Unbleached Soul

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: “Hostage”

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"No… It can't be" Yoruichi was shocked, Ichigo was just waking up next to her.

"He got it... in less than two hours." She didn't underestimate Kevin, with the skills he had shown her and depending on how he used his Shikai, he could be a candidate for lieutenant, but this seemed absurd to her.

"If he was so close to getting it, why now?" Obtaining the Bankai was not an easy task and if he was in that fine line of freeing it, why would he take risks with this method?

"Everything is always complicated with him" she giggled, there were also other ridiculous possibilities, but she didn't want to continue with the topic she had to start Ichigo's training immediately.

For his part, Kevin was running at full speed to search for Ishida and Orihime, he had to take them to the underground base to plan the final assault on the tower and then rescue the rest who were captured, although he also took the opportunity to get a certain object that request his sword.

“It was… an experience meeting Thriban in the real world… I never thought I was so close to my sword” Kevin wondered how many spirits are so “affectionate” with their owners.


Shunsui Kyōraku, captain of the eighth division, is lying down, he had a feeling that today will not be a good day, but he was trying to enjoy it when he felt feelings coming from his zanpakuto

"What's wrong, my flower?" It was rare for his sword to make the first move to communicate.

"You also have a bad feeling... Why can't we all just rest easy?" The signs did not improve.


A nearby explosion attracted the attention of black-haired

"Of course that's where they are." He hurried to help them defeat or flee from their opponent.


Uryu Ishida was facing the most repulsive monster he had ever encountered in his life, he was glad to have saved Orihime, he wouldn't want to see how he reacted to how this Mayuri practically sacrificed her partner to inflict a wound, just seeing how he mistreated her later increased his anger and disgust towards that Shinigami, however, he wasn't the only one with those feelings.

"Enough already, if you don't stop she will die!"

"Don't take me for an idiot, I created her body, I know what can withstand, she won't fail because of these injuries! Don't underestimate my work!" Mayuri had his lieutenant held by the hair, who was still bleeding, he looked like a builder who was told that his structure was going to collapse.

“Wait a minute… you… did you create her?”

"Of course! Let me tell you the name of this brat, Nemu Kurotsuchi, by combining the essence of an artificial body and the technology of an artificial soul, it can create her... my daughter."

Ishida saw him shocked, all this information only made it worse

“So don't mess with your stupidity of justice! A father's relationship with his daughter is none of the business of an intruder!" He proceeded to slam her into a wall.

Ishida was about to scream but a spiritual pressure enveloped him and when he realized it Mayori fell to the ground bleeding from the mouth.

"Even Nelli would end up with a piece of trash like you" When Kevin arrived he didn't expect to see this show, he hadn't been this angry in a long time including before he came to this universe

(I had never seen Kevin like this) Despite knowing him little, Ishida saw him as someone very relaxed like some kind of old man, but the look he was doing seemed like that of a frozen cave

"…march on to the south!, Hado #31. Shakkahō" A pillar of flame was thrown towards the mad scientist about to engulf him completely, this was one of the few Hado that Kevin had managed to learn.

"If you are as skilled as you look sick, I will not give you the opportunity to do anything" Imperceptibly a small beam of light came out of Nemu and returned to Kevin, who took out a sword from his uniform

“In hindsight it's a good idea to have a backup.” He walked over to Mayori's charred body lying on the ground to cut off his head.

"Don't underestimate me, child!" Mayuri got up, had an empty bottle in hand, and with the other stabbed Kevin in the heart with his Ashisogi Jizo.

"Ugh... that hurts, people like you are like cockroaches." He didn't seem too scared.

Mayuri understood because as a hole opened in his own chest.

"You! You can…” As smart as he was he already had a guess at his ability.

“You got it quick, be a better person on the other side.” He swung his sword to slice off his head.

"No! Please!" Kevin stopped inches from the captain's head because the voice whatshouted was Nemu.

"D-Damn, you're just an insignificant nobody!" Taking advantage of that moment, Mayuri stabbed himself in the neck.

(Creep, he actually did) A small wound began to bleed on Kevin's neck, if this was when he barely discovered his Shikai, he would be dead.

