Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 765: 765

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In the desolate city.

Baoda is telling Su Chen about the current situation of the Su family.

The situation is not optimistic.

He sighed: "young Lord, since Su Ming became young Lord half a month ago, he has sent all your trusted guards to remote places. Even your father was imprisoned in the water prison because he offended Su Ming."

"In the past half a month, Su Ming's talent has become stronger and stronger. His prestige in the Su family has faintly outweighed that of you."

"Moreover, another ten days will be the day to enter the holy land of Yuanchi. Su Ming is preparing."


Su Chen suddenly patted the table, and her eyes were full of anger.

His voice was so excited that he trembled and said, "what a Su Ming. He is really my good brother!"

Suppress his confidants.

Imprisoned his father.

This kind of means can be described as a drastic and ruthless way!

"It was for the holy land of Yuanchi that I took the throne of my little Lord."

Su Chen narrowed her eyes and soon figured out the key.

Three years ago, he plotted against Su Chen in order to plunder Su Chen's dominant blood. He planned to become the leader of the Su family for three years in order to obtain the qualification to enter the holy land of Yuanchi!

It's really deliberate and step by step.

Bao Da sighed and said helplessly, "yes, now Su Ming has become a general trend. It's too difficult to deal with it."

Su Chen smiled coldly and said proudly, "don't worry, since I'm back, Su Ming won't be proud for long!"

Bao Da glanced at Su Chen, who was in high spirits. He could only sigh in his heart and didn't speak.

He was so angry with the little Lord's confidence.

Paranoia, it's hopeless.

Are you going to deal with Su Ming? With what?

With your shit picking skills? Or a dung bucket and a dung stirring stick?

He just cried to Su Chen. He didn't expect Su Chen to counter attack at all.

"The little Lord has become like this now. I want to be safe and secure. It's enough to protect the little Lord's carefree life."

Bauda thought in her heart.

Then he greeted with a smile and said, "young Lord, stop talking. Let's not just drink and order, let's let your friends eat more."

Nannan shook her head and said frankly, "it's not delicious. Forget it, we won't eat it."

Although Long'er didn't speak, he didn't move his chopsticks, which is obviously disgusting.

Even the cow on one side did not move his mouth when facing some spirit grass in front of him.

Bao Da's eyebrows immediately wrinkled and couldn't help saying, "little Lord, your friends..."

"It's really awful."

Unexpectedly, Su Chen directly interrupted him.

She got up and apologized to the girls and said, "I'm really sorry. The conditions here are poor. It's not good enough to entertain the two fairies and the cow elder. When I regain the position of little Lord, I will give you the top fairy medicine."

"Little Lord, you, this..."

Baoda's eyes widened and his chin almost fell to the ground. He looked like a ghost.

Crazy, young Lord, crazy completely.

Did you sell yourself completely to two little girls and a cow?

"Forget it, there's nothing to apologize for. I don't have much hope for your things."

The girl doesn't care.

She and Long'er don't have any bad thoughts, just tell the truth. After staying in the courtyard for a long time, the water they drink is a fortune that the outside world can't think of. How can they eat what they like when they come out.

"Fortunately, we came out with cows this time. It's equivalent to taking milk with us. We can't be hungry."

Long'er smiled and began to expertly squeeze the milk of the cow on the spot, and then drank it.

Misty grass!

Young Lord, where are all the wonderful flowers you know?

The corners of Baoda's mouth kept twitching, both angry and funny.

The girl asked Baoda, "by the way, would you like a drink? It's delicious."

Baoda shook his head and said, "no, no, you can drink by yourself."

You don't like what we eat here, and we don't want your milk!

That's the backbone.

Su Chen couldn't help persuading: "Baoda, you're my brother. The milk is very good. Think again."

Although he has never drunk milk himself, he is a cow raised by an expert. It can be inferred from the excrement bucket and excrement stirring stick sent by the expert that any product produced by an expert must be a high-quality product.

Bao Da said, "little Lord, you don't have to persuade me. You don't need to."


Su Chen shook her head reluctantly, then gathered up and asked, "two fairies, can I have some milk?"

"OK, ah, give you a bowl." long er handed Su Chen a bowl.

