Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 197: 0199

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As the bubble grew larger and larger, a dull sound burst out at the bottom of the pond in an instant.

"Not good!"

At this moment, Zhang lie's natural heart doesn't know well, and the upstream speed can't help but be a little faster.


However, he had just accelerated, and there was another dull hiss underwater.

The hissing sound was filled with endless anger. Obviously, there was a moonlight dragon under the moonlight pond.

With this scream, Zhang lie immediately and clearly perceived the fluctuation of the other party's source force, and his face became extremely ugly.

The ultimate gene life is absolutely the ultimate gene life!!


The sound of the water was in an uproar. Zhang lie turned his head and saw that a wisp of white light was floating up at a high speed.

You can't fight underwater!

At this moment, Zhang lie, who had this idea, immediately broke out with all his strength and pulled the corpse of the moonlight dragon to float up at a high speed.

The two sides started racing mode again, but this time they chased moonlight Jiao and fled into Zhang lie.

The left and right sides are far apart, and Zhang lie's speed response is not slow. For a moment and a half, the other party will want to catch up with him. I'm afraid it's not so easy.

Zhang lie's pursuit is very lively, but the people on the moonlight lake are quite relaxed and comfortable at the moment.

After all, in their view, the battle is over.

The voice of the void will had told them to participate in killing the critical moonlight dragon.

At this moment, six people are gathering to talk.

"Alas, do you think something is wrong?" Like Zhang lie, Fang Yi has some doubts about the previous World War I.

Because all this seems too easy.

Two groups, one containment and one auxiliary attack, and then Zhang lie seized the opportunity to sneak attack.

Moonlight Jiao is so done?

That's not quite right. The battle scene Zhang lie had imagined for them was much more dangerous than just now.

"Did you hear anything wrong before that?"

"The moonlight Jiao has already belched farts, and the soul jade has come out!"

Hearing Fang Yi's words, sun Xiaowu spoke immediately.

"Yes, don't think about it!"

"Yang Ze, you are also a water sign. Guess what type the soul jade of the moonlight Jiao will be?"

Sun Xiaowu immediately took the topic to the side and drew everyone's attention to the ability of moonlight Jiao soul jade.

Yang zewei thought, but then smiled and said, "if I guess, it should be weapon type, and its ability may be the purification ability shown by moonlight Jiao before."

"Oh, don't say it yet. You may be really good!" Li Feng immediately supported the show, saying that Yang Ze was really possible.

Everyone also talked about the soul jade, but Zhou Ying suddenly opened her mouth and moved back to the topic.

"Team, I think your words are reasonable. I also think the moonlight Jiao before is too weak!"

"Everyone can hear the voice of void will very clearly before. Critical moonlight Jiao, super gene points, super basic soul jade?"

"But the captain clearly said that our opponent is the ultimate genetic life this time. He even made us prepare for injury!"

"The most important thing is that when the captain goes down, we can get ready to meet him!"

"I think the captain may have noticed this situation. We'd better not take it lightly!"

Zhou Ying's eyes were full of wisdom, and her hand took out the recovery medicine prepared by Zhang lie for him.

When they heard what she said, they became alert immediately.

"Yingying said so, I also think there are some problems. We really shouldn't take it so lightly. Recover the source power quickly!"

Sun Mengmeng also immediately took out the medicine and began to quickly restore the source force.

Seeing that sun Mengmeng was the same, several others naturally realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately began to restore their source power for response.


However, just as they had just drunk the recovery medicine and were rapidly recovering their source power, Zhang lie, who was dragging the corpse of moonlight Jiao with one hand, burst into the water.

"Get out!"

"Stay away from the pool and get ready to fight!"

As soon as Zhang lie appeared, he didn't give others the slightest chance to speak, and directly gave two orders in a hurry.

Of course, when people saw Zhang lie's nervous appearance, they naturally didn't dare to neglect it at all, and immediately acted quickly according to the order.


The wind roared and the crowd retreated quickly. It was not until this time that Fang Yi had the opportunity to ask questions.

"Boss, what's the situation?"

"There is more than one moonlight Jiao, and there is another ultimate one below. Later, you will directly form the six yuan battle array of eclipse moon!"

Zhang lie naturally took this opportunity to inform the public of the current situation.

After hearing Zhang lie's words, everyone was nervous. Instead of being afraid, they were inexplicably excited.

ultimate! There is really the ultimate! They are about to face the real ultimate life!



Just when everyone was a little excited, the moonlight lake behind him erupted into a huge roar again, followed by a long roar that shook the starry sky.

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In this roar, the people heard endless anger, and in the next instant, a moonlight Jiao a little thicker than before came into their eyes.

However, although the shape of this moonlight Jiao is only a little thicker, the source force fluctuation is more than 10 times stronger than that of the previous one.


Seeing the moonlight Jiao breaking out of the water, Zhang lie threw the dying moonlight Jiao behind him.

"Come on, eclipse moon six source array!"

