Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 755: 755

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"God... God, the ancient clan was defeated!"

"Where on earth do these people come from in the seventh world? It's incredible and terrible!"

"Every battlefield is a great victory. Just two people draw a song, they can reach the ancient army!"

"It's too strong to suppress the eternal disaster with one's own strength..."

"I have no regrets in this life to see such a great war!"

"I never dreamed that the ancient people's catastrophe could be crushed by people. This is a miracle of the Seven Realms! It's like a dream."


Everyone was deeply shocked by the strength of Qin manyun and others, and got goose bumps.

"The enemy is fierce, retreat, retreat quickly!"

Gu Haoyun's scalp was numb, his eyes showed their desire to crack, and he screamed in despair.

The ferocity of the Seventh World shattered all his sense of superiority and made him feel deep-rooted fear for the first time.

It's terrible. Our ancient people have fought for countless years. For the first time, they foresee such a fierce opponent. How can they be so strong? How could it be so strong? It doesn't conform to common sense!

The seventh world has definitely changed. It's very strange!

"Back to the first world, back to the ancient ancestors, as long as the ancient ancestors can suppress them!"

"Wu Wu, Gu Zu, I want Gu Zu..."

"Damn it, if the ancient ancestors were not restricted and could not leave the first world, why should we be so miserable? We should withdraw from the first world first!"

The people of the ancient clan were shouting, trying to bring up the last strength and trying to escape.

Gu Chen's body has been poked several holes by the dung fork. The dung on the dung fork is everywhere, sending out bursts of pungent smell.

However, although he was injured, he finally broke free of the dung bucket on his head and ran for his life in panic.

He still shouted arrogantly: "the seventh world, right? Wait for me. I will definitely want you to look good when Guzu was born! If you are brave enough, come to my first world, ha ha ha -"

"Help me, help me!"

Guten is the most miserable.

The underpants cover was obviously more powerful than the dung bucket cover. He couldn't break free like Gu Chen. Like a headless fly, he could only call for help helplessly.

The whole body was swollen in a big circle, which was beaten by big black. Up to now, big black's dog claws still fell on him like a storm, which made him cry in pain.

He finally put down his dignity and begged for mercy: "Uncle dog, I'm wrong, I'm really wrong..."

"Now that you know your mistake, I'll give you a happy one."

Big Hei Jieqi nodded, and then the dog claw lifted up, condensing a huge claw in the empty air, like crushing a mosquito, holding Guteng in the palm of his hand and erasing the origin of life!

Gu Haoyun was so frightened that he spread his feet, "Gu Teng, don't blame me for not saving my life. I can't protect myself!"

He did everything he could for fear that he would slow down and follow Guteng's footsteps.

That dog... It's terrible!

"Want to go?"

However, Long'er didn't do what he wanted. She held a scoop in her small hand, and her magic power was like water waves splashing out with the scoop. Immediately, the space where Gu Haoyun was located seemed to melt, like water rather than water, and turned into a strange space.

Gu Haoyun feels that the surrounding space has softened, the speed has been greatly reduced, and his action is restricted.

Then she rushed to the high shovel and threw herself at the ancient cloud. She laughed and said, "ha ha ha, you can't run away!"

"Go away! Those who stand in my way will die!"

Gu Haoyun has a ferocious face and is too anxious. He is in a race with death. He is crazy.

"Fuck off!"

Nannan refused at all. Her eyes were firm and cut off Gu Haoyun's retreat.

"Hahaha, little girl who doesn't know how to live or die, if you want me to die, I'll drag you to die together!"

Gu Haoyun's eyes are red and he fights with trapped animals. He simply doesn't run away. He is ready to take Nan Nan for burial.

He raised his hand with a grimace, and his hands formed a strange Dharma seal. The strength of his whole body was like a storm!

The storm turned into a ball and sealed off the area. From the outside, it looked like a dark ball over Nannan and longer

Gu Haoyun laughed wildly: "devour the sky!"

Their ancient clan plundered the seven realms. The first thing they used when entering other realms was to devour the supernatural power. At the same time, it was also their strongest supernatural power to seize the power of heaven and earth!

It is a divine power created by the ancient ancestors for the ancient people. It can be said that it is their natural divine power!

