Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 766: 766

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Bao Da was laughing and crying. He kept taking a deep breath. His heart hurt so much that his body was twitching.

He thought that the little Lord had deliberately advised himself to be more convinced that the milk was extraordinary.

What was your hardness before? Try it first!

Some milk, once missed, will not be there!

Let him turn around and ask Nannan and longer for it.

Since it has been determined that the little Lord is normal, his respect for the two little girls and the cow shows that they are proper big people and can't afford to offend at all. Baoda naturally doesn't dare to speak.

At this time, Su Chen had returned to the city and said, "Bao Da, are you very unhappy that Ben Shaozhu won? It's more ugly to laugh than to cry."

Bao Da's eyes were red and his voice was hoarse. "Young Lord, you know, I'm in heartache. I want to be quiet."

Su Chen comforted: "if you miss the opportunity, you will miss it. You can't force it."


Bao Da sighed, then his eyes fell on the excrement stirring stick in Su Chen's hand and said excitedly, "young Lord, what kind of artifact is this... This stick? It's too powerful."

He stared at the excrement stirring stick and looked from left to right. It was just an ordinary wooden stick. Even some places seemed to be worn and didn't look like an artifact at all.

Su Chen rubbed the long stick and said faintly, "no, it's a shit stirring stick."

Bao Da's breath suddenly stagnated, and then asked, "young Lord, you must have had a shocking adventure during this time!"

Su Chen smiled and nodded, "yes, I have successfully become a dung picker!"

Baoda's breath stagnated again and was speechless.

Can we have a good chat!

You were not such a little Lord before!

Su Chen looked at him and said, "this is a realm, you don't understand."

Bao Da: "

Su Chen waved his hand, "well, you go and deal with the goblins outside. Follow my preparation, go back to Su's house and take back my little Lord!"

Baoda and the surrounding guards were shocked and said excitedly, "yes, little Lord!"

In Su Chen, he picked up the three demon queens. Those little demons ran away. Although the evil spirit soared to the sky, they were all a mob and had no shadow directly.

So it cleans up quickly.

A moment later, everyone was ready to go and followed Su Chen straight to Su's house!

Nannan asked curiously, "brother Su Chen, are you going to take back your little Lord?"

Su Chen's heart suddenly jumped, and then he began to express his loyalty without thinking: "don't get me wrong, fairy. The position of the little Lord is a piece of shit in my eyes. What I love most is picking dung. This love of heaven and earth can be learned, and the sun and moon can be shown! Please let me be a dung picker!"

On one side, Baoda and the guards heard Venus in their eyes and melon seeds buzzing in their heads.

However, Su Chen continued, "I'm only going back for revenge this time. I can't let the Su family fall into Su Ming's hands, and it's for the holy land of Yuanchi."

Nannan and longer had heard the name for the second time and asked, "Yuanchi holy land?"

Su Chen replied, "the origin of Yuanchi holy land is mysterious. Some people speculate that it is the place where the source of the source world gathers. It is full of opportunities. There is a Yuanchi holy land on the celestial pole. It is opened once every 100 years and is jointly controlled by the four aristocratic families. It is agreed that each time it is opened, each person will send someone to enter by chance."

Nannan and Long'er nodded, showing some lack of interest.

No matter how awesome the holy land is, no matter how powerful the opportunity is, can it be comparable to the quadrangle?

Su Chen obviously saw through their ideas, not to mention Nannan and longer. Although the cultivation environment in Yuanchi holy land was famous, he still felt that it was not as fragrant as the side of the cesspit.

He explained: "two fairies, Yuanchi holy land is nothing, but there are sacred fruits in it. I think experts may like it..."


The eyes of Long'er and Nan Nan suddenly brightened and said excitedly, "this is good, this is good! We must go to this holy land and finally have new fruit!"


In the Su family.

Su Ming is planning to enter Yuanchi holy land with Xiao Yanran.

Su Ming's eyes were eager and said excitedly, "now I'm the young master of the Su family. I'm bound to be one of the places to enter the holy land of Yuanchi. I just need to enter it to find the coagulation fruit, which is enough to completely stimulate the dominant blood in my body, and I'm bound to step into the dominant blood in the future!"

"Congratulations, brother Ming. Everything is going according to the plan and is on the road to supremacy step by step."

