Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 764: 764

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As they ate, they became familiar with their feelings.

Gradually, Su Chen also let go and began to tell her story.

Because he was hated by Jiang Liu and Wang Zun, he didn't mean to elaborate. He just said that he was betrayed by a woman, his blood was taken away, and he was exiled here, which would make him down.

Hearing his story, Li nianfan couldn't help feeling sympathy. No wonder giving him some fruit would move him to tears. This brother has experienced too much and has a glass heart.

But... The experience is really miserable. The fairy world is really intriguing and dangerous!

On second thought, he suddenly found that all the coolies at the foot of the mountain seemed to be miserable people.

Jiang Liu was chased and killed. He fled here and stayed at the foot of the mountain to cut firewood. Wang Zun was also killed by others. He was schizophrenic. He stayed at the foot of the mountain to pick dung. Now Su Chen is like this

It's not easy.

Reading this, he said to Su Chen, "since you chose to pick dung, then props are also essential. I happen to have a wooden stick here. I'll make you a dung stirring stick. In addition, I'll match you with a dung bucket."

Su Chen was shocked immediately. "Thank you, Lord Shengjun."

The wooden stick given to him by Li nianfan looks ordinary and restrained. It's just an ordinary long stick. However, when he received it, he clearly felt a fierce and domineering smell on the body of the excrement stirring stick. It seems that he can rise up and stir up heaven and earth at any time.

And a dung bucket... It's also extraordinary!

When he was a young Lord, he naturally had treasures around him, but compared with this excrement stirring stick and excrement bucket, it was like a firefly and a bright moon, day by day.


This is an artifact given to me by an expert!

Really, as Master Wang Zun said, even if you help an expert pick dung, it is better than the treatment of saints and sons of any sect. You can pick out a piece of heaven!

I'm proud to pick dung for an expert!

Then the three of Wang Zun thanked Li nianfan for his hospitality and were ready to get up and leave.

At this time, Nannan raised her little hand, full of expectation and said, "brother, brother, I want to go out with Long'er."

The seven worlds have changed greatly. Naturally, she wants to go out and get familiar with it and collect information.

"Can't stay idle so soon?"

Li nianfan smiled and then said, "yes, but keep a low profile and pay attention to safety. Do you know?"

Nannan said excitedly, "Yeah! Brother is the best! Don't worry, brother. Long'er and I are very powerful and won't be bullied."

Long'er said, "brother, I want to take the little cow in the backyard out to relax. It hasn't been out. What a pity."

The little cow in the backyard has talked about wanting to go out more than once. After all, it also has some children's mind and can't stay idle.

"Take the cow out?"

Li nianfan's heart moved.

Cows have been kept in the backyard with limited activity space. They really need to go out to relax. In this way, the milk will be healthier. They were negligent in the past.

He nodded and said, "OK, it's still that sentence, safety first."

One side, the little fox's eyes lit up, hugged Li nianfan and said, "brother-in-law, I'm going out, I'm going out!"

Her chest rubbed against Li nianfan's body. It was soft and made Li nianfan's body crisp. She hurriedly said, "if you have something to say, don't rub, don't rub!"

The little fox was reluctant and rubbed harder. "Brother-in-law, please promise others."


However, a cold drink suddenly let the little fox down.

Daji took out her sister's dignity and said, "as soon as Nannan and longer left, no one will take care of the backyard. You have to stay and replace them. You can't go out until you make further progress."


The little fox hung his head and bowed to Daji's power.

Li nianfan looked funny and comforted: "well, there are many opportunities. I'll go out again next time."

Considering the beauty and simplicity of the little fox, he thought it was better to go out as little as possible, which was easy to get into trouble.

After all, beauty is a curse.

Nannan and longer happily took the cow out.

Together with Wang Zun, they went all the way down the mountain to the foot of the mountain.

Su Chen suddenly knelt respectfully on Wang Zun's knees and said, "boy, thank Master Wang Zun for taking me in, teaching the dung picking magic, and introducing me to an expert. But the boy's great revenge has not been repaid. Now his cultivation has recovered. He wants to go back first. If he survives by chance, he will come back to repay the great kindness of master and the expert!"

