Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 758: 758

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When Nannan and Long'er were there, they didn't feel that as soon as they left, Li nianfan found that there were fewer people to take care of the backyard, and there was still a lot of work to do.

Watering, digging, picking fruit, milking, collecting honey

"However, it's said that they have gone to subdue evil spirits. It's much taller than taking care of the backyard. It's inferior for them to take care of the backyard."

Li nianfan thought funny.

At this time, he was sitting on a stone in the backyard, enjoying the scenery in the backyard. Qin manyun, who played the piano, and situ Qin, who painted, were no longer there. He suddenly felt a little less elegant atmosphere.

As for the little fox, he was forcibly pulled over to temporarily replace long er and Nan Nan.

Her beautiful face was puffy and angry. At this time, she was lying on the ground and stretched out her hand to milk the cow.

"I knew I wouldn't turn into a man. If I became a man, I would be pulled to work. My brother-in-law is too bad!"

While complaining, the little fox carefully said to the cow, "sister Niu, I'll milk you. Don't kick me."

Then, she stretched out her little hand nervously and pinched it. Then, because of excessive force, the milk shot out in an instant, and it was a Zi in her face!


The little fox let out a cry of surprise. He only felt a heat on his face. Then he was soaked in a large area. The milk wet her hair and made her jump in place.

Li nianfan had a panoramic view of the scenery here, and immediately couldn't help laughing.

But the next moment, he saw the little fox standing in place, stretched out his little tongue and licked the milk on his lips. His eyes brightened immediately, as if he had opened the door to a new world.

Then he licked it quickly, while dipping his hand with the milk on his face and sending it to his mouth. He had a lot of fun.

"Wow, natural milk is also delicious. It tastes completely different from that made by my brother-in-law. Each has its own merits."

Seeing this scene, Li nianfan couldn't help but smoke at the corners of his mouth. He just felt that the picture was too beautiful and had a different taste.

When the little fox finally milked the milk, she had to go to Taomi honeycomb again. She probably saw her clumsy appearance. The bees played around her, teased her, and made her show her teeth and jump.

The little fox turned his eyes and suddenly put on a weak look. He was weak and charming and said, "brother bee, let others take some honey and go. Thank you ~ ~ ~"

Suddenly, there was a faint fragrance in the whole backyard, and pink bubbles appeared in the air.

Those honey were immediately bewitched. They not only stopped teasing the little fox, but even took the initiative to help take out the honey

Li nianfan shook his head with a bitter smile and said, "it's really an eye opener to pick honey with charm..."

Daji said to the little fox, "sister, pick the honey, and then go to fetch water to irrigate the whole backyard."

"Ah? Still working -"

Before the little fox could be complacent, he was severely hit, and his tears were about to overflow. He cried, "you abused me!"

Li nianfan smiled and said, "OK, after you finish your work, you go to the foot of the mountain to pick up a game and make delicious food for you."


Speaking of the little fox, he was not tired at once and said happily, "hee hee, my brother-in-law is the best!"

Li nianfan took back his eyes from the little fox and continued to enjoy his backyard. At this time, his eyebrows were suddenly wrinkled and stared at the direction of the willows by the pond.

He got up and hurried over, his face dignified.

"How could this happen?"

His worried murmur.

This willow has been growing in the backyard. It not only grows well, but also looks very good. The willow branches are like silk, hanging and moving, and the green leaves are delicate and delicate.

However, it was fine not long ago. How suddenly there was a tendency to wither. The green leaves turned yellow, the branches were weak, and there was a breath of death.

Daji was also worried and said, "childe, this willow is at a critical moment of life and death."

Li nianfan nodded and sighed, "it's really a critical moment of life and death. How can such a serious illness happen suddenly?"


Daji and Huofeng were stunned at the same time,

Is this just illness in the childe's eyes?

Then he saw Li nianfan turn around and go to the inner yard. Obviously, he went to get something.

Seeing Li nianfan gone, Daji raised his hand to the willow.

But on the withered willow, a faint trace of waving along its branches and veins is rapidly destroying its vitality.

