Unbleached Soul

Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Day to Day in Hell

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When the light caused by Kevin's transformation faded, he was still standing in the same place, but with a sword in his hand and his black Shinigami uniform.

"A pajamas?...all this experience and I'm only given a pajamas as a defense." To relieve her tension from the whole situation she tried to make a joke and then looked at his sword.

It was a regular katana, with a pattern of what looked like waves on the blade, a hilt with half in white and the other black with a point of the opposite color and a gray spacer in the shape of a Cross or X, depending on the point of view.

"At least I have you, thanks for saving my life ha ha ha" He never thought the day would come when he would talk to an object, but he was laughing or going into a crisis and the world wouldn't give him time for that.

“Groooo!” Probably attracted by the energy released or the light show, a black monster with part bone came with unfriendly intentions.

"Must be kidding!" He had a sword, but he had never fought in his life and this hideous, muscularly misshapen being wasn't the best first opponent, so he did what most did and ran.


Fortunately his opponent's only advantage was his persistence, because in speed he barely kept up with Kevin, he nearly lost sight of him.

"H-How long have I been running? I feel like a day has passed, but the sun doesn't rise." He also felt little hunger or thirst, but he just assumed that the transformation helped a little.

“I must rest somewhere.” He was mostly mentally exhausted and went towards a small accumulation of large dead trees that could hardly be called a forest.

"Shhh" But as soon as he got closer, another of those monsters came out from behind a tree, it was thinner and with a certain resemblance to a praying mantis and tried to attack it with its sickles.

As only an idiot would lower his guard in this situation, and to his new powers, he managed to dodge it and reflexively slashed towards the monster's thin neck with the sword he had never sheathed.

Whether it's strong or the enemy was very fragile, Kevin watched as the head fell from the body; if he had energy he would start debating various things, but he wouldn't feel so bad or throw up because he already had the habit of skinning animals; he just wanted to rest and climbed a tree to get a miserable moment of peace


While Kevin recovered energy, as if treating Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, the parasite "replaced" him, from the outside it seemed that black dirt covered it and compressed it to reveal a Hollow when it faded.

"This will suffice, perfection takes time" He checked his body, it was smaller than he would like; about 70 centimeters tall, but he felt that his strength was adequate; if you looked at his head it would look like an octopus, but made of bone along with what looked like spikes is his knuckles of the same material, with those little holes for the eyes and he had his hole in his chest where his heart would be.

"The stupid spirit of the zanpakuto of this useless, will cause me more problems than I imagined, at least it can't eliminate me and at some point this idiot will die and be part of me, for now..." It was time to test his strength and "eat" from what he saw on the horizon, the food was coming towards him.

"Run away from that crap, he's not even an Adjucha" He jumped from the top of the tree and went towards the Hollow.

The monster didn't seem to mind the dwarf approaching him.

"I don't know if a simpleton like you can understand what I say, but feel proud to be the first to be devoured by me, Gottsit"

Having understood that he was being insulted or simply fed up with not eating, he tried to crush him with his thick arms, but Gottsit dodged smoothly and launched himself at his chest, piercing him without resistance.

"Don't go crazy, I want to eat in peace" he extended the hole with his fists and began to devour it

“Grooooo!” He could only roar until his screaming ceased.


Kevin woke up energized, even the little hunger he felt vanished

"This pajamas has the tricks of it." He imagined that was an ability of his outfit.

He looked at the vast desert and the night that seemed, and prayed that it was not, eternal.

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Some tears ran through his eyes, accepting that this was probably his new reality, he would not return to his house and would never see his friends again; he was never close to his family, his mother died when he was born and his father was always distant, they didn't hate each other or anything serious, but he never cared more than the bare minimum; that group was a great pillar in his life for more than 5 years and now he had to accept that they would remain as a nice memory.

He wiped away his tears he had to concentrate on surviving and finding civilization, for the little he knew this could be the hell of this world, some alternate plane or another planet; the point was that since this wasn't a space travel series, or so he hoped it wouldn't come back, it's almost guaranteed that the protagonist would come to this place, giving a way to come back if he didn't get one himself.

"This is full of the monster that he eliminated, I refuse to believe that he did not step on this desert at some moment" The key word here was "moment"


Our black-haired man didn't know how much time had passed since he arrived in this desert covered by eternal darkness, it could be from weeks to years he had no way of knowing.

"I thank whoever gave me this outfit, any human would die here just because of the lack of provisions and I don't think it's a good idea to eat those monsters" He always thanked nothing for his 'magic pajamas', it allowed him to survive in this harsh environment with minimal rest.

Little by little he was adapting, humans were very good at it, he spent his days exploring, looking for any interaction that didn't end in someone's death and taking his breaks from time to time.

"I hope I can stop talking alone when this is over" What made him most desperate was the lack of communication and company, he hated loneliness and wanted to have friends.

"Why do even those who seem to think want to kill me!?" He had tried, but it always ends up getting someone sliced, even his sword seemed busy and whenever he meditated to chat, he seemed to be doing something.

"Even my sword, it doesn't tell me her name." Every time he asked her he told her that it wasn't the right time.

"At least it seems to be getting sharper, it must be a good sign" He noticed that it was getting easier to cut the monsters with thick bodies, although he still ran away when he thought it was necessary, once he saw a giant that looked like a horrible doll and almost flew out of the place, that day he almost felt like was teleporting.

Today he was checking out a prospect to strike up a conversation, he was a monster unlike the rest.

“Looks like a goat-part centaur covered in bones” he entered his list when he watched him defeat a group of other monsters and spared those who surrendered or were incapacitated.

"You can tell there are no hobbies in this place" When he wasn't fighting or eating, he just stood there.

“Please make it work” He took a few steps to make his presidency known.

He noticed it, didn't attack him directly, but he kept his guard up.

(This is going better than expected)

"H-Hello." Kevin raised his hand in greeting.

"..." He didn't say anything.

(I hope he can answer) At least he knows that he understands him.

"My name is Kevin Allen, what is yours?"


"If you don't want to talk I'll go, I didn't mean to bother you" Well, at least no one was hurt, he turned to leave

“My name is Nelliel Tu Odelschwanck”

That stopped him, not only because she responded to him, he didn't expect that tone in her voice.

(Do these monsters also have a gender?)

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