Unbleached Soul

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Rescue

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"But what happens to Ichigo's friends?... some advice Nemu" First meets Ishida with that sick of Mayuri and now Orihime with a guy with the face and hairstyle of a lunatic, who due to his spiritual energy and wounds , must be the captain that Ichigo defeated somehow.

"Don't worry Master Kevin, Captain Kenpachi Zaraki will not kill that woman, she is too weak to meet his standards and desire for battle" She replied calmly not caring to reveal that worrying information.

"Thanks, I guess"

"No problem"

(She's not in immediate danger and as Sado is still recovering in his confinement, they won't harm them for now, I better hope Ichigo gets the Bankai to rescue everyone at the same time) The room was surrounded by the captain, his lieutenant, who looked like an elementary school girl for some reason, and three subordinates, there was a lot of risk.


"So this guy was Urahara's apprentice or something like that?" Ichigo pointed to the jars containing Mayori, he was resting from training in a medicinal hot spring with Yoruichi, in his cat form, and Ishido.

“How dare you insult me in such a way!?” He didn't take the comment very well.

“In a way… I hope Kevin doesn't get into any more trouble.” He was taking a long time to come back.

"He'll be fine, he's one of the strongest in the group, but back on topic, if you and Urahara were captains why did you leave it and help us in the attack on soul society" Ishida got to the main point

“That is a story for another time”

“What a disgrace to waste time like this! I have experiment to perform and people to dissect!” When he recovers he will have to modify the ability to become liquid with priority.

"...Sounds as crazy as you described it, Ishida" Where was Ichigo's life going that locking people melt in bottles was normal and acceptable


Kevin wasn't going to question why two, what he assumed were captains from the spiritual energy they emitted, were fighting or why there was an ice dragon in the sky.

“Those are the tenth division captain Toshiro Hitsugaya and the third division captan Gin Ichimaru…” Although Nemu was “happy” to provide people's data, she also didn't seem to care about the internal or personal problems of those involved.


Was dawning and Rukia's execution was getting closer and closer.

"Nemu, you don't have to stare at me, you can go to sleep." Kevin had stayed up most of the night practicing his spells and a bit of his Bankai, taking breaks to replenish his spiritual energy.

"I couldn't as long as Master Kevin is still working." Besides, she had already gone to check on Mayuri's condition.

“Do you want to train too? Or do you have any hobbies?

"I usually read and accompany Master Mayuri in his experiments" She also dug tunnels from time to time.

(Of course… at least she does something besides being by his side all the time)

"Oh, there's also the Shinigami women's association, though given my current state, I doubt I can return." Aside from the research institute, it might be the only one she'll miss, even if she doesn't identify those feelings.

"..." You can't escape from that anywhere, of course there must be an organization of Shinigami women.

"I'll get you books when this is over"

“Do you also want me to help you with your experiments?”

“No, it is because it is what you like, I want to help you and make you feel comfortable… later we will decide where you will live”

Nemu still did not understand Kevin when he took her hostage, she believed that he would ask her for many things, such as confidential information or punish her as her father had told her that the enemy would if they captured her, but he only asked her personal questions or consulted her opinion on some matter.

(Does he just want my friendship?) She remembered when he shook her hand while looked at her palm.

"Leaving that aside, nobody rests here either" Not to mention that the protagonist was still training, a red-haired man also came to train; apparently he was a friend of Ichigo; and from what he felt, Orihime had applied a Naruto to the madman carrying the elementary school girl to join them, because he was freeing Sado and Ganju.

“It shows that the climax is approaching”

“Should I assist you with that?”

"..." You must breathe and accept that it will take time.


Many people were busy when it was time for the execution, Kenpachi Zaraki was fighting with his fellow captains Kaname Tousen and Sajin Komamura to help the intruders escape, Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya was leading his own investigation along with his lieutenant, the red-haired man known as Renji Abarai was being defeated by his captain Byakuya Kuchiki, the rest were on or headed for the execution platform.

"Ichigo should be here by now, stupid dramatic entrances... It's almost time" Kevin, along with Nemo were in a strategic position to rescue Rukia

The lieutenant found it curious how Kevin sometimes said things that didn't seem to make sense.

A few minutes passed and the prisoner was brought in, her brother Byakuya also made an appearance.

"Thank you with all my heart, older brother" Rukia had calmly accepted the end of her life, the platform where they placed her began to light up to raise her up, but at that moment an explosion sounded next to her and smoke covered the area.

"W-What's going on?" A fat guy who was part of the spectators, I didn't understand what was happening.

"Someone has used Kido, is on guard!" Next to her a short-haired woman, Soifon, was the first to react.

The second to act was Byakuya who used his spiritual pressure to push the smoke away.

"Just my luck that someone thought of doing that so quickly, well, bye" Barely had time to see Kevin, with Rukia in his arms, jump through a hole in the ground, he wanted to cover it to hide more escape route.