Since these two little children want to die, I'll take them and give them the most painful way to die!

"Hahaha, give me a miserable death!" Gu Haoyun's mouth was hooked with a crazy smile.

The next moment, however, the smile on his face froze.

Because he found that no matter how much he sucked, Nannan was still standing still, and all the swallowing power surrounded Nannan, but it could not be shaken at all.

"How is this possible?!"

Gu Haoyun's eyes almost protruded, and his face was unbelievable.

This is his swallowing field. All mana and even vitality will be swallowed by him. It's only a few breaths to absorb a small world.

However, how can it not suck at all?

Gu Haoyun was full of doubts and quietly changed his posture, but it obviously wouldn't work.

"Hehe, how dare you teach me in front of me with such a little swallowing power?"

With a disdainful smile, she raised her hand slowly.

At this moment, there seemed to be no light around her, and only a dark shadow could be seen.

Because all the light around her has been absorbed by her.

Gu Haoyun's hair all over his body stood up uncontrollably. He was frightened and said, "this, this is..."

"Compare the power of swallowing with me. You are destined to go far! Let me show you the most powerful magic power that my brother taught me, the power of swallowing demons!"

The sound of Nannan is thick, as if it came from Jiuyou.

At the next moment, a terrible power of phagocytosis burst out from her. Gu Haoyun's power of phagocytosis was like a little witch seeing a great witch, and was suppressed by her daughter.

Then, Gu Haoyun began to pour His mana into Nan Nan!

"No! My power!"

Gu Haoyun screamed sadly, "how could this happen? I can't even suck a little girl. What magic skill is this!"

He tried his best to run all his power, but he couldn't stop Nannan at all. Even, his devouring power seemed to be plotted, and in turn helped Nannan suck herself

It's not human.

"Why on earth is this?"

His momentum became weaker and weaker, and his vitality gradually dispersed. At the last moment, an idea suddenly came into his mind. Can Gu Zu really deal with this strange Seventh World?

The war is settled.

Everyone looked at the ancient people who were defeated and fled and had thousands of thoughts.

Taoist Jun couldn't help being sour and said, "following the expert, cultivation is just going up. It's unreasonable!"

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Yang Jian's face was also sour into lemon, nodded and said, "yes..."

To be reasonable, their strength has improved fast enough, but their strength has exceeded their imagination.

Just after a period of time, Da Hei and others will bring endless surprises to people. Originally, they were complacent about their own strength improvement. Compared with Da Hei and others, they felt a burst of heart fatigue and were hit to be autistic.

Following an expert, this gap can not be filled by anything else.

Others shouted excitedly, "retreat, ancient people retreat!"

They looked at the empty girls and others, and their eyes were full of awe and worship.

With only a few people, the ancient clan can be defeated, and even suffer immeasurable losses. This strength is really too strong.

However, Nan Nan, they did not go. Instead, they came to the boundary channel leading to the first boundary and looked up at the depths.

Behind Nannan, a green willow branch was emitting a glittering green light. A wave of divine consciousness slowly came from it, "it's the breath of brother five. Brother five is really in the first world!"

Nannan said solemnly, "don't worry, sister Liu. I said I would help you save the fifth brother. My Nannan did what she said!"

At this time, the people of the heavenly palace flew over and saluted and said hello to them respectfully.

"What, you're going to enter the first world?!"

Hearing the intention of Nannan and others, they couldn't believe their ears and took a breath.

This idea is really crazy. It's frightening to hear it alone.

Yang Jian pursed his mouth and couldn't help but say, "is this... Too hasty?"

Nuwa also solemnly advised: "think twice, everyone! The first world has been completely occupied by the ancient people, and the origin of the whole world has been obtained by the ancient people. This power is absolutely extreme terror."

Long'er smiled and said, "don't worry, we used to save people, and we brought a very powerful helper."

Xiao Chengfeng noticed the glowing willow branch. His pupils suddenly shrunk and said in surprise, "this is the willow planted in the master's backyard?"

"What, it's that sacred tree?!" the Lord of the angel immediately exclaimed.

He clearly remembered that in the fifth world, if it hadn't been for a willow branch, they would have died at the hands of the blood clan.

Just think about the power of that day, you know what a divine tree this willow is!