Huofeng Ning said again, "what did they encounter? Even Liu Shen is on the edge of life and death."

Daji said, "the unknown force swam away. This is the breath of 'heaven'. Did they encounter the real 'heaven'?"

Even Daji and Huofeng can hurt the willow like this. It doesn't help.

Huofeng smiled and said, "no matter what it is, childe obviously has a way to deal with it. In childe's eyes, there is no problem that can't be solved."

Daji nodded and whispered to the willow, "hold on..."

Before long, Li nianfan had returned to the backyard, and there was one more thing in his hand. It was the needle barrel.

"When people are ill, they need to take nutrient solution. Similarly, if plants have this acute disease, they also have to take an injection of plant nutrient solution as soon as possible."

Li nianfan saw Daji and Huofeng's doubts and explained with a smile.

Then, without delay, he touched the willow, found a suitable position, and said, "it hurts a little when you insert it. Just bear it and let me have an injection."

Then he inserted the needle into the willow and pushed it a little bit.

This is different from giving an injection.

When you inject people, you will soon push the nutrient solution in, but when you inject trees, the speed will be much slower and push it in a little bit.

At the same time, in the first world.

The world has been completely filled with unknown fog. Endless ash atomization makes the air flow everywhere. Every space becomes gray, and it is difficult for the naked eye to see the surrounding scene.

In the endless fog, a trace of green light loomed and became the only ornament.

Endless terrorist forces rush to this green from all directions, trying to tear it up and annihilate it!

Willow twigs fly, smashing at a terrible speed, and growing at the same speed.

Destruction and rebirth are staged to the extreme, and two completely different forces are fighting for life and death.

However, anyone can see that the willow branch is in an extremely difficult situation and full of dangers.

Nannan and others are under the protection of the willow tree. They bite their teeth and look at the willow tree against the power of destruction with tears in their eyes. They clench their fists and almost pinch blood.

With red eyes, Nannan said sadly, "Sister Liu, how can I help you?"

Dragon son called, "brother, brother, come and save us."

On the other side, on the stone tablet, blood colored characters madly left blood and tears, dyed the whole stone tablet red, and cried out sadly, "seven younger sister, step back! If you want to die, let the fifth brother die in front of you!!!"

Willows stand between heaven and earth without words.

He used his body to resist the storm that destroyed heaven and earth. There were more and more wounds on his huge trunk, as if he would collapse at any time.

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"The era of the soul of the seven worlds is over!"

Gu Hui laughed, and the endless ash atomization roared for a huge ghost face, which came from the sky and pressed against the willows!


Strong pressure made the huge trunk of willow crack!

"No -"

The stone tablet was furious and wanted to soar into the sky with endless blood.

However, a willow branch caught him.

The stone tablet was slightly stunned, surprised and happy, "seven... Seven sisters?"

It looked forward to looking at the willow tree, but saw that the fracture of the willow tree had endless vitality, just like a volcanic eruption, with rich green and boundless vitality.

The crack is recovering at a rate visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, the branches of willow also soared at an incredible speed, and in an instant, they burst out like hair.

If the number of branches at the moment is compared to the normal hair volume, it was half bald before.

In addition to the number, the vitality of the branches is not the same. Even in the power of destruction, they are no longer broken. Even the green leaves are only shaking without scars!


Willow branches grow wildly, pulling longer and longer.

In the twinkling of an eye, it has become a green ocean, with endless willows flying in the sky and stirring the unknown fog.

"This... How is this possible?!"

Gu Hui almost stared out his eyes and looked at the willow that suddenly exploded. He thought he was dreaming.

"Why can its vitality Soar so much in an instant? And how can this force suddenly increase?"

Gu Hui asked himself, even if he called himself "heaven", he was at a loss and found a blind area of knowledge.

This makes no sense at all.

"I'm afraid some secret method of burning potential has been adopted."

Finally, it found a reason for the willow and sneered, "how long can you support this? Die for me!"

The unknown fog rolled and howled in the whole first world. It turned into a whirlwind and swallowed the willows. I wanted to crush them.

