Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 759: 759

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A shot?

The stone tablet was slightly stunned and felt that he couldn't keep up with the chat of the willow.

What needle is so powerful?

Since it's a needle, shouldn't it be a thorn or insertion? How?

However, it still noticed the two key words and said in surprise: "expert?"

The seven of them are the souls of the seven worlds. They have unparalleled combat power and protect the peace of the seven worlds. As the strongest seven, who can qualify the seven younger sisters to call them experts?

"Yes, a real expert!"

The willow's tone was awed and revered, and then said, "I was planted in the master's backyard. As a landscape, I was deeply favored by the master."

Although the image of the stone tablet has no face, it can still feel the shock it shows. It's incredible: "seven younger sister, you... Are you serious?"

He felt that Qi Mei was naughty. He hadn't seen her for countless years and was teasing himself.

What is the concept of being planted in the backyard as a landscape?

Since they were transformed by the immortal spirits of ancient times, they naturally have their own dignity. How can they say this before.

"Every word is true!"

The willow spoke solemnly and said from the bottom of his heart, "brother five, if it weren't for an expert, the whole seven realms would have been broken. No one can resist the ancient clan, let alone the conspiracy of 'heaven'. Similarly, I'm afraid it has long been erased from the world."

"Okay, okay, okay."

The stone tablet said three good words in a complicated tone, which seemed happy.

"Since you say so, the fifth brother naturally believes you. With such experts, the fifth brother is relieved of you."

He paused and suddenly sighed: "the fifth brother is incompetent and can't completely suppress the unknown. He left you alone. Now he's afraid he'll leave you alone. The unknown fog will make a comeback. You... Be careful!"

Before the voice fell, there was a crisp sound on its stone tablet. The originally riddled body spread more cracks. At the same time, gravel powder fell from its body.

If the young man was hit hard, he could not even maintain his body shape and dissipated in the void.

The willow exclaimed, "brother five!"

Situ Qin and others also changed their complexion and hurriedly said, "master Shibei!"

"I was damned."

On the stone tablet, there was a weak fluctuation, full of sadness, and continued: "I rushed out of the second world and sealed the sky in the first world because of the unknown pursuit of the fog! The eldest brother, the second brother, the third brother... The sixth brother, all died in the war! I want to die in the war, but I can't!"

Nannan and others were silent.

The stone tablet doesn't say much, but people can feel the tragedy of that year.

The unknown fog rushed out of the second world and wanted to disturb the seven worlds. If it weren't for the pursuit of the stone tablet, I'm afraid the seven worlds would no longer exist. As for the other five war souls... Die!

As the souls of the Seven Realms, they never regret a hundred battles. Just like the master of their predecessor, even if they die, the immortal will still exist and guard them forever!

As big as the seven worlds, as small as a small world, a country and even a family, there are always people fighting for protection. Regardless of their strength, their will will will be inherited from generation to generation and immortal!

But what happened in the second world?

They wanted to ask, but seeing the state of the stone tablet, they pressed the question to the bottom of their heart for the time being.

Long'er's tears couldn't stop falling. He bit his lips and said, "Sister Liu, master Shibei will be fine. We can find our brother. My brother must have a way!"

The willow branches swung and woke up like a dream. He said excitedly, "yes, take brother five to find an expert!"

Situ Qin also said, "let's go back!"

Immediately, Wang Zun carried the stone tablet and stepped into the boundary channel.

Go find an expert?

The stone tablet forced a sigh.

It doesn't care whether it can live or not. It wants to see the expert in the mouth of the seven younger sisters and see what kind of person the expert is, otherwise it will be difficult to be safe even if it dies!

At this time, the number of people at the boundary channel of the fourth boundary increases instead of decreasing.

Monks gathered here, either worried or uneasy, staring at the entrance of the passage, for fear that the ancient clan would attack again.

In their perception, the winning rate of those people in the seventh world entering the first world is really too low, which is almost the same as looking for death.

"Hey, those people are too inflated. It's a good day, but what do you take the initiative to do in the first world?"

"How can ordinary people like us understand the pattern of entering the first world and solving the source of disasters and chaos?"

