Unbleached Soul

Chapter 19: Chapter 18: Reunion

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"...Then this mission came and Aizen needed someone to watch and control the Menos, knowing you would be involved, Starrk applied me" During the trip to Las Noches, Nelli updated Kevin on their situation.

"So that Aizen, along with that gray-haired guy and the other one who had that strange black space, they not only betrayed the soul society, but they had an organization formed by Arrancar" Obviously it wasn't a charity group, it seemed Aizen was going to escape and become the final villain of the next arc... unless the guy with the creepy smile pulled out the backstab card at the last minute and took the job from him, not that he cares at this point. He, too, was glad that Tier opened up to them, though he wished it was under better circumstances.

(Szayelaporro Granz… is there anyone in this universe who calls themselves a scientist who is a decent person?)

"This has all been a learning experience, when I escape from these damn jars you will finish my study and I will save the most painful tests for you!" The soul society scientist had heard everything, he already had professional reasons to drag Gotei 13 into this, a Hollow "lover" will not be tolerated.

"What's that?" Neli was surprised that her friend's necklace is talking.

"Ignore him, he's the Szayelaporro of soul society, but he has someone he cares about." He saw Nemu on the Arrancar's back, by the way, he had Rangiku on his back and he was carrying Rukia in front.

"I see" He seemed to be controlled and receiving a strange punishment... she continued as if nothing

“There's just one thing I don't understand, what was your plan when taking on this mission? And why did you abduct me? For Kevin to eliminate Aizen, and in the process solve his biggest problem and threat, was a very lucky accident.

“We discussed several scenarios, if you didn't meet Aizen, I would pass you a letter as discreetly as possible explaining the situation and we would wait for the best moment to attack; if you were in danger from Aizen's plan, I would jump to protect you and defect to help you overthrow him…” Frankly, none of them imagined the leaders of Las Noches dying on this mission, especially knowing Aizen's powers.

"You've grown strong, Kevin." There was relief and respect in her voice.

"I was lucky and Thriban is fabulous" The Shinigami caressed his sword on his waist

Nelli just gave him a smile and they increased their speed.


When they arrived they sneaked up to Starrk's residence and when Lily saw them she lunged at Kevin.

"Kevin!" She gave him a big hug and as if she realized what she was doing, she quickly moved away from him.

"...It's good to see you again." She tried to appear calm, failing miserably.

"Also, glad to see you, sorry I didn't bring your video game." The Shinigami settled Rukia and Rangiku on a couch and gave her his own hug.

"Stupid" she slowly returned it with teary eyes.

"I'll go wake up Starrk." Nelli gave them her own moment.

"Kick him hard if he doesn't get up, he's especially lazy since no one plays darts with him."

She was fed up, Tier left on a mission yesterday and she should be coming back to welcome Aizen with the other Espada and the others were too scared or indifferent to play with him.

"Please, find Rangiku some clothes"She had been bare-chested from the start.

The green-haired girl nodded and left, but not before leaving Nemu in a chair.

"How have you been Kevin?" Lily asked seriously, it must have been difficult when they didn't pick it up

"It was quite an up and down experience, I'll give you the long version when Starrk arrives"

She understood and focused on the elephant in the room

“Who are all these Shinigami?! And why does that cow have exposed udders?!” She didn't know the reason, but it bothered her.

"I want to know what happened too, Master Kevin." Whether it was the noise, or being the least bit hurt, Nemu had regained consciousness.

"Nemu! Are you alright?!" He wouldn't forgive herself if he had permanently hurt one of his friends.

“Don't worry, Master Mayuri has done worse things to me” She said as if it was normal.

(That guy is so lucky) He doubted that the Szayelaporro would have the same.

"In the worst case, I would explain Master Mayuri's special recovery method to you."

"Are you planning to reveal all my secrets?!"

“It is good to see that you are still in optimal condition, Master Mayuri”

“If you consider these optimal conditions, you are more stupid than I imagined!”

Before Nemu could give more information or Lily could question where that voice was coming from, Nelli arrived with Starrk.

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The Arrancar stepped in front of Kevin and they shook hands.

