Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 198: 0200

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"The source force is fully instilled, and we will make a quick decision!"

At the command, Zhang lie couldn't help but raise a smile of excitement.

But just under this smile, his body surface suddenly bloomed several soul jade glares.

Super green wood werewolf soul jade · open!

Super gale Eagle soul jade · open!

Super magic lizard soul jade · Kai!

Super blood eating soul jade · open!


After several glares, a wolf roar rang through the world.

In the next moment, the source force on Zhang lie's body surface burst out and turned into a giant Werewolf of nearly ten meters.

At the moment of the werewolf's appearance, a wind ring suddenly appeared on his body. He was gentle and sharp like a smart eagle.

The wind ring showed several black magic patterns and began to climb the werewolf's body, making the green wood werewolf's body muscles suddenly knot and expand, which looked more ferocious and ferocious.

Then there was a touch of blood infection, which instantly turned the werewolf turned into blood. With this touch of blood infection, the surface source force of the wolf human body fluctuated more than ten times.

The source force is so powerful that the surrounding space has been distorted.

With the strength of this source, the sky blood moonlight curtain and even the virtual shadow of the black winged tiger began to expand at a high speed.

But in a moment, it has covered dozens of miles.

In these decades, all genetic life was instantly annihilated, the trees began to wither rapidly, and the earth began to dry up.

It's as if all the vitality gathered in the demon like wolf human body in the center.

When the bloody werewolf's body was shocked, a set of strange and changeable silver armor appeared on his body surface. With a gentle wave of his right hand, the exquisite Amethyst sword popped up.

The Dragon roared on the sword, which was fierce and powerful for a time.

At this moment, Zhang lie's combat power is fully open, and his breath fluctuation is no worse than that of the ultimate creature moonlight Jiao.

Everything happened under the lightning and flint. At this moment, the moonlight Jiao has just released the six source eclipse moon battle array.


A burst of drink, since Zhang lie's combat power is fully open, it means that he no longer has the slightest time to grind.

"Mighty sword · Styx river!"

Zhang lie kicked at his feet, the earth burst to pieces, and the purple crystal sword melted by the purple poison Youming sword burst and lifted up.

The terrifying sword force is like the surface of the waves, and a terrifying Styx river is like the return of hell, rushing out with indomitable terror.


Seeing Zhang lie's active attack, moonlight Jiao immediately roared angrily.

However, at this moment, the changes in Zhang lie are naturally and clearly perceived.

Therefore, in terms of response, Yueyue Jiao dare not ask for more.

The corner of his mouth was raised and a terrible white breath was spewed out. In an instant, it was like a white river.


The Styx river is opposite the Milky way. One is like the water of the nether world, which corrupts and devours everything, and the other is like the holy water of heaven, which purifies and washes everything.

The collision between the two sides erupted into terrorist power in an instant.

The whole earth sank for several minutes in an instant. As for the collision of red and white source forces, the surrounding space collapsed in an instant.

However, there is little difference between the two sides at this moment, both in source force and even in all aspects.

Styx and Tianhe duel, still no one can do anything, and finally dissipated almost at the same time.


When he was really desperate, Zhang lie naturally fought for every penny. Almost at the moment when the Styx collapsed out of control, his left hand picked up the wind ring around him, poured the three Zodiac sources into it, and instantly turned it into a three-color flywheel and shot it out.

At the same time, his feet pedal again, the waves are sparkling in an instant, and his huge body has turned into a remnant of Taoism.

"Whew, whew, whew...!"

Facing the flexible three-color wind ring, the moonlight dragon opened its mouth like Gatling and spewed out a large amount of water arrows in an instant.

Under the terrible water arrow, even if the wind ring is flexible, it will eventually be shot down.

However, although Fenghuan was shot down, it also won a lot of time for Zhang lie.

"Monstrous sword · dragon bite!"

Shooting down the flying wind ring, yueguan Jiao had no time to be happy. As soon as he looked up, a terrible bloody dragon had been crushed down.

Even far more than that, after the bloody dragon, Zhang lie is close.

The cold light on the Amethyst sword flickers, and the sword of the end Yan seems to be ready to be issued.


However, in the face of Zhang lie's many means, the moonlight Jiao at this moment roared proudly.

Just under this roar, its body surface burst into a bubble like existence in an instant.


There was a muffled sound, the bubble had just begun, and Zhang lie's Dragon bite sword gang had already roared.

But a strange scene appeared. The Dragon devoured the sword Gang not only didn't cut the bubbles, but even bounced directly at the moment of contact with the other party.


The terrible Dragon Sword gas finally fell like a meteor to a hill in the distance, which was flattened in an instant.

The bubble, however, was only slightly deformed and did not seem to be affected at all.

"Good defense!"

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Faced with such strange bubbles, Zhang lie couldn't help exclaiming.

"Towering sword · end Yan!"

However, the exclamation returned to the exclamation. Zhang lie, who was close at a high speed, still didn't hesitate to lift out the final Yan sword in his hand.