"He escapes, don't just stand there you stupid incompetents! Go after him all the lieutenants!" Soifon was not going to let him get away on her guard and she was not the only one to think so.

“Nanao, that was the reported “traitor”” Captain Kyoraku asked his lieutenant as he held his hat.

“Yes, he fits Lieutenant Matsumoto's description.” The woman next to him adjusted her glasses.

“I see… they managed to arrive on time, they even saved us from using the seal.” He was smiling until his sword communicated with him again.

In the tunnel Rukia wasn't a model rescued person.

“Why are you rescuing me?! I don't want anyone to save me, least of all a stranger like you! You don't understand that my brother is going to kill them all!"

You are reading story Unbleached Soul at novel35.com

"Calm down I know you care about our safety, but your friends have decided to save you and everyone is here willing to go anywhere" It was a brave thing to sacrifice for his friends, but when your friends are just as good, they will return the favor.

Rukia couldn't do anything but accept it and cry for having such good friends.

"Y-You, why are you doing this as soon as I know you? Why does a 'tourist' get involved?" She had already accepted that he should have a story like Urahara

"Some friends of mine are also in trouble and I need help, plus if you're willing to go to such lengths for Ichigo and the others, I'd be happy to meet you." He gave her a smile to ease the tension.

"Idiot, I'm not going to thank you or Ichigo" she laughed as she rubbed her eyes

“That will surely hurt us a lot” He said jokingly

"Sorry to interrupt your socializing Master Kevin, but we have pursuers." Nemu poked her head between them.

"You're the lieutenant of the twelfth division!? When did you arrive!?" This rescue couldn't be weirder for Rukia.

"I've been here from the beginning," she replied with his flat tone as if it were obvious.

Before she even bothered about it, a portion of the ravine was destroyed revealing his location.

“Did you really destroy the entire area?” He saw the noble guy looking down at him from the sky.

“Surrender and accept your destiny, you are surrounded”

“Lieutenant Nemu, what are you doing?!” A young woman with white hair was the first to identify her.

"Sorry, but we didn't abandon a friend, right, Ichigo?"

"That's right, sorry I'm late" Ichigo fell from above and smashed his sword against Byakuya who had no choice but to defend himself.

"Better late than never"

"Ichigo!" She couldn't believe how the substitute changed in a few days.

"Rukia, I'm glad to see you're okay, get her out of here Kevin" He would have time to talk later.

"We're still here!" The fat guy was about to release the sword from him when the protagonist moved and knocked the three lieutenants to the ground.

"Thanks for saving me work" Kevin reciprocated preventing the captain from attacking him from behind.

"That's not very honorable." His swords sparked.

"Why are you trying so hard to save Rukia?"

"You're her brother! Why don't you want to save her?!" Ichigo scolded him before attacking him.

"Doesn't anyone here have a decent relationship with their family?!" Kevin added to grab Rukia and start to walk away.

"That answer doesn't concern your kind, we won't get anywhere... I'm going to kill you both and execute Rukia" He stepped back, after clashing swords, to raise his zanpakuto.

"You'll have to catch me first." Kevin had already jumped and landed in the forest below.

“That's why I'm here, I'll have a word with Captain Kurotsuchi when this is over” Soifong appeared like a gust of wind in front of them.

"And to avoid that, she's here." On the side Kevin pointed to, another figure crashed into the captain, sending him out of the way.

"Good luck, teacher, later I'll do what you like!"

Everything was going smoothly, maybe even too well, she could feel that on top of the cliff people who were not relevant were also about to fight, they even walked away.

“Infighting in this place is ridiculous.” He could only assume that.

"It's strange Gotei 13 is not so divided to justify this" Nemu also found it strange.

Bonus: Small butterfly effect

On the Yamamoto battlefield.

"Not the best time, my flower" Captain Kyoraku was not at his full power and it was not because he was fighting against his master.

"What's going on?" His partner Jushiro Ukitake looked at him with concern.

"My lady, she asks me to defeat that intruder, but she doesn't tell me why, she's as capricious as ever" Although he said it with a smile.

“You brats have the guts to chat while facing me.” Yamamoto was ready to release the sword from him.


On Ichigo's battlefield.

"Someone like you will never master Bankai" Byakuya did not accept Ichigo's Bankai despite seeing it

"Please, Kevin caught up with him even before I did." Frankly, he thought that everyone was exaggerating this matter.

"You will regret mocking our pride," he commanded the petals of him to tear him apart.


Yoruichi Battlefield

“You… did you get another student?” Soifong looked at the ground as clenched her fists.

"Yes, it reminds me a bit of you in terms of talent for Kido"

“And… What is that that is going to do what you like?!”She lunged to punch her in the face.

Yoruichi didn't expect that reaction.

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