Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 503: 0507

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If it wasn't for the high-intensity soul damage, it is estimated that Xingluo emperor can fight with Zhang lie for another 300 rounds.

Xingluo emperor regretted that this guy was not a human or animal years ago. He was a devil at all.

Before coming to Xingluo emperor, he never thought he would lose to a man and beast, and he lost completely. He couldn't even escape.

Zhang lie approached step by step. Xingluo emperor was very embarrassed. He tried to stand up, but he lost several times and fell to the ground.

The Allied troops were stunned when they fled to the Imperial City in the distance.

The magnificent Xingluo emperor, the most powerful superior Shura emperor, was like a scattered dog in front of Zhang lie. He couldn't get up.

That's the star king!

The superior Shura emperor is the most powerful and closest to the existence of Ashura!

In other words, Zhang lie's strength is very close to Asura, or even equivalent to Asura?

If it weren't for what I saw with my own eyes, everyone present wouldn't believe it.

The gene warrior is OK. The eyes of the four strong families are almost staring out.

Liana said silently, "am I dazzled? It seems that I saw the emperor of Xingluo beaten on the ground by Zhang lie!"

Xingbai nodded: "I see the same thing. Zhang lie's sword danced and killed Xingluo emperor from the sky."

The ruby said, "what a coincidence, I also saw that the Xingluo emperor was covered by the blazing white waves. Then he lay on the ground like a rag and didn't even stand up!"

Park Kui frowned: "you see, I just saw Zhang lie chasing Xingluo emperor, who was dying!"

The four strong families didn't see the slightest joke from each other's eyes..

This is not an illusion.

Zhang liezhen beat Xingluo emperor to death.

"How possible!"

No one said that again, because the facts were right in front of them.

Zhang lie created history and miracles.

As an alien, he actually defeated the superior Shura emperor. He is not the weakest superior Shura emperor, but the most powerful existence in the superior Shura emperor, close to the Xingluo emperor of Ashura.

The four strong families in the galaxy couldn't believe their eyes.

What is Terran?

Galaxy brother, middle brother.

Before Zhang lie was born in the sky, the Terran had nothing to do except a Qi tianwu emperor in the galaxy.

Even Emperor Wu of Qi Tian is not a pure race.

It's a compliment to say it's an unknown minority.

In the vast galaxy, Terrans are nothing at all, and they are not at the same level as the four strong families.

It was not until the appearance of Zhang lie that all galactic life's views on Terrans were broken.

Today, the cognition of the younger generation of the four strong ethnic groups has been refreshed again.

Liana thought of something and said with envy, "extreme gene medicine must be that terrible medicine that makes Zhang lie reach this level?"

Why can an unknown weak race become so popular in the whole galaxy optical network recently, and even let the whole Shura world echo the name of the human race.

If Zhang lie is stronger, they can say that Zhang lie is special.

But in the Imperial City, not only Zhang lie, but also each of the extreme gene team is at the top Shura emperor level, which could not have appeared before.

The strong in the Terran can count with a slap. What major events have taken place during this period to change the whole Terran?

The answer is obviously the genetic limit.

The ultimate gene medicament applicable to Terrans is the main reason to change the strength pattern of Terrans.

The four strong families are more eager for extreme gene drugs.

The Terran changed the fate of the race through a small extreme gene medicament, and jumped from the lowest existence to an existence beyond the reach of the four strong races in the galaxy.

Extreme gene medicine has not been popularized by the whole human race. Once the whole human race is popularized, it will be a certainty that the human race will become a strong race in the galaxy.

Give Zhang lie some time. What four strong families have to stand aside?

The Terran race is too dangerous. Given enough time to develop, the four strong races have no place.

As long as they continue their research, they can get extreme gene drugs sooner or later.

Think of the changes of Zhang lie, sun Mengmeng and others. A previously unknown small family has the fighting power to defeat the Shura emperor after obtaining the limit gene. If it is the four strong families in the universe and obtains the limit gene, what's it?

Defeating the Shura emperor is not a problem at all. He can even kill the superior Shura emperor like Zhang lie!

The four strong families plan to increase investment after returning to develop the extreme gene medicine of the race as soon as possible.

Zhang lie went to the Xingluo emperor and his sword was shining with cold light. The Xingluo emperor hurriedly said, "wait, we have no grievances, and you have no losses. It's better to let me go and I'll withdraw my troops immediately."

"Why did you withdraw?" Zhang lie asked with a grin.

The Xingluo emperor was stunned.

Zhang lie smiled and said, "how can you achieve the name of the imperial city without the head from Xingluo kingdom? Thank you for contributing such a large piece of land from Xingluo kingdom."

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Xingluo emperor stared round his eyes: "are you counting?"

"No, it's just a coincidence."

Xingluo emperor begged for mercy and said, "I will give you the land and treasury of Xingluo emperor. Let me go this time."

"Kill you, those things are also mine!"

Xingluo emperor said fiercely, "Lord renhuang, don't deceive people too much. Don't think I really have no way to take you!"

"Is this your last words?" Zhang lie said coldly, "unfortunately, I won't be free to help you carve a monument. You'll die without residue!"

The emperor of Xingluo obviously didn't intend to let go of himself when he saw the cold killing intention in Zhang lie's eyes. No matter what he said, it was useless.

