and follow the void!

This is not only a group of ancient people, but also a group of powerful ancient people!

The first step is supreme, and the second step is supreme. There are nearly 30 people, and there are many great powers in the realm of heaven. At this time, the gathering potential is unimaginable.

Cold sweat... Dripped slowly from the brows of the people around.

Because of fear, they felt stiff and dared not move for a moment.

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"Want to fight in groups? Come on!"

Taoist Jun wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and immediately took the people of the heavenly palace to the front.

Ye canglan also held a broken spear and said with a smile: "fight to the end, count me!"

Wang Zun took off the dung fork on his shoulder, danced it, and then said, "what are you doing? Are you going to help? Step back and watch!"


The faces of Taoist Jun and others suddenly froze.

Situ Qin also smiled and said, "just give it to us so as not to hurt you by mistake."

Hurt us by mistake?

Although this is for our good, it always sounds strange

The Jade Emperor coughed softly and said, "cough, please. If you need it, please tell us at any time."

"How dare you underestimate my ancient family!"

Gu Chen saw all this in his eyes. His eyes were burning with anger. He drank loudly and went to Da heigong!

He's going to save Guteng first.

However, at the moment he moved, Wang Zun also moved.

As soon as he stepped, he crossed the space, and the dung fork in his hand stabbed out straight towards Gu Chen!

The dung fork is invincible, and the killing smell is overwhelming.

Gu Chen's mana was easily cut open, and then went straight to Gu Chen's chest!

Gu Chen didn't retreat, but calm her eyes and raised her hands to fight!

On his hands, there was a halo flashing, and the strong original force surrounded Cheng Guanghua. It looked as if he had put on a glove and grabbed the dung fork in his hand.

"Hehe, I..."

Gu Chen was ready to ridicule a wave, but a remnant suddenly cut through the void and came straight to his face!

Then it was put on his head.

It's the dung bucket.


Gu Chen suddenly lost his perception. His reaction was also very fast and quickly retreated backward.

However, Wang Zun chased out with an expressionless face, raised the dung fork high and slapped Gu Chen's head with a dung bucket!


Gu Chen's brain almost burst, and his body was like a comet, which turned into streamer and was pumped out.

Wang Zun, with a cold face, continued to pursue with a dung fork.

The same way of attack surprised everyone in the audience.

Big black is a underpants cover, and Wang Zun is a dung bucket cover. It's really an unpredictable means, which makes people afraid.

Nannan's eyes looked at Gu Haoyun, full of war spirit and said, "Long'er, there is still one of the most powerful left. We two work together to deal with it!"

When the voice dropped, she lifted the shovel high and killed it.

Gu Haoyun said with a grim smile: "two little children, they simply don't know how to live or die!"

But then he couldn't laugh.

Dragons held a ladle, and every time they poured water, they formed strong dungeons and slowed him down. Then the shovel of his daughter would beat him down and make him tired.

"The feces, feces, shovel, shorts, scoop... These things are very terrible. Are these people like the ancient race who have got the whole source?"

Gu Haoyun was extremely frightened. He gave birth to an ominous feeling, "the means of these people are not weaker than our ancient family. We can only expect to crush them by the number of people!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but set his eyes on the battlefield.

The ancient army continued to move forward, but was blocked by two women.

Situ Qin raised his hand and turned it over. A brush appeared in his hand. He gently drew a picture towards the ancient army and said calmly, "draw mountains and rivers with one stroke!"

Immediately, mountains, rivers, sun and moon appeared out of thin air in that piece of heaven and earth, just like situ Qin sketched a world and trapped the ancient army in it.

This technique is similar to painting the ground as a prison, but it is too clever. Because this stroke directly separates a real world in the painting!

With this delusion to trap us?

The ancient army sneered at themselves.

However, at the next moment, situ Qin raised his pen again, "swallow the sun and the moon."

The world where the ancient clan army is located has no light in an instant and falls into boundless darkness!

"What's the matter? I can't see it?"

"Even if you use mana, you can't illuminate this dark space. What a terrible magic power in the painting world!"

"No, the laws and avenues in this space have been rewritten. The painting is the woman's world!"

"It's too powerful. I have to say that these people in the seventh world are really terrible and worthy of our ancient family's attention!"

"Don't panic. The easiest way is to tear up the painting. She can't trap us alone!"

"This woman wants to die by herself. If we tear up the painting world, she will inevitably suffer heavy losses. Hehe, does she not know the consequences?"

At the same time, Qin manyun raised his hand, and an ancient Qin appeared in front of him. He sat cross legged on the void, elegant and natural, and began to play the Qin.

"A song into reincarnation!"

"Keng Keng!"

The sonorous piano sound came out, and the sound wave turned into a mighty tide, shrouded in the picture world!

In this world without light, the piano sound seems to become the only sunshine, spreading to every corner.

"Ah, no, what kind of piano sound is this? It's so ugly!"

"No, there are such ugly songs in the world. Kill me, kill me!"

"Such an ugly voice makes my strength unable to condense. Magic sound, this is a deadly magic sound!"

"Why? I cut off my ears. Why can I hear voices?"

"I killed myself. Hahaha, I'm finally free."


The limited space in the painting world gave full play to the power of Qin Yin. At the same time, the ancient army could not even escape. When they heard the collapse of the spirit, the heart of the Tao collapsed.

"Cruel, too cruel."

Yang Jian stared at the collapse of the ancient army in the painting world. He couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of water and shaking with fear.

I have to say, the piano sound is really ugly.

Although it was not aimed at him, just listening to it in his ears made his Qi and blood surge, and his whole body was uncomfortable and his state of mind burst.

It is conceivable how miserable the group of people in the painting world is.

Fortunately, we didn't enter the battlefield. We would be injured by mistake.

Taoist Jun said in amazement, "an expert is an expert. The lethality of the ugly piano music is no weaker than that of the good piano music."

Nuwa also nodded and said, "yes, I've got knowledge."

On the other side, the others who watched were like statues, with their mouths wide open, looked at the battlefield strangely and fell into a dull state.

People are stupid.

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