Unbleached Soul

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Bankai

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"That must be Captain Commander Yamamoto, I've never seen his sword release before." Nemu didn't seem worried about the powerful fire in the distance that could burn her to ashes.

"It shows that he is the leader" The energy that he felt could surpass Starrk, if it were before obtaining his Bankai, with just the slightest carelessness he would end up dying.

Kevin kept running to join the others and get the hell out of here when finished the mandatory matches.

"Everything is progressing, even Ichigo is using his Bankai"

"How can you talk so calmly!? Explain to me what's going on and why she's helping us!?" In her state Rukia couldn't feel spiritual energy.

"I am Master Kevin's hostage, tool, and friend."

"You're getting better, just get rid of what's left over." One step at a time, he ignored the look Rukia gave him.

Unfortunately Kevin's hot streak stopped when a black space covered them all

(What the hell!?) Suddenly he couldn't see or hear, or even feel the spiritual energy, at least he felt Rukia in his arms.

This experience only lasted a few seconds, when she realized everything returned to normal, except for the dark-skinned man who was spinning a cloth or something around him. Kevin also couldn't react because they were transported to another place.

"We returned to the place of execution" It was easy to recognize.

"It's the captain of the ninth division, Kaname Tousen." Nemu immediately identified him.

(Why did he bring us back here, he must have taken advantage of that strange space to retrieve Rukia or attack us, he also hid spiritual energy from him too well… That means!)

" Let's bond, Thriban!" Just then a sword pierced through his chest, right where his heart would be.

"Heavens, you're not a smart boy, you reacted immediately and I wanted to prevent you from suffering" From apparent nothingness emerged a man with gray hair, closed eyes and a sinister smile.

"Gin!" Rukia was disturbed to see the captain of the third division.

"Master Kevin!" Nemu expressed more emotion than usual, seeing the black-haired man being pierced

"But look how cold-blooded you are, you didn't hesitate to sacrifice someone with whom you didn't share words" Gin watched Tousen's body fall to the ground with a hole in his chest, no signs of life, as he retracted his outstretched sword.

"Sorry if I don't have time to consider the guy who brought us here uninvited." He thanked god that guy had accompanied them and hadn't kept that weird space.

"That skill of yours is troublesome, but not invincible."

(They must have watched my fight with Mayuri)

"You want to try?" Kevin already had it marked and is preparing to use Kido

“No, thanks…” Right after those words, six beams of light appeared and immobilized Kevin and Nemu.

(This is!) He recognized it right away because this was the most advanced spell he knew.

"... Someone else will, I don't remember saying that I was alone, but don't worry, there are only two of us" his creepy smile did not leave his face

"That comforts me" This would not increase Kevin's impression of the character with closed eyes.

"Welcome, Kevin, please don't resist." The second person to reveal himself was a man with brown hair and glasses, who had a superior expression on his face.

“…Is this where you explain your evil plan to me?” If this guy wasn't one of the main villains in this arc, then he was pretty good at looking evil.

"I don't have time to waste with your stupidities, I'm not going to repeat myself"

At that moment, Kevin received what we could describe as a mental connection that revealed the latest news about who was in front of him.

"... That Toser will no longer have an honorable funeral, you know I've always hated hypnotic powers" The madman in front of him basically annihilated the judiciary of his organization, seriously wounded his lieutenant and seeing that he brought them here, he needed Rukia to something.

"I never would have expected that from Captain Aizen." Processing that Kevin was fine, Nemu returned to her usual tone, she didn't seem worried about being trapped.

"Expected!? All this is crazy!" Rukia was not surprised by Gin, but Aizen and Tousen were among the most respected and loved captains.

“Oh, that disturbance in the spiritual energy must have been the Tentei Kuura” Aizen continued without changing his expression, he didn't care at all about the spread of information.

"Bankai" Kevin did not doubt for a moment, this guy appeared to be the cunning type and had him totally immobilized, it was better not to leave him with more movements, as an extra if being face to face with the apparent antagonist at the end of the arc was not enough to show his entire hand, the time would never come. Besides, the only other dangerous person, that he knew of and was still alive, was that fire elder who must have been distracted by this snooty's subordinates.

A white light bathed everyone on the cliff, it could be seen from far away.


“What… what is this?” Ichigo went to help when he sensed that Kevin and Rukia had returned to the execution site, but when he reached the chasm he saw that the entire boulder had been consumed by some sort of white cube.

A few minutes later, while Ichigo pondered what to do, the captain of the seventh division Komamura arrived, on his way here he was already going fast because of his fury due to his friend's betrayal, but when he felt Tousen's energy was extinguished he only increased his speed.

The protagonist was put on guard despite being tired.

"This is no time for that, intruder, do you have any idea what's going on?" It wasn't Tousen's or Gin's Bankai, he didn't trust it to be Aizen's.

"I don't know, I can't feel any of this." The protagonist tries not to stare at the captain's dog head.

The next to appear was Byakuya and before she had an awkward moment with Ichigo, Yoruichi and Soifong arrived at high speed.

