Ultragene Warlord

Chapter 661: 0667

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With one move, Zhang lie won't let the enemy down at all, and his left fist blew out at the same time

Wave fist · shake the ground!

Before the fist is hit, the space vibrates constantly. Drums ring in the sky. The power of the fist knocks the space and breaks the ground inch by inch.

With the continuous gathering of strength, the earth under Zhang lie's feet collapsed layer by layer, as if it had been impacted again and again. Each impact was greater than the previous one.

But Zhang lie's punch has not been implemented. A human shadow cut through the sky like a meteor. First, Zhang lie slapped on the head of the natural disaster gene beast and directly robbed Zhang lie's head.

Xumizi's voice sounded: "Ding! Help kill natural disaster level space turtles, absorb natural disaster level core, and absorb 10 natural disaster genes!"?

Zhang lie didn't stop for a moment. He punched and fell on the ground behind the other party. The power of Zhang lie's punch was terrible.

The explosion of water waves caused the vibration of heaven and earth, and the ground was directly hit with a big pit. The air wave generated by the attack afterwave was like a tornado, which shook the whole hunting ground.

The large pit left on the ground is large enough to hold a large number of trucks.

Seeing this big pit, both soldiers and the prince swallowed saliva. If this attack falls on people, it will definitely be beaten into meat sauce.

Zhang lie smiled and said, "sorry, jiehuang, I just can't stop."

The emperor's face turned blue and said, "it's okay, I can understand!"

As for those who come out to rob the head of the natural disaster gene beast, it is jiehuang.

The emperor was afraid that if Zhang lie's attack fell on him, he would be seriously injured if he didn't take precautions.

Fortunately, Zhang lie also participated in the battle just now. Otherwise, the natural disaster gene core would be really lost.

As soon as the natural disaster died, the emperor raised his hand to suppress the ultimate genetic beast.

As all the ultimate genetic beasts were killed, the hunting ground returned to calm, and the surviving soldiers cheered.

The soldiers began to clean up the battlefield and deal with the injuries. The eldest prince commanded the soldiers to collect the body of the ultimate gene beast into the military camp.

The prince abides by the agreement and cleans up the ultimate gene beast corpse and super gene beast corpse on the battlefield according to Zhang lie's requirements.

The second prince was kidnapped and sent to the military camp. The other princes returned one after another. The third prince and the fifth prince came back first. Both of them were injured. It was obvious that they had been through a fierce battle.

After the third prince came back, he quickly asked, "how's your father?"

The ninth Prince explained, "please rest assured, brother Sanhuang. My father still keeps his strength, kills five rank monsters and raises his hand to put an end to the rebellion."

The fifth Prince didn't believe it: "what are you talking about?"

The ninth Prince explained: "my father is not a little old, and he still maintains his strength."

The third prince and the fifth prince can't believe it. During their observation during this period, the father is old and even needs help to walk. Now he says he still maintains his strength.

And kill the fifth order monster?

The ninth Prince explained, "in fact, my father has been pretending to be old, just to hook up those with measurable intentions."

The third prince and the fifth Prince looked at each other.

i see!

The third prince was shocked: "I said, even if my father is old, he is still a great hero."

The fifth Prince Ying he said, "I have guessed that my father is the emperor of the world. Even if the longevity yuan is about to run out, he also has earth shaking strength."

The prince returned one after another, first the fourth prince, then the sixth prince, and then the seventh Prince and the eighth prince.

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From the performance of several princes, we can probably see their strength. The first to come back is the third prince.

The guard is dead, and the third prince is also injured. Although he is in a mess, he doesn't need to be treated by a doctor.

It seems that mastering the two different sword raising skills of dragon sword and king sword has greatly improved its strength, surpassing the ultimate gene beast and truly reaching the combat effectiveness above the ultimate.

The guard of the fourth prince was also seriously injured. He was sent directly to the imperial doctor for treatment. However, among the several princes, except the eighth prince, the team was the best preserved.

The fifth Prince and the third prince came back together, and the guard team was killed in 7788 with injuries.

The sixth prince was protected by the silver sickle family. He also died in 7788. Few came back with injuries on his body and even lost one of his arms.

The heijie clan of the seventh prince was also injured. The seventh prince himself was embarrassed and disheartened, but it was much better than the miserable sixth prince.

I'm surprised at how many of the eight imperial guards are injured, but I'm absolutely surprised at how many of them are the best.

It seems that the escort team has considerable strength, but why not try to rush back?

Hard rush back, even if there is not much combat power left in the end, as long as people can come back, they can add a lot of points everywhere in the world emperor.

All princes were surprised and then excited when they heard that the emperor still maintained the corresponding strength.

As for the guards around them, they behaved differently after hearing the news. The third prince and the fifth prince came to thank Zhang lie in person.

Zhang lie waved his hand and said that he didn't care too much. It was just a little effort.

The third prince smiled and said, "it's a piece of cake for you, but for us, it saved our lives."

The fifth prince took the initiative to invite.

"If you are interested in becoming a guard, you can be competent with your strength. You can drive if you want."

Several princes have seen Zhang lie's ability, but they know how difficult it is to go retrograde in the tide of super gene beasts.

Because they tried it themselves, they couldn't do it at all, and they paid a lot of price for it.

Without the strength above the ultimate gene and the team composed of elites with the same strength of the ultimate gene, it is impossible to retrograde in the tide of super gene beasts.

The ninth Prince and Zhang lie came back first. In other words, they returned retrogradely in the tide of super gene animals. What they couldn't do, the ninth Prince did it. Obviously, it's not so simple.

The ninth Prince is familiar with them, and his strength is almost negligible, so it can only be Zhang lie to let him do these.

Several princes offered prices one after another, one higher than the other. As a result, they were all rejected by Zhang lie.

The eighth Prince Leng hum: "I don't know what kind of person I think you are. Isn't it an outsider who thinks you have done something earth shaking?"

Zhang lie disagreed and continued to eat meat.

At this time, the bodyguard of the emperor came and said, "the Emperor invited several princes and the teacher of the ninth prince to get together."

They all entered the golden tent together. At this time, the king of the world sat on the throne with a golden dagger, and the breath of commanding everything was distributed. The seven princes who had just come in couldn't bear the pressure and fell on their knees.

The seven princes continuously shed sweat on their faces and felt the pressure of the emperor as great as a mountain.

The seven princes were both happy and worried. Naturally, the joy was that the emperor was not old in the rumor. of

My worry is that according to the current state of the emperor, it is estimated that they will not retire from their position in 20 or 30 years. They don't know when they can inherit the throne.

But then again, if the emperor can reign for 20 or 30 years, doesn't it mean they have more time to prepare?

The princes are in a complicated mood. In the end, they don't know whether to be happy or depressed

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