Anger and malice erupted in the eyes of Xingluo emperor. When did his noble superior Shura emperor fall to kneeling down to beg for mercy from a man and beast.

"You forced me!"

With a roar, the Xingluo emperor grabbed the little blood red sun on the compass and pressed it down to his chest.

The little blood red sun pressed on his chest, and his eyes and mouth were cracked. It was still the kind of ridicule and contempt for the world, but he was happier than before, just like a smile that succeeded in the plan.

Zhang lie's face changed and he wanted to stop it, but Xingluo emperor moved too fast and it was too late to stop.

The blood red light broke out, and the Xingluo emperor appeared all over his eyes and mouth. On each eye and mouth, there was the world's ridicule and contempt. His eyes were empty, darker than the abyss and deeper than the night. It was a depraved abyss, revealing dirt and chaos.

With the scream of Xingluo emperor, countless black hands erupted from the body. Black palms were like babies and more like magic claws. Countless black palms erupted in an instant, like branches.

Xingluo emperor opened his mouth and black hands erupted from his mouth and eyes like a tide.

"Die together." The body of Xingluo emperor was submerged by dark energy and turned into an indescribable thing.

Seen from the ultimate dragon pupil soul jade, this is a mixture of evil thoughts and soul elements, with a number of more than one billion.

Before the battle of Xingluo emperor, the blood red sun power had been used. It was only less than one tenth, about one percent. The remaining 99 parts suddenly broke out. The will of the Shura world shrank in an instant and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The will of the Shura world was torn off by the black hand before, and I didn't dare to come out at all.

Zhang lie quickly waved his sword.

Sword contention - form and soul disappear!

The sword surged out of the sky, and the sword was like a raging wave of blood.

The Guizang sword stabbed out, glowing with white light, and rushed out with the power of tearing the sky and the earth.

The sword turned into a tsunami, the sword turned into a white dragon, and the sword became one. The blood dragon tsunami came together and cleaned up a batch of black hands, but there were too many black hands. After cleaning up a batch, more black hands grew in less than a breath.

The black hand broke out in an all-round way, and the Xingluo emperor's body exploded away. His eyes and black hands rose up like a river, and the black hands scattered.

The monster in front of us is like a big tree with countless eyes and black hands. Anyone who takes a look at it, even without dense phobia, will feel sick.

The eyes and the mouth of ridicule are big and small. The only difference is that they ridicule and despise the whole world.

The monster brings Zhang lie a sense of familiarity. It is similar to the soul creature from which the ultimate dragon pupil soul jade comes in memory, but it is only similar. It is certain that the root is different. The monster in front of him doesn't know whether it is a creature or not.

Countless eyes looked at Zhang lie. The tree stretched out countless palms and caught Zhang lie.

The black hand is not only aimed at Zhang lie, but also at any living creature nearby. Countless black palms extend to the people's Imperial City Army. The people's Imperial City team is stupid. Unexpectedly, Xingluo emperor suddenly becomes such a monster.

Zhang lie waved his sword, but there were too many black hands. After cutting off his hands, he grew up again soon. It was endless.

Seeing that the Imperial City troops were about to be affected, Zhang lie was worried. As a result, the rhythm was disordered, and he was drowned by endless black hands in the twinkling of an eye.

After Zhang lie was drowned by the black hand, a shining flame was sprayed from the gap between the black hands. The fire reflected the whole sky, broke through the bloody sky and lit up the whole world again.

The dazzling light makes all the black hands who dare to approach melt in an instant.

The black hand is not only aimed at Zhang lie, but will not let go of the nearby creatures. The nearest creatures are undoubtedly the people's Imperial City Army.

Countless black palms extended to the people's Imperial City Army. For a time, the people's Imperial City team was stupid. Unexpectedly, the Xingluo emperor suddenly turned into a monster.

"Tiangang · dragon and tiger roar!"

With a low cry, the tiger roared and the Dragon chanted. On Fang Yi's long gun, the wind dragon, thunder and tiger appeared.

"Monstrous sword shark bite!"

With a low cry, Yang Ze's giant sword was cut off with a bang. The giant shark threw its long tail, opened its big mouth and ate fiercely, biting off a group of black hands.

"Shining gold and cutting thousands of feathers!"

Sun Xiaowu instantly divided into thousands of figures. The bright golden light cut through the sky and reflected the positive sky into bright gold. Thousands of golden cuts were like flying feathers in the sky. The golden rainstorm swept through a large area and killed the black hands.

"Flame dragon and snake dance!"

The white light seal in Li Feng's hand quickly converged, and dozens of streamer and colorful flame dragons and snakes burst out, colliding with the black hand. The streamer and colorful flame dragons and snakes instantly twisted the black hand into fly ash and attacked it all the way.

Sky cutting blade · void cutting!

Zhou Ying waved the dagger in her hand and cut through the void with thousands of blades.

"The dark moonlight burns the waterfall!"

The most powerful attack is sun Mengmeng, who pulls the string and turns his arm into an illusion in an instant.

In an instant, a terrible black purple fan light waterfall poured out in front of him.

Dense flames and arrows swept across, thousands of Yuanli Gatling shot, and the dark moonlight waterfall was like an insecticide to kill a large number of black hands

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