Two Beings, or Not Two Beings?

Chapter 5: ACT 1 – Beginning (Part 5)

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Jackie awoke in a sweat. She wasn’t sure whether she was sweating because of the kotatsu, her nightmare or some twisted combination of the two. She looked upwards and squinted as Kabuki came into her field of vision. He had a look of frustration on his one-eyed face, his hands resting angrily on his hips.

“Were you going to tell me you spoke in your sleep?!” he snapped. “I could hear you from my bedroom!”

Jackie blushed and covered her eyes as she noticed Kabuki’s tight brown boxer shorts. “I can…” she stammered, “I can see up your yukata.”

Kabuki blushed and jumped back. His pupil darted to the corner of his eye as he tried to avoid making eye-contact. Being embarrassed by human was even more humiliating than being embarrassed by another demon.

“I had a bad dream,” Jackie explained, “can I sleep with you in your futon?”

Kabuki crossed his eye angrily. “You’re a fully-grown adult aren’t you?!” he demanded. “Is this a trick? Are you going to try to pull something?!”

Jackie sighed, giving the demon a look of exhaustion. “I’m a lesbian,” she bluntly stated.

Kabuki sighed, rolling his cycloptic eye.

“Ok, fine,” he said, “just for tonight though. Is that clear?”

“Thank you,” Jackie said, standing up. Slowly, she began to unbutton and unzip her jean shorts.

Kabuki’s pupil widened as he stared down at her hands. “What are you doing?” he asked, raising his unibrow.

“I’m too hot!” Jackie exclaimed, placing her jorts on the kotatsu beside her glasses and gun.

“I’m not sure I’d describe you as… ‘hot’,” Kabuki grinned, noticing the girl’s frilled blue briefs and their sun and cloud print. Jackie followed the demon’s gaze and hastily covered up her panties.

“H-HEY!” she screamed, “That’s not what I meant! I was talking about the heat from-”

Kabuki raised his eyebrow and reached under the kotatsu’s blanket. He angrily eyed Jackie. “You’re not supposed to sleep with the heating system on, you idiot!” he snarled, “You could’ve been burned!”

“Well how was I supposed to know?!” Jackie snapped back, grabbing the bottom of her t-shirt and using it to wipe the sweat off her brow, slightly exposing her sports bra for a brief instant.

“You really are clueless, huh?” Kabuki blushed, “Come on, I’m tired. Follow me to my room before I change my mind!”


The following morning, Vladimir awoke from sleeping in his guard station to a loud knocking. He hopped off his swivel chair and stretched before answering the door to Sumire.

“Good morning!” the woman smiled to Vladimir. “How’s Jackie doing?”

Sumire peeked her head inside the guard station as Vladimir tried to tiptoe behind her.

Vlad…” Sumire leered, narrowing her eyes at the cop before opening a portal underneath his feet and warping him within an inch of her face as he fell through the vortex, “you didn’t send Jackie back to the human realm did you?”

Vladimir breathed a sigh of relief, “No, Miss Shakespeare,” he responded. “I gave her to Kabuki to look after.”

Sumire folded her arms and gritted her teeth with a growl.

“Y-You remember Kabuki, r-right?” Vladimir stuttered. “M-My familiar…”

Sumire opened up another vortex behind her back and turned towards it. “Unbelievable…” she muttered, stepping into her portal as it closed behind her.


Having woken-up a few minutes earlier, Jackie pulled her shorts up over her sheer leggings before grabbing her glasses and adjusting them above her nose. She looked at the handgun and considered pocketing it. “Nah,” she thought. “I don’t need it right now.” Suddenly Kabuki’s sitting room disappeared around her and Jackie was enveloped in a familiar purple void. As the purple nothingness faded out, the girl was greeted by Sumire’s tatami room.

“Ah,” Sumire smiled, clasping her hands together, “you’re awake! What luck!”

“What time is it?” Jackie groaned.

“Time to summon your kinkind!” Sumire beamed. “Did you finish my book yet?”

“No,” Jackie said, “I was busy settling in with Kabu-”

“Aw, boo,” Sumire pouted before quickly changing to a more cheerful expression. “Be a good girl and undress for us!” the witch asked Jackie.

Jackie’s face went bright red. “Excuse me?!”

“You’re excused,” Sumire smiled, as Jackie folded her arms and tapped her foot in annoyance. “Relax,” Sumire assured the Englishwoman, “Katherine agreed to lend you her bloomers to preserve your modesty!”

