Unbleached Soul

Chapter 17: Chapter 17: Going Forward

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It was the next day in soul society, Captain Unohana was attending her hospital with the "gentleness" always, while the wounded recovered little by little and she went to the meeting of captains, although the moods were varied in general throughout the Gotei 13.

"I feel so pathetic" Renji Abarai was in front of the hospital bed where his captain remained unconscious, due to the wounds and the poison Byakuya would take several days to wake up according to the forecasts.

He not only reneged on his duties as a lieutenant, challenged his captain and lost the battle, he couldn't even participate in the battle against that Hollow and allowed Rukia to be taken away again.

"Damn!" He clenched his fists tightly.

In another room, another person who lamented was Captain Toshiro Hitsugaya, who was visiting his friend Momo Hinamori, who was almost killed due to Aizen's plot.

"I hope you are rotting wherever Aizen and Gin are." Frustration was written on his face, not only did he fail to protect his friend and stop those two's plans, when he regained consciousness his lieutenant was gone too.

“We must improve, Hyorinmaru” Since he couldn't invade Hueco Mundo right now, he would train until then.

In another area of the hospital, more specifically in the morgue, two lieutenants and a captain gave their final farewell.


“I still have a hard time accepting it”

“Tousen, it didn't have to end this way, you who always talked about the path of justice, ending up as a traitor

Izuru Kira, Shuhei Hisagi; in a wheelchair; and Sajin Komuraba; on crutches; after escaping from their room, they were in front of the corpses of Gin and Tousen, still processing the whole event from yesterday and facing their deaths.

“Why did you do it, captain? Why?!" Izuru had a great loyalty to his captain, not reaching the level of devotion of his friend Hinamori for Aizen, but it still affected him a lot, the worst part was that the answer to his question was gone forever with his captain.

"... I will still walk the path that Captain Tousen taught me, even if you have deviated, I only regret that you will never return" Hisagi, more than pure loyalty, had respect for his captain and kept his teachings in his memory.

"... At least I'll get you buried together with your friend, I just hope you find peace wherever you go, Tousen, I wish you could open your eyes" Komamura, deep down, would like to be surprised, but almost since he met Tousen he detected his hatred for people, although he always hoped that time, his squad and his sense of justice would keep him as the righteous man he always should have been.


In one of the houses of the soul society

"Ichigo, will you return to the human world?" Ishida hid his anguish at losing his Quincy powers, he knew that the protagonist must feel worse about losing Rukia again.

"You can go ahead if you want, I'll wait the whole week to be sure" Then he would go to rescue her again if necessary, they had been given a reprieve, he could talk them into letting him go wherever that beam took them, otherwise he would have to turn to Urahara again. Also, what happened to Kevin, could it happen to him too?

"Ichigo" Orihime looked at him worried, she could see his face that was not calm at all

Chad was just silently frustrated that he couldn't be more supportive of his friends, he felt that he didn't do enough.

The only one missing from the rescue team, Yoruichi, was lying in the underground training area.

"That idiot ran away before I could kick him in the face... now he must get me several bottles of milk" She was sure that she would see him again and force all his secrets out of him, no more being subtle.


"... And with regular and constant treatment, lieutenants affected by paralysis, recover in a short time" Unohana gave her report on the situation of the wounded.

“We took a lot of damage, let's be thankful it wasn't worse” Ukitake decided that he couldn't miss this meeting due to his own health.

“Worse?! Three captains died, three were nearly crippled, and one is missing! Not forgetting the loss of our judicial system by those traitors and that two lieutenants and Rukia Kushiki were kidnapped by the monster that almost destroyed us!” Soifon felt that they took it very lightly. She was also upset about not talking to her teacher since yesterday.

"But they will recover and hopefully, they will be returned in a week, also thanks to their efforts the matter of the traitors did not escalate" Kyoraku had a good feeling. Besides, he would rather not find out how powerful Aizen's hypnosis was if he cheated on them for so long.