"Thank you."

Su Chen's eyes lit up and quickly took the milk and gulped it down.

"Ah --"

That's amazing!

He only felt that his whole body was filled with endless power. The power contained in these cows exceeded any kind of natural and local treasure he had eaten in the past, and even made him feel reborn.

Su Chen was so excited that his body was shaking, "I knew it was really super God milk!"

He looked at Baoda silently and couldn't help sighing. Brother, you really missed a great fortune.

Bao Da also looked at Su Chen and sighed silently.

Young Lord, why are you mixed up like this!

Suddenly, there was a loud cry outside the door.

"No, the monster attacked the city!"

"Come on, the animal tide is coming! Evacuate everyone and go up to the wall if you have any accomplishments!"

"What's the matter? Usually there are only two or three big demons and small demons. How can there be a sudden animal tide?"

"A lot, a lot, goblins have attacked!"

The panic footsteps accompanied by the screams of the people changed their faces.

Bao Da even stood up with a "wow" and said anxiously, "young Lord, you stay here and I'll go out and have a look."

After that, he shook his body and quickly flew out of the door.

At this time, the city was not too chaotic, but there were many flying monsters flying above the sky.

Baoda quickly climbed up the wall and looked up, but he suddenly took a breath.

However, I saw that the whole Tianhuang city had been surrounded by countless monsters. Their bodies exuded a violent atmosphere, and the evil spirit soared to the sky. They were looking at it covetously.

Even there was a faint smell of terror, which made Baoda feel a burst of pressure.

Bao Da asked heavily, "what's going on?"

A guard said, "I don't know. What happened suddenly didn't offend these monsters."

Another guard looked forward and said, "Lord Bao, what about the young master? If the young master recovers his cultivation, he will never be afraid of these monsters."

"Little Lord... Ah."

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Bao Da pointed to his head. "Let's not say it. We must guard against it. We must not let these animals rush into the city and hurt the young master!"

With these words, everyone's heart became more heavy.

Baoda slowly flew into the air, with great momentum, rushed to the demons, and then said, "fellow demons, we are members of the Su family. You are not afraid to bear the anger of the Su family when you wantonly attack Tianhuang city!"

"Su family?"

A strong man with a lion's head came out slowly with a huge axe in his hand. He laughed and said, "to tell you the truth, the Su family will not only not deal with us, but also give us a lot of benefits!"

Another black bear spirit said, "you've all been abandoned by the Su family. It's ridiculous that you're still under the banner of the Su family."

Immediately, the demons made a joking laugh.


As soon as Bao Da's face turned white, he immediately thought of a possibility. He scolded angrily: "Su Ming, that dog!"

Su Ming sent them to the wasteland city. Unexpectedly, he wanted to use these monsters to wipe them out completely!

This cruel means is really vicious. It's almost cruel to the extreme.

Just because they used to be su Chen's confidants!

He said in a low voice, "there's no need to talk about it at all. Let's get ready to fight to the death!"

"Death... Death war?"

The crowd pursed their mouths and turned pale.

In addition to the lion spirit and black bear spirit, a huge golden eyed saber toothed tiger came out slowly, which gave people great oppression.

These three demon kings are surrounded by endless power of law, and all have reached the realm of heaven!

And here in Tianhuang City, except that Baoda barely entered the realm of heaven, other people are big Luo Jinxian and Hunyuan big Luo Jinxian, and their strength is too poor.

"Stop talking nonsense to them and kill them quickly!"

The tiger demon gave a tiger roar, then raised the tiger's claw, condensed into a huge virtual shadow, and turned into a heavy hammer to hit the wasteland city!

"Array, array!"

Bao Da roared and his mana surged like a tide. He gathered with other people's mana over the wasteland city to form a defense array.


The tiger demon's attack was blocked, however, the attack of black bear spirit and lion spirit came later.

The battle axe of the lion essence was turned into the size of a hill in the wind. The huge axe chopped down straight, while the black bear essence smashed down heavily with a mace in hand!


The defense array trembled violently, then it broke like a mirror and turned into a little star light.