"Please agree."

He finished and began to kowtow directly, but he was blocked by Wang Zun.

Impatiently waved his hand and said, "OK, a big man should have revenge. What does a mother-in-law look like? If you want to go, go quickly. I'm waiting for you to come back and repay me!"

"Thank you, master!"

Su Chen was so grateful that he didn't leave in a hurry. Instead, he glanced at the dung bucket and dung stirring stick in his hand and said, "the dung picking artifact given by the master can't be covered with dust. Before leaving, please let me pick dung with my master!"


Source boundary.

"Drive, drive -"

"Moo -"

Two little girls are riding on a cow and looking around happily.

The cow also chirped with excitement and walked with four hoofs.

Beside them was a young man with simple clothes, a barrel in one hand and a long stick in the other.

They are naturally a group of girls.

Now the seven realms are interlinked. Although the second realm still needs a long time to recover, they can't stop their footsteps and directly cross the second realm into the source realm.

Then, under the leadership of Su Chen, he came to the limitless star in the Northern Star domain.

When Long'er raised his hand, he was surrounded by the original breath. He couldn't help exclaiming: "it's worthy of being the source world. The cultivation environment here is also very good. Nourished by the source, the children born here are directly immortal wizards in the seven worlds!"

Nannan nodded and said, "yes, fortunately, we have brothers who give us delicious food every day. This talent is not worse than the genius of the source world."

Su Chen's mouth couldn't help but smoke and said, "ha ha, the two fairies are modest."

He make complaints about his heart.

Can you stop being so Versailles? Too modest!

Follow the experts and eat the original holy fruit every day. Where can the source world compare?

Don't talk about you, even if a pig has a treatment, talent has definitely dumped the so-called genius eight streets in the source world

Although he didn't know what the accomplishments of Nannan and longer were, since he followed the masters, it was absolutely beyond imagination in terms of talent alone.

Nannan said strangely, "by the way, how are su Chen's friends going to revenge?"

Su Chen said, "there is the wasteland city ahead. It belongs to my su family. I'm going to inquire about the Su family first."

As they walked, they talked. From time to time, we can see the friars of the source world shuttle by, which is not very different from the seven worlds.

Not long ago, a city in the distance protruded from the horizon. It was the natural city.

This city, just like its name, is desolate. According to Su Chen, it is the most marginal city of the Su family, and it is close to the Wanyao mountain. There are often demons and beasts to make trouble, and the conditions are the worst in all aspects.

Three people and a cow quickened their pace. Before they entered the city, they heard an incredible cry from the city wall.

"Little master?!"

A guard flew down directly. After seeing Su Chen's face, he shouted in surprise: "it's really the little Lord!"

"What? Is it the little Lord?"

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"After three years, the little Lord finally came back!"

"Hahaha, I knew the young Lord would not die!"

"Go and inform Lord Baoda!"

The six guards on the wall flew down together and surrounded Su Chen excitedly.

Su Chen looked at them in surprise and then said, "are you... My original guard?"

"Yes, young Lord, I used to watch the door for you."

"I'm the one guarding the young master's residence."

"Little Lord, now Su Ming has become the new little Lord, and we have been sent here."

"Since the little Lord has returned, the position of the little Lord should naturally return to his original owner!"

Everyone is excited when you say something to him.

Hearing their conversation, Su Chen's face sank and clenched her hands.

Sure enough, Su Ming not only took away my master blood, but also my little master!

"Little Lord, little Lord!"

At this time, a figure rushed out of the wasteland city and came directly to Su Chen. He stared at Su Chen with tears in his eyes.

Then he knelt down directly and said, "subordinate Bao Da, knock on the little Lord!"

Su Chen quickly picked him up and said excitedly, "Baoda, you and I grew up together. You know my temper, so you don't have to salute."

Bao Da felt guilty and said, "young Lord, I was bad at the beginning. I should have been with you three years ago!"

"Don't say that in advance."

Su Chen waved his hand and then solemnly introduced: "come on, let me introduce you. These two are Nannan fairy and dragon fairy, and this is the senior cow. Salute quickly!"