“And you take his word for it?! This could all be an elaborate plan! Can't you see that his escape was very convenient!”

"That and what happened to that Arrancar is what we need to investigate" The argument seemed to continue, but Yamamoto intervened.

"Enough! How is the location of Captain Kurotsuchi going?"

"There are still no advances or witnesses, you don't know if his disappearance is part of Aizen's plan or that Hollow's, and due to the circumstances we can't question his lieutenant" Soifon clenched her fists, she blamed Kevin, only this time she was right.

Everyone who knew about that incident didn't comment on it, Yoruichi had been missing since that day, Ichigo had better things to think about and Ishida wouldn't be doing that bastard any favors, especially after investigating more about that scientist.

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"How's the repair of his zanpakuto going?" This was the most urgent according to Kyoraku.

“I can feel it, but it will take a while and maybe it will never be the way it was before.” Yamamoto believed that if he had received that blow while in Bankai, he would have lost it forever.

“Good to hear, being you, you'll get over it.” He didn't want his old man to back off.

"We will be on alert and wait while everyone recovers, in a week we will meet again, if we don't get an answer, prepare to go to Hueco Mundo" They couldn't let a threat like that loose.


Unlike the others, Kevin couldn't have his moment of rest when he was sucked into the beam and finished landing surrounded by several Menos Grandes, very worn out, with two women unconscious and one incapacitated.

"It's a good time to pray" If he were alone he had a good chance of escaping, but he was not going to abandon them in any way.

Suddenly, the Hollows opened a space through which they could hear their footsteps.

"You have not changed anything" A young woman with large breasts and long green hair, with a scar on her face accompanied by a bone mask on her head, similar to a skull, but adding two ram-like horns and wearing a white uniform, she spoke to him very familiarly.

When Kevin caught a glimpse of those horns and that hair, plus the feeling she gave him, he shot his guess.

"Nelli?" He had to admit that he hadn't expected her Arrancar's form to be so…attractive.

She just smiled at him for recognizing her and gave him a big hug.

"We were so worried, what would you say about us abandoning you and how would you face that bastard Aizen, but I must admit I didn't expect this result" After avoiding choking him with breasts, she gave him such a sincere smile of relief and happiness.

“I would never believe that you would leave me on purpose, but where are Starrk and Lily? And how do you know who Aizen is?"

"I'll tell you everything on the way, you already solved the main problem anyway" She let out a small giggle.

(Did being Arrancar change Nelli so much or is it something else?) She seemed more… relaxed? Friendly? Approachable?...

“Get out of our way.” She pushed the Menos Grandes away again with a serious look and released her spiritual pressure.

… But deep down she was still the same, she still radiated that nobility.

"I-It's not good to ignore a lady like this." In her shifting state of consciousness, Rangiku could hear voices

“…! Nelli do you happen to have any healing ability or medical equipment!” Now that they weren't in mortal danger, Kevin had to solve the other problem… dreaming didn't cost anything.

"No, sorry, but that Arrancar you became said there was an antidote, can you tell me since when you can do that?" She had been spying on soul society for a day now, if anyone from any investigation team heard her question they would be yelling at her that she should be more surprised.

"I'll tell you when we meet up with the others, can you open another one of those holes?"

"No, the society has reinforced the space in its center and must be alert to any intrusion." She ordered a Menos to try, but without success.

(I didn't want to have to do this and use his “antidote”) But there was no other way out, he didn't know how long it would take to die and he couldn't think of any other alternatives.

"I hope you'll forgive me... Nelli can you and those Menos turn around." The last thing she needed was public, he for once was grateful that Rukia and Nemu were unconscious.


"I'm going to do something that needs privacy." This was a good time for another miracle.

"At least I can watch." She was a little curious.

“I would rather not”

"Okay, I'll cover my eyes with my hands, but don't be long, I want us to meet up with the others and look at our new house"

"New house?"

"Yes, it's called Las Noches"

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