As his words fell, the people naturally did not have any ink, and immediately formed a six pointed star array to surround Zhang lie in the middle.


All the people made full efforts to bloom, and an inexplicable dignity immediately dispersed. There were colored ripples in the surrounding space, which slowly spread like a calm lake.

As the ripples spread, countless source silk threads suddenly burst out on Sun Mengmeng and others, gathering into array patterns at their feet.

Black purple flame, green vitality, emerald awn, bright sharp golden light, holy flawless white awn, violent silver thunder light, soft blue water awn.

In an instant, the six color Yuanli silk thread is interspersed with knots, and a roll of incomparably exquisite array patterns is formed in an instant.

In the center of the array pattern, Zhang lie is as black as ink, and the source force is completely blooming.

A black red winged tiger suddenly shot down from the sky, and a light curtain covered the whole sky with the winged tiger.

Dotted with starlight, it is like the stars in the sky. A round of enchanting color light and bright moon rise suddenly.

That is, this round of the bright moon rose and spread in an instant.

At this moment, he found that the moonlight Jiao of the people had reacted at the moment of seeing the people.


With a whistling sound, a water arrow suddenly spits out. Its speed has exceeded the speed of sound. Almost immediately before the eclipse of six yuan and the moon.

In other words, at the moment of exit, the water arrow seemed to directly cut through time and space and appeared directly in front of Zhang lie.

However, although the water arrow crosses time and space, it can't ignore the six element lunar eclipse array.

Almost at the moment when it appeared in the field of lunar eclipse, the source force was melting rapidly. When it flew in front of Zhang lie, the speed had dropped by 45%.


However, in the face of such a simple water arrow, Zhang lie did not take it lightly, and his left palm was shot with a bang.

With this palm of his hand, the left claw of the winged tiger like a mountain in the field of lunar eclipse was pressed down.


"Kaka, Kaka...!"

In the huge roar, the water splashed everywhere, the source force glare exploded, and the surrounding space collapsed like broken glass.

"I'll go. What kind of water arrow is this NIMA? Nuclear bomb?"

"Zhennima is exciting!"

Under such a scene, Yang Ze, who always jumped off, couldn't help but marvel.

At this moment, everyone in the extreme team, whose whole body is protected by the six color triangular border drawn by the array pattern, also shrinks their necks and feels the same.

An arrow explodes into space. If it weren't for the captain's six source eclipse moon battle array, I'm afraid everyone would have explained.

Although Yang Ze's words are exaggerated, they also fully reflect the horror of water arrows. Even Zhang lie thinks so at the moment.

In fact, Zhang lie has long been worried about the power of this water arrow.

Before, Yueyue Jiao killed Zhou Qian and wasted Qin Xiao with an arrow. Without saying anything, the collapse of a bead of water directly shattered the triangular peaks of Yueyue lake. At present, the angry exit can be good.

Fortunately, this time is different from the past. Today's Zhang lie and the extreme team are already fearless of this nuclear weapon water arrow under the blessing of the six source battle array of lunar eclipse.

However, as the ultimate life, the moonlight dragon at the moment has no water arrow as an attack means.


After the long-range water arrow failed, the moonlight dragon swam around, regardless of whether to leave the pool or not, and flew over Zhang lie and others like a white dragon.

At the next moment, under the sudden explosion of the whole body source force, its body began to expand rapidly and turned into a 100 meter giant Jiao in a moment.

After the transformation, the moonlight Jiao was not polite at all. He directly opened his mouth and devoured Zhang lie.

With its action, the people in the six source eclipse moon array felt a suffocating pressure in an instant.

The six source eclipse moon battle array was directly bitten by a terrible big mouth, and even began to chew crazily.

Under such chewing, the people in the array suddenly felt a great increase in pressure. The six source lunar eclipse array formed by the people together also immediately made a cracking sound.

"All start bloodthirsty ant soul jade, all burst out with all their strength and output source power!"

"Six yuan convergence · space cannon!"

Under the crisis, Zhang lie's voice sounded at the right time.

With Zhang lie's low cry, the crowd immediately broke out after hearing the order.

In an instant, the colorful full moon in the eclipse field was scarlet for a moment, and a blood column of light suddenly rose into the sky in the next instant.

In the blood light, various genera change, depend on each other and collide with each other.



In the huge roar, the moonlight Jiao gave a painful cry, and everyone in the six source eclipse moon array suddenly felt a loss of pressure.

Under the intense rolling source force glare, the huge moonlight Jiao loosened the chewing six source lunar eclipse array like lightning, and a large area of corrosion injury appeared in the big mouth of the blood basin.

Obviously, the vengeful moonlight Jiao paid a price for his recklessness.

It's just that this price is just a skin wound for moonlight Jiao.

"No, in terms of durability, our side is definitely not as good as moonlight Jiao. We have to take the initiative to attack!"

With one move to retreat the enemy, Zhang lie's confidence increased greatly, and his cold eyes were already full of killing intention.

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