The girl nodded and said, "that's right."

Taoist Jun bit his teeth and said, "if you insist on entering the first world, it's also a poor part. Let me do my bit."

"And me, and me!"

Xiao Chengfeng's eyes lit up and said excitedly, "how can you get rid of me Xiao Chengfeng when you enter the first world? It's a good story!"

However, Da Hei shook his head and directly refused: "what do you think? I just said that you are a drag. Now you still want to enter the first boundary with us. What do you want to help the enemy deal with us?"

Everyone in the heavenly palace looked bitter.

Do you want to be so straightforward? It's so heartbreaking.

Qin manyun said, "well, just protect the seventh world. Let's go."

After talking, they looked at each other, took a deep breath, and stepped into the boundary channel together!

The onlookers looked at it from a distance and talked about it. Seeing this scene, they were stunned and surprised.

"What's the matter? Those people in the seventh world have entered the boundary channel. Do they want to enter the first world?"

"Crazy, don't they know that the head of the ancient clan hasn't done it yet?"

"Just beat back the attack of the ancient clan. Entering the first world is absolutely ten dead and lifeless!"

"It's too inflated. At least it's better to make some preparations. Where do they come from?"

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

"One said one, I admire their fearlessness and dedication, and wish them triumph!"


There were different opinions, and everyone's face showed concern.

Taoist Jun Jun stood up at this time and said, "don't worry. The origin of these people is so big that you can't imagine. They have unparalleled great luck. They must be able to destroy the ancient clan and lead the seven realms into peace!"

Tiangong is in the limelight now, and the gold content of the speech is still very high, which calms the scene a lot.

Yang Jian also stood up and said solemnly, "the origin of the seven realms is the root of life. The so-called 'heaven' can be contaminated. There is a big conspiracy behind it. If we know who is still related to it, our heavenly palace will kill us!"

Naturally, all people dare not even say that they are extremely polite to the heavenly palace.

At the same time.

In the first world.

Compared with before, the ancient clan was obviously deserted, and there were few experts left. After all, most of the combat power was sent out to fight.

This action is more violent than any previous action. After all, guhui is poisoned, and the ancient family needs to conquer it as quickly as possible.

Gu Hui was sitting in the hall of the ancient family, quietly waiting for the results. Suddenly, his look suddenly moved, looked at the direction of the boundary channel in surprise and said, "what's the matter? Why did someone come back just after they went out?"

"Lord Guzu, it's not good!"

Gu Chen came back with the few ancient families left, just like a lost dog.

They looked miserable, with injuries on their bodies. Some ancient people had not recovered from Qin manyun's piano sound, and they looked like a fool whose heart had collapsed.

"The seventh world is too evil. It's a big defeat. My ancient family is a big defeat!"

Gu Chen roared sadly, and his voice echoed in the first world, making everyone of the ancient family pale.

"What's going on?"

Gu Hui's figure appeared directly across the space and asked with a calm face.

He couldn't accept it. The ancient people just walked out of the house with their front foot, and their back foot was beaten back.

Gu Chen cried, "the seventh world is strange. There are several strong men with unparalleled combat power, which defeated our ancient family!"

"The seventh world, it's the seventh world!"

Gu Hui's face changes constantly and his actions fail repeatedly. All of them are related to the seventh world. In this world, he has to listen to vomit. Does he have to rush with himself?

Suddenly, his eyes were frozen, and he stared at the wound on Gu Chen in disbelief. From it, he felt a very familiar breath.

He asked, "what's the matter with your injuries?"

Gu Chen humiliated and said, "it was given to the bucket by a strange dung fork. This dung fork contains a strong origin and has strange power, which makes my wounds unable to heal."

"And my head is covered by a dung bucket, which makes my hair a little wet."

Gu Hui didn't open his mouth. He just stared at him, breathing more and more quickly.

Gu Chen's wound was stained with some yellow and white residues, and his head was covered with a layer of fluid, emitting bursts of odor

Whether it is the color or the taste of these things, Gu Hui will never forget it.

It's really familiar.

He didn't mention it at one breath, almost suffocated, and his head was buzzing with melon seeds. He looked like he had been hit.

Dung bucket, dung fork?

What did I eat before?!

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