Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 659: 0665

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The great prince's armor has been dyed red by blood, but he can still laugh: "second brother, it seems that you have miscalculated. The father and Emperor are not old enough to move."

The second prince's eyes were red and fiercely cut a sword: "kill you, the father and emperor can only choose me as his successor. Compared with other waste materials, I am thousands and hundreds of times better."

The prince snorted coldly and resisted with a sword: "second brother, give up!"

"Go back and apologize to my father. My father may forgive you. Stop now. You're still my good brother!"

"Shut up, what good brother, I have no way out!"

The big prince vomited blood at his mouth. He didn't know whether he could persist until the emperor came. His state was very poor, so he had to rely on his mouth.

"Second brother, the tide is over. Why should you be stubborn? Just because there is no way out, you should kneel down and apologize. This is your only way to live!"

"I don't need charity!"

The great prince cut the nail and cut the railway: "you are doomed to failure!"

The second prince looked up and laughed: "big brother, do you think I only prepared one card?"

As the second prince's words fell, a startling momentum broke out from the depths of the hunting ground. The momentum rose like a terrible natural disaster. It was suppressed in everyone's heart and suppressed their hearts and souls. Even the air became dull, and every plant, flower and tree was trembling.

All the ultimate genetic beasts even forgot to fight and fell down to worship this great existence.

The prince's face changed greatly: "are you... This... This is impossible. You can't control that existence!"

The second prince shook his head: "there is no absolute thing in the world, just use the right method."

"You actually control the fifth order monster!"

The prince's face changed greatly.

Level 5 monster, in other words, is a natural disaster gene beast.

That's the source of disaster, a legendary creature.

It is said that they can destroy a city just by walking through it. If they intend to destroy a country, it is only within the fingers of a bullet.

As the great prince, he knows very well what the fifth order monster represents, which is the existence that the emperor of the world should also face up to.

The reason why there are five order monsters in the hunting ground is completely an accident. Even the emperor of the world has never thought of such an accident.

It is the first time to see even the emperor of the world.

Under the perception, it may be no problem to get rid of it, but it is too close to the imperial capital. Once the war starts, it will affect the imperial capital.

It has been a while since the fifth order monster came to the special hunting ground built by the emperor of the world.

The reason why I didn't leave was mainly because I lived comfortably.

If someone deliberately feeds filial piety, he naturally doesn't mean to leave.

The eldest prince is difficult to set the channel: "it's impossible. No one can control the fifth order monster. Even the Soul Crystal family has absolutely no such ability."

The second prince was surprised: "elder brother, you actually know that name... I see. It's the teacher of the ninth younger brother. He's an external race. It's not difficult to know this name."

In his panic, the great prince slowly recovered his look: "how did you do it?"

The second prince said, "we can't completely control it, nor do we control it, just make it more bellicose!"

Inside the barracks.

Zhang lie looked calm and was sitting on a stool, eating the meat of the ultimate gene beast that had just been roasted.

"Devour the ultimate biming snake and absorb the ultimate gene + 1. At present, the number of super genes is 70."

It tastes good and delicious.

It's more than delicious to watch a play while rolling strings.

Especially seeing the second prince sneaking into the eldest prince from behind, this guy was even more excited.

"Wow, I finally did it. Is it the climax?"

He was not surprised, as if he had expected it long ago. He thought the second prince was strange.

In Zhang lie's view, it must be several princes who triggered the gene beast riots.

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The ninth Prince is impossible. The eldest prince has insufficient reasons. He is the current favorite of the throne.

To say a bad word, becoming an emperor is a certainty.

In the view of outsiders, the emperor is also dying. There is no need to make trouble again. As long as you wait quietly for a few years, you can ascend the throne.

The eldest prince and the ninth prince are not. There are seven princes left.

Just now I saw the three princes and the five princes fighting hard, and I can remove the two princes, leaving only five princes.

Among the five princes, the most likely are the second and eighth princes.

Why does the eighth prince, who is not like the prince, say that he is most likely to trigger a riot.

Because Zhang lie is a little opaque to the practices of the Amethyst family.

Now I see the second prince with strange actions. It seems that it may be the second prince in the end, and the motivation is also very clear.

The eldest prince is the most likely favorite for the throne. As the second favorite, the second prince is naturally unwilling. He is only one step away from the throne, but he is always one step away.

As long as the eldest prince is here, this step can never be crossed, and the idea of "why not me" will naturally arise in my heart.

The more you think about it, the heart will feel like being bitten by insects, and finally make a crazy move.

When the second prince suddenly made a sneak attack, Zhang lie realized that this guy was behind everything. He was not too surprised. It was reasonable.

Seeing the second prince's raid, Zhang lie was able to stop it, but he didn't stop it. He let the second prince's sword run through the big prince's chest.

Because Zhang lie has no reason to stop it.

The death of the eldest prince is not bad for the ninth prince, but good for him.

As the second prince said, the eldest prince is too excellent.

Such a good man must die.

For the ninth prince, immortality is a blocking dog. Sooner or later, there will be a war.

Don't say that now the big prince is the only patron of the ninth prince. If the big prince dies here, the benefits will be greater than becoming the patron of the ninth prince.

Because the big prince himself is more troublesome than the other seven princes combined.

Just as Zhang lie was eating melons in the military camp, a golden knife light rose into the sky. Zhang lie turned his head and looked at him: "coming!"

Daoguang hasn't touched the barracks yet, and a stronger momentum rushes out of the barracks.

Everything in heaven and earth is worshipping the source of this momentum. Every drop of water, every grass, even insects flying in the air, are worshipping the source of momentum.

The emperor!

The absolute king of the world.

"Did you do it?"

Zhang lie was not surprised at the move of the emperor.

The emperor is old and drooping in other people's eyes, but in Zhang lie's eyes, the emperor still retains some strength.

The Jindao clan suddenly broke out in front of us, which has some combat effectiveness, but it is not enough to see in front of the emperor.

Just a blink of an eye, he was directly blasted by the emperor.

In the golden tent, the old man stood with great dignity, and the ninth Prince knelt down on one knee: "Your Majesty."

The guards who stayed here also knelt down with hot eyes.

This is their emperor, the emperor of the world.

All of a sudden, the rear of the ultimate gene herd came with a shocking momentum, like a natural disaster. Zhang lie was most familiar with this momentum.

Natural disaster!

The natural disaster of the third world!

It seems that we can't go to the theatre completely

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