Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 502: 0506

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At this moment, even if it is the will of the Shura world to instill strength outside to maintain the light curtain, it simply can not restrain the terrible collision between the two people.

Even if it's just the aftershock, it can't be sustained by a small light curtain.

Xingluo emperor was also very surprised. Since he became the superior Shura emperor, he had hardly used burning blood. Zhang lie forced himself to use burning blood, which was enough to surprise Xingluo emperor.

What's more surprising is that Zhang lie can match himself in the state of burning blood.

Sword contention · earth shaking!

The sword came out together, and the blood dragon was rolled on Zhang lie. The meaning of the light knife was surging. The knife power was surging and surging. It was like a tsunami tearing the sky and the earth, drowning and swallowing all things.

The Guizang sword is like a towering dragon, with the intention of tearing the sky and splitting the earth. Under the swirling waves, the blood dragon rushed out with the dark black waves.

This is the move after the perfect integration of towering sword and sky swallowing sword.

Zhang lie named it sword contention, which is a genetic martial art tailored by him after he got this pair of super ultimate swords.

The sword turns into a tsunami, the sword turns into a wild dragon, and the sword is integrated into one. The blood dragon tsunami comes together, and the blood sea of fire is hard and hard torn by the blood dragon. The Xingluo emperor can't resist this move, and his body is torn again.

Xingluo emperor immediately drove the eggs installed in the body and the granulation wriggled on the wound, but Xingluo emperor soon found that Zhang lie's move was completely different from that before.

The fierce bloody dragon bite erodes the body with terrible corrosive power, just like an invisible little dragon. It bites madly in the body. The Xingluo emperor needs to constantly supply energy to suppress the injury.

Xingluo Huang's face became more ugly than ever, and his eyes changed when he looked at Zhang lie.

What the hell is this? You tell me it's human and animal. Don't joke with me.

When did people and animals become so powerful? Aren't people and animals a kind of livestock?

I've never heard of a monster who can't win with a ten thousand star compass.

Originally, after refining the ten thousand star compass, the star Luo Emperor didn't say that he was invincible. At least he was the first person under Asura, but he didn't expect that just after the refining was completed, he would fall into a hard battle and even almost lose his life several times.

At the beginning, Xingluo emperor also expected the mouse to be stronger. When the real battle began, he found that the mouse was too strong.

If there is enough time to get rid of the injury, it is obvious that Zhang lie will not give this time.

Second, kill the spirit!

Zhang lie's second move is to infuse the powerful soul power. In the previous life, he tempered the soul and played a role. In the second life, he superimposed the soul power and infused it into the sword, and the sword lit up a blazing white light.

The blazing white light is more dazzling than the sun in the sky, and the world loses color.

The sword comes out and the soul is surprised!

The virtual souls of all animals in Xingluo emperor's body were moaning and trembling. He was also afraid. Time accelerated around Xingluo emperor, and the breath of years surrounded him. Xingluo emperor accelerated in an instant and flew back.

Blessed by the power of time, the speed of Xingluo emperor increases ten times in an instant.

Xingluo emperor realized that he was defeated and immediately wanted to turn around and run away.

Holding a ten thousand star compass is not Zhang lie's opponent. It makes no sense to fight again.

Zhang lie's white sword light will cut off part of the beast soul element in his body.

The Xingluo emperor knows very well that once this soul element is consumed, he will be killed by the blazing white sword light.

Originally intended to take Zhang lie as a mouse, but only now did he find out that he was a mouse.

It seems that the other party has been trying to recruit him. At this moment, he suddenly felt very ridiculous.

The painstakingly refined ten thousand star compass is a joke in front of Zhang lie. There is a moonlight dragon on his head, which is like a ten thousand star compass.

He regretted it so much that he shouldn't have gone to the imperial city to find someone to experiment with the newly refined ten thousand star compass.

It is said that Zhang lie has been provoked since sending seven dry sons. Sooner or later, there will be a war.

He was just too careless. Over the years, he had a smooth sailing, developed invincible pride, and didn't see the heroes in the world. As a result, a freak like Zhang lie came to clean him up.

Without the ultimate moonlight Jiao, Zhang lie may fall into a bitter battle. Unfortunately, there has never been a if in this world.

"Don't try to run!"

Zhang lie chased up with a blazing white lightsaber. The passage of time is too fast. It's clear that he has used the power of time many times. The Xingluo emperor seems to have no side effects.

Xingluohuang time acceleration is not without side effects, but the side effects are very small.

Mortals who touch the secret of time have more or less side effects, which is the price of time.

Xingluo emperor's ability is to accelerate his own time. The side effect is that time and years are the same, or even several times flow through his body. In short, Xingluo emperor uses "time elapse" to maintain a year, his own time will pass ten years, and his life will be shortened by ten years.

It's not often used, and there are almost no side effects. The reason is that Xingluo emperor's ability of "time goes by" is not strong. At the beginning, Xingluo emperor used "time goes by" and didn't even double the acceleration. Now he has mastered ten times the acceleration time, and Xingluo emperor has made some efforts.

The stronger the effect of the power of time, the greater the price. It is not an equivalent exchange, but ten times the price exchange.

Like the time reversal of the emperor of years, it can be called the ability to return to the sky, which naturally has to pay a huge price.

Of course, the main reason is that the emperor has not yet fully mastered the extreme team.

