Two Beings, or Not Two Beings?

Chapter 14: ACT 2 – Confrontation (Part 3)

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It was getting late in Old King Hamlet. Vladimir had already left for the day and returned to the guard station to pick up some of his belongings and take them back to the village’s police station. Marissa observed the quiet surroundings as the street lights started illuminating the hamlet’s town center. “It’s nice to finally have a day without incident,” the minotaur thought to herself. Suddenly she felt a strange sensation on her hands. She lifted her arms to her face only to find them surrounded in a dark energy from the wrists up.

“Huh?!” Marissa gasped, flailing her arms up and down, before the black hole around her hands faded away, revealing handcuffs.

“T-These are my handcuffs…” the witch said, staring at her bound wrists, which had been shackled together.

“Well, well, well…” a voice called out, “so thou art the one who hath been murdering mine familiars?” the voice’s owner said, stepping out of a portal which had just opened up behind Marissa.

The minotaur swung her head around to see the pirate-looking woman standing behind her.

“Kuro, I presume?”

The villain slowly clapped her hands as she paced towards Marissa. “Thy assessment be correct,” the masked witch smiled, “I art Lady Kuro.” She leered, pulling the minotaur’s face closer by yanking her long pink hair.

Without thinking, Marissa used her right leg to launch a powerful kick behind her, striking Kuro in the stomach and sending the villainous witch flying backwards. Marissa turned her whole body to face her adversary, who was now lying face-up on a pair of knocked-over trashcans.

“Ain’t nobody ever tell ya…” Marissa winked, “if y’ mess with the bull, y’ get the horns!” she grinned, before letting out a pained gasp as Kuro’s grin widened.

Marissa stared down at the sword which was now poking out of her chest from in between her breasts. Suddenly the sword sank back into the minotaur’s breasts, as she felt it being pulled out from her back. The cowgirl fell to her knees as blood gushed out of her back like a fountain.

Kuro pushed herself up and walked back to where Marissa was kneeling. “Doth tryeth to beest more careful next time, Excalibur,” the pirate said to her familiar who was standing behind Marissa, “a little lower and thee might has't cutteth off this cow's top.” Kuro laughed.

“W-What do y’ w-want… Kuro?” Marissa panted.

Kuro paused for a moment, “What I wanteth…” she began, “doth be revenge.” The evil woman stared down at the minotaur who was bleeding out at her feet. “That broom attached to thy belt…” Kuro said, pointing to Marissa’s broom, “I assume that ‘tis the murd’r weapon thee hath used to killeth mine familiars?”

“Pfft!” Marissa chuckled.

“What’s so laughable?” Kuro asked, blankly staring down at the minotaur who was still laughing at her, “What art thee laughing at?!”

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Marissa lifted her still-shackled arms and pointed a finger up at Kuro, tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. “Yer panties don’t match yer thigh-highs!” she giggled, falling to the ground in a fit of laughter.

“Thee bethink undergarments art comical?” Kuro asked with frustration. “How infantile.” Kuro looked back to her armored minion, roundhouse kicking Marissa as she did so. “Excalibur, mine lief companion…” Kuro began, “I groweth not restful of this cow. Just dispose that lady.”

Marissa stopped laughing.

“As you wish, Milady.” Excalibur smiled, lifting his bloodied sword above his head.


Having left Noh’s party, Jackie ran off to wherever her legs would carry her. She needed to get to Sumire’s house. “Perhaps,” she thought, “Sumire will be able to explain to Noh and Kabuki what’s going on?” Jackie’s head was flooded with the image of Noh’s crying, heartbroken face. Jackie couldn’t hold back her tears any longer. Her best-friend was still missing. She was in an unfamiliar world far from her twin sister. She agreed to fight some evil witch. She was lending her body to her M.S. Webber OC. She deceived Kabuki. She was almost killed by a demon with a sword. She went on a date with some strange werewolf. She took the life of an innocent convenience store cashier. She broke Noh’s heart and seemingly ruined his friendship with Kabuki. Who was she? She wasn’t the same Jackie who left London nearly two days ago. Was she even still Jackie anymore? Or was she Luna? Did she even have any control over Luna’s actions in the first place? And if so, when did she lose control? Or was she still in control? Maybe Luna embodied some part of Jackie that she didn’t even know existed before coming to Phantasia? These were the thoughts that were bombarding her mind. Were Jackie and Luna even the same person? The same being? Or were they not? Were they, perhaps, two distinct beings? As Jackie thought about these things, her vision became blurry thanks to her tears, causing her to trip and land face-first into a large puddle about the size of her body.

“Urgh…” she groaned, as the water around her reddened. “Am I bleeding?!”

Jackie looked at her bloodied hands which were lying in front of her face, before pushing herself up slightly and getting a glimpse of her reflection. Her clothes and face were totally covered in blood!

“Oh,” Jackie sighed, “this is Rusalka’s blood…”

As she stood up she noticed her copy of Two Beings, Or Not Two Beings lying damply in the puddle. It was a miracle that such a large tome hadn’t fallen out of her relatively small jorts earlier. She picked it up with her crimson-stained hands and stared at it blankly.

“…‘Two Beings, Or Not Two Beings’, huh?” she mumbled, thinking back to her earlier thoughts about whether she and Luna were the same person or not. “Is this some sort of cruel joke?!” she grunted, throwing the book into the surrounding bushes.

Jackie stared blankly in the direction she had thrown the book for a few seconds, panting heavily before crying again and collapsing back into the puddle, assuming the fetal position.

“I just want to go home…” she sobbed, “I wanna go home…”

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