Unbleached Soul

Chapter 1: Chapter 1: The chain that binds us

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In the sometimes called highways of the omniverse, "empty" zones between each universe, one of the many souls scattered by the last accident of the reincarnation station was about to enter his new world, one of the differences of this particular one was that a part of the fragmented soul had attached itself to it as a parasite.

“...” Being still unconscious he couldn't feel the invader stuck on him.

Under normal circumstances, the soul fragment would vanish or, if lucky, join a host with mixed results, but both of them being souls strengthened by enduring their journey on the omniversal highway combined with their particular destiny, generated a different result. 


Somewhere in a dark dimension made up of a great desert and eternal night, a new "life" appeared.

"W-Where am I?" When the soul regained consciousness, it observed its surroundings, only remembering an emergency warning about tornadoes, a white room and then waking up in the desert.

"Am I dreaming? I hope Jonny and the others are alright." Apart from questioning his location, he didn't live near any desert, he cared about his best friends.

“This… is it a chain?” On his chest hung a loose chain

The whole situation seemed very strange to him.

(Should I wait to wake up or start looking for water?) Very few times in his life did he have these lucid dreams.

“Clank.Clank” A very unpleasant sound, accompanied with the rattling of metal began to resonate.

"For the love of God!" Creepy mouths seemed to emerge from the chain and it seemed to be consuming itself.

"What was I watching last night?!" He tried to hit them to stop them, he didn't want to find out what would happen if they ended the chain and reached his chest.

“Ack!” But the mouths defended themselves, wounding him.

“Wait a minute, that hurt… Am I freaking out or what?!” Realizing his situation he panicked, he even tried to rip off the chain, but didn't succeed, he could only watch it vanish.

"Think of something, anything!" He yelled at himself to focus

(Survival advice is not set up for this, this is not the time for dating advice from Jonny, Stefanie's lawyer mentality won't help me on this, Jerry with series recommendations isn't…wait, Jerry that is!) He remembered the last conversations with him, imagining that possibility was ridiculous, but so was this situation.


“You should see the amount of novels and fanfic about reincarnation and transmigration that exist; if they gave me a dollar for each one, I would be a millionaire; it takes time to find something interesting, you have to know how to search because staying with first impressions, in the worst case they separate you from the environment forever…”

Jerry was complaining for a while about some authors or how people can leave their work without even an announcement, but the protagonist's attention went to other comments.

“… luck is a key factor, imagine appearing in the middle of a battle in Star War or facing Orochimaru from Naruto; By the way, how about the volume I lent you? I wish the last arc was half as good as the first ones; I digress from the topic, if you survive the arrival you must locate yourself in time and space, you would not want to be outdoors on the day of the purge or join an organization such as the foot or Hydra, knowledge is essential…” Jerry was very passionate he could talk for hours if you let him.


"Let's assume this for a second, where am I!?" He wouldn't know if Jerry would be happy that his speeches would have practical use or if he would be angry that it wasn't happening to him.

"I have nothing to work with!" He was alone in a desert at night, it could be anywhere and he wasn't prepared enough to notice the details, so he focused on the chain.

"This thing must be very characteristic, how many series could have something similar?" Maybe he didn't have Jerry's devotion to entertainment media, but whoever didn't watch a handful of shows while he was growing up or from time to time, plus having a friend who enjoyed them motivated the occasional marathon.

“Think, I know , I know, I have to know!” He tried to ignore how the mouths got closer and prayed to find something in his memory.

A few minutes passed, which to him were hours, and when he saw what looked like a strange little lizard with a hole in his chest a flash of inspiration came to him.

“… I think… I think I have it! What was his name? Black? Blink? It doesn't matter, remember everything you can!” Unfortunately, this was not a series that he watched with his friends, he watched it during his early teens on television.

"It's about…. wizards ? Monk-samurai? Close enough, the protagonist… has orange hair… Something useful! Remember the plot! they defeat monsters/demons and then kidnap the friend or girlfriend? of the protagonist… a segmented training begins where a madman… cuts his chain!” He was already reaching something, he didn't even remember why they cut him off, but that didn't matter, the guy survived and that was the crucial thing.

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“Then there would be one of those “look inside yourself and you will find the answer” moments.” The missing piece was what he should look for inside himself.

"I don't have time, I must try to enter, I'll think about it when I succeed!" He didn't even want to consider not getting it or how absurd this whole train of thought was.

He tried to stay calm and meditate quietly, luckily he had a similar ritual before bed and it didn't take long.

When he regains consciousness he was in the middle of a forest, for a moment he believed that he fell asleep on a tree while camping, but when he saw the sky he dismissed it immediately.

"Floating trees, what else can happen?" He knew that this was not the time to be distracted and went back to his plan.

“What do I have to look for? What!?" He tried to remember with all his might, sadly time was not on his side, little by little you could see the trees withering and disappearing.

"That can't be a good sign!" he began to run away from the phenomenon and looking for anything relevant.


"Nothing! I have nothing! Something, someone, if you listen to me, come to me!" Disintegration was getting closer and closer and he couldn't think of a solution.

"At least I did what I could." Tears ran down his eyes, knowing that the end was near.

At that moment, as if responding to his pleas, a tree, little more than a sapling, landed in front of him.

"You... came" He couldn't believe it, even with tears on his face, he reached out his hand, when he felt it go through him he resisted the urge to move away and plunged it until he managed to grab something.

"Let this be the answer." He tried to pull it out, but he seemed to be stuck.

"No... Please come out, I don't know what's going on or if you can hear me, but we can't end like this!" He was so close and yelling seemed to work a second ago.

“Since you ask politely, if you tell me your name in the future I will respond to the gesture.” A female voice answered placidly.

“I… I am Kevin Allen”

"It's nice to meet you Kevin, I hope you stay alive"

Kevin managed to extract the object that turned out to be a sword and a light enveloped his entire world, just as the disintegration process had only left a circle of earth a few meters around him and some trees floating.

Bonus: parasite

The soul fragment felt a new breath of life upon reaching this dimension charged with spiritual energy, it began to absorb it to stabilize itself, but being just that, a fragment, it did not have a "base", it was just a mass of disordered knowledge, a shadow of ambitions and instinct.

He first tried to disassociate himself from the "lower soul" he was attached to, but felt that he couldn't sustain himself before disappearing into nothing, then he tried to consume it, but it was too strong for this shard, with the soul's defense response, he would be consumed or destroyed.

Just as his "future body" surveyed the surroundings, aside from the fact that he could see the same as the body, he realized that he could expand his senses.

With the few clues he had, and the luck of being the fragment with this particular knowledge, he got the information necessary to survive and return to his full glory, the first step was to let consume his own small chain, which the useless of the main body didn't realize what was on his back, and becoming a Hollow, then with his increased strength, waiting for the right moment to take over the body and… it had to do with women, but something was missing.


He had to give him a little credit, that useless person at least did the minimum so as not to hinder his survival when entered in his inner world, it was more dangerous for him to become a Hollow too,  could realize his existence faster and devour him before he got power.

When he realized that the pathetic crybaby couldn't do it alone, he used his senses to locate the tree with a red ribbon, he was as pathetic as he expected, and threw it at him. If the parasite had been more alert or aware of its surroundings, it would have noticed another red ribbon very close that shouldn't have been there.


He almost prepared himself for a battle to the death when the light enveloped him over the top of the floating tree, his chain was finished, it was time to be a little more… whole.

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