Twisted Machine

Twisted Machine

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Twisted Machine

Review: 9/10 from 5 ratings

All Jade ever wanted was to be left alone. To hide and cower away from everyone. To be at peace.

When the spark manifested as the ability to summon eldritch abominations to fight in her stead, she decided that enough was enough and thus joined the league of superpowered beings.

A few years passed and things were finally turning out well. The dread and paranoia were finally under control, and she was on her way to winning the last match of the championship, the first proper junior villain, against her media-declared and illogical hated arch-nemesis. The heroine Wonder Light.

That she would be ripped away from her world and thrown into a different world, at this point, was something she should have expected to happen.


What to expect:

- Multiverse theory, but not multiverse traveling.

- Different magic systems are discussed, but the novel will focus on more traditional cultivation, even if the character's interpretation or take on it is different.

- No slavery/rapey/young masters with their big dicks.

- I don't think there'll be romance in the story, and if happens, it won't be the story's focus.

- Smaller but more frequent releases.


About this novel:

First of all, English is not my native language, so any positive criticism is welcome, and I apologize for the many grammar issues. Unfortunately, none of my elf friends are up to proofreading stuff for me. They prefer to drink and sing and dance about in the forest.

The story is something I'm writing for my own enjoyment. Getting parts of partially written scenarios and half-written stories I've written over the years and putting it all in a single story.

Mostly, this is a different take on cultivation, but I hope to stay away from all the genre tropes, or I'll at least try.

My time is a bit limited and I can't at the moment define a fixed schedule for releases. I'll work on that and see if I can keep a fixed release.

Edit: The cover is an AI-generated image from one of the scenes in the novel, which, doesn't really represent the actual scene, but I liked it. :D

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