Bao DA and others were injured by the force of the earthquake. Their bodies fell upside down, opened their mouths and spewed out a mouthful of blood, and their eyes were dim.

"Hehe, this task is too simple. Let's end it."

The tiger demon smiled coldly. Its huge body had come to the gate of the city. Its body was even higher than the gate. Ju Gaoling looked at the city and his eyes were full of banter.

But the next moment, his eyes were a little meal, fixed in one direction.

There, I don't know when, a figure stood on the wall with a long stick pointing to the sky, facing the tiger's head, and a cold and fierce breath slowly spilled out.

"That, that's... Little Lord?!"

Bao Da also saw the sound. His pupils suddenly shrunk and shouted anxiously, "young master, run! You are no longer what you were in those days!"

"Little Lord, it's little Lord!"

"What's the young master doing there? He's still playing handsome!"

"It's over. The little Lord's conjecture has broken out. He probably feels invincible!"

"Come on, everyone, go and protect the little Lord!"

Many guards panicked.

Bao Da was more anxious, spit out a mouthful of blood again, and then flew to Su Chen.

"Get back!"

A cold drink came from Su Chen's mouth. He looked at the tiger demon coolly and said coldly: "how many monsters dare to act wildly in my wasteland city? Eat me!"

As soon as the voice fell, he was already in the air, raised his long stick high, hung upside down and hit the tiger's head!

"No, little Lord!!!"

Bao DA and others saw that their eyes and canthus were about to crack and roared.

The tiger demon didn't feel how strong the breath was from Su Chen. At the beginning, he was still a little confused, but after hearing the words of Bao DA and others, he immediately showed a disdainful smile in his eyes.

It turned out to be a hypochondriac.

A little mole ant still wants to turn the sky?

It raised the tiger's claws at will and was ready to play Su Chen like a fly.

In front of the huge tiger claw, Su Chen was really like a fly. The two collided straightly.



The calm tiger face of the tiger demon was suddenly twisted into a twist, and the tiger claw was completely broken, and the terrible power was rampant. It was shocking.

"Isn't he paranoid? How can he be so strong?!"

The tiger demon was furious and hurriedly retreated. Then he said, "I see. You guys are definitely acting. It's obvious that you said this on purpose to make me take it lightly. It's really treacherous!"

"This person is unusual. Let's work together to erase it!"

The black bear essence and the lion essence stared at Su Chen and joined hands without hesitation to attack Su Chen.

"Stir excrement stick to sweep away the eight wastelands!"

Su Chen's face was calm and steady. He held a stick alone. A dragon swayed his tail and spun around in the air.


The mace in the black bear essence's hand and the axe of the lion essence were all broken in response to the voice, which was incomparable.

"How is this possible?!"

The two goblins were still in mid air and wanted to stare out their eyes.

Although their magic weapon can not be said to be the top treasure, it is not an ordinary product. It is also stained with a trace of Avenue. It is difficult to damage heaven and earth. However, now it is broken by a broken wooden stick?

What kind of stick is this?

Before their shock was over, the stick had fallen on them and swept them down. The power of terror suppressed them so that they could not move and fell to the ground.

The tiger spirit was ready to continue the sprint. As soon as he rushed in front of Su Chen, he came to a sudden brake, stared at the tiger's eyes, and looked embarrassed and afraid.

Su Chen wasn't polite either. He raised his hand and covered the tiger's head with a stick. He also knocked it over to the ground.

In the twinkling of an eye, all the three arrogant demon kings were suppressed by one stick and trembled.

On the city wall, those people in Baoda were silly and raised their hands and rubbed their eyes for a long time.

"That... That's really the little Lord?"

"It's so powerful. It's one to three, and it's all a second kill!"

"Who said the young master was paranoid? Is this really paranoid? It's obviously a real cow!"

Baoda was trembling with excitement, surprised and delighted.

"That... That's really a shit stirring stick? The magic weapons of the demon king are like paper paste in front of him. It's terrible!"

"There's a little Lord so powerful. You told me it's just picking feces?"

"Adventure, young Lord, it's definitely because you have an unimaginable fairy experience!"

"That, that, that milk... Can it also be a treasure against the sky?"

Baoda was stunned, smiled and suddenly cried

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