Two Beings, or Not Two Beings?

Chapter 18: ACT 2 – Confrontation (Part 7)

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As Kuro’s black hole continued to obscure the horizon outside Katherine’s bedroom window, Phantasia’s sky was not the only thing that found itself being stripped away. Katherine’s uniform of servitude fell to the floor, with Jackie’s black T-shirt and jean shorts not far behind.

“H-Have you done this before?” Jackie blushed, as Katherine reached for her sheer leggings.

“Not with another woman,” Katherine stated matter-of-factly. “That shouldn’t be a problem though. Katherine knows her way around the female body…” she seductively winked.


“Jackie… we’re both adults, here. Katherine needs to let off some steam sometimes, you know?”

“Go fuck yourself,” Jackie rolled her eyes.

“Precisely!” Katherine giggled, gripping the waistband of the Englishwoman’s shapewear as she slowly pulled the leggings away from Jackie’s body.

 “Is this just another way for you to ‘let off steam’, then?” she inquired.

“Of-course not!” Katherine replied. “This is Katherine’s special way of saying ‘thanks’ and convincing you to stay.”

Jackie sat in silence as the twin-tailed cat removed one of Jackie’s black shoes after the other.

“I can undress myself, y’know?” the Londoner sighed.

“You’ve never done this before, have you?”

Jackie nudged Katherine’s arms away with her foot and folded her arms with a pout. “W-Whatever gave you that idea, Kat?” she blushed.

The maid smugly raised an eyebrow and folded her own arms. “For some people, the foreplay is the best part,” she explained.

“Yeah, well…” Jackie’s eyes briefly glanced at the ominous vortex out the window, “I’m kind of in a rush, so…”

“Katherine understands,” the nekomata smiled, placing her hands on Jackie’s shoulders and pulling her down onto the futon. The maid played with the straps of Jackie’s black sports bra between her fingers for a brief moment. “Are you sure you want to do this?” Katherine asked. “Katherine doesn’t want you to feel like you owe it to her, or anything like that.”

The human girl sighed, placing a hand in Katherine’s, before brushing it away to remove her black bra. “Yes, Kat, I’m sure…” Jackie sat up and placed her hands on her hips, one of her thumbs resting just under the respective side wing of her sky-blue blue sky panties, as she rolled her bespectacled eyes. “Kat… my eyes are up here.”

“But you have such beautiful breasts,” Katherine muttered. “Oh, uh… Katherine’s sorry!” she apologized, her hands hovering in close proximity to the human’s bosom. “May Katherine touch?”

“Knock yourself out,” Jackie replied, tugging her frilled briefs slightly downward with her thumb as she reached up to remove her glasses with her other hand before letting out a shriek of surprise and pleasure as the cat woman fondled her nipples. “You s-said ‘t-touch’, not ‘p-pinch’!” Jackie moaned.

Katherine sat up before bending over to place her hands and forehead on the futon in a deep bow. “Katherine’s apologies!” she said. “Katherine assumed that playing with your nipples was implied!”

“Well, it bloody wasn’t!” Jackie scolded, her face as red as a beetroot.

“Although,” Katherine winked, sitting back up and looking Jackie directly in the eye, “Katherine hopes that it will take a little more than just pinching to make you squir-”

“IT WILL!” Jackie interrupted by slamming her glasses down on the table beside Katherine’s futon, not wanting nor feeling the need to know whether Katherine was going to say “squirm” or “squirt”. In spite of everything that had happened… In spite of Luna… In spite of Kuro… In spite of the literal end of the world just outside the bedroom window… In that moment, all Jackie cared about was making sure that she wouldn’t come across as a sex noob if Katherine managed to effortlessly make her orgasm. “A-Although…” Jackie stammered, “i-if I did, would you mind if we kept going even after the fact?”

Katherine placed her hands on Jackie’s shoulders again, although this time she pushed Jackie down onto the bedding rather than pulling her, the end result being that Katherine was now on top of Jackie instead of beside her. “It would be Katherine’s honor,” the feline smiled as she unfastened her own stockings before helping Jackie with pulling off her partially-cloudy print undergarment.

And so, just for about half-an-hour, Jackie was able to let go of her stress (and certain bodily fluids) as she and Katherine engaged in the most exhilarating game of roshambo where both players exclusively resorted to scissors.


About half-an-hour later, Jackie pulled her denim half-pants back over her translucent leggings and placed her blue socks into her shoes, finishing the process of getting dressed. She looked over to Katherine, who was still lying in her futon.

“Sorry,” Jackie apologized, “I wasn’t very good, was I?”

Katherine smiled at Jackie and chuckled.

“Nonsense, Jackie,” she replied, “Katherine had fun!”

The two women just stood still where they were for a moment, doing nothing apart from looking into one another’s eyes. After a short while, Jackie’s gaze shifted slightly behind where Katherine was lying. She stared at the large black hole on the horizon outside the window. Katherine turned her head around to see what the human was looking at.

“Is that… That’s Kuro’s doing, correct?” the maid asked Jackie, although she did not expect her to know the answer.

“Yeah,” Jackie grimly nodded. “I think Kuro’s getting ready to end this bloody war once and for all.” Jackie glanced to a side and frowned, trying to hold back tears. “Mister Chekhov and Marissa… she already…” she muttered, “Kuro already killed them.”

Katherine crawled out of her futon, put her French maid dress back on and refastened her stockings to her garter-straps before reaching into the drawer of her nightstand and pulling out the gun that Vladimir had given Jackie. “Katherine knows you don’t want Luna to overwrite your body…” she began, “but Miss Sumire needs her… I need her! …Please, Jackie.” Katherine pleaded, “channel Luna and put an end to Kuro.”