"The question is, are they strong enough? If they lose and the ancient people roll soil to attack, who else can stop them? I think they are too impulsive."

"It's not until you've played enough. Let's wait for the result."

"Whether they win or lose, they are heroes!"


Some of them are telling their worries, others are admiring them, and they are in great awe of those people in the seventh world.

The people in the heavenly palace also didn't go. They stayed at the entrance of the boundary channel, arranged neatly and looked solemn waiting for the return of Dahei and others.

In addition, Yang Jian and the giant spirit God are still leading a group of heavenly soldiers to clean the battlefield.

The giant spirit God came over with the body of a huge white wolf and said, "the body of this wolf demon is very complete, and there is the supreme cultivation of the avenue. It is very rare and can be dedicated to the master."

Battlefield magic is vertical and horizontal, and magical powers are everywhere. It's good not to disappear. Few are intact. Since they want to dedicate to experts, they naturally want to strive for perfection.

Yang Jian nodded and said, "it's really good. Remember to let the big guys remember that monsters contaminated with unknown fog can't want it. It's contaminated meat. Experts don't like it."

The giant spirit nodded again and again, "don't worry, I know."

They gathered their prey in order to wait for their daughter to come out and take it back as booty to the expert.

From beginning to end, none of them asked whether Nannan and others could return, because they believed that they could!

As for other monks, naturally, no one will touch the eyebrows of Tiangong, and they dare not rob the corpses of monsters with Tiangong. Some even take the initiative to help enthusiastically.

At this time, a wave of spatial fluctuation suddenly came, and some monks with sharp divine sense changed their complexion and looked at the direction of the boundary channel one after another.

There is a force brewing there.

"Someone... Someone is coming out of the boundary channel!"

"Who is it? Is it the ancient family, or... Or the group of people in the seventh world?"

Everyone's heart has reached the extreme, which is both expectation and anxiety.

The next moment, with a slight twist of the boundary channel, a bald dog stepped out slowly. Behind him, Nannan and others also walked out with a smile.

"Look, it's the dog in underpants. It's coming out alive!"

"It's not the ancient people, it's the group of people in the seventh world. He... They won?!"

"It's incredible that these people really calmed the disaster. It's amazing!"

"Watching them come out, I felt numb and goose bumps!"

"I don't know why, but... It's good to win, it's good to win! Wuwuwuwu -"

"Everyone, come with me and worship the hero's triumph!"

You are reading story Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator at novel35.com

"Worship the hero and triumph!"


Taoist Jun Jun laughed excitedly and said, "hahaha, I knew uncle dog had never failed in the war!"

Nu Wa also said with a smile: "if you can accompany the experts, your strength will not be questioned. Your vision will be enlarged, otherwise it will only limit your imagination!"

Xiao Chengfeng said bitterly, "Hey, we are non staff after all. When can we join the staff? It's so beautiful!"

He fantasized that if it was his own words, another coquettish words at this time would definitely be enough to become a famous scene.

Then they came forward together and saluted respectfully.

Yang Jian and the giant spirit God came with the game and said, "Uncle dog, this is the delicious game we specially cleaned up the battlefield. It is not only powerful, but also delicious. There are even two supreme monsters in the second step, which can be brought to the master."

Big black nodded and Gao Leng said, "well, we have a heart. We really shouldn't go home empty handed."

Then, without stopping, they set foot in the air under the awe of everyone and went back to reply to Li nianfan.

It was not until Dahei and others disappeared in the field of vision that they woke up and turned their eyes to the boundary channel leading to the first world. It was not until a long time later that someone dared to step into the first world to find out the situation.

The speed of Dahei and others is very fast. With the twisting of space, the avenue has appeared at the boundary channel of the fourth and seventh worlds, and then stepped into the seventh world and went straight to the divine realm!

Soon, the Luoxian mountains were in sight.

At this time, at the foot of the Luoxian mountains.

The little fox was bouncing down the mountain and came to the place where the game was kept. His eyes were bright and he chose the game.

She finished her work. This is Li nianfan's reward to her.

Facing the eyes of the little fox, the hearts of many game players were slightly tight, and some with poor mentality directly shed tears.