The mad scientist seemed to be melting

"Tch, that didn't finish you, well it was just a theory, but now I'm immune to attacks and I'll retreat to recover from my injuries, goodbye Quincy and Mr. Nobody!" Mayuri's liquid body headed for the walls.

“…Bakudo #37. Tsuriboshi” But Kevin didn't stare, his spell caused several rays of light to go out in different directions and stick to the floor and walls, forming a net that prevented Mayori's liquid body from escaping and then caught it when Kevin closed it. .

"Let me go, second-rate idiot!" He couldn't believe that a genius like him would end up like this.

Kevin didn't answer and walked over to Nemu, who was still lying in the same place.

"Give me one good reason not to end his life." He was giving her a chance to make a convincing explanation.

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"Master Mayuri is a captain, if you eliminate him, society will always persecute him." She responded peacefully despite his injuries.

"We are already raiding this place, no, I want you to tell me a reason not to kill him"

"Because I care, I'm glad he's alive." That she could say that in her state was amazing and sad at the same time.

Kevin noted that she wasn't lying or being forced to say this and it made him feel worse.

"Look how you are, you are bleeding and poisoned on the ground because of him and I don't think he treats you better in private!" He didn't know if it was the poison or the rage that numbed his body.

“He just used his subordinates as human bombs!” Ishida added, he couldn't accept that she was defending him.

“He created me, he is all I have and it is my duty to serve him in the best way” This was her life.

Kevin wanted to just end it, but he knew that wouldn't fix it…she was so broken as a wife beaten by her husband that always came back to him.

(I wouldn't be surprised if she killed herself or sacrificed herself just to avenge him) If he wanted to help he had to take the long way.

"I won't kill him, but you must accept this arrangement..."


Kevin returned to base with Ishida, although Nemu provided them with an antidote for the poison, the Quincy still had injuries that needed to be treated.

"Yoruichi, I've got Ishida and he needs to recover, don't do anything crazy while I go after Orihime." Kevin watched in awe as Ichigo struggled against a lanky man he assumed was his sword spirit.

(It is noted that each spirit is unique) His test was not even remotely similar to his, not that he complains.

“Well, put it… What is a lieutenant doing here?!”She recognized her by the badge on her arm.

"I am a hostage and tool of Master Kevin," she said as if it were natural.

Yoruichi looked at him confused and a little disgusted.

"Don't say that, I repeat that you are your own person, you need time... at least you can now speak without asking permission" Maybe he should consult a psychologist, but explaining the circumstance would be complicated.

"Nemu, stop wasting time and help me!" A voice came from Kevin's uniform.

"That voice, it's familiar to me" The cat woman had it on the tip of her tongue

"I can't Master Mayuri this was the only way to ensure his survival"

"Mayuri Kurotsuchi!" She had already remembered.

"We met that monster, Kevin spared his life in exchange for his lieutenant defecting and joining us" Ishida had a strange feeling of joy at the fate of that psychopath.

"Where is he?"

Kevin opened his uniform a bit and showed some kind of necklace with several vials on it.

"In a desperate moment, he turned to liquid and Kevin caught him, we won't let him out, but he will live." Was too dangerous to have him free.

"Interesting, I wonder what Kisuke would say?" She poked at the jars.

"I knew that something would have to do with that asshole, you are the misfit who ran away with him!" The hatter was one of the men he hated most in the world

“Too brave to be in a jar”

"You can take care of him, I'm afraid I'll accidentally kill him when I use my Bankai." He needed more training, but it would be in the future.

“Sure.” It wasn't the strangest thing she'd done, but she had to admit that she was impressed by Kevin's results.

"Well, rest Ishida, I'm going for Orihime"

"Take care there must still be dangerous guys"

"Take care too, Master Mayuri." The lieutenant bowed.

"Stop spitting nonsense, you'll see your punishment when this is over!"

"You can stay with him as long as you don't try anything." He completely ignored him.

"I have to assist him, Master Mayori will be safe here, according to the data Yoruichi Shihōin will not kill him for no reason" She answered analytically and without a shadow of a doubt

“Wow, thanks.” She took it as a compliment.

"If it's what you want, you can come, but I'm not your master, I can be your friend" He extended his hand.

Nemu only bowed her head, but she returned the greeting.

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