Jackie sighed. “Miss Shakespeare won’t let me leave until I do,” she admitted, “now’s as good a time as any.” She paused. “But if I channel Luna again, there’s something I want Shakespeare to do for me.”

Katherine gave Jackie a puzzled expression while handing the pistol to her human friend. “What might that be, Jackie?”

Jackie took a deep breath and transformed her body into that of Luna Wolfe.


Sumire twiddled her thumbs in her house’s main room and looked over at Kitty.

“Kitty,” she beckoned, “do you think I was too harsh on Jackie?”

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Kitty stared blankly at her master before sticking her tongue out and shrugging.

“Yeah, thought not,” Sumire sighed, folding one arm around her abdomen and raising the other to her forehead.

“Look, Miss Sumire,” Kitty exclaimed, pointing in the direction behind the witch’s back, “Luna’s here!”

Sumire turned around to find Jackie (in Luna’s form) and Katherine standing in the doorway to Katherine’s room. Sumire slowly walked over to the two kinkinds and placed her hands on Luna’s exposed shoulders. She stared the tengu dead in the eye, not unlike a professional staring contest player would, making sure not to break her gaze by blinking. “Well, which one are you, then?” the witch asked, “Jackie or Luna?”

Luna’s eyes rolled, as the tengu reached her hand into her skirt and pulled out Vladimir’s Magic Gun, pointing it Sumire. “First off,” the tengu said, “get your hands of my bra.”

Sumire stared down at the kinkind’s shoulders before hopping backwards. “Whoopsies!” the witch winked, raising her right hand to her face and poking her cheek with her index finger like a Japanese pop idol doing a cutesy photo shoot.

“And secondly,” the kinkind warrior sighed, “I’m still Jackie.”

“Or are you?” a voice in the back of Jackie’s mind taunted. Luna Wolfe. “Get out of my head!” Jackie muttered under her breath.

Jackie’s eyes darted to the gun she was pointing at Sumire, before darting back to the witch herself.

“Noh,” Jackie grunted, “I’ll use this gun to defeat Kuro myself and keep your sister safe, as long as you agree to tell that werewolf what’s going on.”

“Fine, if that’s what it takes…” Sumire sighed, “I’ll tell that ungrateful mutt that you’re busting that sweet little ass of yours to save his hide!” she teased, opening up a purple vortex and hopping inside. “Katherine,” she called out, “it seems Kuro’s advancing her attack. I fear the time to train Jackie has run out.” Sumire paused. “Just… make sure Jackie doesn’t try to run off again!” she said, disappearing with her vortex.

“Regardless of whether I’m possessing you or not… you’re not Jackie anymore,” Luna’s voice jeered inside her host’s head. “The Jackie who lived in the human realm would never point a gun at someone…”

Jackie felt her hands trembling as she dropped the firearm to the floor. She started to frantically beat her temporalis muscles like tambourines. “Get out of my head!” Jackie demanded of Luna. “Get out, get out, get out!”

“Jackie!” Katherine yelped, grabbing Luna’s wrists. “What’s wrong?!”

“Kat,” Jackie groaned, “do you think I’m still Jackie?”


Noh stared down vacantly at the empty punch bowl. “Perhaps I was too harsh on Kabuki,” he thought, “what Luna did wasn’t his fault, right?”

“Noh Hiraoka?” a voice asked.

Noh quickly turned around to see an unfamiliar witch standing behind him. “And you are…?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m Sumire Shakespeare,” the witch replied, “I’m a friend of Jackie… er, ‘Luna’, I mean.”

Noh frowned and stared at the ground. “Oh, yeah?” he asked, “Is that so?”

“Mind if we go somewhere more… private?” Sumire asked. “There’s something Luna wanted me to tell you.”

Noh’s pupils shifted to the direction of Sumire’s face, although he didn’t actually lift his head up. “Go on,” he beckoned, “what did Jackie want to tell me?”

Sumire placed her hand on Noh’s shoulder and leaned in close. She whispered into his ear the secrets of kinkind warriors, making sure to explain mary sues and emphasizing that Jackie wasn’t in control of Luna’s actions.

“So Jackie really was telling the truth?” Noh asked, “She doesn’t like me that way? She’s really sorry about what happened? She’s Luna Wolfe?”

Sumire nodded.

“But wait… are Jackie and Luna… different people?” he asked. “Are they two beings, or not two beings?”

Sumire turned her head to a side, as if looking at an imaginary “fourth wall”, as it were, and winked. “You could say that…” she slyly proclaimed, before turning her face back to Noh’s.

“Art thither any punch left?” a voice asked.

“There isn’t, sorry,” Noh replied, turning around in the direction of the voice. Noh observed all the party guests in his field of vision, none of whom were close enough to have been the voice he heard.

“Hey, uh, Shakespeare,” he asked, “did you just ask me about punch?”

Sumire scratched her head in confusion. “…Was that voice just now not yours?”

“Ov’r hither…” the mysterious voice called out.

Sumire and Noh stared down at the table. The voice seemed to be coming from there. Sumire got down on her hands and knees, looking under the table as Noh blushed at the witch’s striped undergarments which were just barely visible under her tights. Sumire pushed herself up, bumping her head on the underside of the table and letting out a mild profanity. “Nothing under here,” she informed the werewolf.

Suddenly the punch bowl started rattling, drawing the pair’s eyes immediately towards it as a dark vortex opened up at the bottom of the bowl and an arm topped with a short jet-black sleeve reached out of it.

“W-What the-?!” Noh blurted out. “Is this a witch’s doing?!”

Suddenly the night sky was enveloped with a dazzling white flash as every guest in attendance heard the unmistakable sound of a glass bowl shattering.

“Kuro…” Sumire grunted.

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