Unbleached Soul

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: End of Soul Society Arc

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"I-I gave him" Ishida knelt with his hands on the ground, he was totally exhausted.

(It cost me everything, but we deleted it) The Quincy along with Orihime, Chad and Yachiru had felt the spiritual pressure of that Hollow and knew that they had to support Ichigo and the soul society, but when they went up they only saw how he defeated them one by one.

(I had never felt a Hollow so powerful, even Kurosaki in his best state could not stop him) That is because he made the sacrifice of using the last resort of his master's glove, that arrow had taken away his Quincy powers .

“You can remove the barrier now.” To avoid any form of detection he had fired from a great distance and masked his energy with Orihime's barrier.

"Okay, can I go heal Ichigo now?" There must have been a lot of people injured at the scene.

"Yes, he should already..." But roars interrupted him.

"ISHIDA, YOU SON OF A BITCH, THAT HURT ME, WHEN YOU GET YOUR HANDS ON YOU, YOU WILL BEG ME TO KILL YOU!" The Arrancar had forgotten that in this timeline he had not yet lost his powers.

“Impossible” He couldn't believe it, the archer didn't believe that he would survive his best attack.

In the impact zone Gottsit had a part of his torso torn off and several minor injuries, but his life was not in danger.

"It's over sir patient, I'm going to have fun with Rangiku while I kill them and take the other women!" This wound would take several days to heal, but he didn't want to think about that while he ripped the lieutenant's clothes apart.

"M-Much for Mr. Protagonist?" Rangiku had so little focus that she didn't even bother to cover her bare tops.

(If I don't finish that, I'll have to play hard) Kyoraku looked at his twin swords, they had few options and he preferred not to see how a member of the Gotei 13 was desecrated in front of them.

Just as he was about to activate his Bankai, the Arrancar began to act strange.

“No! You can't stop me! This is my time! My world!" He was holding his head as he squirmed.

"It must be Kevin!" Ichigo, more than anyone, had an idea of what was going on.

Gottsit kept roaring and throwing Ceros madly, nobody intervened so as not to alter what was happening

"They are mine! You will not take them from me!" This time a voice answered his cries.

“These are people and some are my friends, not objects, time to put on a leash… Bankai.” A familiar, but much smaller, white cube covered the Arrancar and the lieutenant.

"I knew you'd come back Kevin... when I see his face again I'm going to kick him for making us go through this" Yoruichi would like to sit down and drink something, but he had to be alert and wait for help.


Inside the white space there was only Kevin, who was meditating, and Matsumoto, who was in a semi-conscious state while he had small spasms.

In the forest of his mental space there was a disturbance in progress.

"What am I doing here?! I should be outside!" Gottsit expected to appear in the white space, he had not been able to see the entire battle against Aizen, the rules of Kevin's Bankai prevented him, but he did witness the end when the execution occurred

"No, brother, you are where you should be." A white wolf came out from behind a tree and answered calmly.

"You! What did you do?!" The Arrancar recognized it immediately, it was the spirit of Kevin's zanpakotu.

"Nothing, brother, it is the duty of spirits like us to wait during the trial in the hall of truth and primal essence."

"I'm not your brother and even less a zanpakuto spirit! I'm Gottsit, the Arrancar!"

"You think so, right?"

“Don't try to get smart with me! You have no idea! I'm not even part of that stupid Kevin! I'm my own person!"

"I know." She didn't seem surprised at the revelation.

Gottsit expected another reaction.

"Don't be surprised, brother, we are all connected, maybe before you were someone different, but when you entered this world and joined Kevin, an unbreakable bond was forged between you... I know this because I am part of everything that is Kevin, I have the same information as you”

"No! That can not be! I had my own chain and became a Hollow!”

"Is there anywhere in your knowledge a scenario like his arrival?"

His silence said it all.

"There has never been a zanpakuto spirit without Shinigami, that's why you could contaminate yourself, the world didn't recognize you as such... Didn't you get your name after Kevin got his powers?"

(No, I chose this name, it was my decision!) Only he couldn't remember the reason at the moment.

"If I had appeared in front of him, you would be his first sword, the eldest, with your knowledge you will easily discover me and it would be the second, the minor"

"We are nothing alike!" They were an octopus and a wolf

“We are family, not twins, remember that you continue to come from abroad”

“I don't want to listen to you anymore, I'm going to devour that fool and be done with this! I am an Arrcancar!” A blade pierced through his chest.

“I'm sorry, but you're grounded.” Kevin held the hilt firmly.

"Do you think you'll stop me that easy with that little dog?"