However, the willow tree is still standing, and the willow branches are still strengthening. One tree determines the heaven and earth, and suppresses all the light and uncertainty of destruction!

Gradually, the green light is getting thicker and thicker, like a desperate world, suddenly illuminated by a touch of dawn, and then brighter and brighter!

The green light is soft, but with an unstoppable momentum, it is constantly dispersing the unknown force and gaining the upper hand.

Situ Qin's eyes lit up slightly and said excitedly, "Liu Shen suddenly became so strong."

Qin manyun said: "it must have been the childe. Only the childe can have such an incredible means in the world."

Wang Zun laughed and said, "hahaha, the expert shot, then this wave will be stable. I was just ready to rush out and try my best."

Big black breathed a sigh of relief, "the dog's life has been saved."

"No, how can you still have strength, and it's getting stronger and stronger!"

Gu Hui was more and more shocked, and his heart was shocked to the extreme.

Isn't it burning potential? Where does its power come from? Is it getting stronger out of thin air?

Hang up!

It's definitely on!

"Who in the end intervened in this matter? Only those people in the source world before the division of the realm can get out of the control of heaven, but they can't appear in the Seven Realms?"

Gu Hui constantly guessed and trembled when he felt the more and more powerful power in the willow.

At this time, several willow branches burst into the sky, like a curtain between heaven and earth, hanging upside down and swinging.

Then, he shot at Gu Hui!

"I don't believe you become so strong. I'm invincible!"

Gu Hui's eyes sank and roared. He went up against the willow branch, raised his hand and clenched his fist into a startling blow, and wanted to smash the sky!

The two forces were deadlocked for a moment. The willow branch swung slightly, penetrated all the obstacles, came to Gu Hui and ran through it!


Gu Hui's face showed a painful look. He was hung in the void by willow branches. His whole body was unknown. The fog shook and seemed to be struggling.

Between heaven and earth, the unknown fog rolled and began to become chaotic.

The rest of the willow branches shake to purify the fog and soon restore the clarity of the world.

Nannan cheered, "win... Win, sister Liu won!"

The stone tablet quickly came to the willow and said, "seven sister, are you okay?"

The willow said, "it's all right. Erase the 'sky' first."

"Hahaha, erase me?"

Gu Hui couldn't help laughing as if he had heard a funny joke and said sarcastically, "even if those people divided the seven circles, they can't erase me. You're just a war soul. You're ashamed to say you want to erase me? I'm dead."

Everyone frowned slightly.

The willow tree did not speak, but the endless willow branches were coerced away towards Gu Hui.

However, Gu Hui's mouth aroused a joking smile, his body exploded without warning, turned into countless pieces of meat and scattered everywhere.

"I will never die. This time I can only say it's a small test. When I gather all my strength, I'll come back and kill you!"

There was a sound of "heaven" swirling in the void, and then the space fluctuated like a water flow, rippling layers of ripples. It was obvious that "heaven" had left.

The girl frowned and scolded, "what a difficult thing!"

Wang Zun said, "since it is called 'heaven', I'm afraid it's really the ancient master, which is above all living creatures. It's naturally difficult to deal with."

Jiang flu sighed: "before the ages, you can close the sky and open seven boundaries. It's fascinating to think about such a big pen."

People couldn't help but look at the stone tablet and willow and admire it.

The fighting spirits of the Seven Realms were transformed by the immortal will of those who sealed the sky. They were born to protect the peace of the Seven Realms, which is enough to prove how powerful those people were at the beginning.

"Seven younger sister, I heard that your body was taken away by people in the seventh world and made into plant ash. How did you recover? And what happened just now?"

The stone tablet turned into an image, excited, and at the same time, there were many big doubts,

"My body was indeed made into plant ash, but it was an expert to save me. If not, my strength could not recover so quickly. As for just... It was the same expert who saved me."

The willow branches slowly fluttered, as if they were a graceful lady, light Judo: "the expert injected an injection into my body and injected unimaginable nutrition."

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