Xiao Yanran's eyes moved, and then said charming, "I just hope brother Ming doesn't forget others in the future."

Su Ming laughed and said, "how could it be? I can get the master blood and the position of little Lord. You're not helping. I promise you to spend the rest of your life in happiness!"

First, he captured the dominant blood and wiped out Su Chen, so as to make rapid progress in cultivation, win the position of the little Lord, and use the name of the little Lord to enter the holy land of the source pool, so as to find the coagulation fruit in it and completely stimulate the potential of dominating blood. It can be said that it is one ring after another.

Xiao Yanran said affectionately, "really? Brother Ming is the best."

Su Ming looked at Xiao Yanran's appearance and suddenly felt a burning desire in his lower abdomen. He said hotly, "how can I lie to you? Let you have sex first."

Xiao Yanran blushed and said, "I hate it!"

"There's no one around. Let's hurry."

Su Ming hugged Xiao Yanran's delicate body to her arms. When she thought that this was the woman Su Chen liked, her heart was full of a sense of achievement.

Su Chen, Su Chen, you are doomed to be inferior to me!

The woman you like is willing to let me play with. Your dominant blood belongs to me, and the position of the little Lord belongs to me. I will enter the holy land of Yuanchi and ascend to the top by your blood!

You were born to complete me from beginning to end, ha ha

Su Ming thought more and more excited. He just pressed Xiao Yanran into bed, but suddenly heard a loud cry from the void: "I'm Su Chen back!"

The voice rolls like thunder, echoing in the void.

The whole Su family was quiet first, and then there was an uproar!

"Su Chen? The former young master is back!"

"Disappeared for three years, he actually came back. Where did he go?"

"No, Su Chen comes back. What about Su Ming?"

"Really? Let's go and have a look."

Figures darted out of Su's house and came quickly in the direction of Su Chen.

At the same time, Su Ming and Xiao Yanran's actions were one of the stagnation, and their interest suddenly disappeared. They all got up in horror.

Xiao Yanran exclaimed in disbelief, "it's impossible. How can su Chen come back? He's dead and lifeless!"

Su Ming soon calmed down and said with a sneer, "what's the panic? What can he do if he can live from the ancient restricted area? If I take control of his blood, he is a useless man. If he shrinks, he can live longer. If he dares to show up, he is looking for death!"

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Xiao Yan Ran worried and said, "if he exposes us to the Su family, then..."

"Hehe, do you think the Su family will help me or a loser?"

Su Ming smiled coldly and then said, "let's go and see what Su Chen is like now!"

Outside the Su family, more and more people gathered here. Even some respected elders appeared and fixed their eyes on Su Chen, either surprised or surprised.

Finally, the three elders stood up and asked, "Su Chen, where have you been in the past three years?"

Su Chen didn't hide it and said directly, "three elders, I was plotted by Xiao Yanran and Su Ming three years ago. They not only took control of my blood, but also broke into the ancient forbidden area! If it weren't for my great life, I would have been destroyed."

This remark is no less than a deep-water bomb, which makes the whole audience boiling.

"Su Chen's master blood... Was taken?!"

"Su Ming actually did such a thing. No wonder after su Chen disappeared, Su Ming's cultivation grew rapidly, far more than before!"

"If you win the supreme blood, your talent will naturally soar!"

"No, it's a big thing!"

"I can't feel a strong breath from Su Chen. He's so down and out. He's obviously a loser."

The elders of the Su family also contracted their pupils and looked at each other. No one spoke.

The three elders asked in a deep voice, "Su Chen, are you serious?"

Su Chen's face was calm and said, "you can shout Su Ming out and test his blood on the spot!"

"Don't test it. I admit I took his dominant blood!"

Su Ming came with great strides. His face was calm. It seemed that he was just telling a little thing, and Xiao Yanran was still with him.

Seeing the two of them, Su Chen's pupils suddenly burst out a color of rage and said in a low voice: "Su Ming, Xiao Yanran!"

Others were also surprised to see Su Ming. Unexpectedly, he admitted it directly.

Su Ming looked at Su Chen with a smile and said indifferently, "Su Chen, the way of cultivation is to steal Yin and Yang and seize nature. Don't you understand this truth? Now I have a dominant posture. I think it's worth sacrificing you!"

