Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 760: 760

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The stone tablet was placed in the yard with the pile of game corpses, and was looking at everything in the yard with divine consciousness.

"God, the avenue in the yard is immeasurable, and there is an original breath in the air!"

"No wonder the origin of the whole seventh world is so strong. It seems that... The source comes from here!"

"Can an expert really create the source? Incredible, shocking, subverting common sense!"

"Everything here, even a stool, is the treasure of origin!"

When he was shocked, a faint smell of lemon floated slowly, which shocked his spirit.

In addition to the light aroma of lemon, there is also a faint sweet taste of honey, refreshing. It is the tea aroma from Xiaobai's tea.

In addition to the unique flavor, the most important thing is that the taste also contains a magical smell, which can eliminate fatigue, nourish the soul, and have the miraculous effect of healing!

Shibei only felt that his divine consciousness, which was weak and about to dissipate, was baptized and instantly stabilized!

"I just smell the smell, and I've reversed life and death?"

It felt like a dream. At the same time, looking at the Nannan and others who were tasting tea, it had the first greedy and envy since its birth

A sip of this tea can go to heaven.

Then, it noticed Li nianfan chatting with them. It could feel li nianfan's inner peace and friendliness, which was like a spring breeze.

Obviously, he has unimaginable strength, but he is still calm, without a bit of high shelf, and everything around him is an amazing creation, which is given to everyone at will.

I can't believe there is such a perfect person in the world unless I saw it with my own eyes.

It's her good fortune that seven younger sister can follow such an expert. I can relax.

At this time, Nannan and Long'er were tasting tea while introducing the origin of the game to Li nianfan.

"Brother brother, the white wolf is the wolf who eats the moon and the wolf, so as to swallow the essence of the sun and moon, repair the five rows of avenues, and by looking at the eyes, it can perform five lines of magic power, and where the eyes sweep, or there can be a thunderbolt or a endless fire, and it can become the master of a field."

"And the lion with one horn over there is a golden horn lion that splits the sky. It is the offspring of a unicorn beast and a chaotic God lion, but its talent is far better than its father and mother. The one horn has the power to control the road and can only exert the great power of destroying the sky and the earth."

"And the other side..."


Introducing ingredients is actually an important part of eating delicious food.

The rarer the ingredients, the more difficult the source is. It's enough to fascinate people without waiting to eat. Just think about it and feel delicious.

At this time, Li nianfan was like this. Every time Nannan and Long'er introduced each other, he secretly swallowed a mouthful of water.

Although he has also eaten dragon meat, unicorn meat and so on, there are many powerful monsters in Xiuxian world. Especially after hearing how powerful they are, he wants to eat more

Soon, the game brought this time was introduced, and everyone's eyes fell on the stone tablet.

Li nianfan raised his eyebrows slightly and said in surprise, "is this... A stone tablet?"

What happened?

Why did they carry a stone back, and the stone tablet is not only missing a corner, but also full of cracks, which will be crushed at any time.

Qin manyun said, "childe, we see that the stone tablet is very strange and some... Poor, so we brought it back."


Is this used to describe the stone tablet?

But take a closer look, the stone tablet is really poor. It has become like this. It's not easy to break it.

Li nianfan approached a little and said, "the material of this stone tablet is really rare and interesting. There is a word" Zhen "engraved on it, but it is obviously some nonsense. This word is a little out of shape."

In the face of Li nianfan's examination, the stone tablet's heart said it was not nervous. It was false. Hearing that an expert said he was a little interesting, a trace of joy suddenly appeared in its heart.

Then, when he heard the expert say that his words were out of shape, he immediately smiled bitterly.

It boasts that it can seal a boundary, and its strength is all in this word. However, the expert didn't see it at all, and was hit hard.

It seems... I can't get into the eyes of an expert.

Long'er looked at the stone tablet painfully and couldn't help asking, "brother, is this stone tablet useless?"

"What's the use of breaking like this?"

Li nianfan shook his head, paused and said, "but since you brought it back, I'll process it a little and it can still be used."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's mood jumped with joy. The stone tablet trembled faintly, and the words on it became brighter. In the backyard, the willow branches of the willow tree swayed with the wind, showing a happy mood.