Come, this day is coming after all!

They have shrunk to reduce their sense of existence.

Finally, the little fox pointed to the three legged black crow king and said with a smile, "you look very fat. The stew must be delicious. It's you!"


The three legged black crow king was surprised, and his whole body trembled. Tears finally couldn't stop and began to drop.

Other monsters breathed a sigh of relief one after another. Fortunately, they didn't look like me.

The little fox comforted: "come with me, don't worry, it won't hurt too much, and it's delicious to make game. In the future, when you come to the underground reincarnation, you can definitely have a good afterlife, and your achievements won't be worse than now."

The three legged black crow king stood in place for a long time. Finally, he sighed and walked hard. He turned back three times a step. He was determined that a strong man would never return.

Other game is to pay attention to it, and from time to time give a comforting roar.

"It's over. It seems that I can't escape the fate of becoming a pot of soup today! Anyway, I'm definitely a hero after 30000 years because I'm contaminated with the immortal spirit of an expert!"

While it was complaining about itself, there was a sound of footsteps at the foot of the mountain.

Then, Nannan and others climbed the mountain. When they saw the little fox, they were surprised and said, "little fox, what are you doing here?"

The little fox was surprised and said, "ah, you're finally back. After that, I can finally carry water without milking. My brother is asking me to choose game for cooking."

Qin manyun smiled and said, "just choose game. This time we went out, but we brought a lot of game back. Let's put it here first."

Hearing this, the three legged black crow King excites his spirit fiercely, so that his hair stands up. In his eyes, Qin manyun seems to be shrouded in a layer of holy light.


Wang Zun also said, "yes, the game here can make dung after all. Try not to kill it first."

If all of them are killed, his job of picking feces will be gone. Never!

The little fox said, "well, that's all right."

If the three legged black crow king was pardoned, he spread his feet and ran back to the game group, so he sent dancing to celebrate.

On Wang Zun's back, the stone tablet noticed the game and was immediately shocked by their breath.

"The so-called game is at least the supreme of the avenue, and there are even many second step supreme, big hand!"

"No, there seems to be source fluctuations on them. How is this possible? How are the Seven Realms precious? How do they get the source?"

"In addition to being a game, he is also responsible for making dung? What does that mean?"

The stone tablet had too many doubts. Soon, its attention was attracted by the big pit.

"That, that is..."

"Cesspit? Original breath?"

"How could this happen?!"

The stone tablet's head is buzzing with melon seeds. Combined with his current knowledge, he immediately straightened out a train of thought.

This group of game was raised by experts and gave them their origin. Even the feces contained the original flavor. At the same time, the powerful king was responsible for picking feces, and the fecal bucket and fecal fork were also the source treasure

This speculation was in exchange for his greater shock.

Big, big!

This attitude of doing whatever you want has gone far beyond the limits of the Seven Realms!

It couldn't help asking with divine consciousness, "what's that cesspit for?"

Nannan said, "it's used to fertilize the plants in the backyard. Longer and I are in charge of this one."

Apply... Fertilizer?

What is this, original fertilizer?

Sure enough.

The crowd continued to walk up the mountain and soon came to the gate of the quadrangle.

The door was open, and the little fox pushed the door in directly.

Li nianfan was surprised and said, "eh? Have you chosen the game so soon?"

The little fox replied, "brother-in-law, it's a girl. They came back and brought back a lot of game. I didn't choose."

Li nianfan was immediately surprised and said, "are they back?"

The next moment, Qin manyun and others came in together and said to Li nianfan, "we're back."

At the same time, several game heads were dragged behind them.

Suddenly, the courtyard became lively again.

Li nianfan smiled happily and said, "hahaha, just come back. Is your trip smooth?"

Nannan said bluntly, "it's OK. It's solved a big problem, but it still leaves a little tail."

Li nianfan praised: "that's also very good. You can't rush everything. Take your time, as long as you're okay."

Qin manyun said firmly, "don't worry, childe. We will work harder."

Li nianfan waved his hand and said, "all right, come and sit down first. Xiaobai, make everyone a cup of honey lemon tea to relieve their fatigue."

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