Two kids and a cow?

Baoda and others are confused.

But when they saw that Su Chen was serious, they couldn't neglect it. They could only suppress their doubts and salute respectfully.

Then Baoda asked, "young Lord, where have you been in the past three years? We all thought you had been hurt."

Su Chen sighed and said, "I was really hurt by someone. Even the master's blood was taken away by Su Ming."


"The master's blood was drawn?"

"No wonder Su Ming's talent suddenly became so rebellious. Originally, originally..."

"It's over, it's all over."

Everyone's face suddenly changed. They had expected Su Chen to come back and fly with them. This wish seemed to be dashed.

"Xiao Yanran, the bitch, and Su Ming, the beast, wasted the little Lord's trust in them!"

Bao Da's eyes were about to crack. He scolded angrily. Then he looked at Su Chen with concern and said, "young Lord, you must have had a hard time in the past three years?"

"It's really hard ahead, but fortunately, in the end, there are good things and good things."

Su Chen's eyes were full of memories, and finally smiled and said proudly, "I've got a great fortune!"

"What is it?" bauda said in ecstasy

Su Chen said word by word: "pick dung!"


Pick dung?

Bauda is stupid.

The guards are stupid.

Some onlookers were also stupid.

They couldn't believe their ears and thought they had been magic.

At this time, they suddenly noticed that there was a faint smell from Su Chen

Baoda's face was a little distorted and he couldn't accept it. "Little... Little Lord, can you say it again?"

"What's your expression? Do you look down on picking feces?"

Su Chen raised her hands and said, "see, the excrement stirring stick and excrement bucket in my hand are all immeasurable artifacts. Now I have been reborn, and this is not what I used to be!"

Everyone looked at Su Chen boasting there, but his face was more and more heavy.

Baoda and the guards looked at each other and shook their heads silently.

It's hopeless.

It seems that the master blood of the little Lord has been taken away, and the position of the little Lord has been taken away. Finally, I can't bear the blow. I'm crazy

Even began to have a paranoia, pick feces can be said to be invincible.

"Woo woo... Young master!"

Some sensitive guards couldn't control themselves and cried bitterly.

Think about how young and talented the young Lord was, energetic, brilliant and glorious. Now he has become a madman dressed in cloth, holding a dung bucket and shouting to pick dung.

How can they accept this contrast.

"Why are you crying? You look down on me?"

Su Chen was anxious and immediately shouted, "the two fairies around me and the cow elder can testify for me!"

As soon as he said this, Bao Da felt even more sympathy in his eyes.

Just pick your own shit.

They also called the two little girls fairies.

The cow is called the cow elder.

It can be seen that the conjecture of the little Lord has reached a very serious level.

What has he experienced in the past three years to become like this?

Bao Da took a deep breath and struggled to control his emotions. With red eyes in his eyes, he said, "young Lord, in the past three years... You have suffered!"

Su Chen stared at him and asked, "Baoda, don't you believe me?"

"Believe! I naturally believe in the little Lord!"

Baoda nodded without thinking, and then said, "I was displaced when I was young. Thanks to being liked by the childe, I named myself Baoda, which means I vowed to repay the childe's kindness all my life. I believe everything the childe says!"

After a pause, he said again: "it's not easy for you to come back. Hurry to come to the city with me and wash the dust. There are these two little girls... Fairy and cow... Elder, please follow me."

Immediately, Baoda took Nannan and others into the city.

The other guards looked at Su Chen's back and couldn't help shaking their heads and sighing.

"It's hard to predict what the young Lord was like. No one would have thought he would be reduced to this."

"Originally, I thought we could at least get rid of this ghost place without taking back the position of the little Lord. Now it seems that there is little hope."

"Well, the little Lord will always be our Lord! At the beginning, we didn't lack the grace of the little Lord. Now the little Lord is in trouble, and we shouldn't talk behind his back!"

"Yes, stand guard."

"The ten thousand demon mountain is very restless recently. The little Lord is coming again. Let's raise our spirits and protect the little Lord!"

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