Jackie looked over to her right where she found Katherine standing. The French maid flashed Jackie a smile and an enthusiastic thumbs-up.

“Thanks, Katherine.” Jackie smiled under her breath.

The witch handed Jackie a bag of clothes and pointed to a sliding door in the corner of the room.

“Get changed in the closet,” she smiled, “don’t worry, we won’t watch!”

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Somehow, Sumire’s words made Jackie more worried than she otherwise would’ve been. Nevertheless, the girl grabbed the bag and walked over to the closet, sliding open the door and stepping inside, closing the door behind her. Within Sumire’s closet, Jackie rolled her eyes, staring down at the garment Katherine had given her with disdain. “What is this,” she growled under her breath, “some sort of generic fanservice anime?”

Within minutes, Jackie reluctantly stepped out of the closet wearing nothing but a pair of red athletic bloomers and her own black sports bra.

“What the bloody Hell is this supposed to be?!” Jackie grunted, running her index finger between her left buttock and the elastic of the bloomers as she tried to adjust them.

If they were this tight on her own behind, Jackie couldn’t even begin to imagine how uncomfortable they must’ve been on Katherine’s more shapely body. She supposed that was why the cat girl was so eager to part with them. She eyed Katherine as the maid sheepishly grinned, muttering “sorry” as her furry green ears drooped downward.

“They’re bloomers,” Sumire cheered, “pretty neat, huh?”

Jackie’s visage contorted into the angriest face imaginable as her right eyebrow twitched with rage.

“Where I come from, ‘bloomers’ are those pants that Victorian lasses wore under their dresses!” Jackie barked.

“You mean something like these?” Katherine asked, lifting up her skirt to display a pair of short white pettipants which stopped just above her thighs, causing Jackie to blush, and reaffirming her belief that Phantasia was akin to the setting of an ecchi isekai anime.

“Yes, like that,” Jackie winced. “How the Hell do these… things…”

She pulled the athletic bloomers’ waistband away from her backside as it snapped back and smacked her skin with a slap like a rubber band in the hands of a curious child. “Ouch!” Jackie shrieked, “…How do these ‘preserve my modesty’?! I may as well be in my bleeding knickers!”

“Would you prefer it be that way?” Sumire asked, lifting up Jackie’s sky-themed underpants and holding them outward for the whole fantasy world to see.

“Where the Hell did you get those?!” Jackie blushed.

Sumire shrugged, “The closet, duh!”

Jackie crossed her arms, still red-faced with embarrassment and rage. She looked over at Sumire and Katherine angrily.

“Katherine will… check how Kitty is doing.” Katherine said, leaving the room.



After a long, awkward silence Jackie spoke up. “Why am I half-naked anyway?” she asked.

“Think of this like a doctor’s appointment,” Sumire said, reaching into a portal and withdrawing a stethoscope and prodding it against Jackie’s chest. “Just checking you’re in top shape to channel your kinkind!”

Channel,” Jackie asked. “Why do I need to be healthy to do that? Can’t I just say some magic words?”

Sumire threw her head back and laughed. Jackie groaned, causing Sumire to stop mid-laugh and slowly lower her head back to its resting position.

“You’re serious?” the witch asked.

Jackie nodded. Sumire deposited the stethoscope back into her vortex, swapping it for Jackie’s copy of Two Beings, Or Not Two Beings before closing the portal.

“M.S. Webber… Their novels have captured your imagination for years, correct?” she asked.

Jackie nodded once more.

“And quite a fascinating imagination you have, might I add?” Sumire smiled. “Especially your M.S. Webber fan character.”

Jackie turned bright red. “You don’t mean…?” Jackie shook her head in disbelief, “Please don’t tell me you know about my OC?!”

“Luna Wolfe?” Sumire asked. “Of course I know about her! She’s your kinkind!” the witch beamed.

Jackie raised an eyebrow, “My fanmade M.S. Webber character…” she began, “the one I created when I was a teenager… Not only is she real, but she’s my kinkind?”

Sumire nodded, imitating Jackie’s expression from the previous times that the Londoner had nodded.

“I don’t believe you,” Jackie said, “that’s literally impossible!”

“It’s true.”

“Alright then…” Jackie grinned, “Tell me how to summon her and I’ll prove it!”

Sumire took a deep breath.

“Jackie…” she spoke with an ominous tone, “you’re not going to like what I’m about to tell you…”

Jackie gulped. She had a feeling that her humiliating outfit may just have been the least of her worries.

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