Unbleached Soul

Chapter 11: Chapter 11: Transition

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(This is ridiculous!) Kevin knew the next day would be harder, but this was overkill.

On the way to the tower where Rukia was locked, he felt a brutal spiritual energy.

(It's not as big as Starrk's but it's just as intense and it's more sinister, if you have to classify something as a killer instinct it would be this) Also he felt that this was the tip of the Iceberg, but there was something strange that he couldn't identify .

(This is not the time for that, how the hell did Ichigo get over this in canon?!) He seemed absurd to her and ran to his location, It's not going to be that this is an alteration in history.


(That battle couldn't have made any sense!) The ups and downs of spiritual energy were incongruous and made no logical sense.

(I guess you have to stick to these kinds of situations when you live with a protagonist)

When he arrived he saw Ichigo lying on the ground bleeding and with serious injuries, along with another member of his group, which lessened the black-haired man's concern.

"As timely as ever, help me, we won't let him die" Yoruichi was relieved to see him intact.

"Of course" he picked up his friend and followed the cat.

They had taken refuge in an abandoned cabin, not too far away.

(Ichigo is tough) With just a little first aid and healing techniques, on Yoruichi's part, the substitute regained consciousness almost immediately.

"You're too thick-headed to put up with those injuries" They both agreed on that.

"Yes... he hit me very hard." He rose hastily from his blanket.

"Ichigo, for God's sake, calm down, your wounds will reopen" Kevin stopped him from getting up.

“Chad is in danger… I must help him”

"Everyone is stable, you should relax" Ichigo's battle had distracted him, but when he checked again none was in danger

"A guy on the verge of death like you should rest and recover." The cat emphasized the point by pushing his head to the ground again.

"By the way, Ichigo, why are you carrying this?" He had found it when they were going to start healing it.

It was a strange looking menacing and terrifying mask with white and red colors.

“I… I had that thing in storage?!”, I could swear I dumped it in the sewers!”

Yoruichi widened her eyes.

"It could be cursed, given its appearance it wouldn't surprise me" Shinigami existed because not this.

"Don't say that... I'd better bury it" The protagonist didn't want to think about that.

"Don't worry, I'll keep it" The cat takes it immediately

"If you insist" Ichigo gave her without problems

"Oh… and Kevin thanks for saving me, Yoruichi seems agile for being without a single scratch so far, but I don't think he could carry me"

"You underestimate me, I would just have to use my original form" The cat replied calmly.

“Sure, your original form… Do you have an original form!?”

"Why didn't you ever show them to us? Does it hurt you or something?" Kevin imagined some kind of wild panther man.

"None of that, this form just makes me comfortable, but it is true that I have never shown it to them, this is a good time like any other for them to see it" A cloud of smoke covered the cat.

Both boys widened their eyes as the smoke cleared, with different reactions.

"W-What?... What?" Ichigo had a face of utter shock, his face turning blue as if he saw unimaginable horror.

“I-I should have seen it coming… I don't know how, but I should have seen it coming.” Kevin's eyes were going to pop out of his face seeing that beautiful naked woman with chocolate skin in front of him.

"Pretty faces, I bet you guys thought I was a man because of my voice, I love to go back to my original form and see how they react, everyone's jaws drop." She didn't feel any embarrassment at her exposure.

"You would have to be dead not to react... so, are you a nudist?" The black-haired man could continue talking, unlike the orange-haired man who was still processing what he was seeing.

"Why? Does it bother you?" She had a sly smile on her face

"Does it bother you that I look?" Kevin was already an adult even before he came to this universe, he wasn't going to be embarrassed that easily.

"I doubt you'll ever see such a perfect female body again and if it bothered me I'd wear clothes." Neither of them took their eyes off the other.

"Well, it does bother me! Cover up a bit, you want!" Ichigo started to scream all blushing

"Okay, I didn't expect you to be the innocent Ichigo, is this your first time seeing a naked woman?" She went to look for some clothes that she had saved.

"Shut up... And why don't you say anything to him?!" He pointed to his friend.

"Ichigo, I understand that we all have different levels of modesty, but Yoruichi is an adult and she can do whatever she wants with her body... You are an adult, right?" You must not forget that this came from Japan.