The difference only cares. After discovering the elasticity of the bubble, Zhang lie suddenly maximized the power of Yihu Ruijin at the last moment.


With a light sound, the terrible black sword of the end Yan, after compressing the bubbles to the extreme, broke through the bubble defense after all.

But the deformation process and the reaction force of the final bubble explosion also made Zhang lie's sword come back in vain.

The moonlight Jiao reacted. Its body swam slightly and directly avoided the blow to the head, and its lower body and tail were like a virtual shadow.


Zhang lie's reaction was not unpleasant, but he still flew backwards at the moment of holding his sword.

Fortunately, at the moment of the middle tail, he thought and retracted the white night jade insect soft armor to his chest, so he was not hurt.

This injury refers to his body, and his illusory blood werewolf was almost instantly exploded.

Let all the people in the battle array of the six sources eclipse the moon burst into a wail in an instant.

However, at this time, the wailing turned to wailing, and everyone mentioned the source force output again and again at the first time, in order to speed up Zhang lie's illusory recovery.


The moonlight dragon, as the ultimate creature, will not let go of such an opportunity.

The long tail was thrown and shot rapidly. It was still more than ten meters away. A white breath had been bombarded.

"Wing blade!"

However, at this critical moment, the werewolf's back, which is recovering rapidly, suddenly unfolds a pair of black wings.

No, it should not be said to be double wings, but wing blades, because these black wings are composed of countless black blades.


The white breath bombards the earth, and the earth explodes. Zhang lie's whole body is directly embedded into the earth.

But under the protection of the wing blade, Zhang lie was not injured again for the time being, but he seemed to be in an absolute disadvantage.

Because at this moment, the body of the moonlight Jiao is already close, its long tail rises high between swinging, and the source force of the whole body bursts to the limit in an instant.

If this tail attack is real, even Zhang lie who opens his wing blade will be blown into foam.

When the crisis came, all the people in the six source eclipse moon array could not sit still except for their full output.

No way, at this moment, if Zhang lie dies, they will not live.

In addition, almost everything they have today is given by Zhang lie, so even if they can escape, they will resolutely stay.

"Boss, hold on!"

Fang Yi shouted loudly and tried his best to output the source force. At the same time, the source force of wind and thunder began to run wild.

In the field of lunar eclipse, there was a sudden surge of wind and thunder. Originally, it was inserted somewhere in the battlefield to shoot a black long gun. Suddenly, under the lingering wind and thunder, it electrically fired the moonlight Jiao.

The target is the right eye of the moonlight Jiao. This move is intended to save the enemy.

The other side of the bird is the same as the other side. The other side of the bird is the same as the other side.

As for Yang Ze, who belongs to the water sign, he didn't do much co attack, but added his own gene nuclear source when outputting the source force to help Zhang lie recover to the greatest extent.

Zhou Ying suddenly pressed her hands. Driven by the original force, she immediately created a huge emerald wood shield at Zhang lie's position.

Sun Xiaowu drove the original force and bombarded the earth with one punch, causing the earth where Zhang lie was located to collapse on a large scale, hoping to change his position.

Li Feng is closest to Zhang lie, so at the moment, he is working hard to drive the source force to let himself bloom a blazing white light in an attempt to affect the vision of Yueyue Jiao.

However, the moonlight dragon is the ultimate creature. Because of their own safety, they are all in the protection barrier of the six source eclipse moon array, and what they can do is very limited.

Although the original force broke out, it had little impact on the moonlight Jiao.

Fang Yi's thunder gun and sun Mengmeng's divine bird are swept away by the inexplicable vortex around them before they get close to each other.

Sun Xiaowu couldn't even turn Zhang lie over with one punch, let alone get him out of danger.

As for Zhou yingbicui's guard shield and Li Feng's dazzling method, it seems to moonlight Jiao that they are just pediatrics.

When its tail fell, Zhang lie's wing blade could not resist, not to mention Zhou Ying's small protective shield.

As for Li Feng's dazzle method, it is also a confused move under urgency. As the ultimate creature, moonlight Jiao doesn't need to see Zhang lie at all, and can clearly perceive Zhang lie's position.


The white long tail blows, which distorts the surrounding space and explodes a huge sonic boom.


With a bang, Zhang lie turned into a bloody werewolf and burst open in an instant, and his breath disappeared at this moment.

There was no blood, no broken arms and limbs. Under the attack of moonlight Jiao, everything turned into nothingness.

He presided over the battle array of six source eclipse moon, which disintegrated at this moment!

Everything seems to have settled. In the end, it seems that the moonlight Jiao won the battle.

"No, Captain! It's impossible!"


"Impossible, impossible!"

"Boss, how can you lose? Get up! Get up!"

Moonlight Jiao looked up arrogantly, and the extreme team burst into an unbelievable roar.


Finally kill the enemy, moonlight Jiao couldn't help roaring proudly, as if announcing his strength.

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