"The real questions is: Is this Thriban?"

Gottsit felt the sword blade suck him in.

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"What the hell is going on?!"

“It is your nature calling you, you don't have a 'body' and we are giving you one” The wolf expected this result.

The sword finished absorbing him and fell to the ground, his appearance changed completely; its hilt was totally black with a hole in the bottom where there was a small white chain, the structure that separated the hilt from the blade had ornate grooves and the blade itself looked like a giant thorn; Kevin just picked it up and sheathed it.

“… It came out better than the predictions”

“That's right, darling.” The wolf flashed and transformed into a statuesque woman with long white hair and a ranger's uniform.

“I was hoping that what you told me was an exaggeration”

“You should never doubt a bond as deep as ours.” She licked her lips.


As soon as he stabbed the training dummy and summoned Thriban, she locked them in a vaguely familiar white room, where instead of starting some kind of test, as Yoruichi had explained, she blurted out information that he didn't expect at all.

“…So, I have a second zanpakuto spirit that is trying to take over me?” He didn't even imagine that was possible.

"Like you, darling, my brother is very unusual, he must be stopped before he does something terrible." He was still his brother, she would not want to have to destroy him.

"Do you have any idea?" This was outside his field of experience.

"Thanks to the room, I couldn't hear each other and with the knowledge we shared I have some ideas..." First he told her to go get an Asauchi, the rest was up to the natives of this world.

"I don't like to leave so much burden on others" He couldn't directly fight his spirit on the outside and on the inside it would be too dangerous and ineffective, especially if he were to lose.

"Trust them... Now it's promotion test time." She walked over to him and began to twirl her finger across his chest.

"W-Which one is it?" Kevin really did not understand his sword, sometimes it is as affectionate as distant at other times, although controlling your psychotic brother upsets anyone.

"It's not very difficult, you've met most of the conditions, but you must give me more spiritual energy." She looked him straight in the eye.

“I just put my hand…” The ranger interrupted him.

"I already have the method, don't worry, I won't cut you dry." She dragged him into a corner.


Kevin opened his eyes and sighed in relief, seeing that everything was back to normal, but his joy didn't last long because he saw Rangiku's state.

"Why isn't it normal? The room is supposed to return everything to its base state." That includes any altered states, before entering.

Kevin would later find out that Gottsit had opened a legal hole, because it was part of his soul, the effects produced by Gottsit himself were taken as part of the room.

“H-Help me” She managed to say in her state, but it was not known if she was talking to someone in particular.

"I hope the medical team can cure her." He didn't know if the Arrancar was exaggerating with her statement about the poison.

It was time to go out and he canceled the Bankai

"Is that a missile?" He had to admit that he didn't expect that as a welcome.

Since he entered the room and left, it had only been about 10 minutes, the reinforcements were just arriving, Orihime was treating Ichigo who was lying on the floor completely tired, the medical teams were treating the different wounded, with an emphasis on Byakuya and Komamura, and setting up a perimeter around where the Bankai was were Yoruichi, Soifon; with his bankai released; Ukitake, Kyoraku, Yamamoto and Kenpachi.

"Oh, is that the guy who gave off that spiritual pressure? I was expecting something else" He had come running knowing that he was missing part of the party.

"Kevin! what the hell happened?!” Yoruichi was able to breathe a sigh of relief seeing him back to normal.

“Shoot, commander?” Soifong wanted very much to do that, but the elder motioned for him to wait.

"It is a long story"

Since they couldn't have a moment of peace, some kind of big beam came from the sky and caught Kevin, Rukia, Nemu and Rangiku.

"What happens now!? They all looked at the sky and were shocked

"Impossible" Ukitake widened his eyes

The sky seemed to open up, revealing a host of giant Hollows.

"Menos Grandes!" Soifong was sweating from the amount

“How many will there be?” His lieutenant, who had come out intact by camouflaging herself with the environment, was shocked.

Those caught by the beam were beginning to float.

"He's escaping!" The captain was going to shoot, but Yamamoto stopped her again

"It won't work, that light is called "Negashion" and it completely isolates the exterior, we can't touch them" The leader sentenced.

"Come back here, you owe us several explanations!" How she wanted to get her hands on him.

“Can't you see we're being kidnapped! Ichigo and Yoruichi, don't worry, I'll get out of this and I'll give Rukia back to you! Send help if I don't contact you in a week! Remember that where I am going is my home!” He managed to say that before the hole in the sky swallowed him.

“Fiuu, any other surprises today?” Kyoraku had enough emotions for some time.

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