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A light breeze went about, making the trees rustle their leaves ever so slightly. A leaf fell down, blocking Haru’s sight for a mere second. Having been asked a question that he should answer with no hesitation He just stood there, looking into Kyoko’s beautiful brown eyes. Just as Haru was about to mutter something...

“Ah!... I’m so sorry that was rude of me to ask. Of course you not... It’s just you fit the description... i mean...”

“Oh, uh... yeah... it’s fine, no worries.”

An awkward silence enveloped as they looked in different directions.

“So... uh... Kobayashi?” Haru tried to break the ice.


“How are you fitting in at school?”

“Ok, I guess. I get a lot of stares and stuff. But that should blow over soon.”

“I see.”

“So, where are all your friends?” Kyoko asked while scratching her cheek.

“Oh, they got their own things going on.”

“I see. I’ll be heading home now. see ya.”

kyoko tried escaping the awkward conversation

“Wait... I’ll walk you”

“If it is not any trouble, I’d like that.” It was faint, but Haru heard her little giggle..


Awkwardly talking about casual stuff, they were almost at Kyoko’s house. kyoko told Haru that it was far enough but Haru insisted that he take her full way. Using the excuse of there been a lot of muggings and stalkers in the area as of late.

“So you and Ms. Karuizawa, huh?”

“I-It’s not like that! Whatever they told you, it’s not true.”

“Relax, relax. I won’t tell anyone, you can trust me.”

“Why are you so nosey?”

“Nosey! I am not!” “fufufu” Kyoko laughed her face shone brightly. To Haru It looked like she was having fun but He could not understand why.

“Here’s some Advice Haruhiko. I know a maiden in love when I see one.” Kyoko peered through an open peace sign she was making."

“Would you stop that already!” Haru burst into laughter at the funny poses she was making.

“This is where I live, the house where there are police cars parked. Looks like my dad’s colleagues are here. Sorry looks like I can’t invite you in for some coffee or something.”

“It’s fine.” (mahn… coffee would be so good right now.)

As they approached closer to the Kobayashi residence. Haru spotted a familiar face sitting in the passenger seat of one of the vehicles. He is a police officer that is on the Anti-Vigilante squad. and a top ranking a official too.

“Yeah, looks like you are safe now. I’ll head on home now.”

“Ok, I’ll see you at school then.”

Just as Haru was about to turn around, a man’s voice yelled from beside one of the vehicles.


“What do you think you doing walking home with a stranger? you know better than to do such things.”

“Uncle Asami, this is my Haruhijko! We may have just met but...”

“But what? Kyoko!”

“What is going on here?”

“Your daughter brought home a stranger.”

You are reading story TWILIGHT MEMORIES at


“We are in the same class. He offered to walk me home.”

“OK, relax Kyoko. Introduce me to your new friend. I’ll decide if he can be your friend or not.”

“But, Father...”

“Go inside!”

Kyoko had tears welling up. She looked down as she walked inside. Before she did, she muttered something in the air directed to haru. “I’m sorry about this Haru, goodbye.”

Haru was directed to one of the police vehicles and told him to enter the back. Colonel Kobayashi sat in the driver’s seat. He sternly told Asami that he will interview Haru alone.

“So, you got a name, kid?”

“Haruhiko... Haruhiko Takase.” Despite his overwhelming prescense Haru managed to keep calm.

“Takase? Now where have I heard that surname before...”

“...Your family own a restaurant kid?”

“Yes, Sir It’s...”

“I know where it Is. No need to tell me.”

the Colonel lit a cigarrete before he continued.

“Now, listen, I’ma be straight with you. You hurt my daughter. I’ll deal with you personally. You hear me?”

“Yeah, I hear you.”

“How is Cherami doing?”

This question puzzled Haru.

“She’s doing great.”

“That’s good to hear. You can take your leave now. I won’t stand in your way of Kyoko...”

“...Oh, and one last thing, could you light up some incense for your old man for me?”

(Dad? what does he mean... oh I see he is talking about Izumi. Mom’s late husband.)

“Yeah, sure thing.”

“Just Don’t tell your mom about it. I can’t face her yet. Now go on home, I’ve got work to do.”

“Right, see ya.”


“What do you mean you allowed him to be friends with Kyoko?”

“His, an old friend’s son. Looks nothing like his father but still.”

“That kid looks familiar, It’s on the tip of my tongue. where have i seen him before?”

“Enough, He seems like a nice kid. Now, About the Basilisks...”


On, his way home, Haru had a lot of thoughts racing through his mind. He could not believe that so much happened in one day.

 (So the old geezer was in connection with the police, after all. But why? There are no records of him In the Manjushage archives. Now that I think about It, I don’t know much about the Manjushage. Kazuto, Mom and everyone else never really answer me, whenever I ask about Izumi and even the Manjushage for that matter. Looks like I have to do some more digging. I know who will have my back If It ever escalates to something like that.) 

(Right enough about that, I need to take a bath and drink me some Coffee.)



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