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The meeting in the club room could not begin as a very important participant has yet to arrive. this made Akitsuki (Ms. Karuizawa) anxious.

“Honestly, what’s taking him so long?”

“What is this? Aki longing to see Haru so badly.”

Taichi teased Akitsuki.

“It’s not that. We got an important meeting to be held. And did I not tell you to call me teacher when we were at school, Taichi!?”

“Don’t worry your little ass like that. I’m pretty sure he has a good reason.”

“Like what Kazuto!?”

“I don’t know... maybe he is being confessed to or something.”

“Don’t say stuff like that!” She tried to hide it, but it was obvious that what Kazuto said made her more anxious.

“I swear, if his reason for being late has something to do with coffee...”

(Door opens) interrupting Suzune

“Hey, guys sorry for...” (swoosh) “Gwah!”

“Hey, watch it Suzune. I almost spilled my coffee.” Haru carefully entered the classroom.

“You’re late!”

“Now, now settle down. You can break his ribs after the meeting Suzune.”


Immediately after Kazuto claps his hands, the windows and curtains were closed shut by Taichi and Yosuke. Haru took a seat next to Jotaro.


(For a second, I thought it was really her. But then I noticed her eye colour, Koko’s was much lighter.)

(I, agree. I noticed her handwriting during class. It’s much prettier.)

(Yeah, there is no way...)

"Alright, shall we begin?"

“I’ll get straight to the point. Yes, Colonel Kobayashi has returned to Takarametsu.”

“The new student is indeed Kohaku’s twin sister. We got the records to confirm that.”

“We still do not know why the colonel has come back. We did some digging and found out that Kaguya Bushida will be released from prison next month.”

(Collective disbelief)

“It seems the basilisks are on the move. What they plan on doing we don’t know yet.”

“This squad, team [CRIMSON FLOWER] has been assigned one task.”

(Just one. Well, that is a first.)

(Shut up Yahiko. The general is still speaking.)

The two whispering are Yahiko Kurosaki and Hikari Yuuki. Both third years in class B.

“Before you continue, general, I’ve got something to say.”

“If it is important, then Haru, you may speak.”

“Before heading to the clubroom, I met up with White Flash.”

“White Flash? He is the son of leader of the SLEEPING TIGERS. Correct?”

“Yes, he is. He gave me some important info that I feel you should know.”

“Go on.”

“He told me that, there is a possibility that Kenny the alchemist returned with Colonel Kobayashi and is attending our school as of today.”

Kazuto dropped the lighter he was flinging in his hand. Meanwhile, Akitsuki took a few steps back trying to process what she had just heard. In this moment of silence, Kazuto hopped off the office desk he was sitting on and walked towards the exit. Just before he opened the door, he spoke. In a very serious but calm tone.

“Which class has the other transfer student been assigned to?”

“Class B. sir.” replied Haru.

“Class B? Hikari. Yahiko.”

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“Sir.” They both got up and stood next to Haru, facing the back of Kazuto.

“What colour is his hair?”

Yahiko was too nervous to speak up. The room filled with a dead silence.

“His hair is blonde, sir. About the same shade as...”

“That is enough, Hikari.”

Hikari jerked at the sudden sharp tone of Kazuto.

“All of you, you included Akitsuki. From now on, you go straight home after school. If you need to leave your house to go somewhere, make sure you are not alone. Have someone from your squad with you. Haru, Akitsuki and Jotaro. Meet me in my office tonight at midnight. By all means, avoid contact with both the new transfer students. That is all. Now get your asses home, IMMEDIATLEY!”



Everyone gathered all their things and took off at the same time. Haru walked with Yui and Yosuke, meanwhile Akitsuki, Jotaro, Hikari and Yahiko grouped together. Taichi and Suzune got picked up by Taichi’s dad.

“Calling off today’s plans seems like the right thing to do.”

“Yeah, Kazu acted strangely today.”

“Yeah, safe to say he knows something about Kenny.”

“What are your thoughts? Haru.”

Haru was not paying attention, his mind was racing with thoughts. he just kept walking.

“If he is going to ignore us, he can walk home alone.”

“I’m pretty sure he is making some sort of snack list.”

“Oh really, how can you tell?”

“Oh, sorry, guys. I...”

“Was thinking about coffee, snacks and Akitisuki. We know all your fantasies, Haru. UWU”

“I was not...”

“... So anyway, can we stop by the Konbini?”

“YES! OF COURSE! We need to buy snacks after all.”

“No, we are not! You heard what Kazuto said...”

“But Yosuke.” Haru and Yui spoke at the same time, fake crying to get Yosuke to change his mind.”

“Argh, fine. Let’s just make it quick.”

All the way till the convenience store, Haru walked behind his two friends, watching them hold hands and doing couple stuff. This makes Haru happy. Seeing his best friend dating his other best friend. Of course, Haru has never experienced love himself. He feels that romantic feelings will get in the way of him and coffee.

Just as Yui was about done getting everything, she hears her phone ringing

“What? Seriously? Ok, I’m on my way.”

She dropped all the snacks she had and ran out of the store while saying. “Sorry Haru, let’s eat snacks some other time. Come on, Yosuke, I need your help with something?”

“You going to be alright on your own Haru?”

“Yeah, I’ll see if Kirigaya is around.”

“Ok, message me when you get home. Ok?”

And just like that, Haru was left alone in an empty store void of customers. He continued with his purchase and headed out. Just a few steps outside, Haru noticed a lone girl sitting on a bench under a tree. She was eating what seemed to be a popsicle. Haru thought about approaching her and reluctantly did so. About a few meters from where she was sitting, Haru caught a whiff of hazelnuts. “Hazelnuts,” he thought. That was the colour of her eyes (Kohaku) and now, sitting in front of him, is Kohaku’s little sister.

“Your name is Haruhiko Takase, right?”

Caught off guard, Haru gave a goofy reply

“Ah...Yeah...That’s my name.”

“This was her favourite flavour, you know, and the colour of her eyes.”

“Huh.” (Does she know about me... does she know I am part of the...)

“Say, Haruhiko. Are you by any chance part of the Manjushage?”



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