Nannan said, "brother, we can help with how to process."

Li nianfan smiled and said, "it's simple. Go and help me find some rocks. I'll teach you how to make cement."

The simplest way is to brush the stone tablet again with cement. The manufacturing method is not complicated. Anyone who has studied chemistry knows it.

Although it is said that there is a lack of machines, Nannan and others are immortals. It is more convenient to use spells than machines.

Next, after dinner, they made cement together under the leadership of Li nianfan.

Grinding, purification, matching, decomposition, stirring

Step by step, the courtyard became lively. At the same time, there was powder in the air, which was contaminated on everyone, making everyone look like a dusty man.

However, with the progress of the process, people can clearly feel the endless source flowing in the quadrangle. In a twinkling, it has become the ocean of source.

The stone tablet on one side is in this environment. It only feels that the cells of the whole body are jumping. The lime powder in the air is like the largest tonic in the world, madly nourishing its body.

However, when it watched Li nianfan stir, it was shocked to make the cracks on his body crack harder

With Li nianfan's stirring, he could clearly feel the immeasurable origin of the cement in it, rising like a fountain!

Its large amount, strong impact, and even straight into the sky, forming an Optimus pillar!

It's like no money!

"This, this... What artifact is this refining?!"

It was stunned, the three views were completely crushed, and there was no residue left!

Even feel terrible.

As we all know, no matter what kind of refining device, just like cultivation, we should follow a principle, that is to draw strength from heaven and earth, either Reiki, or law, as well as the road or origin.

However... The thing refined by Li nianfan is doing the opposite. It's actually spraying its origin to the outside world!

"Create the source, he can really create the source! What kind of divine thing would it be if he could spray such a large amount of cement? It's... It's awesome!"

"How would it feel if Heaven knew that the source of its hard search could be born casually in the hands of others? The state of mind would collapse."

"How can I use these gods to refine my body again? I can't even dream of it!"

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Taking advantage of the stirring effort, Li nianfan shouted Nannan and others to his side and said, "cement plays a great role and can benefit mankind, but its formation first needs to be crushed from the rock and then burned by fire. It can be formed only after repeated and continuous quenching. I teach you a new ancient poem, which you have to remember."

"Uh huh." Nannan and others nodded seriously.

Li nianfan read, "it's easy to temper yourself out of the mountains and burn with fire. You're not afraid to break into pieces. You should keep your innocence in the world."

The people whispered along and were immediately brought into the artistic conception of this poem, and the Taoist heart was trembling.

Qin manyun said to himself: "the unknown fog bewitched the common people, which created the seven world catastrophe. This is caused by the uncertainty of the Taoist heart. Childe, this is to let us strengthen our Taoist heart, not afraid of sacrifice, not afraid of difficulties, and fight for the common people all over the world!"

The stone tablet was so excited that it turned over and over in my mind and said, "the master is praising me. I'm not afraid of being broken. Isn't that what I am now? If I can get the praise of the master's poem, I'll die without regret! I will do better and get more praise from the master!"

When the people remembered the poem, Li nianfan came to the stone tablet with cement and said, "carry the stone tablet to the foot of the mountain, which can be used as a landmark of the Luoxian mountains. In addition, I specially made a lot of cement and prepared to pave a cement road to the foot of the mountain."

This is also the idea that Li nianfan had a whim when making cement. After all, he can't do so in vain. By the way, build his foothold and decorate his appearance.

"Paving the road?"

Everyone was stunned. Their eyes were slightly strange and their faces were embarrassed.

Although they have made great achievements, to be honest, they can't build this road.

The so-called mountain is not high, there is an immortal. Originally, the Luoxian mountain range may be just an ordinary mountain range, but with Li nianfan's occupancy, the mountain is stained with immortal spirit, just like the people in the town, which makes the whole mountain reborn.

Don't you see that even those trees at the foot of the mountain can't be cut down easily?

The difficulty of grinding the mountain road is unimaginable, and the strength needed is not what they can do at all.

