Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 660: 0666

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This is a golden turtle type natural disaster, walking back from the mountain, with a huge body.

Zhang lie's eyes are naturally hot.

This gene beast, once out of the soul jade, must be the top defensive soul jade.

But at this time, the emperor turned to Zhang lie and said, "I'll deal with the fifth order monster / give it to me, and I'll give you the useless son."

"Why?" Zhang lie is unhappy.

"There must be great thanks afterwards."

Whether Zhang Feili has the gene level or not, he agrees to fly directly to the world.

"Wait, let me touch it first!"

Eight hundred meters away, Zhang lie bent his fingers and shot a sword light. Then he sighed and turned his head back. He went to be a nanny.

On the battlefield, the great prince and the second prince fought very hot. Zhang lie hid his breath and touched it quietly.

Then he saw the opportunity, quickly penetrated into it and directly knocked down the second prince with one punch.

The prince coughed up blood, and the blood was all over his body: "I said, since you have the ability, don't hide it, I'm dying!"

Zhang lie was dissatisfied: "cut, isn't it still clean?"


Dare to say in front of the prince that Zhang lie will die if he doesn't die clean.

The eldest prince covered his chest wound and didn't mind too much. The key was that he didn't have the strength to mind.

"Soon, my injury is estimated to be hopeless!"

Zhang lie said confidently, "don't worry, I'll save you when you're dying..."

"Since your father asked me to come over, you can't die..."

If the eldest prince is dead, Zhang lie can turn around and leave directly. The emperor of the world has no way to take him

But now the great prince lives well. If Zhang lie doesn't save people, the emperor will naturally find Zhang lie trouble when he comes back after fighting the natural disaster gene beast.

Zhang lie is not afraid. The key is a little reluctant to give up the heavy thanks. Moreover, it will make the succession of the ninth prince more troublesome.

There are not so many twists and turns in the of the great prince at the moment. At this moment, he has only one wish, that is to live.

"Boss, why do you have to be dying? Please, can you save it earlier?"

"How can I do that? Without dying, how can I reflect my importance? It doesn't matter. Your father's thanks may not be so valuable."

However, the prince's humble request was ruthlessly rejected by Zhang lie.

The reason is that it doesn't matter to save now!

"You... Poof..."

The great prince was so angry that he spewed a mouthful of blood on the spot. of

It was not until this moment, until the great prince was about to return to the west, that Zhang liecai reluctantly patted the great prince on his chest and shook away the source force causing trouble in his body. of

After that, the wood elixir was extracted from the space soul jade and sprinkled on the big prince's chest. In this way, the wound in front of the big prince's chest immediately began to heal quickly.

In a moment, the prince woke up and exclaimed, "what kind of medicine is this? It's so magical?"

With the medicine made by Zhou Ying and Muling family, the eldest prince has been out of danger.

Zhang lie turned a deaf ear to the big prince's question, as if he hadn't heard it.

Until the prince looked up and asked, "do you have any extra medicine? I want to give it to other soldiers!"

Zhang lie's eyes flashed a fine light: "yes, but what price can you pay?"

One side of the big guard said excitedly, "it's your honor to let you contribute the medicine to the soldiers fighting..."


But before he finished speaking, Zhang lie waved him and flew out like a shell.

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Zhang lie grinned: "someone just flew by the ultimate gene beast, did you see it?"

The prince looked at the direction where the guard disappeared, swallowed his saliva silently and nodded.

Zhang lie looked at the battle between the natural disaster gene beast and the world emperor, and the world emperor had the upper hand in the battle.

The emperor of the world can arouse the power of the whole world. With the will of this medium-sized world as the backing, his strength naturally exceeds the level of natural disaster.

Even Zhang lie may not be the opponent of the emperor when the ultimate gene of the three worlds is not full.

After all, Zhang lie has just entered the three realms of Shanxi Province. He may be able to fight against the will of this medium-sized world, but he has not completely detached for the time being.

There is no way to completely ignore the rules of the will of the world as in the second world.

But this natural disaster gene beast is a little special. It not only has high defense, but also has the energy absorption characteristics of becoming braver and braver.

Coupled with his huge size, with the extension of the battle time, it is more and more unfavorable to the emperor.

Seeing this, the Grand Prince made a condition: "in the past, you can make less excessive conditions!"

"What is not too much?"

"Don't ask me to die, don't let me give up the throne, everything else..."

At this time, dispensing medicine is tantamount to buying people's hearts. Coupled with a favor from the Grand Prince, that's enough

"Remember what you said and take it!"

Zhang lie didn't have any conditions for the time being. He waved Zhou lingyao and scattered it on the ground: "let the soldiers help me collect the bodies of all the ultimate genetic beasts on the battlefield."

The prince was surprised and said, "do you want all the ultimate genetic beasts?"

These ultimate gene beast corpses are a huge resource.

Zhang lie shook his head: "not all, but parts. It's better to be easy to cook. It's of great use to me to collect it."

This battle is too big. There are too many ultimate gene beasts, at least tens of thousands.

Zhang lie could not tell which was killed by him and which was killed by others. He simply asked the prince to order the soldiers to collect the body of the ultimate gene beast.

This will save him a lot of effort.

At this moment, the natural disaster gene beast has been severely damaged by the emperor, and the mountain on the back has been broken.

But the natural disaster is a natural disaster after all. Under the crisis of life and death, it will naturally risk its life and struggle. There are golden lights in the mouth, and the terrorist gravity waves are superimposed layer by layer.

The direction is the big prince's side. Without saying a word, jiehuang blocked the golden light and forcibly intercepted the golden light and the terrible gravity fluctuation.


In the huge vibration, the emperor flew out directly.

Originally, the emperor could escape. As a result, in order to protect the prince, the emperor chose to fight hard, making it possible for the natural disaster gene beast to turn over.

To tell the truth, if the emperor was still in his heyday, he would not be so embarrassed if he didn't turn his hand and kill the natural disaster level. of

Unfortunately, the current emperor is no longer at the peak, and even 70% of his combat power has reached his heyday.

Seeing the world emperor crisis, Zhang lie punched again.

The space fluctuates and flows, and the water phase source force is turbulent, winding around the arm one after another. The two forces continue to accelerate the rotation, and the speed becomes more and more terrible.

The forces of space and water are mutually related and intertwined layer by layer. The two forces rotate and intertwine, causing a storm on the whole battlefield.

The high-speed rotating force caused the wind to dance and blow everything around. The bodies and debris of the ultimate gene beast and the bodies of soldiers were blown up. The soldiers quickly inserted their weapons into the ground to avoid being blown out by the wind.

It's just the aftereffect of prestige. It's like an attack.

The world vibrates, the void trembles, and even the will of the world itself produces fear. The power of space and the phase source force of water disturb and affect the whole space. The power is constantly gathering on the arm, and the terrible power is shaking the whole sky.

Zhang lie gathered strength, gathered the power of space and the relative source force of water, and hit his fist. There was no wave fist, which turned into a sea and swallowed everything in front of him.

The sea surged and covered the sky, like the Milky Way pouring out the natural disaster gene beast, smashing the whole mountain on its back, and the stones were caught in the tissue fragments and splashed.

The natural disaster gene beast uttered a thunderous cry and fell to the ground

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