"Fart, fratricide and stabbing others in secret. You'll never prove the way! I'll take you first and then deal with it according to the family rules!"

The three elders shouted angrily and raised their hands to catch Su Ming.

However, the elder on one side suddenly raised his hand and dissolved the attack of the three elders.

The Third Elder looked heavy and asked, "elder, do you want to protect this evil barrier?!"

The elder looked at Su Chen and said, "Su Chen, who can make mistakes in life? Since you and Su Ming are the same family, you should forgive each other. Mistakes have been made. Even if you kill Su Ming, you can't recover your blood. It's better to forget it. I promise you can have a worry free life. The Su family can meet all your requirements!"

Su Chen stared at the elder in disbelief.

A moment later, he gave a terrible laugh, the louder he laughed.

"Hahaha, hahaha -"

He said sarcastically, "when he killed me, why didn't he think I was of the same race with him? Elder, I respected you and respected you before. Now I found that I mistook you. You're unreasonable!"


The second elder snapped at Su Chen, and then said to Su Chen, "Su Chen, we can understand your mood, but the Su family must have a genius. I hope you can understand and bear it for the sake of the family!"

"Endure? How can I endure?" Su Chen pointed to the elder and the second elder. His eyes gradually turned cold and began to accuse: "can you plunder other people's blood as long as you can become stronger? The disciples of the family kill each other by all means. What's the difference with demon cultivation? You say it's for the family. In fact, it's just short-sighted, which will make the family irreparable!"

The elder's eyes were simple and not surprised. He said indifferently: "Su Chen, Su Ming has the dominant blood, and is born with a pupil. In the future, he can become the master of the road and lead the Su family to glory, and you... Are just a useless man."

The three elders couldn't help saying, "big elder, if you don't follow the rules, you won't be around!"

The fourth elder interrupted: "third, the rules are dead and people live. Everything is based on the interests of the family. Su Chen at this time... Is worthless! And Su Ming is valuable. Let's keep it!"

The three elders sighed and had nothing to say.

The elder said to Su Chen, "Su Chen, put down your hatred. You are still a member of our Su family."

"Hehe, listen to what you mean. If I still want revenge, I'm going to expel me from the Su family?"

Su Chen shook her head and disdained to say, "it's ok if the Su family doesn't wait!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone's face was heavy.

But Su Chen continued: "however, I will take back everything I have lost! Su Ming, do you dare to fight with me?!"

Su Chen challenged Su Ming?

This sentence stunned everyone and even couldn't believe their ears.

The gap between him and Su Ming is like stars and gravel. How dare he?

Su Ming didn't expect Su Chen to be so crazy. He was surprised and confirmed: "do you want to fight with me?"

Su Chen said faintly, "yes, I hope you don't be a shrinking turtle."

"Poof, hahaha -"

Su Ming laughed wildly, as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world. He looked at Xiao Yan and said, "did you hear that? He actually wants to challenge me?"

Xiao Yanran pursed a smile and disdained to say, "I heard it. He was so angry that he lost his mind and became a mad dog."

The rest of the Su family shook their heads and looked at Su Chen with sympathy.

"Hey, although his experience is distressing, it's no different from looking for death."

"Although Su Ming is only the realm of heaven, he dominates his blood and his pupils are enough to fight the Supreme Master of the avenue. Su Chen is no different from mole ants in front of him."

"This is Su Chen's last stubbornness."

The three elders stared at Su Chen and said, "Su Chen, impulse can't solve the problem. You think clearly!"

Su Chen said, "thank you for your concern. I will defeat Su Ming today!"

"Defeat me? Su Chen, are you living in a dream?"

Su Ming looked at him with a sneer and said, "since you can't wait to die, I'll help you!"

The elder's eyes drooped and said calmly, "during the challenge, the sword has no eyes. Life or death, you are ready."

Su Chen glanced at the elder coldly, and couldn't help feeling a little sad.

The elder is obviously convinced that he is not Su Ming's opponent, so he will say that life and death matter, suggesting that Su Ming can kill himself.

In those years, when he was a young Lord, all the people of the Su family were polite and awed of him. The eldest elder has always been an amiable elder. Now he is down to this point, which shows the coldness of human nature.

It's really cool and unpredictable!

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