However, seeing that Li nianfan had made up his mind, they didn't dare to say anything, so they had to bite the bullet and promise.

When the crowd came out of the courtyard, they glanced at the mountain road in front of them, but they all took a breath, and stared at the ground in disbelief.

The mountain road is a dirt road, full of gravel, fallen leaves and weeds. Although it was not high-end before, it is still flat. In theory, it will remain unchanged for ten thousand years.

But now, it is more abrupt. There are several potholes, land collapse, winding and rugged, and gravel blocking the road can be seen

It looks like it's almost going to be rebuilt

Qin manyun couldn't help whispering, "well, we really think too much. The childe said we want to build a road. How can we not build it?"

Situ Qin also whispered: "it's really cooperative to be located in Xianshan mountain. I doubt that if the childe doesn't make cement, he will have to make cement himself..."

Li nianfan smiled and said, "it seems that this wave of cement is quite necessary. Building roads is a big project. Please help and cheer with me."


Daji and others nodded.

Jiang Liu and Wang Zun even put on a look that I am full of strength and give me whatever work I have.

Wang Zun volunteered and said, "Lord Shengjun, let me be responsible for digging and chiseling the road."

Unwilling to show weakness, Jiang Liu said, "I'm responsible for grinding stones."

Long'er thought for a while and suddenly said, "by the way, I'll pull out the cows in the backyard so that they can carry cement and materials."


At the same time.

Sixth boundary.

Gu Hui's figure appeared in a void, his face was slightly pale and his breath was disordered.

"What a soul of the seven realms. It seems that those people have left behind in the soul of the seven realms. I was careless for a moment, so I suffered a great loss."

"However, now I know the backhand, and I will get the sixth world origin again. The war soul will no longer threaten me!"

He kept thinking and imagining the war in the first world. The more he thought about it, the more he was oppressed and angry.

Then, he slowly raised his hand, endless fog emerged, gathered into a huge ghost face on the sky, and made a roar.

"Roar -"

The whole sixth world suddenly surged, and a vision appeared in the void, as if some strange thing were to be pulled out.

This... Is the origin of the sixth world!

Gu Hui deliberately avoids the seventh world, forcibly pulls away the origin of the sixth world with a great magic power, and then swallows it and eats it to enhance his strength!

At the same time, there are several figures shooting from a distance. They are wrapped in a layer of fog coat. It is the chess pieces with unknown fog layout in the sixth world. Their faces are expressionless and swallowed up by Gu Hui!

The whole sixth world vibrated, and creatures in every corner could feel a fear of the end of the world, as if this world had come to the brink of collapse.

"No, what happened? Why do I have a feeling of disaster?"

"There is definitely a catastrophe that we can't imagine. It's over, it's over!"

"Go find the shelter of the large gate and find a pure land to escape!"

Some powerful people noticed Gu Hui's direction and almost stared out their eyes.

"That, that... That's the origin of the sixth world. It has become manifest!"

"No, someone is extracting the origin of the sixth world. It's terrible!"

"No enemy, no hope. It's over. The end is coming."

The sixth world fell into chaos and an atmosphere of despair enveloped everyone.

They can only watch Gu Hui swallow the sixth World source into their mouths like a whale!

Just then, a halo suddenly cut through the space and came in a flash, like a sharp sword, with a mighty force, straight to Gu Hui!

Gu Hui's action was a pause and raised his hand to slap the halo.


The halo was blown away and fell into the void. When it was spread in the wind, it was a big flag, and then it was held by a slender jade hand!

Holding the chaos flag, the Spirit Lord stared at Gu Hui and said without fear: "the Spirit Lord of the seventh world is here... Ask for war!"

PS: I wish you a happy mid autumn festival.

Tell you a secret. Making a wish to the moon at this time will be longer and more handsome.

Three day holiday, everyone has a happy time. Poor codeword dog has no holiday

After thinking for a long time, I decided to open a new map. Many readers said they liked reading this type of book very much and didn't want it to end so soon. I promised.

I will try my best to write later, make a good idea and ensure that there is no unfinished work. Thank you for your support and company!

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