"Interesting answer and yes, I could be Ichigo's grandmother" She put on the upper part of a suit.

"I've already heard that, cover your lower body first, jeez!"

"ji. ji, don't be so uptight." A figure covered her back

“What's up, you want more sh… Prr” She started purring and clinging to Kevin.

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“I couldn't resist trying to see if you'd still like this.” He had to use this power for good.

“Stop messing around, you libertine ball!” Substitute Shinigami shouldn't see this kind of scenes.

"Cof, anyway, this tool would have helped me with your transportation, if you inject spiritual energy into it you can fly." She tried to recover her cool and mysterious facade by showing some kind of bone.

“Why does it look…” Before she could continue the conversation a spiritual pressure washed over them.

"This energy... It's him!" The image of a man without emotions and long hair came to the mind of the protagonist

"He must be a captain." This didn't feel as heavy as Ichigo's previous rival, but Kevin admitted that it was strong.

"Precedes the Palace of Penitence!"

The protagonist snatched the flying artifact from Yoruichi and ran away.

“Wait, Ichigo! Where do you think you are going?!"

"Ganju and Hanatarou were on their way! Who's going to save them if I don't go?!" From the look on his face, Kevin knew he wouldn't be able to talk him out of it.

(And who is Hanatarou?)

"Flying!" He shot up into the sky.

“Grr… That stupid!” Yoruichi had an irritated expression.

"He's young, they usually act without thinking, don't say you didn't do stupid things at his age, let's follow him" They started running

"You shouldn't make a woman feel old"

"Have you seen yourself in a mirror? Here, we don't want to give the wrong impression." He handed her a pair of pants.

"I thought you liked it." She put them on with surprising agility.

"When we're done with this, you can take them off." They both laughed at each other and concentrated on following that reckless man.


"Excellent entrance" Being a step back he saw several people on the bridge and how Yoruichi tied the sword of a subject whose appearance shouted: "I am an important nobleman"

"Hey, hello, Rukia."

“Y-You, what are you doing here, who are you really?!”

"Gosh, calm down, I only told you a tourist who is helping in your rescue" he was about to grab her, but Yoruichi stopped him right after knocking out Ichigo.

"Leave her, we won't be able to handle both of them, especially with Ichigo in this state, we must regroup." She doesn't neglect the man with long white hair on the other side.

"You talk as if I'm just going to let you go." The nobleman seemed impassive.

"When did you learn to act so cool, Byakuya?"

"How long does it take you to fix your hairstyle like that?" Kevin saw that he had strange strands sticking out in various places, they didn't even meet in the back.

“…” Without saying another word, Byakuya attacked Yoruichi, who was his biggest threat.

"We're leaving" The black-haired man took it as a sign and ran away, trusting that she could run away.


"It's good that I stretched my legs while I trained you, or I think I'd be out of breath" She led them to an underground base very similar to the one Urahara had, where they let the protagonist rest

"I'm glad to help, don't you think we could take on those two?" One seemed stronger than the other, but he believed that at least he could have taken Rukia, however, his teacher knew them better.

"Depends, Ukitake could go easy on us, but we couldn't defeat Byakuya before he got reinforcements... can you use your Shikai now?" Since they concentrated on spells there was never a chance to bring it up.

Kevin looked at her as if waiting for her to continue.

"Right, I forget you didn't go to the Shinigami school"

(Is there a school for that?) It made a bit of sense, someone should teach about this job.

"I mean the release of your zanpakuto, when you learn its name and it changes form"

“Ah, that, if I can do it”

“What about Bankai? the second form, where it shows all it power “Obviously she wouldn't think that he could defeat a captain with his Shikai, not everyone was Ichigo , and Kenpachi was an exception.

"No… not that" His sword never told him, well, he never asked her if she had another form.

"Ichigo will have to learn it if he wants to surpass Byakuya, do you want to go with him? I'm warning you, it's very risky, I'll understand if you back down, you don't need to rush him" She waited for his answer, she wasn't going to judge him, that he risked following Ichigo with her, it already showed his commitment to his mission.

"I…" Just before answering he felt his sword calling out to him and the message was clear.

"I'll do it" he had a firm look

"I like your look, boy, I'll look for the team, the time limit is three days, you can start whenever you want"

(I trust you, Thriban) Held his sword in front of him.

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