"Actually he used it" Murmured the cat woman

"Do you know this, Yoruichi?" Questioned the protagonist.

"I only saw it once, but I'm sure it's Kevin's Bankai." She had a hand on her chin looking at the white cube.

Byakuya's eyes widened slightly at that statement.

"Is that guy" Soifong clenched her teeth and hands, she didn't seem to like Kevin.

"Sorry we're late to the party," Captain Kyoraku commented as he arrived along with nearly every other available captain and lieutenant.

(Is that smug that strong?) Rangiku saw the cube, mastering your Bankai is a sign of respect and status in soul society.

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At that moment, starting from the top, the cube began to fade revealing a shocking scene


A few minutes earlier inside the Bankai.

"Welcome to Thribante, hall of truth and primal essence." Kevin didn't want to say this, but it was a requirement of his sword.

"Actually you mastered the Bankia at the same time as Ichigo Kurosaki, you are not a simple Shinigami" Aizen still didn't seem perturbed.

"You're also a scary guy...interesting outfit choice." Gin was less calm than he projected, mainly because now both of them are unarmed and naked.

“Well, this is our basic selves.” Yes, it wasn't the most comfortable or elegant power.

"Stop grabbing me! This is embarrassing!" As if being naked in front of so many people wasn't humiliating enough.

"A curious Bankai indeed." Nemu made no attempt to cover herself as looked around.

"The lack of spiritual energy must be because of his release," Aizen theorized.

"You figured it out quick, why do I keep running into smart guys?" Kevin didn't take his eyes off them, it also distracted him from the scenery around him.

"So what's the next step? Do you want a technical fight?" The manipulator was sure of each of his disciplines

"No, this is a space for understanding, the best result is to discuss and reach an agreement that eliminates the conflict"

“How noble.” He wasn't sure if Gin was making fun of him.

“And completely nonsense, I did not take you for an innocent idealist”

“What can I say? I have never liked unnecessary conflicts”

"K-Kevin these black bits, do they mean anything?" Trying to cover himself as best she could with one arm, Rukia showed him what was stuck to her stomach.

(My Bankai removes any foreign objects, both internally and externally, meaning he was somewhere inside her) Kevin grabbed the pieces.

For the first time Aizen's expression changed.

"Do you know what you have there?"

"I hope nothing important because it no longer exists" He crushed the pieces and turned them into dust, it was the first thing that made him react, it was better to remove him from the game board.

An unusual feeling of anger began to rise in Aizen, this was not part of his plan, it could not be completely ruined by such a small and random variable.

"Sorry, I hope it's easy to replace... now, is there something you want to share? We have time" The black-haired man walked slowly towards them.

His opponents did not respond.

"Come on, there's a lot to talk about, you don't betray his organization and kill more than 20 people every day" Kevin brought his face closer to look into his eyes.

"I'm sorry too, but I'm not in the mood for idle talk."

"Don't be so serious, you must have a great goal" Without realizing how much salt was added to the wound.

"It will take time, but I'll get it" Although it would be much more complicated, he would find a way.

"God help you because soul society won't"

“I am not subordinated to such a low concept”

Our Shinigami thought he saw the way

"Don't feel bad, it's normal to feel small in comparison"

"I will be the one to sit on that throne, I will not let anyone control me"

"Oh, but he's already controlling you... How do you think he got here?" Kevin was crossing his fingers that he would swallow his bluff.

Aizen looked at him for a moment, but his expression didn't change.

“You expect me to believe that”

“From what I hear you like to plan the strategy, but… do you know who I am?”

The former captain didn't know if it was an illusion or his mind playing a trick, but when he saw Kevin again he could only see "him", the representation of what he was trying to overcome, simply by moving a piece on a board. .

He didn't know when, but he had punched Kevin in the face with all of his might.

“This is a place of peace and since you used violence I have the right to defend myself” He wasn't a fool who believed that everything was resolved with constructive charas and hugs.

"Time for retribution" A female voice rang out, only to be overshadowed by cries of pain and tearing sounds.

Bonus: Where in soul society are Renji and Ishida?

"It was good meeting you, Ishida." Orihime smiled at him.

"Yes... great." Actually the Quincy was disappointed, he was supposed to give cover with his arrows, but the plan went too well and there was never a need, then when the black space arrived she lost the opportunity to act when the enemy disappeared along with his companions.

(I think Kevin was exaggerating with his warning, he doesn't seem to go wrong with his opponents) The Shinigami told him that if he came across a totally hopeless situation, he wouldn't hesitate to launch his strongest attack, no matter who the target is.

He was now with Orihime's group headed for the top of the cliff.


Renji Abarai did not have his best day, first he confronted his captain and tore him to pieces, then when he went to help his childhood friend, he only found Ichigo Kurosaki and his captain fighting, he knew he should not intervene so he tried to follow the trail of Rukia, only to get lost... At least when he received the information about Captain Aizen's betrayal he was able to redefine his path, he just hopes to find some action.

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