If you give him enough time to grow up, maybe he can use the power of time to the same degree as Xingluo emperor. The emperor of years is stronger than the current Xingluo emperor.

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Zhang lie secretly hates that the power of time is hateful. There are no four steles to form an absolute field. Even Zhang lie can't catch up with each other at all.

Thanks to the power of time, the speed of Xingluo emperor is too fast. It is difficult for Zhang lie to catch up with the dragon and wolf. The distance between them is getting bigger and bigger.

The Xingluo emperor waved the blood burning dark knife in his hand. Originally, the will of the Shura world fell down the light curtain. In the battle between the two people, the blood burning dark knife had already thousands of storehouses and hundreds of holes. With a wave of the blood burning dark knife, the light curtain tore open a hole, and the Xingluo emperor flew out of the gap.

Zhang lie hurried to catch up with him. The direction of Xingluo emperor was the Imperial City Army. Zhang lie couldn't help but flash a fierce look in his eyes when he thought of the purpose of Xingluo emperor.

This guy is going to use the Imperial City Army as a charging pool to constantly transfer his own damage. Zhang lie doesn't know whether the Xingluo emperor can transfer the soul damage, but once the Xingluo emperor falls into the Imperial City Army, I'm afraid it will wolf into the sheep and cause huge casualties.

"I won't let you succeed!"

Dragon and tortoise change · four steles fall together!

During the movement of mind, four pieces of black appear like moving, with ripples scattered in circles. The ripples are integrated with space. Gravity, energy and will are suppressed at the same time, and an absolute field is formed in front of the Xingluo emperor in an instant.

On the light curtain of the will of the Shura world full of cracks, the blood red flame burst out, and Zhang lie and Xingluo emperor rushed out suddenly, but they startled the Imperial City Army.

Liana was stunned and said, "Zhang lie is chasing the Xingluo emperor. I'm not dazzled."

That's the star king!

It is not only the superior Shura emperor, but also the strongest star of the superior Shura emperor, who claims to have recently received Ashura.

Sun Mengmeng immediately realized what was happening and immediately shouted at his back, "get back, Xingluo emperor wants to use everyone as a chip!"

Second, kill the spirit!

On the left hand Guizang sword, the superposition of two lives and the soul power of moonlight Jiao's counterattack are all poured into the sword. The black Guizang sword lights up a blazing white light, which makes the world pale.

Sky eating sword · breaking the sea!

With a light knife in the right hand, the meaning of the knife is surging, the blade is turbulent, and the strength of the knife is vast and surging, like a tsunami tearing the sky and the earth, drowning and swallowing all things.

Sword contention - form and soul disappear!

The power of soul turns into surging waves. The vast and surging sword brilliance and surging white waves contain Zhang lie's powerful soul power and source power, just like a tsunami rolling between heaven and earth.

Seeing the blazing white tsunami in front of him, Xingluo emperor's face changed greatly. The light of this sword is mixed with a tsunami full of soul and source force. It's no joke. I'm afraid you'll die if you touch it.

The four steles fall together in the absolute field, and the Xingluo emperor can still maintain the basic speed. It seems that he will walk out of the solidification of time and space.

"Tiangang · dragon and tiger roar!"

"Monstrous sword · hundred sharks!"

"Shining gold and cutting thousands of feathers!"

"Flame dragon and snake dance!"

"Qingling battle body · Bailong prison!"

"The dark moonlight burns the waterfall!"

"Wave fist · sun and moon!"

For a time, the tiger roared, the Dragon sang, the wind and thunder intertwined, and hundreds of water blue sharks rushed out.

Thousands of golden slashes are like flying feathers in the sky. With the golden rainstorm, the white dragon and snake rotate and attack.

The earth shakes, and countless huge roots on the ground rise up and extend to the sky. Thousands of rockets in the sky are intertwined into flame waterfalls. The boxing strength is intertwined with the sun and moon, and the white moon and Black Sun rotate into turbulent boxing strength.

Extreme team and Hong Ruoxi didn't retreat with the army. At this moment, without any prior consultation, they couldn't help but stay and shoot at the same time.

The gap between the extreme team and the Xingluo emperor, such as the firefly and the bright moon, is not at the same level at all. Seven people can't cause damage at the same time, but they prevent the Xingluo emperor from jumping out of the absolute field.

This is crucial, because even a moment is enough to rewrite the war situation and become the last straw to crush the camel.

Seven people launched an overwhelming offensive and successfully blocked the Xingluo emperor for one second.

Damn people and animals!

The Xingluo emperor scolded secretly in his heart. At ordinary times, he slapped all these ants like people and animals to death.

But now he knows very well what it means to be delayed for a second.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he was dragged by people and animals like mole ants, and the existence of mole ants in his eyes affected his life and death.

Perhaps this is karma.

This short second became the last straw to crush the camel.

A second delay, the white waves roared, and the star king was swallowed up in an instant.

At this moment, Xingluo emperor was impacted, not only his body, but also his soul.

The blazing white tsunami passed, leaving the Xingluo emperor covered with scars, the soul was washed away, the animal soul was washed clean, like a rag on the ground, and the soul was weak like a candle and could dissipate at any time.

Zhang lie has to marvel that the secret skill of refining blood is really a magic skill. Even if he is so impacted, the Xingluo emperor can still survive

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