"I'm relieved to see you safe, friend" Although his face did not reveal it, Starrk was truly taking a weight off his shoulders, along with Lily, Kevin and Nelli they were the people who mattered most to him

"Same here, Starrk, you don't know how worried I was about you guys, but let's not focus on that, after we catch up, do you want a game?" They walked over to pat each other on the back.

"Ha, sure, but I've gotten better since last time." Why would anyone want to rule when there were naps and time to spend with friends?

"We'll see" With everyone gathered it was time for the talk... after moving Mayuri away


Kevin's friends certainly didn't expect him to go through so much in such a short amount of time.

"Impressive, Master Kevin, this opens up new possibilities in the field of study of the zanpakuto, I believe that this type of behavior and transformation of a zanpakuto spirit has never been recorded" The research gene ran in the family or Nemu enjoyed, even a little, her work.

"Are you crazy? His fucking sword almost ate him up!" Lily looked at her in disbelief.

"Are you sure he's under control?" Starrk wouldn't like to attack his friend, Nelli shared the sentiment.

"Yes, but I can't have him like this, I'm going to need more training and come to an understanding with him." In uniform, he took out Gottsit's zanpakuto and looked at it.

“From what you tell us, could you introduce him to some attractive zanpakuto spirits?” Lily joked, but she got Kevin thinking.

"Since you say you're fine, let's move on to the good news, is that bastard Aizen really dead?" The little girl tried to maintain a solemn expression but her smile escaped her face.

“Positive” Except that he had a resurrection ability he was on the other side… wherever that is in this world, it could even be the room where Kevin went.

"Great, he can go eat dirt ha ha ha!" It seemed like Christmas for Lily.

"You've grown strong, Kevin." Starrk could now delegate more when it came to combat.

"Nelli said the same thing, but it's a team effort and I'm still lacking."

It was a feeling that the green-haired girl understood.

"It is a respectable aptitude to always want to advance, Master Kevin" her father always hated the word perfection, because it meant that it could not be improved

"What do we do now? Do we get out of this place or make it our own?" The only person holding them back was dead and the girl was sure that only Starrk could handle everyone here.

"Knowing those guys, I don't think some of them leave us alone, they're very rambunctious," Stark sighed.

“Yes, Tier will obviously attack Szayelaporro when he finds out, Baraggan will surely be happy to take charge, Grimmjow will face Kevin for the simple fact of showing his ability to the slightest discord and I don't know how Ulquiorra will react” It was difficult to understand the Fourth Espada, as for the others, Nelli believed that they would not care too much.

"This is easy, we are stronger than them, if the place is intact after taking them down we keep it, let's finish the matter to return our lives, I have a lot to catch up"

"It's true, it would be risky to ignore this entire organization" The lack of information from outside was one of the reasons that got them into this problem, he only hoped that it would end mostly peacefully, although he would not blame Tier's desire to eliminate his fellow Espada.

"Master Kevin, have you always lived in the Hueco Mundo?" Though from earlier talk it seemed to be the case.

"Since one day I just got here" It didn't seem comfortable to him to explain the matter of the multiverse, he would only do it if there was no other option.

"Are those Shinigami coming with us?" Lily still didn't know the others, but Nemu hadn't done anything to make her feel repulsed, she didn't even look at her with hatred or disgust, the only thing her eyes reflected was her curiosity at times.

(Are all the Shinigami going crazy or weird?) Aizen conquered them and Kevin wanted to make them his friends, the Shinigami were supposed to destroy the Hollow

She shook her head, it didn't matter, they were just as weird.

"What was that for?" Starrk had been kicked.

"Fun." Lily turned her head laughing as she waited for Kevin's answer.

“…No, when they recover I will send Rukia and Rangiku back to soul society, as for you, Nemu, the only good thing that came out of all the fuss in soul society is that we could blame Mayuri's disappearance on Aizen, so you have several options; as I promised we could ask a contact to get you a new life in the human world, you can go back to soul society or come with us; don't worry no matter what you choose I will organize visits with you… with Mayuri”

Even if he didn't let her come back with that disgrace of a father, he let her choose her life.

Nemu had to think about it, few times since she was born could or had to make such a momentous decision, although since she began to understand Kevin combined with her experiences in the research and development department, an idea had arisen in her mind.


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